The finesse king is back! (and he's doing a video with Kirbz on Griezmann) #aj3 #squadbuildershowdown #fc25 vs @KIRBZ63
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00:00What's up everybody welcome back to another squad builder showdown today we are doing it on foot
00:04birthday greasy anton greaseman rapid plus finesse plus five star five star precision
00:12shooting plus on me we are about to score some filthy goals against curbs hello curbs
00:18hi mate i'm not really ready for it if i'm honest but this greaseman card does look absolutely
00:23beautiful unbelievable mates i feel like i shouldn't be doing this scrubbler showdown with
00:28but he's too busy making gym videos so i've got another six foot athletic specimen instead on
00:33the other side of the screen from me exactly mate couldn't have said it better myself
00:37how are we i'm very very well thank you i'm enjoying foot birthday i'm enjoying the daily
00:43evos even though i can't put some of my players into it on the road to glory but i'm not too bad
00:47man how are you yeah they promised daily evos they didn't promise they'd be good yes that's
00:52that's very very true but it's seeing every evo and they're just max 88 just
00:58oh it pains me inside just please just another resic evo yes exactly painful the cards are good
01:06though and there's a mad market crash that has apparently just happened holland who i was looking
01:10to do it was 900k an hour ago he's now 600k this greaseman i'm a little bit scared actually
01:16he's also gone down about 20 from an hour ago 1.53 mil to just under 1.3 and there's absolutely
01:27no reason for said market crash either it's just happened yeah i'm a bit scared kebs and also i'm
01:34a bit scared what the comment section are gonna say other than flaming me for my football ability
01:38in chris md's video which is fair enough to be fair can't really argue with that it was fun to
01:42film though i've gone and just made an executive decision and just changed squabble to shut up so
01:46i'm a little bit scared i'm about to get flamed again yeah however i feel like there's i like the
01:52amount of chit-chatting squabble to shut up but i feel like recently it's all been condensed at
01:56the very start and we do loads of talking and then do the formation and no one's really asked
02:01about the formation and people don't really guess it anyway there's loads of formations on the game
02:04three at the back isn't even that bad five at the back super op so written on my whiteboard
02:08kerbs is actually just two players and me and kerbs have already got the formations that we're
02:12going to use on our screen and we're just going to jump into some player guesses and just skip the
02:17formation and we'll have a bit of chit-chat then some players and a bit of chit-chat and then some
02:20players rather than us chatting loads and then doing the formation because we're not really
02:24asked about doing the formation so then we just end up talking forever so i'm already talking
02:28forever kerb so tell me what players you would like in the formation i know you've got which is
02:32four one two and two the second variation you've got a striker and a cam mate i do and i'm going
02:37to go with two players that i've sort of acquired quite recently actually one of them being in the
02:42season pass that's now expired but i chose the right player mate no sobersly we're gonna go out
02:48yeah for danny cold mo mate he's back okay and i think he's got an easy run to the final and
02:56maybe an el clasico final but he looks very very nice so i'll have danny olmo and then i'm gonna
03:02delve into a different league but i'm gonna go for a barcelona women's player and what turns out
03:07to be my special position change i would like salma parallelogram uh foot birthday oh she's so
03:15good she looks unbelievable mate so yes i would love salma uh por favor we did tom's new series
03:24which go and check it out i upload an episode of it good idea for a series horrendous name
03:29so i uploaded it with titled the series of no name even though i knew it had the name just
03:34because i refused to type the name onto youtube so hopefully he'll change that but he used that
03:42salma against me made she's so good it's actually a joke music to my ears mate five star i mean
03:48look at him a five star five star like it's just ridiculous so um hopefully both of them mate please
03:55i wrote drb the new foot birthday he can play camman striker and i wrote a lisa because he
04:00can play cam and he's really freaking good that he is mate so thank you very much i'll take both
04:06of my attackers with open arms you may have them yeah liverpool out on pens and madrid atletico
04:12the madrid derby was pens as well it was indeed mate successful hate watch are you a atleti hater
04:18or a liverpool hater both okay fair yeah you've had a good time wonderful time mate
04:26play yeah fair enough i was at the metropolitano for a playstation event very cool stadium very
04:32nice got a picture in the bench was the only atleti manager and then we went out on pens
04:37to an absolute robbery to be honest if you have but we'll come on to that in a little bit
04:41let me just tell you who i want in my squad and i'm gonna be honest with you i have absolutely
04:46no idea off the cuff as always on squabble the showdown there's one man sitting there saying
04:53pick me pick me pick me andy oh no it's none other than team of the year in bape but do i
04:59actually want to do that hmm there's going to become a point where okay this is a stupid thing
05:05to say there's not going to become a point where this in bape isn't very good because it's team of
05:09the year in bape but i mean he's still nine mil the longer the game goes on the more he loses his
05:16shine right in bape team of the year in january was so much more op than the cards then whereas
05:21that aloe vera and in the season pass has got three play star pluses two kinds of fake ones
05:26but so does in bape with trella and power shot oh i don't know what to do i'm staring down the
05:32barrel of two xpsg french strikers and i don't know which one to pick and i'm gonna pick colo
05:37muwani and then i guess we go to the seria i thought up a genius idea curbs and i was gonna
05:43do a belgian player from this area right okay and then eden hazard because market crash let's go
05:51crazy however the only eden hazard that is la liga rather than prem is three mil and i don't have
05:57three mil ah you can see well that's a slight problem yeah so we won't be doing that yeah
06:02that's a bit of a problem you know so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab a club link to colo
06:08muwani with conce sal very nice i don't have the sbc but he does have another special card that
06:17just has a different place that plus so it's a team of the week it is march that's a bit dead
06:22but it means i can get nice chemistry for him by using the new birthday paolo fruit tray
06:29oh yeah that's nice that's very very nice actually well quite like that i wrote down
06:37for you mate a couple of la liga players one being rafinha and the other one being isco
06:42however don't say however after i've just spent 25 minutes designing a team around colo muwani
06:49curbs i did write down a french saria striker to run it was unfortunately yes
06:58foot birthday to ram i thought that's the one you were gonna go for pain if i'm not mistaken
07:04foot birthday to ram takes the concept of stinky play style pluses to the next level
07:10uh believe so i know one of them's power shot yeah power shot and trickster yeah oh yeah
07:16it's less yeah i hate nobody got time for that i know you're like you know some of the trickster
07:20like animations for some players i thought maybe but didn't even write in bape what a fraud
07:28it's so obvious it's too obvious mate yeah i mean most of my players are really good and then there's
07:34inform can't say so but but hey we talked we mentioned the chris md video he's just like me
07:42you know everyone else there's good at funny and i'm just having a nice time
07:45true i've got a similarity to chris as well with the same height believe it true yeah slight
07:50differential in football and ability but maybe not in refereeing ability because there was some
07:54suspect refereeing from a man that fits i'll have to say paul fio baker this is a disgrace it was
07:59like rael vardrid to be honest with you that's that's an interesting one mate it was an interesting
08:07decision wasn't it what do you reckon about it or what we'll do we'll go and plan some sentiments
08:15and then we'll come back and see what what are we thinking about the
08:19interest and penalty shootout in the madrid derby last night
08:22all right into the midfield we go then i'm gonna ask your players first curbs before we talk about
08:32pengate oh okay yeah i can i could do that for you mate at right center mid i'd like an icon
08:41standard i assumed as much yeah it makes a lot of sense but i'd like winter wild card chavi please
08:49yeah it's really annoying actually that card he's very very good god he's 80k is he actually
08:56oh my god that's the whole market crashed the market crash is mental he's so good that he's
09:0280k that's we're getting to that point in the year aren't we he hasn't got five star five star i'm
09:08not using him even though he's absolutely outstanding as well yeah bloody hell right
09:14left center mid i'd like a man that's actually impressed me over the two legs against liverpool
09:17i'd like team of the week uh do a do a he's a ball already mate yeah i'd like some of the like
09:25touches and stuff like that he reminded the way he plays like kind of reminds me like similar to
09:30name our name are obviously he's not as good as name are but similarities to the way that he plays
09:35so he's going in mate the ball just sticks to his foot it's crazy yeah mate honestly it's like even
09:40when the pitch is like soaking wet it probably ridiculous and i'd like to join him up with
09:45another man that impressed me quite a lot victimia please he's really good as well
09:50yes very tidy player um so i'd like those three if i can you may psg are much better
09:58now that they they're an actual team rather than individuals yeah exactly yeah that's exactly what
10:04it's gonna say that's jazzy curbs i like it mate you can have this mate cheers pal okay okay i
10:12like would like to talk about the penalty the ford rid pen gate yes
10:23i've seen a lot of angles in a lot of slow mo if you guys don't know what we're talking about in
10:27the madrid derby in the champions league last night it was to us alvarez scored a penalty
10:34yeah which looked a bit dodgy when he hit it like he slipped over basically didn't he
10:40and then they ruled it out because he apparently kicked the ball twice or he kicked the ball off
10:45his other foot yeah i've seen a lot of angles of it in very very slow motion frame by frame
10:51and it is almost impossible to see the ball moving i've seen one angle of it where it looks like it
10:57shifts sideways a bit but then i've also seen sometimes when players plant their foot next to
11:02the ball because they bash the grass down the ball hops up a bit ronaldo technique yeah i don't know
11:08i've seen some people saying the sensors in the ball to be able to detect it i've seen other
11:12people saying that's not what the sensors are for i don't really know to be honest if yeah it is a
11:17bit of a weird one in it like to the naked eye you really it is really really difficult to see
11:24but the chip in the ball that they use for automated offside and stuff like that to
11:29detect kicks of the ball apparently that's what they've used interesting very very controversial
11:36but if it was if it happened against my team like i would be absolutely steaming but
11:43it seems it's one of them things in it where you stop people start to question the
11:49spirit of the game like somebody being a millimeter offside and it's like is that within
11:53is that in the spirit of the game so well it's either offside or not he's ever kicked
11:56twice or he hasn't like just a very objective thing so i get it the thing that i think is weird
12:04is there's two players the goalie and the taker yeah and both of them can do something that is
12:11against the rules yeah true the player can kick it twice or the goalie can step off his line
12:16and there's like two outcomes when they do that either it benefits them or it doesn't so for
12:20example if alvarez kicks it twice and misses he hasn't benefited he cheated but hasn't benefited
12:25from it he's missed the goal doesn't matter if the goalie steps off their line and doesn't save
12:32the pen and he goes in anyway he cheated but he hasn't benefited it doesn't matter the result
12:36stands again this is where i think it's weird because if a goalkeeper steps off his line and
12:43then saves the penalty they don't go you've cheated we're having the opposite outcome and
12:49it's given us a goal they make the player take it again exactly but then so why when alvarez cheated
12:56and it benefited him was it the opposite outcome was given yeah why did they not retake it very
13:03very strange that's the weird bit does it to me to me it doesn't make sense at all yeah that's
13:08the part where i don't really get it because then i've seen people arguing about it and be like well
13:12then players are kicking twice on purpose so they just keep getting loads of goes and it's like well
13:16yeah well then goalkeepers would jump off their line so they just keep getting loads of goes like
13:21there's an equivalent on the opposite side yeah but the out the rule or the way that's
13:26solved this difference i don't know just seems harsh that if cortois jumped off his line and
13:32saved the pen they'd go sorry alvarez have another go yeah whereas alvarez accidentally kicked it
13:39twice and they don't go to tebow ha sorry tebow have another go yeah exactly so
13:46hmm that's the bit that's weird for me i don't know feels very harsh to decide 120 minutes of
13:51football after a previous leg on that on that moment right there whilst we're on this subject
13:59of rule changes why have we got two legs and then we go to extra time what a waste of time
14:03they've already played 180 minutes against each other let's just go straight to pens i want to go
14:06to bed absolutely mate well i'm not on the side you want your breakfast yeah but penalty
14:15are just like penalty they're just so much more entertaining and people most of the time in extra
14:20time nothing really happens yeah everyone just plays not to lose oh yeah exactly like so if
14:26there's two legs sack extra time off let's just go straight to pens yeah and also if they accidentally
14:30kick it twice just give them another go like when i keep a cheese anyway curbs my team my center mids
14:37indeed i've got quite a lot of chemistry but everyone's on two i need significantly more to
14:42get to three three so i'm just going to say screw getting everyone to full cam for now i'm going to
14:51put two players in that you definitely haven't written down because they're an absolute nightmare
14:54for chemistry themselves it's going to be two sari off sentiments they're going to both play for
15:01napoli and they are foot birthday lobotka and billing i think he's fantasy fc one from denmark
15:11one from slovenia slovakia apologies well in shock news mate yeah you didn't have them no
15:21i wrote down douglas louise and valverde valverde a bit bit more rogue but yeah yeah you can have
15:28them mate that was insanely obscure yeah except that was that was my logic you ain't writing that
15:33big time who's getting slovakian camp no one especially not when you try and put slovenian
15:38players in to get it that definitely won't work no no no no no there is only so many flags i guess
15:46that you could design in the world but some countries flags are so confusingly similar
15:50absolutely just like whether it be a tiny little badge in the middle or something like that or
15:55i don't know but just like japan just make your flag so much different to your old one you know
16:01that is sarcasm have you seen the japan flag redesign yes
16:08we went from a white bit with a red circle in the middle to a white bit with the exact
16:13same size red circle it's just a tiny shade darker unbelievable vexology from japan we love it
16:19let's move into the fullbacks
16:24into the fullbacks we go then i'm going to tell you i want curbs okay i had a choice between
16:29picking good players or getting full chemistry and i've opted for chemistry i'll be honest with
16:35you fair enough i'm just intrigued the way you're gonna do it mate to be fair i think this one is
16:40sneaky because you won't think that i have this card it's any chance of your lino oh
16:49interesting he's a season pass he is mate it was quite early on did i buy the packs that give xp
16:56from the store to get this card on my scotland account apps are freaking looply just for this
17:04moment right here i mean he doesn't have a single role he doesn't even have a role plus a left back
17:10i'm not really sure what i'm doing but you know he's there on vibes mate that's him in contest
17:14cell yeah no roles just vibes in it exactly and then on the opposite side i would love at this
17:21point to use danilo his winter wild cards i think he has with anticipate plus that he does
17:31but i can't because that was a position change with lino and danilo would be another one
17:37so i can't do that can't do it a tiny mic on because i've already used my special chem breaker
17:44you can't pick mic on because you got 29 wins not 30 thanks cheers mate honest to god that
17:52mic on cards is a joke you know i don't want to make you feel bad and this is going to make you
17:56feel bad the most op stupid card i have ever played against people everyone was using them
18:02because when we went to madrid with playstation we had unlocked accounts from ea and you could
18:06build whatever team you wanted oh wow everyone adam absolutely impossible to get past he's a
18:12joke he's good on my main account mate but just not the road to glory oh okay so you've got him
18:17on one account fair yeah the account that i didn't actually want him on yeah not on your
18:21own to glory that's a feels bad ah because my diogo dallo that's been stuck at 89 rated
18:27since probably october come on evo 18 heinz capes come on mate max 88 i know i'm gonna have dodo
18:35oh oh the extinct man that gets everyone full chem that it does mate i didn't even play the
18:43mic on thing i was in spain for the first few days of it and then i got back and i was going
18:47to spain again because basically just spanish at this point that's why i got named castel
18:51i mean i'd go there just for the weather to be honest mate
18:55and bloody so so bad in madrid you know actually lashed out every single day yeah
19:01you could take the man at a merseyside but the
19:04the merseyside foliage your mate i i went a very very different way with my guesses um i thought
19:10you'd go for a couple of la liga and then you could just have a little bit of jazzy seria one
19:15player in centre backs and goalie but i wrote down javi rodriguez and i thought you might go
19:20for ferlon mindy very sweaty i was tempted by theo hernandez uh yeah that is one man who has not been
19:27affected by the market crash as far as i know yeah he's just insane let me let me do a little
19:31price check theo hernandez i'm gonna say 320k still oh he has you know oh what's he dropped it
19:40it's 260k oh that's earlier today he was i mean 300 so he's down like
19:48yeah still a lot that he's dropped that's a lot for him considering he's just been what 300 plus
19:54k for the entire year and extinct at some points as well how much is in bape i packed him tradable
20:01on the road to glory three four weeks ago and he was 800k i think he's halved in that yeah he's 400k
20:08yeah mental in it but crazy we've hit that point in the year i guess i like it
20:16what i'd really like is just to get some of your players i bet you would mate i bet you would
20:22at right back i'm gonna take a leaf out of your concesao book um and i'm gonna go for a spanish
20:28la liga right back but i'm gonna go for a man that was an absolute warrior during uh the fantasy
20:35league and that is javi rodriguez is in for me nice little intercept plus full back plus plus
20:43yeah i know that man i know that man oh the leaf is the informed part yes i'm with you
20:49you've already took that leaf with do a mate he's an 87 with actually a decent building a
20:54stinky squad over there wow well left back i'm not gonna do the same mate because i'd like uh miguel
21:03so i'd like miguel gutierrez please miguel gutierrez
21:08oh he's the bloke who looks like bevo i don't know who that's more harsh to michael or b
21:15honestly search him and look at his gold card uh oh my god here actually is what jesus christ i
21:21wonder if he changed his bloody hairstyle because of it as well yeah you know the rules yeah that's
21:25yeah fair enough i can see where you're coming from now god yeah uncanny um can i get away with
21:32it though mate you can because i wrote the portugueseman to get some chemistry for tinia
21:36for vitinia dearie correa yeah and then i wrote olga carmona but you've just gone and got more
21:45spanish players yeah you've just got loads of spanish players to get salma full camp
21:50sneaky sneaky boy curbs all right i'll be done i've got full cam you need one chemistry for
21:57vitinia and we've both got two center backs and a goalie correct
22:06all right then the most scariest part of the video and also even though i've got full chemistry
22:12probably the hardest part not having an icon makes it really difficult to be sneaky big time
22:18there is ways to do it but it usually involves one of the players being proper stinky so i could
22:24do like three french players from the same league because then i'd have two french chem and a league
22:29chem so i could have saliba and yoro for birthday but then i'd have to have areola in goal and
22:36that's terrible yeah that's horrendous perfect links obviously that's kind of boring or a perfect
22:43link and then someone from their club that gets a nation link or three players from the same club
22:47that nation link to everyone in the team there's a few different ways to do it but actually all of
22:50them are kind of a bit stinky so what i'm going to do curbs is whip out my patented la liga to
22:59chem link it's indica and eric by sure you've got him on your road to glory for past and present
23:08united have indeed nice little uh 90 rated card because you know got him upgraded as well oh you
23:13evoed him have you given him anticipate plus or bruiser plus or something to go along with his
23:18intercept plus yes one one of those that which one i can't remember off the top of my head i
23:23think it was anticipate i believe that would be good because then he's got every single defend
23:27and play style two of them plus that'd be class yes they're very nice yeah i now got to anticipate
23:33plus and bruiser plus john stones we've got two play style plus torkovsky and brown fighters so
23:37we are cooking on evolution heaven oh great sounds like a road to glory off at some point oh we
23:44definitely need to do that a hundred percent i still need to do an episode chat to harry
23:48hesketh about all our evan evos and then i just need curbs a goal you get to fork him that you do
23:56a few different options not malinkovich savage
24:02my nan had to get full chem but everyone always writes me nan everyone always writes me nan or
24:05cortois the monotronic 5000 mm-hmm it used to be if in doubt right donnarumma in it but
24:11not anymore not anymore why does de heyer get full chemistry
24:18burantina dot and five saria ah dodo yeah my bad okay i was very confused we got matty ryan chembreaker
24:30i'm scared curbs i would be as well mate hey siri no way pick a number between one and ten
24:39a random number between one and ten is eight
24:42seven oh that's malinkovich savage he doesn't get full chem i can't go for him
24:47see he's trying to give you a bond smile okay well either side of him
24:51he's can't escue i can't go for and to hey i'll have to hay up these curbs
24:55very very sad you see mate i thought you'd uh you'd delve into a different league you would not
25:02stay oh all right so i could just add that up and it didn't matter yes pretty much um i'm
25:09i was going to write that down but then marquinhos i don't know how you would have gone to chemistry
25:13because him and beraldo you would those two would have been on chem oh yeah this is where it's such
25:19a pain in the ass because they don't get full chem yeah yeah so the oh one of the only obscure
25:23ways that i saw with brazilians was alison murillo and gabrielle which would have been
25:31murillo and gabrielle which would have been five brazil and some decent players that future stars
25:38murillo is really nice so you can have it mate yeah it was very nice so you can have my former
25:43united people oh yeah true actually that's what i'm doing i'm doing it to you i'm very excited
25:48to see what this daher is like he's got 99 reflexes he is good is he good yeah in classic ea fashion
25:56they included in that for how he plays there's also reactions as in like i've said this loads
26:02outfield reactions yeah which comes under dribbling they never upgrade that for a goalie
26:08so he has 99 reflexes but he still has 84 reactions like base to hair and it's it's weird
26:15because we were meant to have goalie evos this year if i remember correctly but we we haven't
26:20had according to the leakers at least yeah well yeah actually yeah true i don't think it's ever
26:24official that they were going to yeah he never confirmed it but the leakers were saying they
26:27were coming but then they never did yeah it seems a bit strange so i just gave them a call and said
26:34listen lads if we're not gonna be able to evo pickford's can you just drop me a special pickford
26:38and a few special tim howards from my road to glory special pickford that genuinely has no
26:42hands and i will never use on this game ever again yeah he's so bad he looks good as well
26:47i don't understand why he's so awful do you know what i'm gonna check my theory he's got 77
26:53reactions is probably part of it jesus so he's only six one like i wonder if they give them in
27:00the 90s or something it like breaks the goalies or something that's why they don't touch it but
27:05i don't know no no they just don't upgrade them so for example a normal peta check has got 89
27:10reactions right which is why team of the year peta check last year was really good uh yeah because
27:16he got all of his other stats upgrades and he still had 89 reactions because his base cards got
27:20it whereas you can take when you see like mad inform goalies or silver goalies that then end up
27:29with crap loads of informs yeah they're always awful and an example might be i swear this leon
27:35has got loads of informs this year the french bug oh yeah he's 86 rated on this inform with 88
27:43reaction it reflexes but his reactions are 66 because his base cards are silver so he's terrible
27:49oh jesus yeah so it's awful yeah it's really stupid don't know why they do it probably for
27:55the same reason that they don't let you do goal evos because they can't because the game's broke
27:58anyway curbs i've got all my players you have indeed you'll be following suit i hope so mate
28:05i'm just hoping that this is uh sneaky enough but i'm hoping that you sort of put your eggs
28:10in different baskets like maybe ruben diaz and and stuff like that maybe but the way that i'm
28:16gonna do it i'm gonna go for a couple of brazilians in liga and i'm hoping if you've
28:22written the best one then marquinhos is gonna be on your whiteboard so i'd like the future stars
28:28beraldo i'd then like the nation linked to him with uh dante and then that gets everybody on
28:38full chemistry and the problem i had with vitinia done and dusted and then we're just gonna go for
28:42a spanish goalie and i've got a choice really i can't use the hair because i haven't got enough
28:48spanish dots but i could go unai simon or alex romero i'm not gonna go as stinky as garcia and
28:54you know what just based on the conversation we've just had who do we go for i'm gonna go
29:02with alex romero i can't believe you've picked two brazilians from liga and whilst avoiding
29:10and not chosen alexandro mm-hmm exactly that mate you're a joker curbs
29:19let's go let's get into a game let's do it
29:27i feel like this palafutra is real good i had him on my road to glory one year when he was
29:30real expensive yeah oh my god he was unbelievable but just couldn't finish his dinner well hopefully
29:37that continues then oh no oh no not my left but oh you're trolling me colo moani alvin are we not
29:44one up no kick off for you mate no no no no no oh no no no no no oh jesus surely not from this
29:54i'm just trying to cover the bloody finesse no
29:59oh bloody short corners with the pain of my existence honestly yes daddy cold mo
30:04oh grease who the bloody hell is that why is he so far oh here we go
30:11don't mind me bailey running in sludge don't know mate oh my god he's missed no i didn't green it
30:21great pass why is he kicked it off the pitch
30:25a stunt pegs goat right there as well stunt pegs goat is love vodka yeah it is yeah she loves
30:32vodka oh antoine no i'm bold
30:42yes greaseman
30:45that's didn't even need to time it i can't time it today apparently i'm a fraud this is a very
30:50sweaty match yeah it really is mate it's actually mad how much better at this game that you've got
30:56i actually like have to like do these really sweaty they actually have to try now i didn't
31:02want to say that but someone commented on the bateson video where i absolutely battered bateson
31:08and they were like no offense but is bateson just really shit now i was like no you cheeky bastard
31:16he's just so toxic right i'm getting a bit pissed i get a bit pissed off with alex romero to be
31:22honest if yet because that's twice i've been blatantly one-on-one with a good striker and he
31:26saved it oh come on then salma she's a joke by the way yes she is oh i've done i've done your
31:36ref that's vile send him off send him off ref that's oh he went back pocket and took a yellow
31:42what this ref's a knob i mean i don't know i pressed slide tackle because i got my center
31:51backs confused and thought he had slide tackle plus but also it's just not a penalty is it ref
31:57um sorry we're checking var let's watch this again i'm all right fair enough he did clatter
32:03but the game's just a bit silly
32:08oh that's a speed boost oh that's nice please
32:12for the love of god score thank you thank you finally fair times to charm
32:23yeah this greaseman's cold oh why am i chipping at your way down
32:27oh dear oh dear
32:42please mark that lady
32:48what a challenge jesus christ it's like united everton mate it's just end to end and we can't
32:53defend oh no
33:01oh my god what a pass and what a touch and what a finish oh degrees man he's disgustingly good
33:10where are we going i don't really know oh let's go around here
33:17oh my god it was orange time thank god it was oh you even had 45th minute on your hands
33:22i had 45th minute ligmar on orange timed it
33:26it's a sweaty game kebs it's a sweaty gameplay mate it's good though
33:32oh god that was terrible lovely pass go selma no piss off dodo
33:38oh my god oh i've actually bought make this parallelogram sick i told you she's a joke
33:43even kafka and tom could score against me with her
33:48there we go right go
33:52no oh you're trolling me oh you're trolling me oh my god oh yay sports please
34:03oh my i can't even be happy with scoring that the way that that's come about is absolutely
34:08on the line here yay that is disgusting make sure you guys use my creator code if you're spending any
34:14money on this game because i i need the money back after what ea have just done for me i get
34:19five percent of the money instead of them hello hello all right so auto switch me off them please
34:26please oh it's a good save keep it in keep it in keep it in good lad finish wasn't good
34:30well that's a foul that's a foul referee oh you absolute bunch of
34:46who needs precision shooting drops do you not have it on your little weirdo and it's still gone in
34:51this guy is quite good though
34:55oh what that's a poor finish mate your muwani really can't finish
35:07oh that's where to god i'm sorry that's this controller wouldn't cost me
35:12another hundred quid to replace and be going at your head
35:19oh damn tay that is phenomenal mate you thank you milling
35:25oh what are you doing constant so oh my god even your dad wouldn't play you
35:31oh salma oh
35:35right she's bloody missed she's bloody missed it
35:41what's happened to do a oh no oh my god
35:47she's bloody missed she's bloody missed it
35:52what's happened to do a oh no oh my god
36:00i'm var on this i swear i'm not this bad at finishing if we're going off the line itself
36:06it's pointed slightly wide of the post but if we shifted the line to where the ball is
36:10which is presumably what you should be aiming for that seemed right in the corner
36:17i don't know i might have to take some other blame there but also that was aimed perfectly
36:22at the corner i'm not again this woman is the pain of my life she's taking a heavy touch no
36:33oh no it's the billing oh no no no no that's that's really not what i wanted
36:38oh that's what on earth is going on
36:43why is this danny almost so good at travelers why is he so good i feel like bateson when he
36:50has an absolute meltdown over matt turner well i've definitely got my revenge today
36:53that's for sure bloody hell oh piss off rod how's he oh wait what what's he
37:02wait hang on a minute oh yeah no worries just catch it alex romero mate
37:06my one only costs 1.4 mil instead of some free bloke from this off salma parello
37:22please please oh he's just fell over the wrong way i mean that's what to be fair
37:26if someone was running one-on-one at my goal i just throw myself over backwards
37:31like i'm doing like i'm a freaking stunt man or something you know
37:34oh he's just been shot by an arrow in the new robin hood movie what can he do
37:40no oh
37:45yeah this uh parallel weather just get the ball
37:56oh my no no no no no no no no no no okay
38:04quite sad now come on one more
38:11oh no no no no no no no
38:17did not let him no oh my god how how says the man who scored four travelers
38:24how have you how have you scored three in like five in-game oh
38:40well i feel a bit better but i am still doing two discards and that donnie almo
38:44can piss off i hope the two that you hit are eric bay
38:53absolute clowns mate 87 pace my arse oh dear oh dear oh dear that was very funny i'm getting
38:59flamed in my twitch chat for saying that i can't aim i can't really argue with them to be fair it
39:03is aimed miles wide but it's also just randomly not even on the play of the line so i'm gonna
39:10blame me i am so just to make myself feel better to be honest with you because i'm probably about
39:13to discard like a million coins four four two right yeah left striker right center back why not
39:24left striker and right center back yeah no oh dear well first of all he is an absolute joke
39:33so we can go can't say so oh okay but despite my lack of aiming cola milani is going in an sbc
39:41oh painful it's actually really good despite my lack of aiming to be honest i'm just glad
39:46i don't have three more discards thanks to three goals in the last five minutes
39:50so call them away goodbye my friend see you next year see you on kirk's channel for revenge