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in this jmancurly video, i play the free animal company shrinking update with magic broccolis in animal company, this animal company vr video was so much fun to make because the new free quest 2 animal company update free is here! comment "spork" if you're reading this.


00:00All right, i'm about to eat a green broccoli. This is a magic broccoli and this is what it does
00:08This animal company shrinking update brings new items a new map and I was not ready for what we found
00:14So slatton and I jumped in to see this massive update starting here, dude. What is that?
00:19There's the mirror. No that over there. Yeah. Yeah. No all the way all the way out there. Yeah. Yeah
00:24What no nothing bro. Oh my god
00:27Oh my god
00:28Whoa, what is this tomorrow stash enter password to unlock?
00:32So you type in four digits and there's a one in nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine chance to get it correctly
00:37So, uh, take your best bet. All right, ready? Watch this attempt number one. Yeah. Yeah
00:42I got it. You got it
00:44Inventory, uh, it's like storage like little kids don't rob you
00:47So if you ever get like a really valuable thing, you can throw it in this little container, dude
00:51I see a big square over there. I feel like we should explore that cube. You want to check it out?
00:55Yeah, let's gear up. Let's gear up. Wait a second
00:58Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, dude. They took away my admin perms. Oh, you don't got like your goated menu
01:02It's okay. I have every item. I spent three hundred dollars on this game. They took away my freaking admin perms, bro
01:07Why would they do that to me? Yo animal company you strip me of my items
01:12How am I supposed to make videos bro? There ain't no way i'm going outside with this. Oh the e-girl
01:16You got the e-girl backpack ain't no way i'm going outside with this. I'll get you a manly backpack
01:21Whoa, you're gonna have a manly backpack. Oh, wait, have you checked out the have you checked out the swimming update?
01:25There's a swimming update. I'll show you. Do you want me to show you that real quick? Yeah. Yeah
01:28You're a frog too. Oh, yeah, follow me. Have you been to this area, dude?
01:31Well, normally you just die when you go in the water. Oh, no, no, they change it
01:34So if you go straight down, uh, and then you kind of it's kind of like gorilla tag movement. Try it out
01:37It's low-key chill
01:39Swimming update i'm such an idiot. Hey, uh, you lost the backpack you bought me one and then you lost it. Sure
01:55I'll buy another one. It's low-key cheap
01:58All right, come on bro. All right. Listen, these are our tasks for today
02:01We have to find out everything that's new and master the new mechanics, whatever they might be. I like that idea event
02:07You go first. No way
02:10Okay, okay, yo, if you turn off your light, it's pitch black bro. Oh, what the
02:14What is this bro? Sorry elevator temporarily out of order repairs to be completed by march 11th
02:20Yeah, dude. Yeah, I was gonna say you missed the day by one. It's tomorrow. I think the update comes out tomorrow
02:25What else we got going on? Where do we go see the new stuff?
02:28Where are the mines at dude? The mines are right here, bro. You deaf you can't even see that
02:31All right. I'm with you bro. So what I don't know if you know animal company
02:33They update their maps every single week. So I low-key don't know where to go. Oh, it's different
02:38Well, i'm just really here to see what's new buddy boy, wait, I forgot to get a backpack. You're right
02:42I should probably get one. Okay. I'll wait for you here. I'll wait for you. Okay bet you can do your own exploration
02:46Yeah, I will never needed that guy. Anyways, hey, I heard that. Okay. I'm looking for the new shrinking items
02:52Hello. Oh, this is scary. Oh jay, man
03:00Jay man
03:02What's that noise what the freak what noise what is that laser bro, what wait, I don't know wait
03:07I've never seen this before so you're telling me I I don't see you walk in I hear random beeping and now there's just something
03:13New there, right? I I don't know man. I haven't played this game in a while, bro
03:16It's been a hot minute. All right, it looks like a tripwire hook to me. So i'm just gonna
03:22Okay, okay, I think it's gonna seem to be activated
03:28Take your stuff take your stuff. That was absolutely unbelievable. Okay, where's all the shrinking stuff at I got you
03:33It's it's so inconveniently hidden. It's in this like tiny little passageway right here, dude
03:37We're so unbelievably unprepared. Wait, we look down there. Do you look right in front of you?
03:40Do you see the spider like silhouette over there? Yeah, I do what property of the canopy group? Whoa, hold on
03:45Oh, yeah, wait, I actually didn't notice that. Oh my god. Good eye man more purple crystals. Let's go
03:49Oh dude break this one. This one's like a special block
03:53Oh pick up the box you got a special item, bro
03:57Oh rocket rocket. Well, let me put this in my backpack real real quick. What's new here?
04:03Oh, oh, dude. Do you hear that? All right, bro. Listen, we gotta wait. Where is it?
04:07Beat him beat him beat him beat him beat him
04:10Easy right easy. Okay. I'm good. I'm good. Open that. Oh, this is a flare gun. It doesn't do damage
04:15So much gold here, but i'm already looted out. Wait, is this a dead end? Oh, wait
04:18I think we're in the wrong cave. Okay, take me to the right cave, bro. I know of it
04:23I don't know exactly which one. Oh, this one brings you to like, uh, the nether if you want to check that out
04:27But we can check out the broccoli first loki. All right, how do we get the broccoli?
04:30I got you, bro. You gotta go to your local your local costco, right? You go to the produce aisle
04:36Dude, that's so funny. I had to remind myself to giggle a little bit. Okay, so we have to jump straight down
04:41Okay, we're gonna go down to the bottom layer and then we're gonna go up one
04:44But we can just go to the bottom first. All right, you ready?
04:52Okay, so there's nothing down here there used to be something here
04:55But now we gotta go one layer up and there's a few caves
04:58But I don't know exactly which one it was. So we're gonna have to do a little bit of exploration
05:02All right, you show me. Which way do I go? Uh, just this upper layer right here. Just one layer up
05:10Oh, oh dude, that was tough. Oh my god, that was lucky tough. Thanks dog did it myself
05:14Is this where the new stuff is bro? Yeah, it's one. I think it's this one actually
05:17Yeah, it is a little bit exploration. Keep your eyes peeled
05:21Oh my god, what's your favorite meme sound effect?
05:25Editor play that five times in a row. Oh, this is one of the special ones we can get like an item
05:29Let's see what you get mystery box. Oh, dude. Wait, that's low-key goaded
05:32That's like one of the best weapons in the game or best items in the game. Great
05:35So what do I do we do with it? There's red mode and blue mode
05:38You're gonna go to oh you just flung me but you do damage to yourself every time you use it
05:41So you gotta be use it sparingly bruh. All right. Well, i'm gonna wait for a nice fat spider
05:45I'm gonna launch him with my weapon. Oh, dude. Oh, this is it. What is this bro? Oh hell no
05:50Oh, dude, what we gotta do parkour? What the frick? Hey, hold up. What's up?
05:57Oh, dude, oh my god, it's another player he's just a friendly other player bro
06:03I got it. Oh, how much health does this guy have? What the heck? Why is he jumped so high? Where is he?
06:08Okay, we killed we killed it. Oh my god. Oh my gosh, don't you ever do that again we got
06:13Oh, dude, what is it? We got a zipline gun. Hold up. I'm throwing his body into the magma
06:18He doesn't deserve to live after what he did to me. I don't see anything. You're not hitting anything into the magma
06:25All right, he's in a corner, all right, let's bounce bro, bro
06:27What the frick is this place your girl tech pro though, so you can do this parkour easily
06:31Don't even worry about that. I can do it on my sleep, bro
06:33Okay, there's two ways we can go creepy dark way over there or the other creepy way with green light you pick man
06:38All right, let's do green light first
06:41Oh, dude, dude the platforms fell bro, how am I gonna get across what the heck watch out watch out? Oh, dude
06:48Oh, i'm a pro let's go bro easy. Oh, you're actually cracked. All right. Come on, bro
06:52What the bro check this place out though? We just got so echoey dog. What?
06:58I'm in orbit. I'm in orbit, bro. We have our own gravitational pull. Wait, you see this purple planet over there?
07:04Hold on. I lost my pick bro. Uh here take my pickaxe go to the top of the sun
07:09Fire, thank you, sir, dude. I'm going to the earth. Wait, there's broccolis. Yeah, bro. Get them bro. Get the broccolis broccoli
07:16I'm eating it. I'm eating it eat another one eat a bunch. I want a green one
07:19All right, i'm about to eat a green broccoli eat it bro. Eat it. I'll eat one too
07:23Dude, we're massive bro more more broccoli
07:28Dude, i'm as big as the sun bro. My pickaxe is tiny. Try the purple one. Try the purple one
07:33Yo, these make you little cheers cheers cheers cheers dude, look at my flashlight. Oh my god come over here
07:39Here's what I want you to do
07:40Okay, eat two purple broccolis and you see on that planet there
07:43Do you see that blue little like pin at the very bottom of it? Yeah. Yeah
07:46Yeah, so eat two purple broccolis and then i'll meet you there. Okay, just go to that blue pin one two and pow
07:52Yeah, i'm here i'm here. Oh
07:58Whoa, what the frick i'm enormous
08:02Yo, dude, we're massive like the low taper fade meme bro, dude, this is like grill attack trees. No way, bro
08:08Well, look you can even blow up mines and nothing happens and like nothing can kill you
08:11If I got a shotgun and shoot you right now, you wouldn't take any damage, bro
08:14Wait a second. If you went back home, would you be tiny for me? I think so
08:18Probably I have a whole bag of broccoli. We can test that also. Oh, you brought it back out here. You collected it
08:23Yeah, bro. I want you to eat all your greens. Okay eat all your veggies
08:29More more broccoli. Wait, let me see if I have more. Let me see if I'm more. Oh, dude
08:33Wait, I have a whole bag more wait eat more eat more eat as many as you can. Hold on
08:37Right here, bro. I have a whole bag more eat it all. You know, i'm eating every broccoli
08:43Oh, dude
08:45Dude, this looks crazy from my screen eat it bro. Eat it
08:48Oh, dude
08:50Oh my god, we gotta kill the titans
08:53The titan that did no damage bro, that didn't kill you at all. Yo, yo, how does this look that looks so gross, bro
09:01Just a twerking giant frog in my game, bro. This is crazy
09:06Bro, you actually look like like a freaking colossal titan dude. Oh my god. Watch this watch this
09:14Oh my god, oh my god
09:18No, i'm good. Oh look mine
09:22Guys this year's vidcon is going to be the biggest one yet
09:26So if you want to come meet me and see me in person book your tickets using the link below
09:30June 19th anaheim california be there. All right, you eat the broccolis now
09:35Uh here let me give you a weapon and then you can try to kill me with a weapon
09:37All right. What kind of gun do you want you want a pistol an rpg or a shotgun rpg and a shotgun?
09:42All right. Boom. Oh, thank you, sir
09:46Boom boom. All right eating all my greens. Oh, no
09:50Veganism, I love veganism. Oh, no, this is not good, bro. Keep going, bro. All right, keep going. It's healthy
09:57Eat your veggies. I got it. I got it
09:59Oh my god, last one. What's up? Do I look tough bro? You look so tough right now
10:04Oh my god, boom
10:06Yo, turn around real quick. What's behind me? Oh my gosh the universe bro two planets. All right, you ready?
10:13Yeah, let's test it out, let me see how much damage it does
10:18Dude that did no damage what try with the shotgun. Oh wait the shotgun does some damage. Hold up. I'm
10:29Oh what i'm normal size again
10:34Gotta I gotta run an eye for him. Hey, man. I'm gonna come after you. I hear you shuffling and shuffling. I hear you man
10:47Oh my gosh, I killed him. No way I killed him
10:52Gg, man. Gg, bro. No
10:57Wait grab onto my back forward
10:59Yo, and beyond you bro. Let's go bro. Let's go. Let's go man. Oh, dude that hurt faster. Okay
11:06I'm going as fast as I can
11:08All right, jump in. Okay. Okay. Okay
11:13Okay, do you want a flashlight as well this one here? I got it bro. What is that?
11:17Oh, that's a chicken bro. You haven't seen the chickens yet. Kill it kill it bro. Wait, there's red light green light
11:21One shot all right ready watch out. All right, dude go go
11:28Green light go
11:33Yo, where do we go i'm gonna stun it
11:35He's angry. He's done. He's done. He's done. Oh, we're good. We're good go
11:41Careful don't hit this thing
11:45Oh my god j-man bro, what did I tell you don't hit it. Yo, i'm on my way back
11:55You made it bro, okay, so don't touch that little parasite looking thing. I got a crazy shot of you dying bro. Awesome
12:00Okay, so this new area here. There's two new enemies. Okay, there's a a huge bomb and there's another thing that I can't even explain
12:06Okay, we're gonna try to kill and find both of them. Okay, the grenade is
12:10rolling away
12:13Oh, dude, oh dude get out get out. Oh my gosh, that was the worst grenade throw ever
12:17All right, i'ma grab onto you and you run away. Okay. I like that plan. You want let's go go. All right, let's go
12:22Go go go. Oh, dude, huge bomb huge bomb huge bomb. What? Oh my god. Oh my god. We're good. We're good
12:28Okay. Oh, I got a flare gun. Okay, I can stun the guy. Yeah. Oh, he's right there
12:32Oh, dude, no, no, that literally didn't work. I mean I suck I suck go. Oh my god
12:38We made it we made it. Is he gonna come down here? Does he come down here with us or no?
12:41Okay, we good. So those are the that's the armstrong and the red bomb. There's some tough parkour here
12:45Okay, but you're like a guerrilla tech pro. So you should be good. You already know. Oh, he's good. What the heck?
12:49I'm him him with the sauce. So there's three paths to choose from I guess two we can't really go to that one
12:54Whoa, I don't think i've been down that one. All right, you want to check it out? Yeah, whoa
12:58What the frick? Okay, so we're gonna try to get to the top of those towers there. I'll do be careful, bro
13:02It's loki sketch. I'll do my tracking
13:04Bro, how are you so fast, bro? Yeah, you got it. Oh, you got it. Oh, you got it
13:09Oh boy, and then that one. Yeah
13:11Let's go, bro. Yes. Well done, bro. I think up this building. There's something cool. I want to show you it's loki chill
13:17Whoa, what is this flower of eternal righteousness up here? Oh, yeah that teleports you back. I want hookshot. Yes, sir. Can you afford it?
13:24Can I afford it? What kind of question is that bro, dude? This is literally attack on titan. I know bro
13:38Made it
13:39Five seconds. This is shotgun time. Wait, I need it. I need my hookshot one two. No. Oh, dude. I'm
13:47I'm coming for you. Oh, dude. Where are you at, bro?
13:55Oh, dude, I died as well. Well, I suck. Hi gg dog. Hey, come give me high five. Oh, I got you bro. Boom
14:09Mine this is where I go resign. I just build up what I know. Yeah, but what's in my sight? Yeah, so I put on