• 4 hours ago
We have seen these grassy looking bars all over our fyps. We got the idea watching Charlie and the chocolate factory to dress up as Willy Wonka and make the viral Dubai chocolate bars. Thanks for watching.


00:00I'm thinking just right here should be good, huh? Yeah, that's my anxiety
00:16We are making Dubai chocolate bars, yes, you're late on the trail and I roll by
00:22And I don't want to hear anything about oh you're late on the trend you were late on squid games you were late on this
00:27You're late on everything guys. We filmed this five years. We filmed this like a year ago
00:32Yeah, right. Yeah, we filmed this right when Dubai chocolate came out. Well, we're filming it
00:39I think really all right. Let's change to our office. That's what let's jump into a transition. So stay right here and jump ready go
00:54Like chocolate
00:56And I want to wear this
00:58You look like sexy Willie and I look like this. There's a new sexy Willie in town
01:05Why my costume look like this and yours look like that chocolates an aphrodisiac serious serious
01:17Okay, guys, basically we got a freaking Dubai chocolate kit and we're gonna cook this. All right, let's start
01:22There you know, we're told first off. I hope the can a first
01:26I eat
01:27Don't do too much gas. I forgot. Okay, go
01:31No, that's on that's on high. No, it's not now I can yes it is. Don't fight with me on this
01:39Hold it right there. Yeah, that's where it was. No, it wasn't. All right, I can small gas fueling out. I'm scared
01:50Okay, we got the butter
01:53Is that what you need for the canafe? Okay spread it. I'm the blue, but I make the chocolate. It's not true
01:58The oompa loompa is clean Willy Wonka comes up with chocolate. Yeah, it comes up with it and makes it who's the factory workers?
02:04No, it's not
02:07I'm not the oompa loompa. They just clean
02:17I stopped talking. Whoa, what's this stuff? It's what makes it crunchy
02:26I'm not sure. Wait, have you ever had um, do I know I have not
02:31Either so that we're this is gonna be both of our Dubai versions. This is gonna be both of our first times eating it
02:38You know, what's crazy is
02:40If they ever did another Willy Wonka, like even after the Timothee Chalamet one, they could have Dubai chocolate in it
02:51That's super crazy
02:58Broke can I mix a little
03:09You it needs to brown bro. We can't get your hands out
03:13Get your ducking hands out. Well my strap. Sorry
03:19I'm gonna say and I have to be the oompa loompa
03:22Bro, you wanted to be you beg guys last night. She was really begging me to be doing blue
03:27But that's not true. You begged me to be Willie
03:31You know, it is a to be honest serious
03:35That's an honesty slap now be honest. Tell them the truth
03:40That's why I said do I have to be
03:42Oompa-loompa because Jayla was gonna make me put orange on my face and we and then she goes fine
03:47I'll be sexy in blue button
03:48She was just saying that cuz she didn't want to put orange on her face cuz it's not sexy. Some people find this sexy
03:54Some people do
03:57If I want my 4c
03:59Bro, you do be on a 4c girls
04:23Mix everything no, cuz I'll kill you
04:27You can't kill your workers you'll have no one I don't care Willie
04:31We didn't always have the oompa loompas and you literally made me
04:35Drink that silly worm juice
04:41If you watch the movie if you watch the movie, you know
04:45Guys, when does this does this take a while to brown? Yes. Oh, wait. That's why I don't think we need to
04:49I think we need to stop mixing it so much. Okay, I'm gonna lay it all flat he me
04:57That's not like what is that like hummus? No, I think it's to make it more like juicy did you miss Josie, baby?
05:05You guys like that oh
05:08And that's the good stuff that you eat a lot of this is sweet stuff one time I ate a whole can of this
05:14That's what I mean. You eat a lot of it
05:16And then so it begins
05:19Aida mom dad just cleaned out this
05:24Can't leave you gosh. No, this is pistachio. I go up now
05:29Everywhere life of Willie
05:36Who is it Ren go inside we're filming a video
05:43Her reaction to
05:45Red in go
05:48Wait, why does it smell like we're cooking like steak?
05:52Do you smell that smells like meat? Okay, can you back up? It's cuz the butter
06:03Okay guys, it's brownie I feel so embarrassed when my family sees me like this
06:10Like we just got into a fight earlier now that the senior Joe, what do you mean this is normal
06:14You look so pretty Willie. I will literally put a file in with HR. All you want is cacao bean
06:21No, I will
06:23Be so I'll take away your cacao beans. I'll take away your cacao beans. All you I will file to HR
06:29Touching did you just fart on me?
06:33Ren is staring at us through the window. She's scaring me
06:41Wait, it's cooking
06:51Stop mixing it for two seconds. I am I'm spreading it back out damn, bro. If I didn't if I stop mixing it, I'll be
06:57oomphie oomphie stop
06:59oomphie I'll take away your cacao beans
07:02oomphie see burning
07:08Well, you ain't gangsta
07:11I'm from Oompa Loompa land. Where are you from? Really? I'm in the streets
07:16Not your daddy was a dentist. You know all about it. Hey, let me have King that look
07:22You ain't gangsta
07:24Where my people come from I travel the world
07:28What's with the glug glug glug? Oh, I feel like I'm sweating through this costume
07:34Hot air it out into the costume
07:38Hands off Louie Willie, it's gonna burn Willie. I just love you. Wait, oomphie I mean
07:46My Willie are you Willie cuz we can change costumes?
07:52Think this is good. No, no
07:56How long are you how long Brown is it supposed to be?
08:03Mule mule mule mule mule
08:10Okay, I'm gonna put it in
08:13I'm trying to help you keep running. Oh, it's so funny. Okay, good
08:28Next step is to put this cream in the hole
08:37Guys if anyone knows
08:40What can that actually is let us know cuz what are we even eating bro?
08:46What does it say it's in a different language
08:51Wait, it says we don't move it dry
08:54good time
08:56What the heck is that just it just says what it is. It just says this is catastrophe again
09:04You're vegan. Yeah bumpers are vegan. That's not true. They only could tell I really saw you eating break-in once they saw me eating break-in
09:14What's Willie cooking over? They stopped eating all that immature like they really grew up
09:21What are you talking about
09:24No, I'm talking about
09:32Bruh, actually if Dubai chocolate came out when I was like 10 years old, I would have cried for a chocolate bar
09:39If this chocolate came out, yes, bro. I'm like mom, please. She's like honey. It's only in Dubai
09:52Like yeah Memphis like yeah, you're getting them
10:08Just like straight up
10:10Everything's so hard to do with these gloves. Why would Willie make a choice to wear these?
10:15He doesn't make chocolate
10:17Yeah, but he chose to wear gloves
10:21He doesn't make the chocolate though, so it doesn't matter bro, Willie isn't just some random guy he helps
10:27You act like you just do everything around the factory
10:31We do
10:34We do
10:36Open loopers are the backbone of the factory. No, they're not. I don't know. Do we need to do did we watch the same movie?
10:44Cuz I know we were in the same room
10:46Were you like, oh, why are you are you trying to sign a petition to stop a balloon buzzer something?
10:53I'm just saying y'all are a little cocky
10:56Because we're the backbone we're the backbone of this factory
11:01You wouldn't be in the Willy Wonka factory having never ending cacao beans if it wasn't for Willie
11:06Yeah, and you would have never been able to keep it up by yourself if it wasn't for us
11:09That is not sure I could do it myself. Who you when you fired the work. Who is you?
11:14Listen, who is you when you fired the workers?
11:18Who did you who did you have to fall back on?
11:21Oompa Loompas did it for you
11:24You don't like that saying
11:27We timeout that's saying whoa guys
11:34You know what I don't even care whatever the oompa loompas are the backbone I guess if you wanted they are
11:39What are you saying? Like the customers comes first the customer
11:44The customer comes first and then oompa loompas
11:47J-Lo what see this is why oompa loompas don't run. There's a little chocolate outside of the bowl. Okay, it happens chocolate's messy
11:56Bro, if you don't get your weave out of my face, it's itchy. Imagine how it feels being in my face. These gloves I swear
12:04They're good. I don't think Willie makes birds for bird bubblegum and
12:10You know what else he makes? Ice cream that doesn't melt. You know what else he could make if he was if they made another one?
12:15If they made another one that thing clap no
12:19No growing yacht bubbles bubblegum
12:24Yacht growing bubblegum. Yes. Hey
12:27That's a decent idea. I'll talk to my people about that. Oh
12:31Wait, what?
12:34Yeah, but I'll talk about my people they don't give a fuck about that they don't
12:39Love yacht growing bubblegum. Okay, get the molds. This is melted
12:43How are we gonna do this
12:46Shoot we need another spoon. Don't we I can just wrench this one
12:51I'm just gonna take this off
12:53You don't chocolate burns and like a freaking millisecond
12:58Next step put the chocolate in the molds, right?
13:02We didn't even get golden tickets
13:07There's more than one people in this factory
13:10That's why my people are gonna quit we're going on strike what we formed a union
13:19Do you think our heads are cut off I feel like they might be her lines are cut off
13:25Her eyes were blocked out
13:27Don't feel like let this cool though and then put this stuff and then do another layer
13:33No, I'm pretty sure they just put it straight in. I don't know. I don't think so
13:39Well, then why don't you do yours and let it cool and then I'll put mine straight in the seat. Oh
13:44So you want to do a little comp
13:46We should watch the tutorial. Yeah, we're just kind of doing this off memory not even off guessing
13:53I've never watched a tutorial on how to do
13:57There we are again, we're fucking this all once again undereducated
14:01But everyone always says that what they're stupid never undereducated. I don't know look at us
14:07You think we're under educated we know everything about I don't think we are but I think that's a fair assumption what
14:16Or if I watched our videos and like listen to how we talk and what we said like
14:21Yeah, I would think the same thing. I wouldn't think we were innocent. I know
14:34Yeah, I'm telling you it's like frozen shut I
14:39Literally pulled it in the whole fridge came out with it. Oh my gosh. Well, we gotta put him in the freezer. It's fine
14:48You're just gonna take longer can we switch costumes now? Yeah. All right. We're gonna do the jumping thing
14:56And we're back
14:58Now, I'm miss Wonka and I'm the backbone of this whole entire country. You're right
15:02I need you in my factory and I appreciate you
15:07Are you
15:09I'm sexy
15:12Like this, um, Ida what you look like, you know, what's that gingerbread, man?
15:34Literally just tried to open this freezer
15:37It's pretty frozen shut frozen frozen like Elsa
15:43Elsa why'd you do this to us?
15:46Once so why are you so mean? I used to have these girls, right?
15:51You good
15:55We could give you a perm for a video. No, you said you could get used to it. So then get used to it
16:01I'll just wear the way I like the green color
16:05And you like this bang
16:10Do you like the outfit
16:12Are becoming why do you keep saying? Yeah like that?
16:15Guys, this outfit just wants me to be naked. I know my straps kept falling down the whole time
16:19I don't want one. I didn't even have straps
16:41These all know
16:46Yeah, can kill you and put you in a chocolate
16:55You want to become chocolate or no more cooking bird bars for you? No more do my chocolate
17:02For you no more
17:07Okay, right on your back yes, this is what I do in my
17:12Go on this is what I do my bloopers do for me in the back
17:26Look at the camera thumbnail, okay
17:39Why too much Dubai
17:56Stupid little fashion fire you sent me back to the land
18:00So I don't want to wrestle you that's what bloopers do just a little joke boobies. Don't do that
18:05You are Augusta's gloop would never do
18:08Yeah, I love chocolate
18:10You act like you know everything about Willy Wonka. I know money wonka money wonka. I know this little song
18:16money wonka money wonka
18:19What do you know about Willy Wonka
18:23Stopping dressing me. I'm gonna get you violated
18:26You're gonna tell you Char. I am you're gonna get me, but wait
18:30I think you're supposed to cross it and now that I'll throw it please. What are we wearing it backwards?
18:40Ada said earlier are people actually being this for Halloween I
18:44Wouldn't even know what you are if you show up to the Halloween party, and this is what you wore
18:49I wouldn't even know what you are bro, and you know
19:14Do neither titty flick
19:31Bro, you're wearing white
19:47Layer one
19:49Has frozen which is perfect
19:52Not frozen
19:54So now I can put this what is this green stuff called?
19:59Blue button
20:02Pistachio cannot be
20:05like she
20:07Bro, this is literally your first time
20:10Oh blue buff make a Dubai chocolate bar and saying type she and also farted and did a backflip in it
20:16This is actually probably the probably first time in 2025. No for some ever. Oh, you think they've seen this before
20:22No, yeah, I don't know. Well, yeah yours looks more, right?
20:28Gosh darn it. Well, he just knows how to make his chocolate
20:34Gosh darn it. Our own poop is allowed to say that I'm so mad. Why?
20:39It's okay
20:44I'm getting mad
20:48Okay, I'm not actually getting mad guys I
20:52Think this I need this
20:57You say you wasn't me
21:07Careful that's a lot like water
21:11You're dripping water and you do my job
21:14Can you get this tool? Yeah
21:16Yeah, yeah
21:22Come on can you go faster? Come on?
21:26Lupa put in that work you work for me after all now. I got it. No, let me do it. It's my chocolate bar. Oh
21:36A girl progressive aggressive over her chocolate. Yeah. Oh really is
21:44Sure, so guys you're probably thinking does the curtain match the drapes. Yes
21:49Mm. Yes, sir. Raise your hand if you weren't thinking about that
21:54But they raised her. Did you guys raise your hands put it in the comments if you raise your hand or no
22:06I'm just feeling sad about my chocolate bar
22:14Shut up, why you mad stupid little you can't hurt me
22:18I'm not mad
22:20You think it's because you're the boss?
22:22Yeah, I do think so
22:32Stop don't throw me
22:36Ten hat spankings? You asked for it. I didn't even ask you like I didn't say gonna have spankings
22:43You asked for it when you took Willie's hat
22:46You know what else I can take? A little ungrateful s**t
22:48Willie's pants
22:50Aida? Serious? You can't pants me in these. I'm too snotched
22:54Bro, why do you look like you're glowing?
22:56Let's go over here in the shade
22:58But I just like glowing
23:00Stop going in the sun you look like you're actually glowing. Come closer as if you were to stand so I can see the angle
23:09It's my anxiety
23:11Is that actually doing that? Oh, I know what you're talking about
23:14Bro, you were literally singing it
23:16And you're like what?
23:18Bro, I swear if the strap comes down
23:20Here I have an idea
23:22I have an idea
23:24How? That's what my idea was
23:28It's gonna get worse
23:30I'm weak
23:32Just go bro
23:34I don't know if I'm gonna be able to tie this
23:44You're not snatched enough
23:50Hold on
23:56Did you get it? Yeah
23:58Is it good?
24:00They ain't coming down now y'all
24:02No, no, no
24:04Now that is sexy
24:10Do your butt dance
24:12Do your butt dance
24:16It looks like you're in lasers
24:18Bro, stop opening it seriously
24:22No, yours looks like a target
24:24It is
24:28You know what that means? Death
24:30Why is my envelope in there?
24:32Why does it turn you into a different person?
24:34I'm scared
24:36Mommy, pick me up
24:42When he gets down the drain
24:52Oh gosh, low key it makes sense that I'm
24:54That you're the envelope
24:56I hate to say it
25:00It didn't sound like you hated to say it
25:02It just feels better
25:04Didn't sound like you hated to say it at all
25:10Do you wanna like keep this outfit after the video?
25:12Do you?
25:14No, that would be crazy
25:16It's okay, we won't judge you
25:20Get out my kitchen
25:22If you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen y'all
25:28So, you guys are probably wondering
25:30What is in my water
25:32No one's wondering
25:34What's in my water that makes you feel so energized
25:36That makes you so orange as an Oompa Loompa
25:38And orange and also
25:42What's your skincare routine as an Oompa Loompa?
25:44So, what's my skincare routine as an Oompa Loompa?
25:46Willy Wonka's chocolate bars
25:48I thought you were gonna say Willy Wonka's something else
25:50Stop right there, Willy
25:52Willy always won't even get like that
25:54He's always like
25:56Willy always won't even get like this with me
25:58And I actually had to sign lots of NDAs
26:00So I can't speak out about this a lot
26:02But yes guys
26:04Willy is not who you think he is
26:06And Timothy Chalamet did a great job playing him
26:08I actually watched the movie
26:10I thought that
26:12The Oompa Loompas looked quite weird though
26:14Not really realistic
26:16To what's reality
26:18Of Oompa Loompa
26:22Willy, just tone it down a little
26:24And where's your bob at?
26:26Guys, Willy grew his hair out
26:28Not Willy growing his hair out
26:36Why do you get everything on your belly?
26:40What is it?
26:42It's mustachio
26:44It's just mustachio
26:48Are you okay?
26:50There, Willy's bob
27:08What were you doing?
27:10What were you doing?
27:14Oompa loompa
27:16Guys, J-Lo's cracking my bar
27:18For me
27:20From the freezer
27:24Our chocolate bars should be done
27:26Ada's is thickums
27:28And mine is skim tea
27:30No hating on the thickums, no hating on the skim tea
27:32We all love all chocolate bars around here
27:34I just wonder how mine's gonna look
27:36Bro, mine is thick
27:40Yours looks fine
27:42It looks actually, yeah
27:44We did different techniques by the way
27:46I think that you can see the kanaf
27:48Less through it though
27:50Yeah, you can't see any kanaf on this one
27:52Should we bite into it?
28:10That kanaf is weird
28:14This is what y'all been eating?
28:16For real
28:18For real
28:20I mean it's like good but
28:26I don't know
28:28I like the texture
28:38Damn bro
28:46Maybe we didn't make it
28:50I think we used too much kanaf
28:54We shouldn't use that whole box
28:56I don't know, it's good
28:58I don't know, it's good actually
29:00The more you eat it, the better it gets
29:02I think it's a little bit overhyped and overrated
29:06By the way people made it sound
29:08I was expecting like
29:20It does look really cool though
29:22It looks just like the videos
29:24It does look just like the videos
29:26Anyways guys
29:28Click the little video this week
29:30Love you guys
29:32Loves from Oompa Land
