• 2 days ago
Mario’s been arrested! So we've got to ESCAPE From 10 Custom Prisons, From NOOB to PRO!
Can we escape them all? Let's Find out!

0:00 Intro
0:07 Mario vs PRISON ESCAPES
25:30 Outro
#Mario #SuperMario #MarioOdyssey
00:00Mario's been caught stealing and got sentenced to life in prison, but we're not gonna stay locked up today
00:06It's our goal to break out of ten different custom prisons ranging from easy noob jail to the world's most secure prison
00:13Can we escape them all? Let's find out
00:16Alright, so we're starting off and it looks like we're trapped in this hub world area and the only way out seems to be down
00:21This start pipe. So let's go down it and start prison escape noob to pro
00:26Level one noob prison. Oh looks like there's a guard asleep there
00:31So we have to be quiet, but is it just me or the bars on this jail really far apart?
00:35They're really wide. We might just be able to walk through them like
00:40Ha oh my gosh who built this jail. All right. Now we just have to sneak past the bars
00:45I don't want to hit any of these tin cans. It might wake him up. Oh, no. Oh, no. Okay. Okay. He's just been woken up
00:51I need to run away from him because and get to the exit because if he hits me
00:54That's a one-shot kill, but we managed to escape him and make it to level two
00:58Oh been put in like a cat kingdom jail. There's like crammed with stuff. This is such a messy jail
01:04It's full of like tin cans get out here tin cans knocked over the poster. Oh behind the poster. That's hint art
01:11What's this hint art of? Two mice?
01:15Maybe there's a mouse hole in this jail that we have to get through. Mice hole, get rid of all these boxes
01:20Yeah, we just need to destroy all the debris make it a lot easier to see that rhymed
01:26You see a mice hole?
01:28Must be one like somewhere about I mean stupid. Oh
01:35I'm such an idiot
01:36These two mice are from the movie flushed away where like the premise of the movie is that you get flushed down a toilet
01:42So maybe I can go down this toilet
01:46Yes, I can oh my gosh I was so stupid although although I'm getting pushed by a bully oh, oh
01:52I can capture the bully
01:54Maybe I can capture the bully to knock down like these tin cans or knock down like the outside of the cage
02:00There we go. There's another jail right here. There we go. Destroyed. Yeah, ah
02:05And there's another toilet right here. And is this one gonna lead to somewhere else?
02:13We've literally been taken to a bathroom, is this just someone's house oh
02:17A little subscribe button. Yes subscribe if you haven't subscribed already subscribers from the last video are on screen right now
02:24So subscribe you want a shout out in the next video, but that looks like the exit. Let's go. Oh, that was a cool little puzzle
02:32This place is a mess. Like I've got trash in my room and the bars aren't even fully on
02:37Literally nothing in my room though that I could escape with like there's trash bag and there's an uncomfy bed. I
02:45Didn't even notice that Cappy just went through this vent
02:48I didn't notice that vent to start with maybe I can jump through it as well then if Cappy can
02:54Yes, yes I can oh I only just fit I only just fit now we're squeezing through the vent
03:00Oh, it's like a little tunnel in here. I
03:03See a God I see a God I see its name
03:05All right
03:06We're gonna have to be quiet then because I don't want to get one shot here and sent back right to the star
03:10Down can I see down here?
03:14So I just leave oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I fell down. I fell down. Okay. Oh
03:17I've escaped the cell of escaped the cell, but I don't see an exit around
03:21It seems like I'm just in like the whole cell area. Oh my goodness
03:26There's a God there's a God, okay, I'm gonna hide behind this box. I'm gonna hide behind this box. No, I'm not
03:30No, I'm not. I'm gonna hide under the stairs. That's probably a better hiding spot. There we go. There we go
03:35Yeah, he's not gonna see me there. I'm so hidden
03:40He's right there he's right there
03:46Go away with it I go away with it stupid NPC didn't even notice me
03:50It's disappeared. It looks like he's gone back to where he came from. So I should be safe to go out
03:54I'm gonna be really quiet though. Oh, it looks like there's a keyhole right there
03:57Which means we might need a key to get the exit which is through here. The exit might be the vent that's through there
04:03Okay, okay stuff's making sense. Where could there be a key maybe in the boxes? I'm gonna check in these boxes key
04:09No key. No, not through there trash bag. Nope. It's gonna be in here. I see the box glowing
04:15There we go. The key very nice. Very nice. All right. Yes
04:19The cell doors open it says the exits through here. Could it be through this vent?
04:24How's this gonna take me it's a very very long vent so I might be able to roll to the end there we go. Oh
04:32You see that the exit portal, okay, okay. Okay. It's safe. It's safe. We can just jump up to the exit. I missed I
04:40Missed there we go get this time. And there we go jail to escape
04:44Jail number four. We've got like a Minecraft one
04:47We're in a Minecraft prison with loads of Minecraft iron bars and stone bricks
04:51The exit is on top of us and there's a creeper right there
04:54Can I lure this creeper here lure him towards me and blow up? Come on creeper
05:02Creeper blow up. Why don't you blow it up? I'm literally right next to you in Minecraft
05:05He would have blown up the whole place by right now
05:07Oh, I think I know what the creepers put over in the lost kingdom
05:11There's these guys explode if you throw cappy at them, maybe if I can get cappy to this creeper, he'll explode
05:17Can I do it by throwing it through this bar?
05:20Come on
05:21Come on. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. He's got cappy and he's exploded the all the iron bars
05:26Oh, that's satisfying how they were like blown up one by one. Look at that
05:33We've got a massive crater in the side of the prison and then I can just jump up straight to the exit
05:39There we go, very nice someone was cool had to use my brain a bit my noggin
05:44All right jail number five, I'm guessing this is no longer a noob jail anymore. This is quite a big room, you know
05:50Oh, hey God, what are you doing on my toilet, bro?
05:55That is disgusting. Do you not have your own toilets? You not have guard toilets?
05:59Why do you have to come into my cell and use my toilet breath? What's he doing? Just staring at the door
06:04He just disappeared. I just want to escape this room to get rid of the smell
06:09Hmm how am I gonna get out of here? Maybe these trash bags?
06:12You always want to check the items make sure that there's something that you can do with the items
06:17Mmm, this is a massive room. Oh, I can see the exit. I can see the exit from here
06:21Do you see through the window all the way over there?
06:24Oh, there's a poster up here above the bunk beds. You always got to check behind the poster. There's normally something
06:30Yes, there is it's an X X marks the spot
06:33comfort cappy at it or
06:37What if I get this bully?
06:39I might be able to get this bully to the top of them break through the wall on the X or something or hit the X
06:44Marks the spot. I
06:46Can't jump with the bully though. That's well annoying break this. I can't break the door that the guard went through either
06:51That's annoying get out your bully check the toilets as well. Nah, nothing in the toilet except for the guard left
06:59Nothing in this gym equipment either, right?
07:03You see that there's a vent up there jump up to it, let's see if I can go down it come on
07:10There we go. Very nice. Very nice. We're in the vents. We're in the vents. I feel like I'm making good progress here
07:16This is a very long vent. Oh, we're going up now. Come on jump up you puke you
07:21There we go. There we go. I guess I should poke my head round in case it is like a bad room camera
07:26Okay camera goes through. I can't really see to be honest
07:29I'm gonna put my little head out
07:32Hmm. There's a guard room. No. Oh
07:35My gosh, it's a hammer over. He's on the toilet, too. I don't want to be smelling that
07:41When I'm captured it looks like he's sitting on the toilet, that's so funny
07:45I can probably do something with these hammers. Maybe if I poop you know, oh
07:50There's an X as an X. I'm gonna try for I
07:54Can throw the hammers at the X I can throw the hammers at the X and where's this room? It's broken the wall
07:59Oh, I see the barrel. That's the room that I started in
08:02So let's go through and then we can probably can we break the break the door?
08:07No, no, no can probably break the X behind the poster. There we go. There's a crate
08:11Let's throw a few more go into the crate. Let's create a hole to the roof. Let's go. Let's go. Oh
08:18Okay, I've escaped gal. Yeah hammer, bro. I hope I don't need him for later
08:22I've just was thinking I'd be faster without him. All right, let's jump down. Let's jump down. No does it?
08:27Okay alarms going off alarms going off and there's like guards everywhere. There's mummy guards everywhere. He said really slow
08:33Okay, if I do some parkour, I might be able to make it above the barbed wire. No, no, no
08:38I don't want to touch the barbed wire. Ah, the guards are swarming me
08:41At least these ones are one-shot kills because they're just movies. There we go. We made it. Yes
08:47That was really tough actually that's definitely be my favorite so far
08:51All right, level six. What do we have here? Hmm got some fire
09:00So we've got some fire we've got a bed it's sort of like oh this is like the sand Kingdom
09:04You know the pyramid inside of the sand Kingdom
09:06It looks like we should be able to jump over here, but there's a big invisible wall blocking the way so we can't get past
09:12Very cringe. Oh, but there's a key in a hanging cage above that looks like when I collect that cage is gonna open up
09:18So maybe you can jump onto it
09:21I'm hoping there's like some janky collision that would just make it so I don't have to solve the puzzle and cheese it
09:30Just kicked the toilet probably got something to do with the toilet that if I I can pick it up
09:35Oh, it's all looks like I'm picking it up by a Bluetooth. I'm using my mind powers to control the toilet. Can I throw? Oh
09:43I can throw the toilet at it. Oh
09:45Nice. Oh, I broke open the cage using the toilet which has opened up the cell for me now
09:51We can should be it. Oh, I was gonna say we should just be able to walk out, but it's really really slippery
09:56We just slipped out. Oh, we just slipped down that slide. Can I do like a
10:01jump like that
10:03Come on Oh
10:07Oh, I've made up from the cage. Where do we have to go? Oh, oh
10:12The guard up there patrolling. He's seen me yet though. Can I even make this jump? Ah yolo
10:18I'm just gonna go for it. Oh, okay. Run run run. I hope that although the God they got up
10:26The guard got me. All right, let's see if I can make it past this guard this time
10:30Oh my coins from where I died before. There we go. God. God. God. Get away. Get away. Get away. Get away
10:38Let me in the exit. So I'll miss the exit. I wasn't behind it. The guard was nowhere near me then
10:43All right, jail seven. I reckon we're up to some pro level jails right now. So I'm expecting it to get tough
10:49What do we have here though?
10:50We're inside of like a giant
10:52Icicle room, but I think that's a fire bro trapped in the ice if we could get our hands on that fire
10:57Bro, but by capturing or something, that'd be dead handy. I reckon we could like melt down these walls
11:02Oh, it looks like there's some stuff above us. So oh, that's a key. That's the key. There's a key up there
11:07That's good to know. Oh, but it looks like we're gonna have to parkour up on these icicle things
11:11It's just gonna be very difficult cuz I can't use my cap because if I use my cap this happens
11:15Look, I've end up breaking the icicles like that. Yeah, I don't want that to happen. I've just made it way harder for myself
11:22I don't know. I should be alright. I should be alright made us the pole. It's like I can use my cap on the pole
11:27Maybe I can parkour to this icicle. Wee-oo
11:30Hey, oh
11:32The ice it. Oh my gosh, the icicle just fell down. That's so annoying. Yeah, I've got to do it all over again
11:38Fuck. Oh, where am I going to? Oh, that's a massive icicle
11:42Oh my gosh
11:42If the icicles are fallen if I could get this massive icicle to fall down onto the hammer, bro
11:47Then maybe it will free it some big brain thinking there
11:50I probably gotta make my way up to the top of this big icicle somehow. Oh
11:55That's some nice parkour. Oh, no. Oh, no, that one's falling. Oh my goodness
11:58Oh, and do you see that there that looks like a campfire like a top of the campfire?
12:03So if I could light that with the hammer bro or the fire, bro
12:08That could do something I guess oh, okay. I see where I can get higher key key key get me to that key
12:13Oh my gosh. Oh
12:16Cool scene
12:17The icicles falling down. Okay. Okay. Okay. No, but I want my I want my hammer bro. Did it crush? No, okay
12:23Okay. Okay. Never mind. I thought it crushed the fire, bro, but it just got moved all the way to the top
12:27I reckon if I light that campfire or those sticks capture it like this and then light the campfire something cool is gonna happen
12:38The ice melted let's go. Okay. Okay the exits right there
12:42But we need that key and I remember seeing a key up there earlier now that I've got my hip fire, bro
12:46It might be easier to park or around on these so I can jump in midair with him. Oh, man
12:50I need the pole. Where's the key? Oh, it's literally right there
12:55Parkour, that's actually a difficult jump. Come on parkour pro. This is the pro jail
12:59I need to be a pro to collect this key like that. There we go
13:02There we go. Very nice. And that's a look the cage so we can get straight to the exit. I'm on to level eight. Oh
13:09Very loud on the audios. We've got some very rough audio. Oh, but this looks like the sewer area from the Metro Kingdom
13:15We're stuck in a big cage inside the sewer. There's some Goombas and question mark blocks. I guess I should check out what's going on here
13:21There's loads of power moons just floating. Give me a power moon
13:25They're fake power moons. Don't trust them. Oh, hey get away from me. Mr. Goomba. There's a Goomba switch as well
13:30Yeah, I'm just gonna capture these Goombas. Mr. Goomba you come with me and I'm assuming if I capture three Goombas
13:36Where's the third one? I need one more Goomba, please. Listen here. Oh, there's a third Goomba in this little box. There's breakable box
13:45Why is he so difficult to capture maybe I'm just being a noob here I'm not good enough for these pro jails
13:51There we go. We got three of these now, which means we can hit this Goomba switch. Oh
13:56And that's made it so I've unlocked a p-switch with a sign pointing at it saying do not press
14:02What should I do, hmm, do I trust the sign and not press it?
14:07Get away Goombas. I might have needed them
14:09I might have needed them Goombas. Like the video if you think I should press it
14:13Maybe don't like the video if you don't. Nah, I'm gonna press it. I'm gonna press it cuz I want you to like the video
14:17What's gonna happen? Oh
14:22That pipes just started spewing out water, can I swim up using this like tunnel thing? Come on, let me up
14:28No, oh, it's just push me. It's just the streams pushing me underneath bro. Oh the whole rooms flooding
14:35Hey, maybe I can escape over the top by swimming out. That'd be smart. Oh
14:43Gushen, how long's this guy been here for? Let me capture you can probably fly across the whole sewer if yeah
14:50Why should I go to though? Oh
14:52To the exit to the exit portal. I need to make sure I have enough water to get to it though. There we go
14:57We should just be able to fly into it. That was actually quite easy. That's not much of a pro jail
15:03Wait what?
15:05Jail nine is just a whole seaside kingdom in jail in one big cage
15:11This looks mental. Ah
15:13But as I said, I need to be memorizing the escape for everything because in the hub world
15:18There's a sign that says beetle levels in under three minutes 59 to unlock the world's most secure prison
15:24And I really want to unlock the world's most secure prison. I think that'd be cool as heck
15:28All right, I'm gonna make my way over to this cage though to see if I can break out of it by swimming maybe
15:35So go all the way to the edge of the kingdom
15:38It looks like the bar should be too wide. But like I literally can't get through like the first new prison
15:43So anywhere I can clip out maybe Oh maybe with these rocket flowers I can clip out
15:51My gosh, come on the odyssey is not even here so I can't just fly away
15:55I was thinking that could be the solution. They're gonna be a hole just randomly in the cage somewhere
16:00Oh the exits right there. How am I? How am I gonna get to that though later? I just had an idea
16:06I know there's a fish clip where you can get underneath the mat
16:10But I just have no idea how to do it cuz I'm a bit of a noob
16:12I'm gonna search up a YouTube tutorial really quick
16:14And what I do is run into this corner while diving down and when you get about that far and then capture it again
16:23Now hold down and then twirl twice and you should clip right through. Oh, that's actually such a good idea
16:29Okay, I've just watched the tutorial. I'm gonna test it out. See if it actually works. So what I need to do is capture this fish
16:36There we go. And he was saying there's a little bit here
16:39I think you have to dive down and then
16:42Uncapture, let's see if I can get on my first try throw cappy on it dive down and then shake the controller
16:48Breath actually seems quite difficult. Let's see if I can do this glitch get under the map gone gone. This seems pretty good
16:55Those the second try as well second try ever shout out my boy echo Ethan for doing that tutorial that actually helped out so much
17:02Is this gonna work swim underneath the cage?
17:05Like that. There we go. We're on the other side and then where's the exit? Where's the exit? I want to get the exit
17:10Hopefully, there's no guards around or anything. I can just pop out and get the exit. Let's go proud of myself
17:16Big brain thinking shout out echo Ethan
17:19Oh, this looks like a new prison. What's this doing being prison number 10? This can't be very good living conditions
17:26It's just a pillow on the floor. How am I meant to get any sleep?
17:29I see there's like a thing saying how are my kids so good at this?
17:32That's like the guy that you can capture in the city world
17:34You know you throw your hat on him and then you get free
17:37You throw your hat on him like this and then you control an RC car
17:40I can't actually see an RC car anywhere. I go into free cam mode and have a scout around
17:45Oh, there's a key there and that key probably lets me open up the cage because it's a key lock. Oh
17:51There's the RC car. That's the exit. Okay. Okay. Okay. All I have to do is drive forwards
17:56Can all see cars even collect keys? Come on. Let me find out. This is actually quite difficult to control. Come on
18:01There we go. Oh
18:04What do you mean this is a pro jail, this is like a noob jail this is should have been right at the start
18:09All right. I'm gonna get to the exit before there are any Oh, what did I bonk against? What the heck?
18:13Oh, don't tell me there's a big invisible wall or anything, bro
18:18No, I thought it's gonna be dead easy. But there's a I knew it wasn't gonna be that easy. Oh
18:24Wait, never mind. It was a random invisible wall. Oh, okay
18:29Let's pull us back to the start
18:30But there's one more secret level that we have to beat all the levels in under three minutes 50 to unlock
18:36So I'm gonna go through and beat them all really quickly now. I speedrun time speedrun time
18:41I'm just gonna blast through everything like we can get out that cage
18:44It's far too big and then straight to the exit Oh because I know everything that's coming up
18:48This is just gonna be so easy
18:49Like I know go in the vent here and then I can bowl a lot long to get some extra speed
18:53I should be able to outmaneuver the guard as well because the guards just an NPC. He'll be dead slow
18:58There we go out of the vent already and then I know where the key is
19:01So we can just go straight to the key
19:03I don't know how tight the time is gonna be for all of these but there we go
19:08There we go. Second level done already. The third one's gonna be easy as well
19:12I just need to go down the toilet. Can I get past these crates? Come on, let me pass bro
19:16There we go down down the toilet capture the capture the guy
19:19I couldn't even see him
19:20But I managed to capture him charge him up and then charge him into the other one and then I can uncapture him and go
19:25Down this other toilet. Very nice. Very nice and then straight through the bathroom and into the next exit epic epic
19:32Oh, and then the Minecraft one. I need to lure the creeper over. Come on creeper. Notice me. There we go
19:37Creeper come here. Get cappy to blow it up. Oh, there we go. There we go
19:41He only blew up a few blocks, but I managed to sneak out. Oh, I missed the exit. That's embarrassing
19:47All right, level five. We're on a brilliant place. We want to make our way up to the vent ignore all these bullies
19:52Actually, I'm just gonna get rid of them
19:55Dive down the vent and then there we go. We're going underneath underneath the floor through the vents
20:00There we go. Just come out straight here and get the hammer bro straight away and then throw it into this X
20:06I'm not even gonna bother removing the poster here. I should just be able to bam. Bam. Bam. Bam
20:10Oh, there we go
20:10The hammer bro removed the poster and then uncapture the hammer bro
20:13It might be smart to keep him captured because then we could jump over the wall get past all the mummies. Very nice and
20:20Over the exit the inside the pyramid level next. Oh, yeah. Yeah toilet toilet toilet
20:25I should put out that fire. Come on. Let me bang open open up the key get the key
20:30There we go. First try first try
20:32Some decent move from there and that's level six done. I think I'm not very good at counting. Oh the icicle on the icicle one
20:40Can I get them all in one take? I might be able to with some careful cap bros like that
20:47That was clever that was clever we get the icicle the big boy fool in oh
20:53I'm gonna get the key before I get the hammer bro. That's smart. That's smart. Yeah, I'm gonna break the icicle
20:59Before I get the hammer bro, and then go that's a hammer boy. They are hello
21:03But it but it but it there we go. There we go. Oh, that was optimal
21:07Oh stack the Goomba stack the Goombas. Maybe go for this one first. Got the Goomba. Come here or the Goomba
21:13Bam and then the Goomba switch and then straight onto the p-switch. There we go. Very nice. Oh, sorry. Sorry Goombas just drowned. Yeah
21:22There's a cushion. He just fell down. Okay. Okay cushion. Come here. Don't don't squirt me. I need to capture. Yeah
21:28Straight away into the exit. All right seaside kingdom. Let's just warped. I think it's to this checkpoint
21:34Get this fish. I need to get the clip almost first try
21:39There we go. First try perfect
21:42And straight to the exit, I captured this guy immediately the radio car NPC and then just drive forwards
21:50Yeah, there we go. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Oh
21:53That dive is clean. I'm surprised it didn't bonk there and then straight to the exit and all this times gonna be closed
22:00Let's see if I've unlocked the mega secret jail. Hey, all the cage has gone off the pipe now
22:05We've beaten all the levels in under four minutes. So let's go down. Let's check out the world's most secure prison. Oh
22:13Well, my games frozen come on, let me do something. I'm mashing everything. Come on, bro
22:21Never mind, never mind. It's not frozen anymore
22:23It might be the most secure prison because everyone thinks that games frozen so they can't even escape. What do we have here though?
22:29We're in some kind of like futuristic cell
22:32This reminds me of Star Wars somehow like the bay that we're in. We're in like a ship loading bay
22:37Oh, it's another thing where there's an invisible wall that looks like you can just get out there, but you can't oh
22:43The lasers didn't Frank happy. So maybe they're just lights. Maybe we could just jump. No, we can't just jump through the lasers
22:50So what do I do here if I can't get past this invisible wall?
22:53I can't jump up that thing's just spinning around that statue of Pauline's just zooming
22:59Maybe it's got something to do with this fella. There's pink blink blink
23:03It's like a Russian doll. I
23:05Think that's normally inside the Odyssey. Oh, so are these little Cap Kingdom statues. Do you see these?
23:10One of them's not spinning though. Why it's been both spin. I
23:15Can't get past this wall. You can throw cappy past so without him getting incinerated. Oh
23:22That's clever there's a switch. Can I get happy to flick the switch? Hey
23:27It's not actually doing anything my plinky thing still works that thing's still spinning. Oh
23:34Okay, but now there's a blazer missing. So maybe I can just squeeze food. Can I
23:43Flip that again then get rid of that laser
23:45Has anything else changed other than this laser getting removed though? Let's see anything see one capsule. Is that a hint? Hmm. Oh
23:55Wait, wait, wait, wait that Cap Kingdom statue that wasn't spinning. It's now a switch so I can just flick the switch
24:01Um, what's that doing? Is that oh
24:04Maybe I can squeeze through that one
24:07No flick that switch that flick that one again. So a good look around see if there's any maybe on the outside
24:14Yes, right there right there. Do you see that one? I probably get cappy tear
24:21Go on cappy. You're stuck. Oh
24:23I can do like the motion control thing
24:25You see if I do go like that with my controller copy does a circle around me so I can do that
24:30Go cappy. Hey, oh
24:33Wait, wait, wait, has that made a big enough hole that I can squeeze out
24:38Yeah, let's go I've escaped I feel like this place is really modern security
24:44So I gotta be careful. Oh, these lasers are so glowy. I can't even see where they are. Really
24:53I'm just gonna try do a big jump over all of these see if I can do fuck off. Come on
25:00That seems like the way though that seems like the strategy
25:08Yes, yes, I made it all over all the lasers I can see the exit, okay, okay, there's a guard there's a guard
25:13I'm just gonna avoid him. What what you doing sleeping on the job. You're meant to be at the most secure prison
25:18What a lazy boy. There we go. There we go. We did the exit
25:23Let's go. I escaped the world's most secure prison. I'm actually proud of myself for that one
25:28Oh what an epic map I'd so much fun there
25:31But anyway, if you enjoyed this video
25:32You'll definitely enjoy Mario Odyssey busted a hundred bits while I go through and bust some of the weirdest myths
25:37Like how many blooms does it take for Mario to float away?
25:40Can you run through walls if you go fast enough and can you bring Goombas inside of the Odyssey?
25:46I click on screen right now to watch it and I'll see you over there. Bye