• 2 days ago
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https://bit.ly/4dITSow! Thanks to Factor for sponsoring this vlog!

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Double stroller https://amzn.to/3XKKifM
Zip up hoodie https://go.magik.ly/ml/280n9/
Hair wand https://go.magik.ly/ml/2a607/

Recipe vlog

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This video was edited by Rachel Resnick

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About Sierra and Stephen IRL
I’m Sierra Schultzzie and on this channel you'll find my husband Stephen & I sharing our daily life, navigating parenthood, finding adventures wherever we can, and of course some Disneyland trips (we did meet there, after all). After almost ten years of vlogging, we love that we still get to share our lives with you as we continue to grow and enter new phases of life.

stroller regrets, race prep, & fear of failure


00:00Hello and good morning! Welcome back to another vlog. I told Grace I needed one
00:11minute to do this and now she's counting me down. So welcome back to the vlog.
00:16We'll talk more later but good morning! Trying to really stay on top of my
00:21hydration today and yesterday and tomorrow cuz I am two days out from my
00:2610k race. Good morning Alice! She does look so happy. Alice just woke up so we
00:35came to get her. Alright let's go make some breakfast. I just squished so many
00:40blueberries my fingers are gonna go numb. But I've got the kids all set up with
00:44breakfast so I do have a second actually now so good morning! Welcome back to
00:48another vlog. But yeah as I was saying race day is coming up quick. I'm really
00:54excited. I'm just trying. I'm a little nervous too like I don't know why I feel
00:59nervous cuz like I know I'm so capable of this and I'm very prepared it's just
01:04like to actually go out and run it and do the 10k race. I'm starting to get
01:08nervous as it gets closer but I'm doing all the things that I can do to have my
01:13body fueled and ready. I'm focusing on hydration and sleep and eating well and
01:19resting also cuz like I don't want to overdo it before the race so I'm taking
01:24a couple days leading up to it off from exercise other than just like regular
01:28walking and stuff so yeah I I'm gonna be running a 10k in 72 hours 70 no I did
01:36the math wrong 48 hours Wow okay um plan for today other than just drinking as
01:43much water as possible uh Grace has school later before that we're gonna
01:47meet up with Kenzie for a walk so I want to like have Grace all packed and ready
01:52for school a little earlier than usual and that that way we can just go
01:56straight there from the walk and then Alice and I will have a chill afternoon
01:59if if her nap lines up with when Grace is at school I have some stuff around
02:03the house that I'd like to get done if not TBD if I get literally anything done
02:07because the current stage she is right now it is increasingly harder and harder
02:12to get anything done when I'm with her but you know what the the number one
02:16goal the number one thing on the to-do list just to have a good fun day with
02:20the kids so that I am confident we can get done all right the kids are playing
02:25I've got some laundry to put away I just put away everything up in Grace's room
02:29and now the rest of this is me and Alice
02:39all right we are playing in the nursery got some laundry put away got a very
02:46very minor tidy done in here we've still got like two hours until we're
02:50leaving for our walk yeah you want to read it again I would be happy to read
02:55it again so I'm gonna get these guys dressed and ready in a little bit other
02:58than that we're just gonna play and hang okay let's read when Moana started
03:03drumming she could feel the spirits of her ancestors they were wayfinders
03:09voyagers can you bang like she does on the drum bang bang bang all right I got
03:15to move the ball pit over here cuz Grace asked if we could pretend it's a
03:20swimming pool so she can jump in Alice you want a lifeguard with me all right
03:25everyone is dressed and ready I'm packing Grace's lunch and I made her a
03:30little tracing sheet that she's been working on would you like a piece there
03:34you are my friend so we've got pita hummus veggie straws some leftover sweet
03:39potato and I'm gonna throw in a yogurt pouch and a cheese stick on top boom
03:44bada boom lunch is packed also peep my new bracelet that Grace made me she has
03:51been loving making jewelry lately which means I pretty much have a new bracelet
03:55for every day of the week it's so sweet very nice Grace yeah yeah she's doing a
04:01good job best friends forever you got it Grace wanted to trace a letter for
04:08Kenzie's son and there is just there's just something so sweet and special
04:13about watching your kids become friends with your friends kids like especially
04:18you know Kenzie and I have been friends for so long like since we were in high
04:21school and so little things like this just always melt my heart he is gonna
04:26love that Grace all right bag with snacks and diapers and everything for
04:30the wall fill up the water real quick and mine as well backpack ready and you
04:37know what I'm gonna toss in a protein shake for myself cuz it is gonna be a
04:41hot minute till I'm back for lunch that is so awesome Grace oh that looks that
04:50one's you I think Alice likes your other tracing all right girlies who's ready to
05:05it is a gorgeous day perfect time for a walk too it's supposed to rain later
05:11this afternoon right now it is beautiful and clear a couple little puddles we'll
05:16have to skirt around because it rains last night too but nothing we can't
05:20handle especially with the new stroller we got a new stroller we got the baby
05:29trend side-by-side stroller it's actually just the double version of the
05:35jogging stroller that I have that I love and you know I I do have some major
05:40stroller regrets about the purchases before this which maybe I'll talk more
05:44about later after I get back home but I am really glad that I we decided just to
05:49cut our losses and get an actual double stroller that works so well for us the
05:54kids love it I love it we've had it for about a week now and I could not be
05:58happier there you are my friends quick stop to replenish the snacks and yeah
06:04replenish means to give you guys more like you ran out you finished your
06:08pouches and you still wanted snacks so I needed to replenish your snacks we are
06:12enjoying our walk and it's actually just gonna be us today Kenzie's not feeling
06:16well so we dropped off a little sweet treat at her door on the way here and we
06:20are just gonna get some steps in and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts we'll
06:25do the mint chip please yes too so we had a great walk we did a little over an
06:32hour oh a popsicle thank you Oh cookies and cream delicious now we're playing at
06:40the park oh we're not gonna eat the woodchips though let me pretend thank
06:44you we got about 30 minutes to chill before we take grace to school go Alice
06:49rain you guys we are set up for a really good afternoon I got grace dropped off
06:59at school successfully made it home without Alice falling asleep in the car
07:04and now she is down for her nap the rain just started to fall outside like could
07:10not be better and I just made my lunch from factor and they're the sponsor of
07:15today's vlog I'm having this sun-dried tomato and spinach fusilli for lunch oh
07:20my gosh it's so good this is too good I don't want to do the rest of the sponsor
07:24I just want to eat it and you know what if that isn't an endorsement let me
07:28enjoy this and then we'll come back I'm gonna go sit on the couch watch the
07:32rainfall out the window mmm okay I'm back that was everything um so factor
07:42factor is my go-to for quick lunches sometimes when the day gets busy you
07:48know I've got so much that I'm thinking about for the kids that actually feeding
07:52myself well can slip through the cracks and it is super important to me to keep
07:56myself fueled so that I can have energy all day long and having a quick
08:00nutritious factor meal that I can have ready in just two minutes makes that so
08:05much easier factors ready-to-eat meals are fresh and never frozen they are
08:10chef-crafted dietitian approved and delivered right to your door you can
08:14choose from a weekly menu of 35 options so it never gets old and there are also
08:18more than 60 add-ons so if you're looking for breakfast snacks juices I
08:23got a juice pack in my box this week and they are so refreshing and not only is
08:27the food amazing with factor but they really focus on sustainability as well
08:31factor offsets a hundred percent of delivery emissions and they source a
08:35hundred percent renewable energy for their production sites and their offices
08:39head to factor 75 comm or click the link below and use my code 50 Sierra to get
08:4550% off plus free shipping on your first box that's code 50 Sierra at factor 75
08:51comm to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box thank you so much
08:56factor now I am well fed and well hydrated this is my fourth refill of the
09:01day so I am doing good and now we're gonna clean up this kitchen got the
09:05dishwasher mostly loaded too so I'm just gonna add to it finish it up get that
09:10started and I'm gonna get some laundry going too and if Alice is still sleeping
09:14after that I've got a little bit of work that I want to do so productive montage
09:18let's go
09:28All right, I just finished reviewing the next vlog which is the main thing I wanted to get
09:56done up here. Um, and Alice is still asleep. It's been about an hour since she went down
10:01and I'm debating if I want to go get a little bit more tidying done downstairs because the
10:06living room is still pretty messy or if I want to try to crank out a little bit of computer
10:12work that I was going to do tonight after the kids go to bed. Um, cause especially with
10:16trying to prioritize sleep before the race, that might be the better call then. Yeah,
10:21a little bit of clutter in the living room isn't going to hurt anyone. I have some prep
10:25work to do for an upcoming sponsor. So let's just get that done now and then maybe I can
10:31be asleep at like nine o'clock tonight. That'd be, I think, amazing. Probably, honestly,
10:37aside from like the prepping that I've done over the last six months of running and working
10:42up to running, you know, a six mile distance, sleep is probably the best thing that I could
10:47actually do for my body before my race day. So let's get this work done now so that tonight
10:53all I have to do is sleep. All right. I got a good amount of work done and I am now at
10:59like 20 minutes until I need to leave to pick up grace and Alice is still asleep. So I wanted
11:04to talk a little bit about my stroller regrets cause I mentioned this earlier and to some
11:10people this may be very boring. So I'm going to put a timestamp on screen if you want to
11:14skip past this section, but I do get a lot of questions about strollers and if I can
11:20save anyone from making the mistakes that I did, it's worth it. So, okay. When I was
11:25pregnant with grace, we bought the UPPAbaby Vista V2 and it's a very popular stroller.
11:31It's expensive, but I do feel like as a single stroller, that's my, my stipulation here as
11:37a single stroller, it's worth it. It's amazing. And like, it's something that we're using
11:42every day. So cost per use, I think if, if you're going to splurge on something, it can
11:46be worth it. I think for us, again, as a single stroller, I don't regret that part
11:50of the purchase. Amazing stroller. You can face the seat out, face it towards you. It's
11:55got the bassinet attachment. You can click in the car seat. Pushes very smooth, easy
12:00to fold, great under seat storage. However, one of the things about this stroller that
12:06I feel like is really pushed is that yeah, it's expensive, but it also converts to a
12:10double so it'll save you money down the road. But to convert it to a double, you have to
12:14have two separate attachments and buy the second seat. They call it the rumble seat
12:19and that totals to $300, which is more expensive than just buying a second double stroller.
12:26But we bought those because we were like, okay, this is, you know, this is going to
12:29be our double stroller. As a double stroller, it low key sucks. And I feel like I was in
12:34denial about it for a little bit because I spent all the money on it. But like, it just
12:38didn't, it doesn't really work for our family. Like the rumble seat has to go on the bottom
12:43and the seats are like one on top of each other. And that lower seat has a pretty low
12:47height restriction. So for us, Grace has to be in the top seat, unless I turn the bottom
12:53seat inward and then like she's basically sitting in the basket. But then when I put
12:57Alice in the bottom seat, I can't I don't really have a good visual on her like I kind
13:01of have to like peek around the side and it's just it didn't really work out that great.
13:04I felt like I was always moving the kids between seats, especially because like Grace doesn't
13:08always want to ride in the stroller. She's happy to walk a lot of the time. So I would
13:12end up starting Alice in the bottom, then Grace would walk I'd move Alice to the top
13:15seat because like the top seat is empty. I want to have Alice there so I can see her.
13:19Also, once you add the second seat, you lose so much of that under seat storage. It also
13:25just becomes so much more bulky. It just wasn't working for us. The one thing that I do think
13:30is worth it with making that stroller not quite a double but like a one and a half is
13:34we bought this like ride on board and that is perfect for us. That is the setup that
13:39we use for errands and stuff and just quick trips because I can put Alice in the seat,
13:43either facing me or facing out and then Grace can walk or she can hop on the little board
13:48and she loves it. She thinks it's super fun. So if I could go back, I would not buy the
13:52second seat and all the attachments. I would just keep using the UPPAbaby as a single and
13:57buy the ride on board. Okay, so for a while, right, that was our double setup. And Stephen
14:02and I started to realize like, I think we need to get a side by side stroller, especially
14:06because like the kids love to sit next to each other, and they can't see each other
14:10at all or interact when they're in the UPPAbaby. And so we ended up buying a side by side double
14:16stroller. And here is mistake number two. We bought the UPPAbaby G-Link because it had
14:22great reviews. Seems like a good pick. I hate this stroller. I hate it so much. It sucked.
14:29It's just a it's crappy and expensive crappy, which is the worst kind of crappy like the
14:33wheels just were so flimsy. They got caught on every little bump every little rock. It's
14:38also it's technically an umbrella stroller, which I guess does make it more compact. But
14:43more than anything, it just meant that I can't push it one handed because it has like the
14:47two separate handles and the under seat storage was so tiny. I couldn't even fit the diaper
14:54bag under there. So I was just not happy with our stroller setup for a while. But I was
15:01like, you know what, we spent all this money on these two UPPAbaby strollers. I gotta just
15:06deal with it. This is I I've done this. You did this yourself, Anakin. I had serious stroller
15:11envy of everyone who had just like an easy normal side by side stroller. We'd walk around
15:17Disneyland and I'd be like, trying to pass snacks to Alice who's in the bottom seat and
15:21Grace is looking at me in the top seat like I can't see anything. What's over there? Because
15:26like I said, she had to face towards me when the bottom seat was down there. She couldn't
15:30face out. Anyways, I was just like not happy with it for the last few months. And then
15:34I was like, you know what, we're gonna be using a stroller for at least a couple more
15:38years. Let me change my situation. So I sold the G-Link good riddance to that stroller.
15:45I cannot un-recommend this stroller enough. It's so bad. Sold that stroller and I decided
15:52to buy a different side by side stroller after much research. I went with the BabyTrend double
15:58jogging stroller. Like I said, I have the single version of it and it was only $90.
16:02The double was I think 180, which was only a little bit more than I got from selling
16:06the G-Link. So all in all, although mistakes were made, I feel like the end situation is
16:12great. This new stroller is fantastic. I'm going to link it in the description because
16:17seriously if you want a side by side stroller, this one is so great. It is not that expensive
16:22compared to other double strollers and like everything about it just feels so convenient
16:28and well thought out. Like it's got the big tray with the dual cup holders, the little
16:32compartment in the middle to stash like my essentials and snacks and stuff. It's got
16:36that big wide handle and great wheels so it pushes so smoothly. Grace is pretty tall and
16:41she fits in it great. It's also got a little footrest. The sunshade is super adjustable.
16:46It's got great storage under the seats and it has these little pouches behind each of
16:50the seats. The seats do recline individually. Literally my only gripe is that they are like
16:55a little finicky to adjust but they are adjustable. I feel like the stroller folds easily. It's
17:00also even though it's a side by side double, it's not too wide. It fits through doorways
17:04no problem. Like I freaking love this stroller. I wish I would have just bought this instead
17:10of trying to turn the UPPAbaby into a double and then definitely wish I never would have
17:14bought the G-Link. So this yeah, this stroller is great. We've had it for a week. We took
17:19it to Legoland yesterday and it was amazing. We've been using it for walks every day. Still
17:25we're using the UPPAbaby setup for errands and stuff. Cause like I said, as a single
17:29with the ride on board, it is still a great option. But yeah, that is my little spiel
17:33about strollers and my stroller regrets. So if you've thought about getting the UPPAbaby
17:39as a double, I would not recommend it. And if anyone tells you to buy the G-Link, run
17:45because it is terrible. But yeah, I will link the BabyTrend double in the description and
17:51I'm taking the kids to Disneyland by myself with them on Monday. And I feel like that
17:55is going to be the ultimate test, but so far absolutely loving it. And I'm really glad
18:00that I decided to just cut my losses and buy that stroller because it has already made
18:06our lives so much easier. All right, I'm going to touch up my bun a little bit. I have this
18:12little day flyaway tamer, which I really love for when I have my hair slicked back like
18:17this. Cause usually midday the flyaways start to come out and this really helps brush them
18:23back and keep them back without like adding more hairspray. There we go. I'm like honestly
18:29shocked that Alice is still asleep. Yeah, still asleep. So I guess now that I've done
18:36all the filming and the work that I want to do, I should go ahead and tidy up the living
18:40room clutter, even though I've low key been putting it off. But you know what? If I get
18:44that done, I will have done literally everything that I hoped to do during this nap window.
18:49So let me just go do that since I've got like 10 to 15 minutes and I will feel so much more
18:55accomplished. And then when I walk into the house after I pick up Grace, I'll be like,
18:58wow, it's so clean. Who did that? Oh, it's me. I'm great. Go me. I have to hype myself
19:04up otherwise I will not do it. Oh, the other great thing about the baby trend double is
19:09it's a jogging stroller. So now if I ever do want to go on a run with both kids, I can
19:15even like today on our walk, Grace wanted to run a little bit and I was just running
19:20with her and pushing Alice in the stroller and it was great. All right, hydrate and tidy.
19:25All right, living room. tidied. Yay. And the way that literally took me five minutes. I'm
19:37actually embarrassed that I was putting that off at all. Oh, I hear Alice. Oh my gosh,
19:43she woke up just in time. Okay. Off for school pickup. Hello, my love. Oh my goodness. Now it
19:50is really coming down. Yeah. Rain. Oh wow. All right. We are back from school pickup.
20:00Grace is chilling on the couch. I got Alice set up with a snack so that she'll be happy
20:05chilling with me in the kitchen while I cook. I'm making my veggie jumbo dish for dinner tonight.
20:11It's something I've been making for years, but I actually don't even have the recipe
20:14written down. I just make it from memory. And then when I forget something, this is actually
20:20embarrassing. I go back and I watch an old blog where I go into detail on the recipe.
20:26Is that silly? I think it's pretty silly.
20:28Um, so that being said, I will link, uh, the recipe blog in the description if you want to try it,
20:34but it's one of my favorite meals. I make it all the time. So I'm just chopping up this sweet
20:41potato right now. Do you need more? More snack. There we go. I got the couscous already going on
20:48the stove and Steven just texted me that he just left work. It's five o'clock right now. So he'll
20:54be home in a little bit and then we can all enjoy a nice family evening together. Uh-oh.
21:02She finished her snack and we're still cooking. Yeah. You're going to be my helper. We're working
21:08on the dressing. We're letting the dogs go out. Not you, silly bean. Still raining.
21:16Dog. All right. This had the couscous, avocado, and chickpeas. And now I've added the sweet potato
21:25and onion. Oh, this is going to be so good. The only thing that I usually put in this that we
21:30don't have is radishes. So it'll be missing a little bit of that crunch, but it smells
21:36amazing. I've got some separated out here for Alice too on her tray. Oh, that smells so good.
21:44All right. What a day. It is a little before 8.30 and all I have to do now is organize the footage
21:55from this vlog and send it off to Rachel. And then I am off to bed. Nice early bedtime so I
22:02can be well rested for my 10K, which is going to be the next vlog. So fingers crossed that we'll be
22:09adding another metal over here, although there's not really room for one. But I'm going to keep up
22:14with this running hobby. I'm going to need to figure out some sort of metal display or something.
22:19I don't know. That's a great problem to have. So no stress about that. But yeah, I'm excited
22:24for the race. I am feeling, like I said, I'm feeling nervous, but more so just, I don't know,
22:31I always have this little bit of a fear of failure in the back of my head. And honestly,
22:36that alone, just the possibility of failing is something that has kept me from doing things that
22:42probably would have been great, but I didn't even give myself a chance to try because I was so
22:48afraid of failing or being bad at something. And taking up running and training for these races,
22:54I did still have that fear in the back of my head, but I feel like I've gotten to a place,
22:58maybe with just age and time of being like, so what? So what if I fail? If I try something and
23:04I'm not able to do it, that's not the end of the world. I can think back to so many things that
23:10I've let that fear of failure steal from me. And I'm really glad that this time I didn't with
23:17running, that I just said, you know what? I'm going to try running. Started with couch to 5k
23:23and then from there training for a 10k and I'm going to try it. I'm going to see if I can do
23:27this race. And regardless of how the actual race goes this weekend, just the training on its own,
23:35has been so amazing, like so good for me physically and mentally. And I've seen the
23:40sentiment on TikTok a lot from like running creators that the actual, your actual race is
23:45just your victory lap. Like the real race is all of the, you know, months and weeks of training
23:50to get you to that point. And so I'm trying to just keep that mindset. I feel like that's been
23:54sort of like the mental piece of my race prep of just, you know, I've worked really hard to get to
23:58this point and I'm going to get out there and just do my best and have fun because at the end of the
24:03day, I'm just doing this for fun. Like I have a, like a ballpark time goal in mind, but really I
24:10just want to finish and hopefully I can do that. I feel confident in my ability to do that. And I
24:15feel like, and this is going to sound like a self-roast, but it's really truly not. I feel
24:20like running has helped me find joy in being very mediocre at things and even being bad at things.
24:29I don't have to be fast to enjoy running. I don't have to run a marathon to be a runner. Although
24:34I'm not going to lie, I have started to like low-key take interest in maybe doing a half marathon.
24:39So stay tuned for that. I do think that is something that I could work up towards at this
24:43point, but point being, all of this to say, I am excited for my race. I am really, really glad
24:51that I didn't let that fear of failure keep me from trying to do this. And I'm excited to
24:57go run 6.2 miles. So stay tuned for that vlog. You can also follow me on Instagram to stay more
25:03up-to-date with like real-time updates. So yeah, just one more day until race time. So got to make
25:10sure I get to bed early. Got to get this footage onto my computer, which means ending the vlog. So
25:15I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye!
