• 2 days ago
Join us for PART 3 of our BLIND DEAF MUTE baking challenge with @Lanaslifeee and @CarterKench ! Watch as me, Lana Rae, and Carter navigate the kitchen without sight, sound, or speech. Can we whip up a delicious treat while overcoming the ultimate communication barrier? Tune in for laughs, surprises, and maybe a few kitchen disasters as we test our teamwork and creativity to the limit.

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#sofimanassyan #blinddeafmutechallenge #bakingchallenge
00:00Great job, Dolphine! You're doing so amazing!
00:06Am I doing, Dolph?
00:07Feel the rhythm in the music.
00:12It's like a ball.
00:13It's like a chocolate.
00:16Alright guys, today I'm here with Lana and Carter,
00:19and we're going to be doing the Blind Youth Deaf Challenge Part 3.
00:23Can you guys guess what we're cooking today?
00:29To put them together!
00:31To make chocolate!
00:32To make chocolate!
00:33So we're going to be making Dubai chocolate from scratch.
00:36I've never made it personally, have you guys ever made it?
00:38No, I'm just eating it.
00:39No, actually I think I'm allergic, because this says pistachio butter.
00:43Shadi's allergic to that, but we're going to put the experience.
00:46Oh, okay.
00:47So yeah, I'm going to announce who's going to be deaf, blind, or mute.
00:51Can I be all?
00:52You cannot be all, because then that's crazy.
00:55I kind of want to see that.
00:57Lana, go.
00:59Lana, just cook yourself, okay?
01:00Cook myself?
01:01No, cook yourself.
01:05Please make it good.
01:06Please make it juicy.
01:07You're going to be deaf.
01:09I wanted to be deaf.
01:10I can work with that.
01:11I'm okay to be deaf.
01:12Here you go.
01:13I'm going to be deaf.
01:16I'm going to be blind or mute.
01:20Before this video started, Lana was like,
01:22please don't make me blind.
01:24Please just don't make me blind.
01:25Don't do it to her.
01:27Don't do it to her.
01:28I know.
01:30I'm blind.
01:31Lana, you're going to be blind.
01:35Hey, SZA made a song about this.
01:37It's not the end of the world.
01:39It is the end of the world.
01:40And I'm going to be mute, because in the previous two challenges,
01:44I was deaf and I was blind.
01:46We don't want to hear her.
01:47All right.
01:49How did you do that so fast?
01:51What do you mean?
01:52I just tried it.
01:53We have to do it fast.
01:55How many fingers am I holding?
01:58I don't know.
02:00Okay, we're good.
02:01She's pretty blind.
02:02She's pretty blind.
02:03All right, Carter, put on your headphones.
02:05Oh, are you going to pick my music?
02:07You can pick your own.
02:09Wait, so it's just going to be me and Carter talking?
02:12No, it's going to be you talking, him not being able to hear,
02:15and I'm just doing all the work because I cannot communicate.
02:17Carter, I feel like he's going to be yelling.
02:19And then I'm going to get stressed out.
02:21I don't know.
02:22Can you hear what I'm saying?
02:24Nothing's playing.
02:25Okay, let me play something.
02:28Guys, I'm going to fail this challenge.
02:37I'm confused.
02:38Are we going?
02:39We are?
02:42Where are the instructions?
02:46On the phone?
02:47Swipe to Google.
02:48I can't see the phone.
02:49Oh, I see.
02:50It's like a DIY craft.
02:52What are we making?
02:54Dubai chocolate.
02:55Dubai chocolate.
02:58What is this?
02:59Okay, I'm Googling the recipe now.
03:01Lana, just be patient.
03:03You're doing a great job.
03:04Be like a LaBooBoo.
03:06Be like a LaBooBoo.
03:07You can do it.
03:08What is that?
03:09So I do nothing?
03:12Wait, LaBooBoo's are too slow.
03:13Here we go.
03:14This is a LaBooBoo, Lana.
03:16Oh, it's a Coca-Cola LaBooBoo.
03:18It is?
03:19You're not going to have that for long.
03:20Oh, yeah, it is.
03:21I'm stealing her.
03:23How to make the viral Dubai chocolate.
03:27Oh, this looks crunchy.
03:29We're not going to make this.
03:30Dubai chocolate is crunchy.
03:31There's no way.
03:33Are you guys ready?
03:34I'm ready.
03:35I've been ready.
03:36If I'm going, just make sure to give me like a volume down gesture.
03:39Volume up.
03:40It's good.
03:42Step one.
03:43First, make the...
03:45Is it like the heart of taffiti?
03:46First, make the katafi filling using large, i-sided frying pans.
03:51Oh, I can't be in charge of that.
03:53I'm going to burn myself.
03:56What's this?
03:59I open it.
04:01Wait, why did you come out the other side?
04:03You opened both sides.
04:05How did you even manage?
04:06I don't know.
04:08Oh, whoa, whoa.
04:10Baby, I need to know.
04:13Okay, so we're putting something in the bowl and mixing.
04:16Okay, where's the bowl?
04:18So we're going to...
04:19If you have a small frying pan, do this in two lots.
04:23Half the butter and katafi.
04:27I don't know what that says.
04:29You guys really chose the wrong person to read the ingredients.
04:32Wait, are we...
04:33Cook separately to...
04:34Are we kati?
04:42Should I join?
04:43What does this mean?
04:44I don't know what's going on.
04:45This means, oh.
04:47This means yes.
04:48What are we doing?
04:49We're cutting.
04:50Okay, we're cutting.
04:52All right.
04:53In a very large frying pan with high sides.
04:55Oh, I'm being pushed.
04:58So, Lana, for context, Sophie is cutting the noodles.
05:01I'm just going to call it the noodles.
05:03I'm sorry.
05:05Sophie's cutting noodles.
05:06I don't know the name and I'm not going to butcher it.
05:07Okay, noodles.
05:08The noodles look really crispy.
05:09It's kind of giving La Boo Boo hair.
05:12You know?
05:13It is?
05:14So that's just for context.
05:16So now we need the butter.
05:17I can get the butter.
05:18Okay, so I'm being handed dairy milk.
05:19Dairy milk.
05:20Okay, take the dairy milk.
05:21Oh, we're going to soften the milk in the microwave.
05:22In the oven.
05:23On the stove.
05:24We're going to put it in the bowl.
05:25Sophie, what?
05:26I'm kind of here for the chaos.
05:27Here, just hold it.
05:28There you go.
05:57Does this work?
05:58Anybody can do anything when you put your mind to it.
05:59This is proof, now be very careful here.
06:00Amazing job.
06:01Now you're going to set that to the side.
06:03Now you're going to take your hands.
06:05Grab your, you just made all this.
06:06So you're going to grab that.
06:08There you go.
06:10Where do I put it?
06:11And then you're going to put it in the bowl.
06:12Right there.
06:13Drop it.
06:14What is Sophie doing?
06:20She's pouring boiling hot water.
06:21She's about to pour it on your head.
06:22Watch out.
06:24Where is the boiling water?
06:25Oh, back to the chocolate.
06:26Oh, I see.
06:28So we put the chocolate in the hot water and melt it.
06:31Can I put one in?
06:33Whoa, it's hot.
06:34Oh, mush it, mush it.
06:35Okay, mush it.
06:37Okay, where do I put this?
06:40So we do break it.
06:41Oh, this is fun.
06:43I can do it to the music.
06:46I just want to eat this chocolate, so I hope it comes out.
06:47Put it in there?
06:52We're dancing!
07:14Oh any of the 191?
07:19Oh, sorry, you can't hear my music.
07:28Every single night…
07:29To be born again, baby to be born again.
07:31Okay, Lana, don't go too far over here.
07:32I'm so not self-aware right now, I can't hear anything, and it's just basic boosted
07:36in my ears—volume lower, sorry.
07:40Wait, you should…
07:41this. I dare you to eat it. It's okay. I can eat it. Okay. I can eat it. Is it good? This
08:00is not good. Okay. Once the chocolate melts, we put it in the hearts. Wait, why do we have
08:10what is the point of melting chocolate just to put it back in a chocolate bar form?
08:13Because then we're going to put the pistachio paste. Oh wait, you can't hear me.
08:17I'm sorry. We're going to put the pistachio. We're melding it together.
08:22Yes. And then we're going to put the pistachio paste and then go like,
08:29you told me to cut it. Do you want me to put it on her? Am I doing good? You're doing amazing,
08:35sweetie. I heard you tapping it.
08:44I don't know about y'all, but I'm excited for this delicacy. It tastes good. Sophie,
09:06just keep mixing it. You're doing so good. Sophie, why? Why is Sophie screaming?
09:11Is she okay? Yeah. Sophie's proud of you. Okay.
09:17I'm doing good. Your hand's burnt? How'd you burn your hand? I'm sorry for burning your hand.
09:28I need a napkin. It just broke on the floor. Let me smell it. Let me smell it. It's like a
09:37near death experience for me. Wow. Oh gosh. Are you allergic too? No. You want me to put it in
09:50the freezer? Chocolate. See this right here? Chocolate going in. We're going to keep it in
09:55the freezer for what? Five minutes, 10 minutes, 11 minutes, 12 minutes, 12 minutes and a half.
10:01Here you go, Lana. Do you want to put it in? Amazing job, Lana. Can we have a dance party now?
10:08My hands are dirty. Y'all remember the Gangnam style? That was a fun one.
10:18Okay. So I'm going to take the noodles. Oh, I'm going to douse them in oil. I got it.
10:23A little bit. Take all the fun out of it. That's not fun.
10:31Was that it? Once you stir that together, like everything's going to come together. It's like
10:35a love. It's more than a crush. More than a like, like more than a love. Am I doing good?
10:42That's actually so good, Lana. So good. Like this is the best ever. Okay. You're mixing
10:48the noodles together. There's a lot of oil in this bowl. Say that one more time. Chucky cheese
10:54scares me. You want cheese? Sophie, do we have cheese? I do want cheese actually. Can I have some?
11:04So right now, while we're cooking, Sophie's over there cleaning up everything.
11:08She's preparing us for the decorative stage. So why am I at here? Why don't you do this?
11:14You're really quiet today, Sophie. What if I just like accidentally burn myself?
11:19Oh, but you can see me.
11:23I don't. Too much oil. Guys, where do we find two mattresses? No. Wait, wait. Too much oil.
11:36I put in too much oil? Yes. I can get in there with a spoon and we could get out some of it.
11:43What's going on? So I think theoretically this was going to work, but we're too far away from
11:50the drain. What if we use a strainer? I'm being serious. Okay. Bring it over to the sink.
12:00No, no, Lana, no. No means no.
12:03Why are you screaming? Sorry, sorry, sorry. I get excited. Oh, why is he screaming?
12:14What is going on? I don't think oil... Wait, this is fun. You're like straining it to the beat.
12:22I swear this is working. Look at that. Do you see that? No. That's the heart of
12:25Te Fiti right there. Moana, be proud of us. I don't see anything.
12:29Look at that. I saved the day. I do. Great job, Lana. Keep doing you. Be the person you are.
12:40Follow your pride. You are enough. You can mix the heart of Te Fiti. I am mixing the heart. You
12:47are possible. I am possible. You are Lana. I am Lana. You are.
12:53Is something burning? Sophie, you're great too. Is something burning? I'm scared. It's so hot on my
12:57hand. Can you find the chocolate? Go ahead and put that on the counter. So now that we have the
13:13chocolate, we're going to take the knife and we're going to cut open the parts that we're
13:18going to fold. So go ahead. So just go ahead and start cutting that open.
13:27Wait, why did I cut the chocolate?
13:32Are you okay? Were you seriously injured? Okay. My hand's full of oil.
13:40What are you looking for? Napkin. Oh, a napkin.
13:48Oh, sorry. Yeah. That's like the actual napkin.
14:12So now we're going to put, oh, we're airing out the noodles.
14:18Not yet. Not yet. What are you doing? Where are the noodles? Right here?
14:29She was already doing it.
14:32What? What? So yeah, there's nothing there. You just put that on the counter.
14:40I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. Okay. Okay. I don't need this.
14:43She's blind. I might've made Sophie mad.
14:48Wait, she just said one second and walked away. Oh God. Wait,
14:51why are you using me for protection? I don't know what I did. Wait, she just...
15:00I got a squishmallow. She gave me a squishmallow. I want to see it. I think that's her way of
15:04saying like, don't do anything. So Sophie, she took it.
15:13Well, now that my hands are free, I guess I have no choice but to help you.
15:18So we're, the next step is to take the chocolate and we're going to put the chocolate together,
15:24just like Sophie and I. We, we get along so well.
15:33Oh, hey.
15:36But actually, what do we do now?
15:38Here's the chocolate. Go ahead and grab the chocolate.
15:40Wait, what did you make me grab?
15:44There we go. So you're going to put that in the middle.
15:50What's going on over there?
15:52And then go ahead and grab. Great job.
15:56We'll put these back.
15:59Oh, here's the paste.
16:01I get to dump it now? What?
16:04Yay! My hourgies.
16:08Yes, pour my hourgies. Let's pour it in the trash can next.
16:13Wait, where's the spoon?
16:17So now you're going to whisk, mix together.
16:20Mix it, mix it.
16:22Is this supposed to be a spoon?
16:23Yeah, it's supposed to be a spoon.
16:26Mix together.
16:27Mix it, mix it.
16:29Is this supposed to look like that?
16:33We're going to splatter it on the chocolate. Oh, I have a job. Okay, I'll do that.
16:37Okay, Lana, pick one. Pick one of these.
16:42Oh, okay. Wait, no, it doesn't go in the bowl.
16:47Lana, stop! Lana!
16:51Sorry, I can't see.
16:53That is not for you.
16:56This sounds so good.
16:58I can't say I can see it because I can't, but I'm going to say it sounds so good.
17:08Am I doing good mixing?
17:11We put it on the chocolate. Why not?
17:14Oh, I put it in here.
17:17We wait.
17:19Oh, I see. So Lana goes first.
17:22There you go, Lana.
17:25Okay, I'm sorry, guys. This does not look good.
17:28You did amazing, Lana.
17:29Am I doing good?
17:30Maybe no, maybe no, maybe no.
17:33Here. Why are you thinking about it? Just try it.
17:42She can't eat it because she has tape on her mouth.
17:48That actually fit perfectly on the chocolate.
17:51Great job.
17:56Oh wait, that actually is pretty good.
18:01She said it tasted good. She said it tasted good.
18:06It just needs food coloring and then it's going to be like Chef Remy could make this.
18:11Oh, we have more chocolate.
18:13And then Sophie is taking it and smearing it.
18:18So I think that's good.
18:20Let's move on to this next piece.
18:28Oh my God, are my hands disgusting?
18:30They feel disgusting.
18:32Oh, reach on your head.
18:33It's on your head.
18:34It's on your head.
18:35It's on your head.
18:36I put it on your head.
18:45I don't want it.
18:47I need this thing.
18:55So we have to put food coloring on our fingers and then splatter paint it.
18:59Yeah, you do.
19:07I did it.
19:22Oh, I feel incredible right now.
19:27No one understands you.
19:28She's trying to say the chocolate's ready and we're going to get it from the freezer.
19:34Why am I being silenced?
19:37Wait, Lana, do you like this song?
19:43Oh, that looks good.
19:45Wait, we should like toss it in the air and celebrate.
19:48Here, throw it and I'll catch it.
19:52I'll catch it.
19:53I'll catch it.
19:54I don't trust him.
19:55This is like a good trust process.
19:56Okay, fine.
20:02Okay, we're done.
20:04Do you just flip it like that?
20:06Can I punch it?
20:14My nail.
20:16Oh, no, wait.
20:16I hear screaming.
20:18Oh, did you break your nail?
20:20This is your fault.
20:22You're welcome.
20:25Let's like sing a song about Sophie cutting the chocolate out.
20:28Sophie, doesn't know what you're doing.
20:29Here we go.
20:30Cut that chocolate.
20:30Cut that chocolate.
20:40Cut that chocolate.
20:41Cut that chocolate.
20:46We did it.
20:47That right there, that's a delicious delicacy.
20:49It's all in one piece.
20:51Oh, she's giving it to you to try.
20:53try. Lana is the only person that can eat this, so she's gonna have to give us an honest
20:58and thorough review. Okay, favorite part. Do you like it? It is good. Did you say it's
21:11bad? It's good. It's good? It's just not enough chocolate. I taste too much pistachio. There
21:21you go. Enjoy that. That's good. And that's how you make whatever this is called. Is it
21:32called Dochi? What is this called? Dubai? That's how you make Dubai chocolate, everybody.
21:42I don't want it. I'm gonna die. Is my face covered in chocolate? That actually looks
21:48great. It looks really good. It looks professional. I thought about eating it just for the video,
21:53but then I realized it's not worth my life. It is not. Nothing is worth your life. And
21:58they're just right here. That doesn't look bad. We're just gonna cover up that, and we're
22:03good. Like, see? It actually looks great. It's crunchy. Oh, wait. We're supposed to
22:07do the classic trick. Yeah, I tried to, and it didn't work. You ready? Look at this. Oh,
22:13yeah. So we officially could successfully did it. But it's not, it doesn't look good,
22:18but it's really good. Okay. It tastes good. What would you rate it out of 10? 10. Wow.
22:23That is actually really good. You should sell it. I should sell this. Guys, if you want
22:28to buy a homemade Dubai chocolate from Sophie, Lana, and Carter, comment down below. We'll
22:33ship it straight to your house. No warranties, no guarantees, though. And it's very safe.
22:39Exactly. Don't be allergic. Don't be allergic like Carter, though. Thank you guys so much
22:43for watching. Thank you to Carter and Lana for being in this video with me. We have successfully
22:48made Dubai chocolate. And as Lana said, it was really delicious. What is actually happening?
22:53Now it's time for her. Oh, okay. Thank you guys so much for watching. Why is this so
22:57nice? Thank you guys so much for watching, and I'll see you guys in our next video. Let
23:02us know if you want a part four. Oh my gosh, that's so many. Bye. Bye. I mean...
