Are they all as bad as the reviews say? Today we are putting 1-star steak gadgets to the test… from electric slicers to hot dog toasters, this one gets crazy!
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Sophia Greb
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Sophia Greb
00:00Today we're testing the internet's craziest one-star meat gadgets.
00:03From a 1400 degree searing machine, to a legit steak chainsaw, to whatever the hell this thing is,
00:09today we put them all to the test.
00:12And starting off with this hand crank deli slicer.
00:15Tim said, silly hand crank toy, it looks like it's made for a child.
00:20Well, we're gonna find out.
00:22Pretty good amount of moving pieces on this thing.
00:24We got this part here that appears to control the thickness,
00:27and of course we got this big old chub of bologna.
00:30Honestly might be too big.
00:32That's what she said!
00:33And then what do I crank this?
00:35Oh yeah, oh my gosh.
00:37Crank like so, pulling it towards myself.
00:41Oh my god.
00:42I think this is too big, I'm gonna cut this in half and try it again.
00:45Okay, this piece is a lot more manageable.
00:48Yep, oh yeah, oh man.
00:49It's also kind of weird how it just flops down and like hits the plastic,
00:53like there's no loading bay.
00:55That's what I'm talking about.
00:56Oh, okay.
00:59Definitely not the most durable item on the planet,
01:02but we did get a few decent slices for a sandwich.
01:06All right, Kyle.
01:09That's a sandwich!
01:11Is it bad that I like it?
01:12All that said, I do kind of agree with that guy.
01:15It feels more like a toy, and for that reason I'm also giving it one star.
01:19Have some mustard of that, it's delicious.
01:22Next up, the defrost express.
01:25Nicole said that after 90 minutes,
01:26the meat that was touching the pan was barely thawed.
01:29So it says this thing will allow you to defrost steaks in 25 minutes
01:32rather than the hour it would normally take.
01:35I've always been kind of skeptical of these things.
01:37Two identical frozen steaks.
01:39We'll throw one on the defrosting pad, the other on a regular plate,
01:43and we'll check back in in 30 minutes.
01:45And just like that, it's been exactly 30 minutes.
01:48This one is completely frozen,
01:50whereas this one has at least started the defrosting process.
01:53Though, as you can see, the inside here is still more than frozen.
01:57So yes, this does help things defrost.
02:00By no means does it do so in 30 minutes or less.
02:02So for that reason, I'm giving it two and a half stars.
02:05Next up, we have the two-in-one electric salt and pepper grinder.
02:09Where Steven said it jammed right away,
02:12his tip to the next buyer is to spend your money elsewhere.
02:15This is kind of cool.
02:16There's a salt side and a pepper side.
02:18How do you open this thing?
02:19Oh, here we go.
02:20I mean, it feels a little flimsy.
02:22Let's see if this thing works.
02:23Pepper to the pepper side.
02:25Now we'll add the salt to the salt side.
02:27This kind of reminds me of one of those like peanut butter and jelly jars
02:30where they have the peanut butter and the jelly in one jar as like a swirl.
02:34I've always sort of liked those things.
02:35But either way, let's see if it works.
02:37Oh, wow.
02:38That is a great flow.
02:40Now the pepper.
02:42Feels like it's really working right now,
02:44but it is coming out pretty nicely.
02:46But my big question is whether or not I can do both at once.
02:49No, there's a light though.
02:51That's kind of cool.
02:51I mean, based on how it works, I gotta disagree with Steven.
02:55But the real question before I give it five stars,
02:57does this guy spin?
03:02That right there is an easy five stars.
03:04It spins.
03:05Next up, we have the three-in-one stuffed burger press.
03:08Cape Cod says too many parts made to fail.
03:12I've always felt weird about burger presses.
03:14Like making a burger just feels like something you should be able to do with your hands.
03:17There is a lot of pieces here.
03:20One, two, three, four, five.
03:24It's made out of plastic and feels a little bit cheap.
03:26Let's see if it works.
03:27Start by putting this down.
03:29Throw in there.
03:29Give it a press.
03:30Twist it off here.
03:32Oh, this actually looks pretty good.
03:34And we'll push this off the bottom.
03:36Almost looks like tuna tartare or something.
03:39This is a perfect looking patty.
03:41Let's see how this looks once it's cooked.
03:43Season it with the two-in-one.
03:44I absolutely love this thing.
03:46So far, so good.
03:47This is a very photogenic burger.
03:49I mean, I do sort of see his point.
03:51Like there are a lot of pieces.
03:52But this is undeniably a perfect looking burger.
03:55I'm giving it four and a half stars.
03:57Next up, we have the Sauces Injector,
04:00which claims to both tenderize and add flavor at the same time.
04:04Barry said he put the marinade in the unit
04:06and it sprayed right out the side all over,
04:09ruining his shirt in the process.
04:11I mean, I've seen meat tenderizers before that look like this,
04:14but never one that like actually injects liquid into it.
04:18Okay, this is not what we want to see from a brand new product.
04:21This has clearly been used.
04:23I mean, look at that.
04:24It's like filled with leftover marinade.
04:26That thing is sticky.
04:27We have a good amount of sharp prongs for tenderization,
04:30and then I do see a few of them have holes,
04:32which theoretically should inject it with the liquid.
04:35Does it come with any directions?
04:37Oh, here we go.
04:38All right, nice.
04:39Why is this color?
04:41Okay, I'll add my marinade to the unit.
04:45Oh boy, that's not good.
04:47We have a piece of meat.
04:48This is a very tough cut.
04:50Oh god, what?
04:51No, why?
04:52Hold on.
04:52Oh, it's already coming out.
04:54Okay, this is actually working now.
04:56I think I just did it wrong.
04:58Oh, what?
05:00And 100% of the liquid's gone.
05:02I'm going to first stab, then inject.
05:05Actually, guys, I think this is working.
05:07Oh, wow.
05:08We got a squirter here.
05:12Now, the big question is when I slice into it,
05:14is there actually marinade injected in there?
05:18Definitely some holes.
05:19And you can see that the flavor has penetrated at least a little bit.
05:23Well, clearly some major negatives when it comes to this product.
05:26But all things considered, once you get the hang of it, it does sort of work.
05:29So for that reason, I'm giving it a surprisingly high three stars out of five.
05:33Next up, we have an electric meat tenderizer.
05:36Christopher gave it a one star and said,
05:38it's basically just a muscle massage gun with metal attachments.
05:42Quick, convenient, and practical.
05:44We'll be the judge of that.
05:53Is this thing electric?
05:54At least this one comes with directions.
05:57We'll let this charge, and I'll see you in a few.
05:59Okay, we've let this charge.
06:01Let's see if it works.
06:02Oh, wow.
06:03Look at this thing go.
06:06Feels very weird.
06:09We got to try this on some meat.
06:13Oh, yeah.
06:14Look at this thing go.
06:16I think it's working perfectly.
06:17Where has this thing been my whole life?
06:19This is freaking awesome.
06:20Look at that meat jiggle.
06:22Honestly, I don't know if my meat's ever been this tender.
06:25Fun factor, I'm giving this thing like a six out of five.
06:28This thing is awesome.
06:29But practically, I mean, a mallet just makes way more sense.
06:32You can actually hammer it a lot more thin.
06:35So for that reason, I'm giving it a three out of five.
06:38Next up, we have the 15-minute meat tenderizer.
06:41The 15-minute marinating machine.
06:43Tori said it didn't work, and the machine made no difference to the flavor of the meat.
06:47So this thing is actually a mini vacuum tumbler.
06:51This is exactly what's used to marinate jerky,
06:53but you can also marinate all sorts of stuff with it.
06:56We've added the meat.
06:56Now we'll add the marinade.
06:58Throw on the top.
06:59Now what we do is using this tube, attach it like so.
07:02Then we turn it on, press the button.
07:04What we're doing here is actually sucking the air out of the chamber, pulling a vacuum.
07:09What this does is actually pulls apart the meat, forcing the marinade deep inside.
07:13Now we'll seal it up.
07:15With the vacuum pulled from here, it's time to tumble.
07:18Due to the vacuum and the spinning motion,
07:21just 15 minutes of spinning simulates 24 hours of marination.
07:25While this marinades, I want to remind you guys that if you are interested in supporting the channel,
07:29Max Jerky is the best way to do it.
07:31Head on over to
07:33We have all sorts of incredible flavors.
07:36Also, as you guys can tell, we are in a brand new studio.
07:39I'd love to hear what you guys think of it down in the comments.
07:42One person that gives their opinion, either good or bad, will win 10 bags of free jerky.
07:47The 15 minutes are up.
07:48Time to release the air.
07:50This is air that's actually suctioning back in the chamber.
07:53Because of the vacuum, it actually opened up the pores, forcing all that marinade inside.
07:58This is one of the few gadgets from today that I've actually used many, many times.
08:02I've marinated jerky, chicken, steaks, pretty much everything with it.
08:06I absolutely love this thing, and it's an easy five stars.
08:09Next up, we have the one and only Slap Chop.
08:12Angela says, didn't work very well on celery, onions, or anything difficult to chop.
08:18The one and only Slap Chop.
08:19I mean, this might be the most iconic product of my generation.
08:26Okay, at least this one looks clean.
08:28Several different attachments.
08:29My man, Vince.
08:30Didn't this guy, like, get arrested for something crazy recently?
08:33You're gonna be slapping your troubles away with the Slap Chop.
08:35You're gonna love my nuts.
08:36We'll be making a delicious egg and ham salad.
08:39Should be as easy as chop, chop, chop.
08:41Got some onion in there.
08:43Okay, they said the onion and celery didn't work out for them, so we'll be the judge of that.
08:47Let's see what she's made of.
08:53It took a little bit of muscle to start, but I'm officially Slap Chopping.
08:57You don't have time to make breakfast.
08:59Breakfast to go.
09:00Give it a few chops, and we should be left with a beautiful egg salad.
09:04Oh, God.
09:05Oh, boy.
09:09All right, that is- we're gonna have to do a little more chopping.
09:13Guys, I'm gonna be honest.
09:14I was fully prepared for this not to work at all,
09:17but this is some pretty consistently chopped up ham, egg, celery, and onion.
09:22I am shocked, but it actually works, and I'm giving it four stars.
09:26The Slap Chop sells for $19.95,
09:28but if you call now, you're gonna get the Grady absolutely free.
09:32And it is time for the steak branding iron.
09:34Eric said it melts when heat is put to it, and the branding isn't great.
09:39Don't buy.
09:39I was expecting this thing to be way bigger, but I'm still very excited about it.
09:44They didn't give directions on how to heat it up, but I feel like this should work.
09:50It's starting to get glowing red hot.
09:53Oh, yeah.
09:54Can you guys guess what I wrote?
09:58I might have gone a little heavy on it, but can you guys- can you guys read it?
10:02It's my- it's my thing.
10:05I'm gonna try it again, but not go as intense with it.
10:10Oh, yeah.
10:11Look at that.
10:12This thing is sick.
10:14For $18, this is a steal, and if I could give it higher than five stars, I would.
10:19This is the Fresh Adjustable Meat Slicer.
10:22Lunisa said she was excited to try for beef bulgogi, but it did not slice the meat,
10:27and she advises to not waste your money on it.
10:29Oh, oh, it comes out.
10:31Oh, so this is the thicker version.
10:33You can put this in to go thinner.
10:36I'm gonna go thinner and see how this thing works.
10:38I've got a little piece of meat here, and I'll slice.
10:43Oh, man.
10:47Not easy, that's for sure.
10:49A lot of work to get through.
10:51All right, time for the moment of truth.
10:54All right, I was doing a lot of complaining.
10:56These are some stunning, perfectly identical slices.
11:02The execution was tough, but I am very impressed with the final results here.
11:06I mean, like, I could never have done it this perfectly with a regular knife.
11:10Slightly difficult to use, but incredible results.
11:13I'm actually gonna give this thing four and a half stars.
11:15This is the Manual Frozen Meat Slicer.
11:18Vivian said, when you slice the meat thin, it'll cut part of the metal.
11:21So apparently, this thing can slice through frozen meat.
11:25I will be very impressed if that is the case.
11:28What is this for?
11:29Is it like this?
11:31Oh, there we go.
11:31It's probably like this.
11:36Like, I wonder if I can make this looser.
11:38Oh, now we're talking.
11:39That was the issue.
11:40It was too tight.
11:41That is what I'm talking about.
11:48Look at this.
11:48And this was like frozen solid pork belly.
11:51I mean, yeah, it's like still frozen in these little curled shapes.
11:54Once you get the hang of it, it actually works pretty well.
11:57I'm not gonna say it's like the most sturdy, well-made machine I've ever used in my life,
12:01but it does get the job done, and it's getting a surprisingly high four out of five.
12:06Next up, we have the Frywall Splatter Guard.
12:09We have an Amazon customer who said that it makes the food taste like plastic.
12:13So this product apparently made its way on Shark Tank.
12:16The Frywall lets you see, stir, and flip your food at any time.
12:21Whoa, it is way bigger than I was expecting.
12:23Wait, I feel like this is one of those things for a dog.
12:26Apparently, it goes on the inside, which means that it'll actually kind of be cooking.
12:30Going with something that should produce a lot of splatter,
12:34going with some fatty ground beef.
12:36Something about this just doesn't feel right.
12:38It's just so big.
12:39You kind of have to, like, reach over to be able to do anything.
12:42But I will say, it does feel pretty sturdy.
12:44Like, that's not going anywhere.
12:46There's clearly some splatter on the sides that would have hit my kitchen by now.
12:50We should be good to go.
12:52I'd say a little inconvenient having to clean this thing.
12:55But most importantly, let's see if this tastes like plastic.
13:00I mean, I taste no plastic, and it seemed to work pretty well.
13:03Personally, I think it's a little inconvenient.
13:05But overall, not a terrible product.
13:07I'm giving it a four.
13:08And next up, we have the desktop range hood.
13:11Scott said, if you just need a fan, go buy a fan.
13:15So it sucks the air from here, blowing the exhaust out of, like,
13:19I guess a window or just away from the kitchen area.
13:22But to really test this thing out, we got to cook a steak.
13:25A little bit of oil to a ripping hot pan, and in with the steak.
13:29I mean, some of it's going in.
13:31We are still smoking out this house right now.
13:33Do I need to get closer?
13:35Well, at least our steak is looking good.
13:37It's sort of working.
13:38I mean, probably getting, like, 25% of the smoke.
13:41The vast majority is still going directly up into my kitchen right now.
13:44I think it's safe to say that this fan is not strong enough,
13:47and it does not do the intended job.
13:49I mean, I can barely breathe in my kitchen right now.
13:51So for that reason, I'm justifying the one-star review.
13:55And it is time for the automatic pan stirrer.
13:58Singh said, it is awful at mixing solid food.
14:00Unless you're mixing only liquid, then I would not get it.
14:04I mean, it kind of looks like a little rocket ship or something.
14:07I mean, it's just vibrating.
14:09Oh, what the dog doing?
14:11It's literally going back and forth.
14:12This is pretty insane.
14:14Let's see if it actually works.
14:15So he said that it didn't work at all with solid food.
14:18So I'm going with something sort of in the middle
14:20with a chunky New England clam chowder.
14:22And I feel like this is going to explode on me.
14:26All right, not bad, actually.
14:28Well, I'm officially living in the future.
14:30Hands-free cooking my clam chowder.
14:33But is it actually convenient?
14:35And would I really use this thing?
14:37I mean, this is just kind of a pain.
14:39I have very limited confidence that it's not completely burning at the bottom.
14:43I got to give it two stars.
14:47Time for the beef aroma diffuser.
14:49So there's only two reviews.
14:50And this one actually has five stars.
14:52But I just felt like I had to include it.
14:54JD said, beef, baby.
14:56I smell like beef.
14:58Beef premium fragrance.
15:00Something tells me this is going to be my kind of smell.
15:03It more so smells smoky than beefy.
15:06But I like it.
15:06So I've never actually used one of these things before.
15:09So I don't know how much to add.
15:11Be fairly generous with it.
15:12Use about half the bottle.
15:14I want to really experience and taste the beef.
15:17You're about to become the beef.
15:18To be fair, the kitchen smells like beef already.
15:21So now we're just supplementing.
15:25It's that good stuff right there.
15:27Use appropriate protection for skin and eyes when in use.
15:30Do not breathe vapor when pouring.
15:34All right.
15:34We're going to give this one one star.
15:35So we're just going to move on.
15:36Oh, that was a mistake.
15:38And it's time for the retro pop-up hot dog toaster.
15:41Dreams of Cruising said it burns the buns every time.
15:44It's the poor carpenter that blames his shoddy tools.
15:50Might as well just crank it all the way up.
15:51Of course, starting with our hot dogs.
15:54I'll open up the buns.
15:55And I imagine they just go in like so.
15:58Let's see if this works.
16:00So these go down.
16:01They did give me these little tweezer things.
16:04Something about putting a metal rod into a toaster just doesn't sound like a smart idea.
16:08You can see how those coils are getting nice and hot.
16:11Kind of similar to how a normal toaster would work.
16:14Looks like it's done.
16:14He said the buns burn every time.
16:17I don't know.
16:17That is a perfectly toasted bun.
16:20Let's see how the dog is.
16:21Come on, dog.
16:23Not much caramelization, but it's definitely cooked through.
16:26There's only one thing left to do.
16:27A little bit of mustard.
16:28Let's go for a taste.
16:30That is a perfectly cooked and executed hot dog.
16:34The bun is toasted to perfection.
16:35The hot dog is warm and cooked through.
16:37I mean, this thing is a beast.
16:39But if you thought I wasn't going to be putting a dry-aged Wagyu A5 steak in it,
16:43then you were absolutely mistaken because it's going down.
16:46I mean, if it can cook a hot dog, I'd like to believe it can also cook a steak.
16:50If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.
16:54But there's only one way to find out.
16:55We'll load her up and we'll see what happens.
16:58I mean, I can't believe it, but it's actually developing a crust.
17:01What can't this little toaster do?
17:03While that cooks, I actually have another bonus toaster.
17:06Apparently, this one toasts with the shape of Bob Ross's face.
17:10I am dying to see if this works.
17:15Oh, it's starting to smell burnt.
17:16Um, did it work?
17:18Oh my god.
17:19He's got the full fro.
17:20I cannot believe how well this worked, but let's see how it tastes.
17:24A little burnt, but not bad.
17:26Let's check on the Wagyu.
17:27This is my second time toasting a steak in about two weeks.
17:30I just really hope this time it goes a little bit better.
17:33I mean, that crust is looking perfect.
17:36It should be done.
17:37Caramelized and it really has a nice golden brown color.
17:40Gotta go for a bite.
17:42It tastes like a perfectly pan-seared steak.
17:44I mean, it's got the crust.
17:45It's tender.
17:46It's juicy.
17:47That right there might be the easiest five-star review of the day.
17:50Next up, it's the one and only Ron Popeil Showtime Rotisserie Oven.
17:55One-star review from Abracadabra.
17:57My first roast pork.
17:58Charred on the outside, cold on the inside.
18:01So I've never actually used one of these before,
18:03but growing up, the Ron Popeil infomercials were the greatest form of entertainment.
18:08So I am very excited for this one.
18:10We'll add this to the base.
18:12Slide in the chicken.
18:13Throw the top on.
18:14I got so excited, I almost forgot to season the bird.
18:17Just hit it with a little barbecue rub.
18:19Get this into the unit.
18:21Okay, that was actually very easy.
18:22We'll close the window and we'll just set it and we're ready.
18:30Okay guys, so I set it and then I completely forgot about it for the next hour and a half.
18:35And this is what it looks like.
18:37It's reached its final cooking temp.
18:39And if I do say so myself, this might be the most incredible looking chicken I've ever cooked.
18:46Ron Popeil might really just be onto something.
18:49See if this easily comes off.
18:52Oh yeah.
18:52That right there is a rotisserie chicken.
18:55Gotta go for a drum.
18:57I mean, tender meat, super crispy skin.
19:00If this isn't five stars, I don't know what is.
19:03Next up, we have bear paws.
19:05Ciara was clearly not a fan and said that they work okay, but really hurt your hands.
19:10We have a beautifully smoked pork butt, which should be perfect to test these guys out.
19:15Start by removing the bone.
19:16Should be tender.
19:18Whoa, these things are way sharper than you'd think they are.
19:21They're almost like the tip of a knife.
19:23Let's see how they work.
19:25Whoa, mama.
19:26It's definitely working.
19:27My hands are remaining clean and they do feel quite durable.
19:31Though I will say there's a little less feel to it.
19:34As you guys know, one of my favorite activities in the whole world is just pulling pulled pork.
19:39But if you are interested in keeping your hands clean, I don't hate these things.
19:43All in all, I'd give this probably a four out of five stars.
19:46And up next, we have the meat shredder.
19:48The megger said that after shredding five chicken breasts and putting it into a white bowl,
19:52she noticed a ton of plastic in the chicken.
19:55So I think this thing is primarily used for chicken breasts.
19:58Kind of just shredding it like so.
20:00And fortunately, we have the Ron Popeil set it and forget it chicken,
20:03which should be perfect for the job.
20:05I still can't believe how good this thing came out.
20:07We got chicken breast number one and chicken breast number two.
20:11Open this up, place both chicken breasts.
20:13Hope this is not too much capacity for it.
20:15Got the top here that has these little points.
20:18And we'll see if I can shred it.
20:19Oh yeah. Oh man, look at that thing go.
20:21This seems to be working out fantastically.
20:25See how it looks.
20:27I probably used a little too much chicken for this thing,
20:29but it seems to have worked out pretty well.
20:32The only issue is there's some big pieces that didn't get shredded at all.
20:36And then there's the majority of it that is really nicely broken down.
20:40Honestly, it's almost like too broken down for me.
20:42With all that said, not bad for what it is.
20:45I'm giving it four stars.
20:46And now we have the cordless electric knife.
20:49Tigani said they pushed the safety button and pulled the trigger.
20:52Now it's running incessantly and they can't turn it off.
20:56Unsafe, do not purchase.
20:59You literally need skin contact at the bottom.
21:01It appears to be a safety measure.
21:03The classic way to use it, at least based on what I've seen online,
21:06is to slice up a Thanksgiving turkey.
21:08It's basically just two knives that are like directly next to each other.
21:12When you turn it on, they go back and forth in opposite directions.
21:15We'll start by trying to remove the leg here.
21:18Going through like butter.
21:19Can it go through bone?
21:20I mean, not bad.
21:22Now for the most important part.
21:24First of all, this is easily the most dry turkey I've ever seen in my life.
21:28Second of all, it kind of looks like a ruffled chip.
21:30I really don't know how I feel about this thing.
21:32Like, yes, it does work, but the slices are just all weird.
21:36Do I hate it?
21:37No, but do I love it?
21:39Not really.
21:40We're giving it three and a half stars.
21:41Next up, the lava rock sizzling plate.
21:44Lawrence said,
21:45Unfortunately, after the first use, the stone has a visible crack from one edge to the other.
21:50It hasn't broken yet, but I imagine it will soon.
21:53Been broiling this for like 30 minutes.
21:55Time to cook.
21:56Do a little bit of oil.
21:57I'll start with the steak.
21:58Get a nice little sear on there.
22:00For my favorite breakfast of all time, we'll add an egg.
22:03Nothing hits like steak and eggs.
22:05The big question for me is whether there's enough heat on here to fully cook the steak.
22:09I'm gonna flip and move this to a new hot part of the grill.
22:12Can definitely tell it's not as hot as it was before, but hopefully it'll be enough.
22:16Let's see if this was nonstick.
22:18Honestly, not bad.
22:19Well, the egg came out perfect.
22:21Unfortunately, this steak...
22:22Let's go for a slice.
22:24It's looking like it kind of ran out of heat.
22:26Still very raw.
22:28For me, I think this would have worked better if we cut the steak really thin and just kind of seared it quickly.
22:32But all things considered, I think it worked out pretty well.
22:34It's a really fun, like, presentation piece.
22:36So for that reason, it's getting a very respectable four stars.
22:40Next up, we have the indoor kettle smoker.
22:42Christopher said,
22:43More of a steamer than a smoker.
22:45The result is awful looking, unless you use lots of sauce.
22:49I am very excited about this one.
22:51I actually used to cook just like this in my old apartment.
22:54I did not quite have the same equipment, but I made do with what I had,
22:57which was just essentially a pot.
22:59But surprisingly, it worked.
23:01Start by adding the wood chips below.
23:03Then the water basin, which I believe will help regulate the temperature.
23:06Then this goes on top.
23:08Then I'll get this going right over fire until it starts to smoke.
23:12It's only been a couple minutes and that apple wood is already smoking.
23:15That smells so good.
23:16And now we'll add my steak to smoke.
23:19It's been about 45 minutes.
23:21Let's see what we got.
23:22So as you can tell, at least visually, I mean, this looks like a boiled steak.
23:27It's actually a lot of smoke, but kind of expected given that we're basically reverse searing it.
23:31Let's see how it tastes.
23:33Wow, it has insane smoke flavor.
23:36It almost tastes like bacon.
23:37Now, I will say there is a bit of a learning curve,
23:40but give yourself a few cooks with it.
23:42I'm giving it five stars.
23:43Next up, the automatic robot grill cleaner.
23:46Jill apparently hated this thing.
23:48It did not do a good job at all cleaning the grill.
23:51What do you know?
23:52We got a dirty grill.
23:53How'd the grill get so dirty?
23:55You don't want to know.
23:56All right, then keep your secrets.
23:59So I think I just turn on...
24:03Let's see if this works.
24:04No way.
24:05That's insane.
24:07Look at it go.
24:08We're going to shut the lid and let them do its thing.
24:10It sounds extremely intense in there.
24:12It's really just going to town in there.
24:15It's been 30 minutes and it's finally done.
24:17As you can see, it's quite dirty at this point,
24:19and it's definitely cleaned up a lot of the grill,
24:22though there is still quite a bit of like hardened gunk on there.
24:26All in all, it takes a long time.
24:28It's kind of a hassle.
24:29I'm giving it two stars.
24:31Next up, we got the grill mat.
24:33Samantha said the product didn't give her food any char or grill marks.
24:36The food was basically just sitting in its own juices
24:39and cooking like it was in a pan.
24:40Could this grill mat finally be the key to fish not sticking on the grill?
24:47It's been about five minutes.
24:48Let's see if it sticks.
24:50I mean, this thing slides around perfectly.
24:53Zero stickage, and it's actually developed some pretty decent color.
24:58Well, I was ready to absolutely hate those grill mats.
25:03But as you can see, we've developed great color.
25:05There was zero sticking.
25:07I can totally see how those things would be valuable.
25:10Actually, hold on that.
25:11Let me take a bite, make sure it actually tastes grilled.
25:14No, it is fantastic.
25:16We're sticking with the five stars.
25:17Next up, we have the one-man stick figure sausage griller.
25:20That is a no.
25:21Amanda said it was not good quality and she had to throw it away.
25:25Okay, who added this one to the list?
25:28All right, gonna add my sausage.
25:30That's a nice fit.
25:32That just ain't right.
25:33Damn, that is a huge, I mean, tiny wiener.
25:39I think it's tiny.
25:40And we'll get them on the grill.
25:42Let's check them out.
25:43I mean, that dog is cooked to perfection.
25:46All right, quickly, Sophia.
25:47Do not want to have to explain this one to the neighbors either.
25:49I mean, it's definitely shriveled up a bit.
25:54I mean, it cooked up pretty well,
25:56but there's just something about that design that is not for me.
25:59Unfortunately, it's getting one star.
26:02Next up, the solar oven.
26:04AJ said the oven only reached a max temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
26:09I'm gonna be real.
26:10I have very limited confidence this thing is actually gonna work.
26:13Someone tells me it's not gonna sear, but steak in the cold pan.
26:17Then we have these cooking bags.
26:19It says to add the entire thing in there.
26:22And we're wrapping it around.
26:23I imagine the bag kind of helps it contain the heat.
26:26Finally, we'll put this into our solar-powered oven and let's head outside.
26:30We got a lot of great sun.
26:32This should be a perfect day for it.
26:35Oh, we got a rooster.
26:36And if my neighbors didn't think I was crazy yet,
26:38then this should probably put them over the edge.
26:40As you can see, the sun is like directly hitting the steak right now from all angles.
26:45We'll let this go for a couple hours and see what happens.
26:47Okay, so it's only been about an hour,
26:50and I mean, this thing is ridiculously hot to the touch.
26:53I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the steak is already done.
26:57So as expected, essentially zero crust here,
27:00but just based on feel, this steak is most certainly done.
27:03I mean, this thing worked so well, it looks like I overcooked this steak.
27:07I mean, that thing is closer to medium-well than medium-rare.
27:10Gotta go for a taste.
27:12Kind of tastes like a steamed steak.
27:14I mean, I gotta give it five stars.
27:15That thing almost works too well.
27:17Next up, we got the meat thermometer for it.
27:19Robert said it's almost unusable because it's so slow at reading temps.
27:23Not worth the money.
27:24This thing's actually kind of cool.
27:26You can choose your meat.
27:27So we're going with beef, and we'll go with medium-rare.
27:31And the test will be to see if we can cook the perfect medium-rare steak,
27:34strictly using this thermometer fork.
27:36It says we're at 69.
27:39It is very slow.
27:41I mean, this steak is probably at 32 degrees right now,
27:44and it is slowly going down in temperature.
27:46It says like 60.
27:48I'm not feeling too confident about this.
27:49Check on the temperature.
27:50It says we're at 125, 123.
27:54It's just way too slow.
27:56All right, it says we're at 132.
27:58Taking it off.
27:58Well, let's see how we did.
28:00Definitely not 132 degrees in there.
28:02Closer to blue-rare than medium-rare.
28:05I mean, I will personally still most certainly eat this.
28:09But as a product, it did not allow me to cook a medium-rare steak,
28:12and it just took way too long to register the temperature.
28:15So for that reason, it's getting one star.
28:17This is the meat thermometer tom.
28:20Steven said he's very disappointed.
28:22Testing it against his handheld meat thermometer,
28:24which registered 135,
28:26while the tongs registered 68.
28:28Okay, given how the last one went,
28:29I have very limited confidence that this little thermometer probe
28:33is going to do anything at all.
28:35I mean, this one feels very flimsy, but let's find out.
28:38Okay, let's see how it works as a flipper.
28:40Honestly, not great at all.
28:42This is like, I barely can hang on to it.
28:46I really hope this thing was cheap,
28:47because this does not feel well-made.
28:50One more flip.
28:51Now, let's see if we can measure a temperature at all.
28:54I'm gonna insert this probe here.
28:58It says we're reading 101, 100.
29:01The temperature probe on this one is significantly better.
29:04It does move a lot faster, though it is a bit inconvenient.
29:08Okay, final internal temp of 125.
29:11Should be perfect.
29:15I mean, pretty big gray band,
29:17but I would say this is a medium-rare steak.
29:19Better than the last one, but by no means a good product.
29:23It's getting one and a half stars.
29:25Next up, the indoor infrared grill.
29:28Matt said, I'm not sure what the 1450 degree symbol means.
29:32It only gets about half as hot as advertised.
29:35We'll start by turning this baby on.
29:37I mean, apparently this thing can get all the way up to 1450.
29:41If that's legit, then that's crazy.
29:43It says we're at 675.
29:45Doesn't really feel hot at all, guys.
29:47100 degrees.
29:49Okay, 200.
29:50That's bullsh**.
29:51Well, it says we've reached 1450.
29:55So I'm adding the steak to our hot side.
29:59Yeah, something tells me that's not 1450.
30:01There is zero sizzling occurring.
30:03It's been about five minutes.
30:04There's some sear, but it is very inconsistent.
30:08So far, this is very disappointing.
30:11Well, the center of the steak has reached 125 Fahrenheit.
30:14Straight up, guys, this is not looking like a very good steak.
30:17The crust on this side is a little dark in some parts.
30:20This side looks like it's boiled.
30:22The sides look like they're raw.
30:23Still might as well just see what we're working with.
30:26The steak tastes boiled.
30:28If I could give that less than one star, I would.
30:30This is the gun torch.
30:32Brown said, broke the same night within minutes.
30:35I've seen Guga use this thing a million times,
30:37and I've always wanted one.
30:39You twist the red thing to release the gas,
30:41then pull the trigger.
30:44This is awesome.
30:45To test it, I'm starting with a sous vide steak that,
30:48at this moment, looks disgusting.
30:51Let's see if we can change that.
30:55Wow, I mean, this is working pretty flawlessly right now.
30:58I mean, just check out the crust we're developing.
31:01That is what we want to see.
31:02I will say the heat coming off of it is a little bit less intense
31:05than the typical blowtorch I use,
31:07but all things considered, it's extremely fun to use,
31:09and it works great.
31:11That's four and a half stars.
31:12We had the gun torch, but this is the lightsaber torch.
31:16York said, the torch bursts into flames, setting my hand ablaze.
31:21Burning the hair on my left hand and lower arm,
31:23not exactly what I would consider safe.
31:26Sous vide steak number two, and the lightsaber.
31:42Seems to be working pretty well,
31:44maybe a little less fire than the gun.
31:47I have to say, not a horrible sear.
31:49Realistically, it's not quite as practical as the gun
31:52or some of the other searing devices,
31:54but I mean, in terms of coolness, this is like a 15 out of 10,
31:57and it does still work, so for that reason,
31:59it's got to get five stars.
32:01Next up, the barbecue meat blanket.
32:03Michael said he put his brisket wrapped in butcher paper in the bag.
32:07It should not have leaked, but it did.
32:09It appears to be a little sleeping bag for a brisket.
32:12Perfect timing because my brisket just came out.
32:15Time for the rest, and it's going in.
32:18Oh, that's hot.
32:20We'll zip them up and check back in in probably one or two hours.
32:24I gave my brisket a solid three hours in the meat blanket.
32:29Oh no, we actually do have some leakage.
32:32Opening up the sleeping bag.
32:34It's a leaky brisket, that's for sure.
32:36I mean, sort of as expected, there's a bunch of moisture in there.
32:39The real question is, how did that brisket rest?
32:42See how she's looking.
32:43Oh man, this is a very juicy brisket.
32:45After three hours in the brisket blanket,
32:48our brisket is at 140 degrees Fahrenheit,
32:50so it did actually come down in temperature quite a bit.
32:53I sort of would have expected it to stay hotter for longer,
32:55and we'll go for a slice.
32:57I mean, I have to say, that does look pretty good.
32:59You know, I've always wanted to try this,
33:01and I feel like now's the time.
33:04That is unbelievably satisfying.
33:06You gotta try to buy this sandwich, Sophia.
33:07It's for your own raw hand knife.
33:09You're a beast, Sophia.
33:11As mentioned, there was a little bit of leakage,
33:13but would I actually use this for backyard barbecue?
33:16Probably not.
33:17This is not super practical,
33:18and doesn't really elevate the barbecue in any noticeable way.
33:21So for that reason, I'm giving it three and a half stars.
33:24Next up, the precision knife sharpener.
33:26George said, absolute garbage, do not buy.
33:30If you have a large knife, the clamp won't hold in place.
33:33If you have a small knife, the clamp covers the blade,
33:35and can't be sharpened.
33:37Okay, first things first, we're gonna need a very dull knife.
33:40How are you gonna get a dull knife?
33:43This is how, Kyle.
33:44I really hope my neighbors don't see me right now.
33:47This would be a tough one to explain.
33:49I mean, this is as dull as it gets.
33:51Starting on the most rough grit,
33:54and flip it around.
33:55That's actually kind of cool.
33:58Now, the middle grit, and finally, the most smooth.
34:02I mean, this really takes a lot of patience.
34:04I just hope this thing worked.
34:05Pretty decent amount of work to get to this point.
34:08Time for the moment of truth.
34:10It's definitely a lot sharper,
34:13but it does seem to be a little inconsistent with the sharpness.
34:16So for that reason, I'm giving it three and a half stars.
34:19Next up, the mini steak chainsaw.
34:21Eric said, the motor made a terrible squealing noise and seized up.
34:25Do not recommend.
34:26This is the one I am by far most excited about.
34:30There must be some sort of safety on this.
34:32Oh wow, okay.
34:33Do you have to have your finger on the safety the entire time?
34:37So you might be wondering,
34:38why on God's green earth would we ever need a mini chainsaw when cooking a steak?
34:43Well, this is why.
34:45This is a lot of work.
34:47My arm is killing me.
34:49Dude, my shoulder's killing me right now.
34:51Depending on the cut, you'll sometimes have to go through bone.
34:54And in today's example, we have a cowboy ribeye
34:57that I really want to turn into a regular bone-in ribeye.
35:00And this should be perfect for the job.
35:03Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
35:06Almost forgot the eye protection.
35:07Let's do it.
35:11This is great.
35:15That worked surprisingly well.
35:17One little slice and that's all it took.
35:19But I will say I just completely covered the brand new studio
35:23in a whole bunch of bone fragments.
35:26That was a little unnecessary, but it was extremely fun.
35:30Needless to say, this is getting five stars.
35:32Hope you guys enjoyed the video, and I'll see you next time.
35:34I just realized something.
35:35The nuts are made out of nuts.