• 2 hours ago
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury - Today I modded Bowser’s Fury so that when Mario Collects a Cat Shine MORE MODS get added! How far can Mario Get? Hope you enjoy this modded Challenge!

0:00 Intro
0:07 Every Shine adds MORE MODS!
26:08 Outro
#Bowsersfury #SuperMario #Mario

Mods by:
Shadow Characters : TheDeviousOrangeToad
No Ocean : @MayroSMM
Moons replacing Cat Shines: @Trippixyz
RANDOM TEXTURES & Minecraft Items: @PrinceNova
Yoshi: chickenfan
Floor is Lava: @AmethystSZS
Other Cool Cheats: @Postposterous


00:00Hello everyone! Today we play through Bowser's Fury, but every time I collect a shine, another mod gets added.
00:06Alright, so we're starting off on a completely normal, beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom.
00:12Absolutely no mods, but once we collect a few cat shines, this game is going to be completely unrecognisable.
00:19I think my Switch is going to explode today.
00:21Woah, but Mario's fallen into a big pile of gloop!
00:25Now he's fallen into the gloop portal.
00:28That's teleported him to another world.
00:32And our first shine's actually right there!
00:34We need to pop out the ground, and then I can just run over to it.
00:38Alright, let's collect our first shine and start the chaos!
00:42I wonder what this one's going to do.
00:45Oh my gosh, there are cats everywhere now!
00:48My game is lagging so much!
00:50What the heck?
00:51They're evil cats!
00:52Evil cats absolutely everywhere!
00:56What the heck? There's hundreds of them!
00:58Oh no, oh no, please don't hurt me, please don't-
01:00Oh my gosh, they can damage me.
01:01This is going to make the game a lot harder.
01:03I'm going to go up a tree so then they can't hurt me.
01:06Alright, I guess we're going to have to go tree to tree so they don't hurt me.
01:09Oh no.
01:10I hope they're not everywhere in the game, because this is going to make it well laggy.
01:13Oh no, that guy almost killed me there.
01:15Wait, I think I can jump on these cat heads without them damaging me.
01:19Yeah I can, yeah I can.
01:20Okay, that's going to be useful.
01:22Come on kitty cats, you're meant to be friendly!
01:24God, one more jump.
01:25Oh okay, okay, it looks like there's no more cats past here.
01:28There's only Fury Bowser looming in the distance.
01:30Never mind, he spotted me and now he's breathing fire!
01:34Oh, I forgot how cool he looks.
01:37Oh, and there's a few more kitty cats, but not a whole ocean like before.
01:41And then we got a second shine up on this pillar that we might be able to
01:44use the cats to jump up to.
01:46And hopefully this shine will give me a mod that's a bit more useful.
01:49Wait, what?
01:50We're in a blue cat suit now.
01:52I've never seen a blue cat suit before, the normal cat suit's just yellow, isn't it?
01:56Oh, but anyway, we've made the lighthouse shine, which is going to scare off Fury Bowser.
02:01Yeah, get out of here, sink back into the ink, you scaredy cat.
02:05What's this blue cat suit going to do?
02:08Oh, but anyway, it's a nice clear day now.
02:11And the islands are raising up from the ocean!
02:13I can actually see some of the cat shines that I'm going to be going for really soon.
02:18Oh, yeah.
02:18Forget how much of a pretty game Bowser's Fury is, to be honest.
02:22Oh, oh, oh, I'm ginger?
02:25I'm a ginger cat!
02:26What on earth?
02:28This looks so cursed, look at my ear.
02:30Oh, I've got a giant M on the back of my head.
02:33That's so funny looking.
02:34Do we get any new abilities?
02:36Do I get my cat ability?
02:37Oh, it seems like I'm a lot faster and jump higher with this.
02:40That's cool.
02:41Oh, but I'm going to go down, I'm going to speak to Bowser Jr.
02:44He'll be able to help me collect more shines and get the game more cursed.
02:48I'm going to skip through the cutscenes because they're boring.
02:51All that matters is I've teamed up with Bowser Jr.
02:53And I only need a little bit of help because I'm not a noob.
02:57Blah, blah, blah.
02:58There we go.
02:58I've got Bowser Jr.'s help so I can get him to kill Goombas for me like this.
03:04Get out here, Goomba!
03:06Oh, I'm quite a bit faster with this blue cat suit, aren't I?
03:09What's going to happen when I get a normal cat suit, though?
03:12Oh, I just go back to normal.
03:14But it looks like I keep my speed and jumpies from it.
03:16But what I'm going to do is I'm going to climb up this gate thing.
03:19Try and get another cat shard.
03:21There we go, cat shard number one.
03:23We need five of them to get another shine.
03:25And they're going to be a lot easier to grab because I know where they all are.
03:28And I've got my big jumps to help.
03:31Oh, hello, kitty cats.
03:33Where have all the evil kitty cats gone?
03:35There's only nice ones now.
03:36Maybe a swarm of evil kitty cats are going to come again once Fury Bowser comes back.
03:41Once it's raining again.
03:43Oh, there's another cat shard down here.
03:45Very nice.
03:46I only need two more.
03:47I sort of yeeted that kitty away.
03:49I hope he's okay.
03:51Oh, yeah, he's down there.
03:52I saw him on the sand.
03:53I didn't throw him into the ocean and kill him by accident.
03:55It's when the cats touch water, they die.
03:58Rest in peace.
03:59Oh, there we go.
04:01We only need one more.
04:02And there's another cat shard right at the top.
04:04I wonder what this is going to do.
04:06Give me another mod!
04:09Look at that!
04:10Wait, wait, wait.
04:11Do you see the sand?
04:12That's turned the sand into poison.
04:14No, that's such a...
04:15Oh, this is going to make the game so much harder.
04:18Do you see that?
04:20There's poison everywhere.
04:23Oh, no.
04:24This is actually going to make the game almost impossible.
04:27Oh, my gosh.
04:28At least I'm a lot faster and I've got a bigger jump.
04:30That's going to help out a lot.
04:32Oh, my gosh.
04:32Oh, but we can get another shine straight away by jumping down here.
04:37And hopefully avoiding the poison.
04:38You see behind this cat flap, there's this last cat shard.
04:42And then we'll have all five and we'll get another shine.
04:46There we go.
04:46Another shine.
04:47We've got the five cat shards.
04:49What's this going to do?
04:53Hey, no.
04:54Wait, look at the ocean.
04:56No, this looks so cursed.
04:58What has this done?
04:59I think this has completely got rid of the water.
05:01Wait, let me out.
05:02Yeah, normally there's water here.
05:04You can see the reflection of the water still here, shimmering off the rocks as well.
05:08But there's no water.
05:09I'm just standing on the floor.
05:10And look how glit-
05:11Oh, my gosh.
05:12I wasn't expecting the game to get this buggy this early.
05:16Oh, at least I can avoid this cat bell cutscene that will put me in the poison.
05:20And make my way around here to bully the bullies to the next shine.
05:24Oh, this is going to be a lot harder now that I can't stand on the sand.
05:27All the sand has been replaced by poison.
05:30Oh, this bully the bullies one will be pretty easy though.
05:32Because all I have to do is knock them into the lava.
05:35It's not affected by there being no ocean.
05:38All right.
05:39Come at me.
05:40Get pranked.
05:41Ah, oh, no.
05:42Oh, my gosh.
05:43All right.
05:43I think we've got one more bully to kill.
05:45And then we'll get another shine.
05:46Which will be very epic.
05:48Come at me, bully.
05:49Go on.
05:49And when I jump, he gets put in the lava.
05:52Aha, there we go.
05:54Another shine.
05:55It's weird how the lighting's completely messed up.
05:57Do you see how bright it is now without the ocean?
06:00Shine, please bring back the ocean.
06:02Hey, oh, that's brought back the ocean.
06:06We don't have like the weird lighting anymore.
06:08It looks more normal.
06:09Oh, that's cool.
06:11Oh, wait.
06:12What's happening with the camera there?
06:13And why am I breathing bubbles?
06:16I'm just swimming through the air.
06:19What the heck?
06:20Oh, this actually might make it a lot easier.
06:22Because it means I don't have to touch the sand poison.
06:24It's actually pretty cool.
06:25Except it's pretty slow for getting around.
06:28I can collect these cat shards so pretty easily.
06:31Oh, actually, actually, I've got a better idea.
06:33You see that cat shine over there?
06:35Normally, you have to wait till the gloops disappeared.
06:37But we might just be able to swim straight to it.
06:40Do you know what this reminds me of?
06:42You know in SpongeBob how they have the water underwater?
06:45The fact that I'm swimming in water and I can see water beneath me.
06:49That's what it reminds me of.
06:51I'm gonna see if I can make my way to this without getting hurt by the gloop.
06:54Oh, too easy.
06:56I wonder what this one's gonna do.
06:58Oh, oh, we collected five cat shines.
07:00Oh, we've unlocked the Giga Bell.
07:02Oh, and it looks like Bowser's just about to awaken as well.
07:06Oh no, this has completely messed up the camera though.
07:08Hello, camera?
07:09Where am I?
07:10Hey, camera, please come back.
07:11Oh, there we go.
07:12This might fix my camera, the fact that Fury Bowser's spawning.
07:17Wait a sec.
07:19That's not Fury Bowser.
07:21Is that Godzilla?
07:24Wait, I think the last shard I collected turned Fury Bowser into Godzilla.
07:28How's this fight gonna work now that everything's underwater as well?
07:31Once I collect this-
07:32Oh no, please fix my camera.
07:34Oh, it looks like the camera's fixed as well.
07:36I just can't see myself.
07:37I think I'm too high up.
07:38Where am I?
07:39Oh yeah, there I am.
07:41Ah, I'm almost getting attacked by the flames.
07:43All right, the camera's stuck in place, but I might be able to swim over
07:46to see that Giga Cat Bell over there and fight Fury Bowser Godzilla.
07:50Come on, there we go.
07:52I managed to collect it.
07:54I managed to collect it whilst the camera was stuck.
07:57Oh, let's go.
07:59And my game hasn't crashed even though we're underwater.
08:01I wonder how this fight is gonna work.
08:04Am I just gonna be swimming around?
08:06Oh no, I guess when we're Giga, we don't swim.
08:09Oh, this is so sad, but we're gonna be able to fight Godzilla.
08:12I think actually Fury Bowser looks cooler than Godzilla, to be honest.
08:16He's from some like old movie from years ago.
08:19But all we have to do is ground pound on him to damage him.
08:22He's already on half health.
08:23Oh, stop being scared and hiding in the gloop.
08:26I want to go attack you.
08:28Oh my gosh.
08:28I take back what I said about you being scared.
08:31I've only got one HP left.
08:32Gotta be careful.
08:33And he's about to stomp down on me, which means I can stomp down on him.
08:36Uno reverse guard.
08:38Oh, the bell's ringing out again.
08:39I want to make it to there so I can get a refresh on my cat bell.
08:43Oh, and once we beat Fury Bowser, it's gonna unlock a whole load of new islands and new shines.
08:47This is gonna be very cool.
08:49I don't know how long till the game is fully unplayable though.
08:52He only needs one more hit as well.
08:54And I got my blue cat suit to help out.
08:56There we go.
08:57Stomp down and this should be you.
09:01Why does he look like that?
09:02He's got random like strings poking out of him.
09:05There we go.
09:07Oh, we've unlocked a pretty rainbow.
09:10Oh, and we've unlocked all the ice levels and I don't think they have any poison.
09:14Oh yeah, they do have poison.
09:15I was about to say I don't think they have any, but yeah, all of them have poison.
09:19Oh wait, and I'm standing on poison right now.
09:21Is that gonna kill me?
09:22Maybe if I swim up immediately, it won't.
09:25Shush Bowser Jr.
09:26I know I need to find more cat shines.
09:28Yeah, we've unlocked all of them on the map.
09:30All right, all right.
09:30Let's see if I can swim up.
09:31I'm just mashing A.
09:32I'm mashing A.
09:33There we go.
09:34Oh, I didn't get killed by the poison.
09:35That is very cool.
09:36What's gonna happen if I jump on Plessie's back as well whilst I'm swimming in the air?
09:40Is Plessie just gonna go all the way up to the top?
09:42Because normally Plessie floats on water.
09:45What's gonna happen?
09:47Oh wait, what?
09:48I just flow up to the sky and get teleported back down.
09:52Bro, this is so weird.
09:54Oh my goodness.
09:55All right, all right.
09:55I need to collect another shine just so maybe it will get rid of the ocean everywhere.
10:01I prefer to have no ocean than ocean everywhere.
10:04All right, can we hit this P-switch and do this task without dying to the poison?
10:09I'm very close to the poison.
10:11Oh yeah, yeah.
10:11Okay, okay.
10:12I was about to say I don't think I could even ground pound on the switch.
10:15But yeah, I can still ground pound in water.
10:18Oh, I think a lot of the Goombas just died in the water.
10:20It should be pretty easy then.
10:23And then I'll get Bowser Jr to kill that guy.
10:26There we go.
10:27Hey, another shine.
10:30Please get rid of the ocean everywhere.
10:33Oh, okay.
10:33That's very nice of the game to put me back in this button.
10:36Turn me into Shadow Mario and we don't have to deal with the ocean everywhere anymore,
10:40I don't think.
10:41He looks so cursed with his red eyes, doesn't he?
10:44I might be able to-
10:44Oh, can I make it?
10:45Oh, I only just made it without touching the poison there.
10:49Let's go.
10:50And it looks like Plessie's immune to poison,
10:52so if I want to get around on this poison, I have to use Plessie.
10:56Anyway, let's go up here.
10:58I don't think there's any sand up here,
10:59so I don't have to worry about landing on poison straight away.
11:02Be like playing like normal.
11:04And we should be able to get two cat shines by going down this ice skate area.
11:08There we go.
11:09Get my black ice skate.
11:10Oh, that's very cool that because I'm Shadow-
11:12Oh, because I'm Shadow, my ice skate turns black.
11:15There we go.
11:16Got our first cat shard.
11:18Oh, hit the boost panels.
11:19Go very fast.
11:21Oh, need to be very careful.
11:22We don't get crushed by the spikes on the side.
11:24There we go.
11:25More boost panels.
11:25Get rid of these hoppy cats.
11:27I need to stay on top.
11:28Come on, let me stay on top so that I can collect this next cat shard.
11:31You only need one more.
11:32There we go.
11:33There we go.
11:33Here's the last one.
11:34And another cat shine.
11:35Let's go.
11:38Wait, wait, wait.
11:39Is that what I think it is?
11:41I think my cat shard just tried-
11:43Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:44Look, look right here.
11:45Look right here.
11:46Look on the side.
11:47It's saying I've got seven power moons instead of seven cat shines.
11:51Oh, we've got another power moon right here.
11:53That's actually going to be so good for me,
11:55because I accidentally call cat shines power moons all the time,
11:58because my brain's always in Mario Odyssey mode.
12:00This one I've just collected is going to add another mod again.
12:03So we've got nine mods on now, because the first moon didn't count.
12:06Oh, there we go.
12:08I've probably already called cat shines power moons so many times in this video so far.
12:13If I can get to that tree and get up to that cloud,
12:15I'll be able to get another shine quite easily.
12:17I might be able to do with my shadow abilities.
12:20I'm now Shadow Tanooki.
12:21I don't know when I transformed into a Tanooki.
12:23Maybe that was from one of the last moons.
12:25There we go.
12:26I made it to it.
12:27I want to get that-
12:27Oh, no.
12:28I can't get that cat suit.
12:29It's on the poison.
12:30So let's go to this tree and climb up to the cloud.
12:33There we go.
12:34It's going to turn into a pipe and shoot me up.
12:36Oh, and now we're on the cloud level.
12:38And fun fact about this room.
12:40This is actually the only room in Bowser's Fury that uses full graphics.
12:44I guess because it doesn't have much to load on screen.
12:46And if I get rid of all these buzzy guys with this star,
12:49I'll get another shine or another moon.
12:51They're now moons.
12:52They've been transformed.
12:55You got a moon.
12:56It even says you got a moon on screen.
12:58I like that little moon icon below as well.
13:01Bowser Jr is constantly on me now.
13:03He's just-
13:04He's like stuck to me.
13:05What the heck?
13:06Can I use him to get like infinite height?
13:08No, it doesn't look like it.
13:09Has this just made me really sticky to everything?
13:13Anyway, let's jump down.
13:14And let's see what we can do with this stick.
13:16Wait, what?
13:16Oh, what just damaged me?
13:18Ah, oh, oh, no.
13:18Poison, poison.
13:19Oh, okay.
13:23Everything's just teleporting to me.
13:25And now I'm stuck inside the cat bell.
13:27Riding Plessie?
13:29Am I softlocked here?
13:30I'm Fury Bowser.
13:32Godzilla's about to spawn.
13:33I'm in jail.
13:34I'm in baby jail.
13:36Fury Bowser, can you get me out?
13:38Wait, did he explode somewhere else?
13:40Maybe he's been teleported to me as well.
13:42It's not in the cutscene.
13:43Maybe he's on me.
13:45I'm still trapped.
13:46I'm just going to repeat my game.
13:47See if that helps.
13:50No, no, no, no.
13:52It's just teleported the bell on top of me again.
13:54What the heck?
13:55What is happening to me in here?
13:58All right.
13:58I've had to go into the code and change this sticky mod.
14:01So it doesn't teleport everything straight onto me.
14:04Oh my gosh.
14:04So hopefully I don't get trapped in this bell again.
14:06I do not know what is happening here.
14:08Everything's getting teleported to me.
14:10I think a big pile of gloop just got teleported to me.
14:13Is this even possible?
14:15All right.
14:16I've just gone into the code and I've removed the sticky mod
14:18because it made it so I got put in jail every single time
14:21and it made the game impossible.
14:23But now I'm Shadowcat Mario and I should win.
14:26Because I think all the power-ups got teleported to me
14:28whilst I had the sticky mod on.
14:30Oh, can I go into this arena?
14:31Is this floor going to be poison in here?
14:33It doesn't look like it.
14:34I might be able to fight Boom Boom or Pom Pom.
14:36I forgot who's here.
14:37And get another shine.
14:39Okay, okay.
14:39It's Boom Boom.
14:40This is going to be dead easy
14:41because Boom Boom is a piece of cake.
14:45I say he's a piece of cake
14:46and then I get damaged immediately.
14:48It just shows that I'm a bit of a noob sometimes.
14:50There we go.
14:51He only needs one more hit.
14:53He's gone invisible though.
14:54So I need to be a bit careful that I don't run into him by accident.
14:58He's gone half invisible.
14:59You can sort of see him.
15:00But anyway, one more hit.
15:01There we go.
15:02And he's defeated.
15:03We're going to get another Power Moon.
15:05Very nice.
15:08Clash with Cat Boom Boom.
15:12My game just crashed after that last moon.
15:14But we're back and we're on top of this pillar now.
15:16A strong Mario.
15:17Look how buff I am.
15:18I've got big muscles, big shoulders.
15:20I'm looking warm.
15:21I've been to the gym a lot.
15:22And I think, yes, I've got massive jumps and massive speed now.
15:27And I might be able to get another moon.
15:29If I hop on Plessie and then go towards this big buddy that we unlocked before.
15:33We just have to chase him until he catches up.
15:35Come on, come here.
15:36I hope Plessie's not slower because I'm probably heavier now.
15:39Now that I'm dead muscly.
15:40Weighing Plessie down.
15:42But we're getting really close.
15:43Yeah, we caught it.
15:44Let's go.
15:46Ruined Rabbit Plays Tag.
15:47What's this going to do for me next?
15:50Hey, what's happened to Plessie?
15:52It's gone all white.
15:53It's like an albino animal.
15:54We've got albino Plessie.
15:56And look at the text on screen.
15:58The text on screen's all like jumbled.
16:00Instead of jump, it's saying jump.
16:03I can't even pronounce that.
16:04It looks like a different language though.
16:06Oh, what?
16:07I think all the textures have been scrambled.
16:10If you look at the floor, it's no longer poison.
16:12It's like it's made out of the key texture or something.
16:15What's happened to these Koopa Troopas as well?
16:18At least we can stand on the floor again now.
16:21That actually looks so cursed.
16:23I want to get into this arena though to fight Pom Pom.
16:25See if I can make my way up.
16:27Since I've got my massive ground pounds from being strong.
16:29I'll be able to get inside the arena dead easily
16:32without having to do any of the puzzle solving stuff.
16:34Oh no, what's happened to the camera?
16:36Pom Pom?
16:36Okay, Pom Pom's cat counter-attack.
16:39Oh, Pom Pom looks well weird.
16:40She's all like black and grey.
16:42She looks like one of those old video games.
16:45You know, like where they don't have colours.
16:46They're only like black to grey on like Game Boy.
16:49I'll put his picture on screen so you know what I mean.
16:50So I'm not just waffling.
16:52But I've almost defeated her, I think.
16:54Does she need one more hit?
16:55Oh no, okay.
16:55She needs one more hit still.
16:57I'm gonna put on this Tanooki Leaf.
16:58Wait, did I just...
16:59Oh, I thought I escaped the arena.
17:01There we go.
17:02Bom, get out of here.
17:03Let's go.
17:04Oh, the Power Moon looks weird now.
17:07It's got a completely like scrambled texture.
17:09Oh, there we go.
17:14Oh, we're massive now.
17:16We are Mega Mario.
17:18Does this help me or am I just trapped in this arena?
17:22Uh, maybe with this cat suit.
17:23If I can climb up the wall, I'll be able to get out.
17:27I shrink down when I ground pound.
17:28I go into my Tanooki Leaf.
17:29That might help.
17:30Um, can I get out?
17:33Oh, there we go.
17:34Hey, I made it out.
17:36Very nice.
17:36I thought I was trapped in jail again.
17:39Can I even ride on Plessie when I'm this big?
17:41Oh yeah, I can.
17:42Sorry, Plessie.
17:42I might be crushing you a little bit.
17:45Oh, since I'm big, I might be able to just jump into this moon.
17:48Right here.
17:49There we go.
17:50Very nice.
17:53Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
17:55I've just grown to like massive sizes now.
17:57What the heck?
17:58Right when Fury Bowser's coming.
18:00This is like the worst time.
18:02Oh, my hitbox is going to be massive.
18:05Oh, hello.
18:06Can I attack him?
18:07It's like I'm in the Giga Fight almost.
18:09I'm moving really fast.
18:10Oh, can I jump up to this platform?
18:12Can I jump up to get this shine?
18:14Sorry if this is really hard to see.
18:15Come on, let me collect the moon.
18:17I'm right by it.
18:18Please, this is too crazy.
18:19Please just let me collect it.
18:23Oh, okay.
18:24We're back down to being just slightly big.
18:27That was crazy though.
18:29Oh, I guess since I'm up here now,
18:31I can get this blue coin thing.
18:33And since my hitbox is really big,
18:34it should be very easy.
18:36I just got to go and hit every single blue coin.
18:39All these textures look so cursed right now though, don't they?
18:43I think my goal now is to get 20 cat shards
18:45without breaking the game.
18:46And I've almost got another one
18:48by getting all these blue coins.
18:49Did I do it?
18:50Yeah, I did.
18:51Let's go.
18:52Very nice.
18:54Blue coin bustle.
18:57I don't think that's changed anything, to be honest.
19:00Oh, do you see that?
19:01Oh, we've got, instead of coins,
19:03we've got Minecraft gold ingots.
19:05Oh, that's pretty cool.
19:06Nom, nom, nom.
19:06I'm eating all the gold ingots.
19:08Will I have enough to get a power-up to get to 100?
19:11That's not even English, that text.
19:13It's just gibberish.
19:14Oh, and the koopas kind of look cool as well.
19:16They sort of look like dry bones.
19:18Get out of here.
19:20Let's go over to this big tower though,
19:22see if we can get some more moons over there.
19:24I was going to say shines,
19:25but like, yeah, they are actually moons still.
19:27I'm not getting it wrong.
19:28Oh, actually, I might be able to get it in this.
19:32I can't even say that.
19:33Am I going to be able to do some parkour skills?
19:37I spent far too long trying to get up here.
19:39Oh, hopefully I don't get trapped in here now
19:41because I am pretty big.
19:42I don't know if I'm going to be able to get out.
19:44Unless a pipe spawns
19:46and Godzilla's about to spawn as well.
19:48We might have enough moons to fight him now.
19:50Yeah, we, okay, okay, okay.
19:52We can fight Godzilla again
19:53and that's going to unlock
19:54some more of the islands, I think.
19:58We got a green cat bell now.
20:01Oh, shoot myself into the cat bell.
20:03Let's go.
20:05Wait, oh, he's not Godzilla anymore.
20:08He's like weird coloured Bowser.
20:10Oh, I want to fight Godzilla again.
20:11That'll be well more cool.
20:12Oh, but this fight has a really easy strat
20:15where I can defeat him dead easily.
20:17No, he doesn't look as cool.
20:18He's got like sort of gold hair,
20:19a bit like Goku, I guess.
20:21Oh, no.
20:22Oh, I got too close.
20:23I got too greedy with my hits.
20:25Oh, he almost hit me there.
20:27I'm just going to camp on this island
20:28where he can't get me.
20:29He can't get me.
20:30Oh, no.
20:31Nah, he can't get me.
20:33No, no, no.
20:33Oh, it looks so weird seeing the islands
20:35with all different textures.
20:36Like it looks cursed seeing them
20:38just with different colours, I guess.
20:40Wait, why can I see through his face as well?
20:43Come on, stomp down.
20:44Ah, defeated.
20:47Oh, wait, he's not quite defeated.
20:48I like how his horns are glowing.
20:51Oh, we need 20 more for okay and twat twat.
20:54This is gibberish.
20:55All the text is just gibberish now.
20:58Ah, I'm stuck.
21:01Can I even wear these like boxes?
21:03I don't know if I can.
21:04You see these boxes.
21:05I don't know if I can even get one on.
21:06And why did the gloop has eyes now?
21:10Oh, that's strange.
21:11Gloop's staring at me.
21:12I can't actually get up here
21:13without being able to get the propeller.
21:15So maybe I can do this like
21:16ground pound switch one instead.
21:18See if I hit this white ground pound switch.
21:21We have to defeat the spotty fish.
21:24Oh no, oh no.
21:25Bowser Jr, can you get some of them for me?
21:27I've got too big of a hitbox.
21:29I'm just going to camp in the corner
21:31whilst Bowser Jr does my dirty work.
21:33Thank you, Bowser Jr.
21:34Bowser Jr is to go hard carry.
21:36Okay, let's see what this other moon does or shine.
21:42Bruh, it just killed me.
21:44Have I transformed into Yoshi?
21:47Oh yeah, I'm massive Yoshi now.
21:49What the heck?
21:50Why did the floor kill me?
21:52It's looking a different colour to normal.
21:55Oh, the floor is lava.
21:57This is going to make everything
21:58way more difficult, isn't it?
22:00How am I going to get 20 cat shines now?
22:03Does it still burn me when I'm with Plessie?
22:05I'll give that a try.
22:06Because the poison let me ride on Plessie.
22:08Oh no, oh no.
22:09Plessie just dies.
22:10Plessie just poofs away.
22:12I'm going to go back to the starting islands
22:14because those should have some easier shines.
22:16Oh, actually these Plessie ones.
22:18I don't have to go near the floor's lava at all.
22:20If I go through this Plessie ring.
22:22There we go.
22:23That's that floor's lava as well.
22:24So what we have to do is get to the very end of this
22:27within 20 seconds to get a shine or a moon.
22:29Whatever you want to call it.
22:32I'm riding a dinosaur on a dinosaur as Yoshi, aren't I?
22:35Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
22:37Is this going to burn me actually?
22:39How am I going to get this?
22:39Do I have to go off to the side?
22:42No, no, no.
22:45Yes, oh my gosh.
22:46That was so difficult.
22:47I think I'm going to die immediately.
22:49But oh my god, that took so many attempts.
22:52Okay, what mod is this going to add next?
22:54Please something useful.
22:56Oh wait, everything looks really messed up.
22:59Oh no, it's, oh my bruh.
23:01I think it's removed the ocean again.
23:03Oh, so Plessie's going to be like unusable.
23:06I don't even know how to describe how this looks.
23:09It looks like Mario's on drugs or something.
23:11What the heck?
23:12And I can't even stand on the floor because it's all lava.
23:15Is this lava?
23:16Oh, okay, this bit's fine.
23:18What else is fine?
23:19I need to find more fine bits.
23:22That's not.
23:23Trying to think of moons I can get without touching lava.
23:26It's so much harder because my hitbox is massive from being big Yoshi.
23:30Maybe I can use the bounce panels?
23:32Ah, bullet bills, leave me alone.
23:36And I'm in a death loop, brilliant.
23:39There we go.
23:40I managed to make it out of it.
23:43Are there any shines I can get when Fury Bowser spawns?
23:47I guess if I can get him to break these bricks here,
23:49then I can use the bounce panel to get in.
23:51You see these bricks that I'm pointing the Bowser Jr. cursor at?
23:54I'm gonna use my propeller flower so I can tank here as well.
23:57All right, shoot me, shoot me, shoot me.
23:58See if I can get him to break.
23:59Did he break the bricks?
24:00Yes, he's broken the bricks.
24:02Okay, I'm gonna have to do a massive jump up to this.
24:05Massive jump, dive, come on.
24:07Oh, I survived, can I get in?
24:11At least the bricks stay broken.
24:12That's gonna be useful.
24:14Give it another shot.
24:15It's even lava in there.
24:17Oh my goodness.
24:22I'm just gonna have to line it up perfectly.
24:24Come on, please, please, please.
24:26Yes, yes, we got it.
24:28Okay, I'm gonna die instantly, but I don't even care.
24:30We managed to collect the shine.
24:32Bro, this game is so messed up looking.
24:36I'm actually proud of myself for that one.
24:38Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait.
24:40We're flying now.
24:42Oh, this is gonna be so OP with floral lava.
24:45This is gonna make anything possible.
24:47I can just fly up.
24:48Wait, am I stuck?
24:49Oh no, never mind.
24:50I should just be able to fly up though.
24:52Come on, let me fly.
24:54How do I fly?
24:55Oh, there we go.
24:57There we go, fly up all the way.
25:00After a cat shine.
25:02Hey, let's go.
25:02I might be able to get 20 after all.
25:05After the last shine, I thought it was gonna be impossible,
25:07but we're back.
25:08We're so back.
25:10I've already collected that shine that we unlocked.
25:12Okay, we only need one more to get 20.
25:14That's gonna be so cool.
25:15That's my main goal.
25:16Okay, I'm not pressing anything on my controller now,
25:19but we're stuck spinning.
25:20My hands are literally off my controller.
25:22Oh, Yoshi's got a bit stupid.
25:23He's got a bit spinny.
25:24Oh, I've got a perfect shine we can get actually.
25:27You can't really see it, but up that tower,
25:29there's a shine at the very top.
25:32I'm literally turned into a fidget spinner.
25:35We're going up.
25:36Hopefully, I can get my 20th shine without dying.
25:39Come on.
25:41Hey, let's go.
25:45You know what?
25:45I'm gonna try to get a few more
25:46because this fly mod is actually so OP.
25:48It's actually quite fun to play with.
25:52My game just crashed.
25:53I guess if you try to go above 20 shines in this mod,
25:56it just completely breaks.
25:58Because if you try to boot up,
26:00all the text is gibberish.
26:01And if I try to boot up, it just won't let me boot up.
26:03It'll be booting up forever.
26:04I've like hardlocked my game.
26:06So if you enjoyed this video,
26:08you'll definitely enjoy 100 custom power-ups
26:11across a load of different Mario games,
26:13including Bowser's Fury.
26:14These power-ups give Mario brand new abilities
26:16such as Robot Mario, Elephant Mario,
26:19Squid Mario, Creeper Mario,
26:20and so much more.
26:22You've got stuff like Time Travel,
26:23Throw Zone,
26:24and some epic Bowser's Fury power-ups as well.
26:27Click on screen now to watch it,
26:28and I really think you'd enjoy it.