• 2 hours ago
Which Magnolia scene helped make Austin Butler the actor he is today?


00:00From joining the millions who were deeply moved by one of the most shocking animated deaths of all time
00:06To opening shots that soon created a dream that would ultimately be fulfilled
00:11It's time to take a closer look at those movie moments that affected some of the industry's finest in truly profound ways
00:18Gareth here from whatculture.com and here are 10 movie scenes that affected actors in profound ways
00:25Number 10 an overdressing scene makes Kerry Condon want to be the person who evokes feelings
00:31Dogfight the brilliant Kerry Condon knew at an early age
00:35Precisely what sort of actor she wanted to be and it all started back when she took in
00:401991's dogfight for those unaware the film centers around a party known as the dogfight with various lads about to be sent off to
00:48Vietnam all competing to see which cruel soldier can bring the ugliest date to the gathering
00:54Lovely, this is our River Phoenix's Eddie Birdlace and Lily Taylor's Rose Fenny meet with the latter eventually being so nervous about the idea
01:02Of going out on the town with the former that she rather hilariously overdresses in one scene
01:07Seeing Taylor fully commit to believing she looked anything but ridiculous when she wandered down the stairs to meet Birdlace
01:13Was a key moment in young Condon's life
01:16It was here when the eventual Oscar nominee realized how many more interesting characters were available to play
01:22Once you put aside your own vanity and Taylor was so moving as Rose in this moment that it made Condon want to be
01:28the sort of person who evokes feelings rather than just trying to be attractive as that way it would resonate with lots of women as
01:36She put it job done then number nine Bambi's mother dying profoundly moved Brendan Gleeson in his early years
01:43Bambi even over 80 years later
01:45It's pretty tough to sit through the moments Bambi's mother is gunned down during the Disney animated classic without shedding a tear
01:52Trust me. I know I still try and seeing that moment's play out at a young age
01:56Forces children to think about something as difficult and complex as grief rather early on in life
02:02That's a big reason why Brendan Gleeson classes Bambi as one of the three movies that profoundly moved him in his earlier years
02:08according to
02:10IE the fact the death of Bambi's mother and the film as a whole prepares you for life in an odd way with just drawn
02:16Characters is something the star of in Bruges and Calvary still finds pretty amazing when looking back
02:22And he's most definitely not the only person who found themselves being massively affected by the realization of Bambi's mother
02:28Not quite getting away from a human hunter which animated feature had the biggest impact on you as a kid
02:34Let me know in the comment section down below my friends number eight the chocolate room makes Salma Hayek believe
02:39There's a place where everything's possible
02:42Willy Wonka the scene which introduces the chocolate room in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory is up there as one of the most wondrous of all
02:48Time and one youngster was so profoundly inspired by this exciting scene that she eventually
02:54Decided to pursue a career that would involve her stepping onto this sort of mind-blowing set while not specifically
03:00Realizing she wanted to become an actor there
03:02And then the brilliant Salma Hayek knew after witnessing the film's chocolate river scene and things like burping your way back down to earth after
03:09Floating into the sky that she had to be part of this industry in some way
03:14This all made something click in her brain as the star put it and Hayek went about finding a way to step into this place
03:20Where everything was possible in the years that would follow?
03:23So if it hadn't been for the likes of Augustus Gloop going for a dip in a chocolate river
03:27Then fans may have never been treated to the gift of Hayek in everything from Frieda to Eternals
03:32Number seven the opening shot took Eddie Redmayne to a place
03:36He'd never been and soon became a dream of his cabaret
03:39Eddie Redmayne once sat down to watch a little film by the name of cabaret and things were never really the same
03:46specifically the opening scene involving Joel Grey's master of ceremonies
03:50Performing the welcome in number was an image that was etched onto his retina as he put it the overall mood the corruption
03:57Felt throughout and the highly specific
03:59Choreography early on or gripped Redmayne from a young age and the movie in general had such an impact on the eventual star
04:06That he even claims
04:07It's the flick that catalyzed him into being an actor and in a rather insane turn of events
04:12Redmayne would actually fulfill something he classed as one of his only life dreams later down the road
04:17Playing the master of ceremonies in a London stage revival of the musical if that wasn't awesome enough
04:22The longtime cabaret lover even ended up being sent a card on opening night from the person partly
04:28Responsible for making him want to be an actor during that exceptional opening number Joel Grey himself
04:34What a life a number six Johnny Depp wanted a tornado to sweep him away as a child the Wizard of Oz
04:41As a young lad Johnny Depp didn't have all that many pals
04:44That's according to the Pirates of the Caribbean star himself with the bloke fond of playing some of the strangest beings ever thrown onto
04:51the big screen
04:52Revealing in Cindy Pillman's book you gotta watch this that the Wizard of Oz left him dreaming of a solution to his loneliness
04:58Depp longed to be swept away by a tornado
05:01Just like how Dorothy was early on in the flick if it meant that he'd be free of the life
05:05He was living at the time as a teenager
05:08Befriending a scarecrow or a tin man would have possibly helped him feel less alone, too
05:12Johnny likely wasn't the only kid who spent many a day dreaming about wandering down the yellow brick road or taking a trip to Munchkin
05:18land after watching this groundbreaking Oz adventure
05:21But it's clear that Dorothy being swept away via whirlwind had a more profound effect on a little Depp than most and the scene
05:28Seemingly gave him hope that one day he'd fly away from what sounds like a rather depressing childhood number five Margot Robbie adored the wedding
05:35So much she used the music at her own true romance in case you weren't aware
05:40Margot Robbie is a massive true romance fan how massive well when it came time to officially tie the knot with her hubby the
05:47Australian sensation knew there was only one piece of music
05:50She could walk down the aisle to as heard throughout the film's opening title sequence and at numerous other points in the crime romance tale
05:57Hans Zimmer's you're so cool tracks synonymous with the
06:011993 classic evidently had quite the profound effect on a young Robbie and as she'd reveal in a
06:06Conversation with MTV News a few years back when sat next to one of the film's stars Brad Pitt true romance was definitely her
06:13Undisputed favorite movie of all time
06:15so the film's music playing on her wedding day was a no-brainer in the end clearly Robbie was hooked by the track as it
06:21Accompanied the pair of lovebirds during the moment
06:24They swiftly tied the knot in the flick itself though
06:26The Wolf of Wall Street star ended up going for an Australian Gold Coast setting for her big day
06:31Rather than City Hall number for a bedside scene helped make Austin Butler the actor. He is today Magnolia
06:38It's safe to say Austin Butler currently sits as one of the finest thespians of his generation
06:43But in terms of the performances that helped shape him into the mesmerizing performer
06:47He is today perhaps the most impactful comes in the form of Tom Cruise's work as Frank TJ
06:53Mackie in Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia when going into detail about which five movies made him the actor
06:59He is Butler confessed that he absolutely adores Anderson's films
07:02But Magnolia was the first he truly fell in love with and along with noting how Cruise's
07:07Performance in the film ranks as one of his very best in Butler's mind
07:10The star would also highlight the hugely emotional bedside scene involving Frank visiting his dying father Earl
07:17That's one of the most heartbreaking he'd ever witnessed
07:19Butler heard that Cruise rewrote his dialogue for the moment Frank initially refuses to cry for his dying Papa before eventually breaking down
07:27I would also recall being told that Philip Seymour Hoffman genuinely started shedding tears during the scene after being so moved by his
07:34Co-stars work on the day. Yeah fast-forward a few decades and it's now Butler leaving audiences with no choice
07:40But to blubber into a tissue thanks to his entirely moving turn as the iconic hip shaker Elvis number three
07:46Tom Hiddleston adores a scene so much he memorized it and has De Niro and Pacino
07:51Impressions heat some scenes have such a deeper monumental impact on an up-and-coming actor
07:56That said star of tomorrow simply cannot help but commit that sequence to memory
08:01That was most certainly the case when it came to the legendary cup of coffee shared between Al Pacino's
08:06Lieutenant Vincent Hanna and Robert De Niro's professional thief Neil McCauley in Michael Mann's
08:121995 masterpiece heat with eventual British acting superstar Tom Hiddleston clearly being quite profoundly affected by their exchange
08:19In fact when sat alongside the great De Niro himself on the Graham Norton show a few years back
08:25Hiddleston couldn't resist showing off his Hanna McCauley impressions in front of the icon after admitting to knowing whole pages of the film
08:32Hiddleston hilariously performed a section of that aforementioned
08:35Gripping back and forth throwing out a few trademark De Niro facial expressions and Pacino growls during a rather surreal few minutes
08:43Classing it as one of the great pieces of screen acting you can hope to watch you can bet a young Hiddleston
08:49Never imagined he'd be offering the Raging Bull star his own personal version of one of De Niro's favorite scenes
08:55But here he was and he even managed to impress the mighty Bob on the night
08:58Number two the chatty Cathy scene inspired Emma Stone to become an actor planes trains and automobiles
09:04It's no secret that planes trains and automobiles had a hell of an impact on Emma Stone's choice of career on top of being able
09:11to recite the entire f-word monologue delivered by Steve Martin in the
09:151987 John Hughes comedy classic the Academy Award winner has also admitted
09:20There's one particular scene in the film that pushed her onto the road to becoming an actor herself
09:25Recalling the chatty Cathy moments in the picture that sees Martin's brassed-off Neil Paige compare John Candy's Del Griffiths to an irritating chatty
09:32Cathy doll Stone would note to Entertainment Weekly that going from giggling at the former to your
09:37Heartbreaking for the latter made her realize that you could actually do both in the years that would follow Stone would brilliantly do exactly that
09:44Of course in the likes of easy a la la land and many more the diverse star has consistently shown an ability to produce
09:51Compelling performances that are as side-splitting as they are moving and it all started after watching Martin unleashing
09:58Hilarious slash heartbreaking hell on candy all those years ago
10:01Number one Rick Dalton forgetting his lines led to Michael J
10:04Fox's retirement once upon a time in Hollywood fresh off of
10:08Frustratingly not being able to remember his lines whilst on the set of Lancer Leonardo DiCaprio's Rick Dalton
10:14Well and truly freaks out inside of his trailer during once upon a time in Hollywood
10:18And it was this particularly explosive display of exasperation and disappointment
10:22That ultimately resonated with none other than Michael J
10:26Fox a few years ago as the back to the future star who suffers from Parkinson's disease would eventually reveal to Empire magazine
10:33DiCaprio's Dalton screaming at himself for not being able to remember his words felt similar to a moment
10:38He'd had in real life when he found himself looking in the mirror and thinking I cannot remember it anymore
10:44But instead of going on the warpath like Dalton though Fox found peace in that particular realization telling himself
10:50Well, let's move on when he began struggling to remember his lines on the set of the good fight said meltdown one
10:56That was improvised by DiCaprio will forever go down as one of the most iconic freakouts in movie history
11:02However, it also helped inadvertently influence a peaceful end to the career of one of the most beloved figures in Hollywood history, too
11:09And that's our list know of any other movie scenes that affected actors in profound ways
11:13Well, let us know all about them in the comment section right down below and don't forget to Like share and click on that subscribe
11:18Button while you're down there
11:20Also, if you like this sort of stuff then please head on over to what culture comm and find some more fantastic articles
11:25Just like the one this video you're watching right now is based on I have been Gareth from what culture comm cheers for stopping on
11:31By today go and check out some more what culture videos on the channel, but in the meantime, just be good to yourself. Bye. Bye
