• 2 days ago
I blindfolded my taxi driver and surprised him with his favourite footballer.
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00:00This is my taxi driver, who's about to be surprised by his favourite footballer.
00:05But why?
00:06You see, a few months ago, I blindfolded my friend and took him to meet Kylian Mbappe.
00:11I've no idea what's going on.
00:12So when I got invited to meet Kobi Mainu, it got me thinking.
00:16Could I convince a total stranger to trust me to do the same?
00:20So you just kidnapped him?
00:21But how will he react when he sees his favourite footballer?
00:24And how did I achieve something so ridiculous in just six hours?
00:28We're in Manchester.
00:29We have six hours to find a Manchester United fan who drives a taxi,
00:32who's willing to cancel everything about their day, stick a blindfold on for us.
00:36And my plan to achieve this was to start by asking each driver if they supported Manchester United.
00:42So what's the difference if they're taxi drivers or taxi drivers?
00:45No, we only want Manchester United fans today.
00:48But not only that, I had to find out if they loved Kobi Mainu without ruining the surprise.
00:54Would you not like to meet a footballer?
00:56I'd hate it.
00:57Hate it?
00:58God bless you.
00:59God bless you, my friend.
01:00You enjoy with your YouTube, my friend.
01:02Time is ticking down fast.
01:04Do you know what it actually is?
01:05And this challenge was proving to be my hardest yet,
01:08as after taking 12 taxis, I still hadn't found a massive Manchester United fan.
01:14Oh no, you're not into football.
01:15But finally, I got a lead.
01:18Do you know any taxi drivers who are massive Manchester United fans?
01:21You'll find the sale rank.
01:27Sale rank?
01:28I appreciate that, have a good day.
01:29That's a good lead though.
01:31That could be the start of something.
01:32I feel like we're going to rock into a bunch of lads who love the football on a taxi rank.
01:36So we headed in an Uber to where the taxi driver suggested,
01:40but when we arrived, it wasn't quite what I imagined.
01:43I haven't sold a dud.
01:44This took 15 minutes to get here.
01:46Should we go and ask him?
01:47Probably should ask this one guy.
01:49How's it going?
01:50We're asking taxi drivers today, what football team do they support?
01:55Have you supported Man United for long?
01:58How big a fan are you?
01:59I'm a big fan.
02:00Do you go to many games?
02:01Yes, yes.
02:02Can we get a taxi to Old Trafford Stadium?
02:05We're here making a video today,
02:07and we're going around and we're just asking sort of different taxi drivers and Uber drivers who they support.
02:11But you said United?
02:11I'm a big Man United fan, yes.
02:13I've been, you know, supporting them since I was young.
02:16Who do you think is like the best talent you have?
02:18I actually like Copimero.
02:22He's the future of Manchester United midfield.
02:25He's very, very good.
02:26He's still a young boy, isn't he?
02:27He's still young.
02:2819 or something?
02:29He's only 18, isn't he? Or 19?
02:30Yeah, he's young.
02:31Is it your channel?
02:33We do a lot of like football challenges or like spontaneous things.
02:37Today we're looking for a Man United fan.
02:39Taxi driver is kind of what we're looking for.
02:42But I can't tell you why.
02:44Until what time?
02:45Probably about four o'clock.
02:46Oh, I can't do until four at my job, you know, at three o'clock, like a regular job, you know.
02:51Ah, nightmare.
02:53Do you have any kids?
02:54Are they Man United fans?
02:56All of them Man United fans, yeah.
02:57I'm telling you the story you could tell them at dinner time tonight.
03:01I wish I could tell you more, but...
03:03You can't tell me?
03:03I can't tell you anymore.
03:04It must be something, you know, I mean, why?
03:07Leap of faith.
03:08Story for the kids.
03:09Story for the grandkids.
03:10That's the end of my sales pitch.
03:12Can I give you a ring then?
03:13I just like, I have to organise.
03:16You got a phone number?
03:17Yes, I will.
03:18Look, I might ring you if you don't ring me, but honestly, have a think about it.
03:21What was your name?
03:24Lovely to meet you, regardless.
03:26Let's see if you can do anything about the job.
03:29Ayman, lovely to meet you, okay, we might see you, we'll see you later.
03:32Yes, okay.
03:33Okay, man.
03:35Oh, please.
03:36He's so nice.
03:37You can tell he's a proper fan too.
03:40And there we go.
03:42See you soon.
03:44He's either really happy to be out of Dodge or he's genuinely thinking,
03:47but he asked for my number.
03:49Imagine he rang us now and we could go and get some lunch, chill out,
03:52save about another 200 quid on Uber.
03:54But, you know what the problem is?
03:56Search goes on.
03:57And as the clock ticked down, we kept on taking taxis.
04:00Another one?
04:01Yeah, I have to.
04:02But no driver was anywhere near as perfect as Ayman.
04:06And then, after an hour, I got a phone call.
04:10It's him.
04:11It's actually him.
04:14Hi, John.
04:15Hello, Ayman, what's happening?
04:17Okay, I'll do it.
04:18You'll do it?
04:22If you come over in your taxi, we'll come over.
04:24Give me a text when you're here.
04:25We'll come over and find you.
04:26Okay, see you.
04:27See you soon.
04:29Oh, boy.
04:30We've done it.
04:31He's the man.
04:32He's the man too.
04:33He is the one.
04:34What did he say?
04:35Copy menu.
04:36It's the future of Manchester United midfield.
04:37Oh, my God.
04:38We've got a video.
04:39I can't believe that.
04:41It's honestly, though, it's like one hour, 20 minutes until copy.
04:44I can't believe it.
04:45Oh, what a man.
04:46I just got persuaded again.
04:49We're not going to tell him about the blindfold until we're at the door.
04:52There he is.
04:53Hi, mate.
04:54How are we getting on?
04:55Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
04:56You said yes?
04:58Fair play to you.
04:59You're being spontaneous.
05:00Are you nervous?
05:01Yeah, a little bit.
05:02A little bit.
05:03In front of the camera, yes.
05:04Oh, don't be worried.
05:05Did you tell anyone what's happening?
05:06No, no, not yet.
05:07Not yet?
05:09Right, well, look.
05:10We have to go and grab something quick, don't we?
05:11And then we're going to have some fun.
05:13All right?
05:14All right, mate.
05:15Yeah, yeah.
05:17Eamon's there chilling now, waiting on us.
05:19I'm going to go and get a copy of Eamon's shirt for him to get signed.
05:20I can't wait to see if he'll put the blindfold on because he seems a bit nervous.
05:24We've got an hour to build a bit of rapport and then drop the question.
05:27We're doing it.
05:28Well, to be honest with you, I don't know what I'm expecting.
05:31What is it?
05:32It's fine.
05:33I can't say because it has to be a surprise for him.
05:35All right.
05:36And as I was in the club shop buying a Maynooth shirt for Eamon to get signed, he was actually
05:39talking about his favourite player at the very same time.
05:43I'm really looking forward to, you know, to see what the new midfield will be like
05:48because it's a good team united, you know?
05:52How many would you start?
05:53A Maynooth.
05:56They should build a team around him.
05:59I would like them to build the team around Maynooth.
06:03What if he just says no to the blindfold?
06:05There's a serious chance.
06:06The whole video is dead.
06:12No problem.
06:13Anything else interesting happen today?
06:14Same day, same old, same old.
06:17One of the most interesting things I have met you.
06:20So this is interesting.
06:22And you got someone to cover for you?
06:27How many kids did you say you have?
06:28I've got three.
06:29Do they watch YouTube?
06:31Oh, yes.
06:32They love YouTube.
06:34They'll be watching you then.
06:35All right.
06:36You'd be the coolest man in the house.
06:38We'll see.
06:39A YouTuber.
06:42So the plan is, I have to go and sort a few things.
06:47Do you have something to watch on your phone?
06:48Oh, yeah.
06:49No worries.
06:50I don't want to bother you.
06:51Are you OK to relax?
06:52Yeah, that's fine.
06:54We'll see you in a wee bit.
06:55See you in a wee bit.
06:56Don't get too nervous, OK?
06:57Don't drive off.
06:58We're going to leave stuff here.
06:59Don't worry.
07:00Time to meet the main man.
07:01We're going to go in and meet him.
07:02We're not going to give the game up because I kind of want to surprise him with a guy
07:03in a blindfold like.
07:04But we'll go in and tell him we're going to do some fun videos.
07:05We got in his taxi with no idea what was going on.
07:09I went to meet his favourite footballer.
07:11Tell me what's happening.
07:12I'm John.
07:13Nice to meet you.
07:14Nice to meet you.
07:15Nice things.
07:16We're going to be recording a fun video quite soon.
07:17So we recently made a video where we blindfolded someone when we took it off.
07:20They were sat with killing in Bat Bay.
07:23The day you're out on Bat Bay.
07:25You're the main man.
07:26You're the main man, so.
07:27All right.
07:28We're going to do that in a wee while.
07:29Something different, though.
07:30I'll let you know later.
07:31I just wanted to tell you now.
07:32See you in a wee bit.
07:33We'll go and shoot a few videos and we'll see you in a bit, OK?
07:35Nice to meet you, man.
07:36All right.
07:37If he doesn't put the blindfold on, what do we do?
07:40He will.
07:41He will.
07:42He trusts us.
07:43It's a lot of trust.
07:44He doesn't know what we're doing.
07:46He's been promised nothing and he just has to walk for 100 metres and be guided.
07:51I wonder, will he do it?
07:52I really hope he does it.
07:53Do you want to come out?
07:54Do you want to come around here, right?
07:55You've trusted me so far today.
07:57You've paused your day and put a lot on the line, but I've one more ask of you.
08:00Yeah, what is it?
08:01I've one more thing to ask you.
08:03How much do you trust me?
08:05At this stage, honestly.
08:06No, I trust you, not me.
08:07You trust me?
08:09Do you want to prove that you trust me?
08:12I'm going to ask you to put on this blindfold.
08:16And these noise-cancelling headphones.
08:18You'll be quite disoriented, but I'll walk you and then I'm going to sit you down and
08:23all you have to do is wait until I take your blindfold off.
08:25It won't be longer than 30 minutes.
08:31We will be within about 200 metres of here.
08:36We're not going anywhere crazy.
08:37We're not going to do anything to you.
08:39Are you up for it?
08:41He's up for it?
08:45This is a proper blindfold now.
08:46So put that on.
08:48And then is there a type of music you like in particular?
08:49Bob Marley.
08:50Bob Marley.
08:52We'll put on some Bob Marley.
08:53These should be noise-cancelling, so you shouldn't really hear anything.
08:55And we're also going to try and be quiet so that you really can't hear anything.
08:59See you on the other side?
09:01Bob Marley, yeah?
09:04It's going to be a little bit loud, but that's just because I don't want you to hear anything.
09:07I'll take you by the arm and we'll walk you.
09:09I appreciate you trusting us because this is a bit mad.
09:11We only met a few hours ago.
09:13All right, my man.
09:14I'll see you on the other side.
09:15All right.
09:16See you.
09:17So what do you think about the Champions League last night?
09:23What about like meeting Kobe Maneuw?
09:25I don't have the balls to say it louder than that.
09:27I can't say it louder than that.
09:29This is a mad amount of trust.
09:30This man picked us up in a taxi earlier.
09:32Didn't have a clue what would be happening with his day.
09:34And here he is walking down a random street about to meet one of his favourite footballers.
09:42What a hero.
09:43Imagine doing this.
09:44If you want to sit down, there's a wee chair behind you I can guide you down, OK?
10:00I'll see you in a few minutes.
10:03All right.
10:06And if you aren't subscribing after me doing this, you're never going to subscribe.
10:10Do it now.
10:11Then, although Ayman had absolutely no idea yet, it was time to introduce him to Maneuw.
10:16Nice to see you, man.
10:17Got a little present for you.
10:23So this guy, he's our taxi driver for today.
10:27He says that you're the future of the midfield and that you should build a team around you.
10:30So he's a proper fan, right?
10:31So you just gave that to him?
10:32Literally, literally.
10:33You proudly said you didn't know it, but you took it.
10:37But we didn't really tell him that we were going to put him a blindfold or headphones.
10:41So we just parked him up the road for a while and then we just went back and got him.
10:44And I was like, he's been sat there for hours now, he kind of had no choice but to put it on.
10:49But he's listening to some Bob Marley, that was his choice.
10:52He's relaxing.
10:53We're going to bring him over and then we're going to take the blindfold off and see what he does.
10:57Is that fun?
11:02Stand up.
11:05You ever done anything like this?
11:08You go in front, make sure he doesn't fall over.
11:11Are you able to guide him through that wee hole?
11:13Yeah, I reckon so.
11:14Look at this level of trust.
11:15This man didn't know us three hours ago.
11:18I'll go in front here.
11:19Yeah, watch this, watch this.
11:20Oh, jeez, OK.
11:22This is mental.
11:23The things we do for a living.
11:24Call me.
11:26I'll swap jobs.
11:27Guide him to a seat.
11:29Yeah, so this is the next task, right?
11:30Let me try and get round.
11:34There's another seat behind you, OK?
11:51The first thing I'm going to ask is if you could please sign a shirt for him.
11:54So his name's Ayman, A-Y-M-A-N.
11:58And feel free just to write whatever you think.
12:00Yeah, I might give you advice not to trust anyone.
12:02Honestly, don't let anyone kidnap you or something.
12:04It's kind of funny.
12:09Please do not let anyone kidnap you.
12:10Please do not let anyone else kidnap you.
12:16That's amazing, man.
12:17So we'll leave this here for him to see.
12:19And although Ayman was totally unaware,
12:21his favourite player started opening top packs right beside him.
12:25I've got Garnaccio.
12:27But I was competing against Cobby to find the one signed card in the box.
12:34I'm Jude and I've bought a pack.
12:36And although we both packed some amazing players,
12:38it was me who found the signed card.
12:41So it's the time, isn't it?
12:43I'm sweating, man.
12:44It's so weird, isn't it?
12:45He's just there.
12:46I wonder where he thinks he's chilling.
12:47This is great.
12:49I wouldn't trust you once I knew this.
12:51Might ask you next, lad.
12:55Everyone quiet.
12:57Right, big dog.
12:58I'm going to take your blindfold off in just a minute.
13:02Do you have any idea where you are?
13:05Any idea at all?
13:07No? OK.
13:08Are you nervous?
13:09A little.
13:10Don't be nervous.
13:11You've trusted me this far.
13:12You can trust me another two minutes.
13:13Do you want to take your hat off
13:14and I'll pull your blindfold off in just a second?
13:19So where do you think you are?
13:21I have no idea.
13:23Can I ask why did you trust these fellas to blindfold you?
13:26Do you look trustworthy?
13:29Fair enough, I guess.
13:30Shall I take it off?
13:31Yeah, let's do it.
13:39Oh my God.
13:42Oh my God.
13:45Are you OK?
13:46Oh my God.
13:47You're my favourite.
13:48Honestly, honestly.
13:50We've got a little present for you here.
13:51Oh my God.
13:52Nice one, mate.
13:53He's my favourite player.
13:54I know.
13:56You told us.
13:58A bit of advice on there as well.
13:59Oh my God.
14:00Don't trust too many people to kidnap you.
14:01Oh, that's nice.
14:03You've made my day now, mate.
14:05I'm glad.
14:06I'm glad.
14:07Thank you for trusting us.
14:08Nice to meet you.
14:09You were saying a few things in the car earlier
14:10that were nice.
14:11Do you think you should build a whole team around them?
14:12Oh, yes.
14:13I said yes.
14:15100% yes.
14:16United should build a team around me.
14:17It's the best.
14:18That's absolutely fabulous.
14:19I couldn't believe it.
14:20It's a dream about that, honestly.
14:22And if you thought that was crazy,
14:23click here to watch me blindfold my friend
14:25and surprise him with Kylian Mbappe.
