• 2 days ago
See Suitcase's best moments before becoming Inanimate Insanity II's ultimate winner!
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Video edited by Filip K. (Khoreo)

Inanimate Insanity created by Adam Katz.
Series directed by Adam Katz, Brian Koch, and Justin Chapman.
Series inspired by Jacknjellify's "Battle for Dream Island."

"Whistle Song" by the talented SimGretina
@SimGretina https://www.youtube.com/@SimGretina
00:00So who's gonna join our alliance now?
00:02Hi! I'm sorry Knife is so mean to you, but I'll join your alliance!
00:06Hmm, I'm trying to find something wrong with you. Give me a second.
00:09Yeah, well, you're armless just like us. I think you're the perfect candidate!
00:14Yay for social click!
00:15Just give me a chance!
00:16Of course you can help us! I think Bloom should compete!
00:19So you can hack our rocket? No way!
00:22Baseball, Bloom must redeem himself! Just give him a chance, please!
00:26Ugh, okay, why not. He's not even alive!
00:30You monster! You're just jealous because he's still in the game!
00:33Shut up!
00:34Here, Balloon! You can help me get the flower!
00:36Oh, okay. So wanted flower, right? You have flowers!
00:42Oh, you're right! Phew, that could have been disastrous!
00:46Uh, Mike, how about you?
00:48What do you think, Suitcase?
00:49Uh, I guess if that's what my alliance member wants.
00:53I don't think I'm gonna like this challenge.
00:55Why? You're not gonna get scared, are you?
00:59Well, uh, pfft, of course not!
01:02Oh, sorry, I just assumed because I thought you were a complete wimp!
01:07Well, I guess we'll go together, then!
01:12It was a dark and stormy night.
01:15Hey, I barely said anything!
01:17You two look like you just saw a ghost!
01:19Ghost? What?
01:20I'll leave you alone with the person that was just so trustworthy last season!
01:25Why is he trying to mess with us?
01:27You! You tried to manipulate everyone last season!
01:30Oh, come on! I thought that's how you win in a reality show like this!
01:34It's not who I really am!
01:36I'm sorry. I believe you.
01:38Well, I'll always be by your side.
01:40Look, Mike, if I may, this sarcasm isn't helping your reputation.
01:44Why not try a random act of kindness?
01:46Why does everyone keep trying to change me?
01:49Just mind your own business, Suitcase!
01:52You, what's your face? Yeah, you're eliminated.
01:55Wait, I believe there's been a mistake!
01:57Right, okay. Look, we've got our busy schedule.
01:59But, I...
02:00Suitcase, you're ruining the show.
02:02Now, uh, just walk a few steps back.
02:05Uh, a little more.
02:07Just a little more, a little...
02:09And perfect!
02:10How could we just lose Suitcase like that?
02:13Yeah, it's pretty unfair, but let's face it, we were bound to outlast her anyway.
02:17But she didn't deserve this!
02:19This isn't right.
02:20Suitcase, come back.
02:22Oh yeah, the gang is back!
02:24You know, Mike, in times like these...
02:28You know, guys, after being eliminated for like, a day or so,
02:32I realized I should take this competition more seriously.
02:35I was scared we almost lost you.
02:37Yeah, we need the numbers to advance in this game!
02:39And, y-you know, she's our friend.
02:42Oh, yeah, sure, that. Right.
02:44Hey, someone should grab that cure!
02:46For MePhone!
02:47Maybe Suitcase-
02:48Huh, what? Who said that?
02:49It sounded like a good idea.
02:51It did.
02:52Wait, what?
02:53You want me to steal? I can't do that!
02:55You said it yourself!
02:56You wanted to take this competition more seriously!
02:58This is your chance, kiddo.
03:00Well, I do need to step up my game.
03:04Uh, I hope we didn't put Suitcase too far.
03:07Hey, we need to make sure our ally is loyal now,
03:10since Soap is getting a big head.
03:12I'll just take one of these batteries, if that's okay.
03:14Oh, yeah, that's fine.
03:16After all, you are only stealing it.
03:19W-what? I'm just getting it for my friends.
03:22I know they'll appreciate it.
03:24Oh, of course they will.
03:26For now.
03:28You do realize they only care about you
03:31when there's something you can give to them, right?
03:35Listen, when we suggested that you steal the battery and everything,
03:39I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, it's just-
03:42I've never been under pressure like that before.
03:45Stress that any second someone was gonna jump out and scream in my face.
03:49What are you doing?! Who do you think you are?!
03:51You're gonna get nothing but what you deserve!
03:53Death! A death for your punishment!
03:57Alliance to the end, right?
03:59Yeah, you bet.
04:01Alright! Good talk.
04:03Good talk, yeah.
04:05It never works!
04:07Nobody even cares.
04:10Well, I care.
04:13You just need to believe in what you say.
04:16Otherwise, no one will.
04:21Careful which way you go.
04:31The path you take is the choice you make.
04:34But how do you know which path is fake?
04:37What? Who is that?
04:40Who to trust? Who to follow?
04:43Is the bond solid, or is it hollow?
04:46I-I don't know!
04:48What do you think?
04:52Uh, not sure what you mean, but I'm glad I found you!
04:56Hey guys!
04:57Hey, you made it!
04:58Why don't we all go together from here on out?
05:00Let's go, Suitcase!
05:03Um, last I checked, you're not Suitcase.
05:06But I'm sure he'd like to travel alongside us!
05:08Oh right, of course!
05:10Hey, why don't we make him the team leader?
05:12That's a great idea!
05:25Sorry guys!
05:26Quick, let's get out of here!
05:28Suitcase, I don't want us getting in danger like that again!
05:31Let's just ditch him, there's still time!
05:34I'm not ditching anyone!
05:36It wasn't an accident!
05:38You don't have any proof of that!
05:40Did you just see what he did?
05:41Everyone would just be better off if he kept to himself!
05:46You'd better go talk to him.
05:48Seriously, how do you stay on their good side without losing your mind?
05:51I just couldn't let him ditch you!
05:53I thought you had a real bond with those two!
05:55Now I'm not so sure.
05:57Come on, let's get out of here!
05:59You figure out who will do what in the next challenge.
06:02Yeah, how about you figure out how you...
06:06I'm sorry.
06:08Suitcase, that was a good one!
06:10Alliance, a word please?
06:13His presence alone has started to tear us apart, hasn't it?
06:16A word please?
06:17Oh, alright, I'll be over to you.
06:21She and Balloon are friends just like us.
06:23Forcing them apart would be outright hypocritical.
06:25Gotta say, you've really changed my mind about Balloon here.
06:28You should decide what he does in the challenge today.
06:31Now the whole team is going to be depending on me!
06:33I told you I don't need their approval!
06:35You don't. You're gonna win this for yourself.
06:42Come on, for real?
06:43Hey, someone should get that bucket, maybe Suitcase.
06:46Actually, definitely Suitcase. Go!
07:12You okay?
07:14Never better.
07:16Why put up with them in the first place?
07:18If they never listen to a single thing you say.
07:21Nickel did listen to me today.
07:23That cost us so much time.
07:25Sounds like someone got set up.
07:29They knew Balloon would fail.
07:31Use it as an excuse to eliminate him, and bonus, it doesn't make you look so hot either.
07:36And it looks like to be happy, you have to impress a bunch of people you perceive as jerks.
07:42Just make your presence known.
07:49And the tenth contestant voted out, Balloon.
07:53Oh man, Suitcase, I know that vote must have been hard, but you proved your loyalty to the Alliance.
07:59For the longest time, I've been so unsure of myself.
08:03Whether or not I should make my presence known.
08:06I'm trying to do you a solid here.
08:08Nickel, I voted for you tonight.
08:12I just can't forgive the way you've been treating Balloon.
08:15I just can't forgive the way you've been treating Balloon.
08:17Game aside, you act like you're trying to protect me, but you try to send me away every chance you get.
08:23He was tearing us apart.
08:24I wanted us to have what we had before.
08:26What we had before?
08:28We don't really even talk.
08:31It's never been anything personal.
08:33At all.
08:34And to me, that's not what an Alliance is.
08:38I voted for you, Nickel.
08:40Because you've never been a true ally to me.
08:43It's a double elimination, because you were the only other contestant to receive a vote.
08:48You're automatically eliminated as well.
08:50It's nothing personal.
08:51You're going home! What a festive evening, people!
09:01My input meant nothing to Nickel.
09:03I... I just had to stand up for myself.
09:07It's also not what I meant by making your presence known.
09:10I really tried to be a good Alliance member, but I just stepped all over it.
09:14I guess it depends. What is an Alliance to you?
09:25Allow me to guide you to your world.
09:29Hey! Hey! Hey!
09:38I gotta find that jewel.
09:42Don't let me hold you back.
10:04We can't just act like we never saw...
10:06everyone else could see that thing, right?
10:08Oh this.
10:15What? How do you-
10:17No more distractions.
10:19You became rather friendly with Balloon.
10:22Were you at all motivated to befriend him out of spite?
10:25I disagreed with my alliance, but I didn't do that to upset them.
10:29I just wanted to help someone who I thought deserved another chance.
10:36What exactly did you think was happening when you encountered this floating, talking bowtie in the cave?
10:41I... I... could kind of accept it, because I see weird things like that all the time.
10:47I don't understand.
10:49Hallucinations. I think they happen when I'm anxious?
10:53So, thanks for making this such a comforting environment.
10:57What was it you were trying to tell me before? About your allies?
11:00Oh, just that they're the ones that give you strength.
11:03It's time to choose, Suitcase. Who are you bringing with you to the finals?
11:08This is still my decision. It was with Nickel, and it will be now.
11:12I choose... Knife.
11:14When you talked to me on the dock that day, it gave me strength.
11:17And I realize now, that's what an alliance is, to me.
11:22And I'll always be grateful for that.
11:26You don't have to explain it. I don't... I don't want to make you any more anxious than you already are.
11:33Don't beat yourself up. You took it pretty well.
11:35I've known you had a strong presence in the game for a while now.
11:38Today didn't make me see you any differently.
11:40Well, I guess you can call it a random act of kindness.
11:46I can't even imagine how uncomfortable it must be to see Nickel in the hallway.
11:50He owned up to all of it.
11:52Wow. But he hated you.
11:54He begged me to work with him.
11:56Work with him?
11:58On Season 3.
11:59How would when? This... this... this... can't be real.
12:04They weren't even just getting along. They had rapport, Knife. Rapport!
12:08Life goes on while we're away, I guess.
12:10That much life, though?
12:12Whoever defeats Cobbs wins the season.
12:15We're going on the honor system here. That's how much faith I have in you.
12:18I even let a whole extra season happen.
12:21Okay, are we the last to know about that?
12:23You'd think you'd remember something like that.
12:25Oh, wait. No. No, you wouldn't.
12:28See, MePhone didn't just make the show.
12:32He made you.
12:38But why did you make me like this?
12:41Everything I see, what even is this?
12:45Try living like that. It's something you can't ever really fix.
12:50You only saw what he let you see.
12:53He could literally freeze you all in time while working on another project, and you wouldn't even know the difference.
13:04You do realize they only care about you when there's something you can give to them, right?
13:10You hear me?
13:12Okay, show's over. You're done.
13:14It can't be. It can't end like this.
13:20Suitcase? Suitcase?
13:22Suitcase, come on. You still with me?
13:25I don't know.
13:28Seriously, Suitcase, between him and Balloon, you'll defend the least helpful people imaginable.
13:34It's actually kind of admirable, but there's a point where you have to just give up on them.
13:39Never give up on anyone.
13:42I can't protect you anymore.
13:44I never needed your protection.
13:46I'm the one who let you get to the finale. I carried you to the end.
13:50Ah, just so you could betray me like you betrayed all your other allies?
13:54You could never tell what was real.
13:56Your allies, your friends, so much was in your head.
14:00Face it, Suitcase, you weren't even real enough to be fake.
14:17Box? You were still on my season.
14:22As a corpse?
14:23Not a corpse.
14:24That sounds like my corpse.
14:25We didn't think-
14:26So you all were just doing this as a bit?
14:28No, I don't think so. We just wanted to include everyone.
14:32I feel so included. Thank you.
14:35Doing the right thing doesn't mean the right thing happens back to you.
14:38You give yourself a better chance when you don't go through life alone, when you find someone who's earned your trust.
14:43Not only are we not real, the stuff I see is even less real.
14:48But even if none of it's real, then what could I possibly stand to lose?
14:54Everything I felt has been real... to me.
14:59See you on the other side.
15:04Do we have everyone?
15:05I think so.
15:06We need to be sure.
15:07I got it!
15:09Don't you trust me?
15:11I do.
15:17No! Someone! Stop him! After him!
15:21I don't remember it blinking.
15:23Oh, maybe that's because... it doesn't.
15:31That right there came from your Season 3 picnic tables.
15:34That's not really what I intended when I made those.
15:37Funny, I could say the same about all of us.
15:39Popcorn, we're helpless.
15:41No, we're not. We're gonna stick together, rebuild together.
15:45We'll create a community where all of us can live.
15:48Not all of us have to see each other, but we can if we want to.
15:53I'm not giving up on you.
15:55So wait a second, which one of you won?
15:57Well, Miphone, you said it yourself.
15:59The winner of Inanimate Insanity 2 would be whoever found a way to defeat COBS.
16:03And I think we all know who that is.
16:05Well, I did kill him.
16:08So, where's my money?
16:12And that killing did go beyond PG, but hey, it's the internet, right?
16:16Wow, you really won, huh? Crazy.
16:25Hello, I'm Suitcase.
16:27Wow, you know, for some reason I pictured your voice higher.
16:30Oh, oh, I could do that.
16:32Really? That won't be hard for you?
16:34Just a bit.
16:35Perfect. Don't change a thing.
16:46Inanimate Insanity 2
