• 10 hours ago
I covered my ENTIRE Minecraft server with an OCEAN ๐ŸŒŠ Will my friends escape the flood or drown in the depths??

Mods featured in this video:
Physics Mod - https://minecraftphysicsmod.com/
Valkyrien Skies - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/valkyrien-skies
VS Eureka - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/eureka-ships

โœ… Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1
โค๏ธ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@firelight846mc?_t=8ZCYwB1CFKT&_r=1
๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/
๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

๐Ÿ’™ Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today's video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
๐ŸŽต Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Firelight #Minecraft
00:00I used realistic water physics to flood my own server in Minecraft,
00:07drowning players, destroying towns, and changing the face of the world forever.
00:14This is the story of how I pulled it off, and more importantly, why I had no choice!
00:21There he is, that evil, conniving, dookie brains!
00:26And there's that giant, over-the-top damn wall, which I'm going to BLOW UP!
00:32So I can watch that stupid eyesore of a build house over the face of the map!
00:38Now, I've already built a two-scale model in here, as you can see, that's Luke's horrible-looking house.
00:43And this is the damn wall, and all we need to do is place some TNT here, and watch the fireworks happen, baby!
00:50Skablooey! Yeah, that's right, Lukey's head is now my head!
00:55Well, no, this is his house. Now, there is only one problem to this, you see,
00:59that's a lot of water behind the damn wall, and behind Luke's house is an entire SMP,
01:05which I'm not really trying to flood, because, well, that's just mean, and those people have done literally nothing to me!
01:11So here's my plan.
01:13Step 1. Lure Luke away from his base so I can sneak in.
01:18Step 2. Find the weakest spot in Luke's dam, and plant my TNT.
01:24Step 3. Reinforce Luke's walls to stop the water from flooding the town.
01:30Step 4. Kaboom!
01:34Oh, I cannot wait to see the look on Luke's face when I get my sweet revenge,
01:39so stick around, guys, because this destruction is going to be crazy!
01:43It's Judgment Day, baby, but first step, we need to get some friends.
01:48And I kind of struggle with that, because we're going to need some help to lure Luke out of his base,
01:52so we can start our master plan.
01:53Now, you guys are probably wondering,
01:55but Ethan, you're such a chill guy, you're such a normal-looking dude,
01:59why would you want to blow your friend's dam up and probably destroy everything he's worked so hard for?
02:02Well, listen up, he did it to me first, so this is my revenge!
02:07Okay, so a few days ago, Luke added a realistic water mod to the server.
02:12I thought he was just playing Pirate or something, but no,
02:16he diverted all of the rivers near our town to my house!
02:21Then, he built a huge dam, and guess what?
02:26My base flooded!
02:28Now I'm homeless, soaking wet, and hungry,
02:32but most of all, I'm ready for some revenge!
02:37All right, finding friends, this is not my area of expertise.
02:41Wait, there's Chip and Milo, that's perfect!
02:44Let's see if we can get one of them to help me out.
02:46But wait, I can't tell them why, in case they blab to Luke.
02:51They have nothing to worry about though, it's not like I'm gonna flood this place too, just Luke's base!
02:55All right, let's join their VC.
02:57Um, hey guys, I need your help real quick.
03:00Hey Milo, what's wrong?
03:02Um, well, you see, Luke asked me to...
03:05Okay, I didn't really think of a good excuse.
03:07Uh, take his llama for a walk, but I totally forgot,
03:11and now I have plans, like manicure, pedicure, you know, gonna look so slay,
03:15so could one of you, like, go to his house,
03:17take Spiddy McSpitface into the woods over there, just for a little while?
03:22Um, can't you see we're really busy?
03:25What do you mean busy? You're just standing there doing nothing!
03:28Okay, you know what? Yes, I can see you're very busy, but please can you do this for me?
03:33Um, what's in it for us?
03:36Uh, fine, you can have my enchanted diamond sword.
03:41Don't mind if I do!
03:43I want that!
03:44Okay, Milo, you can have a Luke head.
03:47Anyway, so now the deal's done, could you guys maybe, you know,
03:50hurry on and go before Luke gets...
03:52I mean, before the llama dies of boredom or something.
03:55Good idea.
03:56Come on, Milo, let's do this!
03:58Let's go!
04:00Okay, I left the VC.
04:01Okay, I did not cook very great there.
04:03They might even be onto something, but this is perfect.
04:07Now Luke's gonna get distracted by that,
04:09and while that's happening, we can hurry over and see if he takes the bait.
04:15It's time, baby!
04:17I'm about to blow this damn sky high and nobody's gonna realize...
04:21Where even is Luke?
04:23Is he in the dam?
04:24Oh, no, no, no, come on, take the llama, hurry up!
04:27Please, they're taking so long!
04:29Okay, we can't be seen, otherwise they're gonna know something is up.
04:32Ah, another beautiful day in Minecraft.
04:35Wait, there's Luke, there's Luke!
04:36Yes, yes, he's leaving the dam, this is perfect!
04:39I need to check on Spiddy, bro.
04:40I love that guy, him and I are homies.
04:42Wait, why is there a hole in my damn wall?
04:44That's, that's, that's kind of weird.
04:46Oh my gosh, he's looking.
04:47Please, please, Luke, just turn around.
04:50Wait, where is he?
04:51He's not here, where did he go?
04:52Yes, he's taking the bait!
04:54Operation is a go, go, go, go, go!
04:56Get into the dam!
04:57Is that Chip and Milo?
04:59Are they taking Spiddy hostage?
05:01What are they doing, bro?
05:02All right, let's go in here, baby, I'm ready to see what it looks like in...
05:07How did Luke do this?
05:09Did he hire someone?
05:11Did he hire someone?
05:12He is not smart enough to build all of this.
05:14This is insane.
05:16But that's exactly why.
05:18This thing must be prone to sabotage.
05:20So there's a lot of water on this side, and I think Luke's house is like just through this way.
05:24So this is probably the perfect spot to put TNT.
05:26I really hope that's the case, at least, because we don't want this thing going awry,
05:30otherwise the entire SMP could be at risk.
05:33Okay, let's grab ourselves a lever and some redstone.
05:35We want to make sure that Luke does not see his redstone from the outside,
05:38otherwise he is going to know that something is super suspicious.
05:41I want to activate this from nice and far away,
05:43otherwise, you know, what's the point in flooding everything?
05:45If I'm also flooded with it, man,
05:47we want to make sure that everybody's there to sit and laugh at Luke.
05:51Wait, guys, what are you doing?
05:52Why do you have my llama?
05:54Milo, run!
05:55We're just taking him for a walk.
05:57What do you mean you're taking him for a walk?
05:59He doesn't want to go outside.
06:00He loves his house.
06:02We want to make sure we put a repeater like so.
06:04Grab ourselves a bunch of redstone, and now it's time.
06:07We're going to make a lovely-looking redstone circuit
06:09that would probably get me reported and banned on any sort of redstone server.
06:13I cannot even lie.
06:14We were put up to this.
06:15What do you mean you were put up to this?
06:17I was paid illegally to steal your llama.
06:20Why would you be paid to steal my llama?
06:22It's a gift I got for my friend.
06:25Okay, sure.
06:27Do you want to come to my party?
06:28Your party? Bro, you never come to my parties.
06:30I'm not going to your party.
06:32Well, Spiddy McSpickface is coming to my party.
06:34What do you mean you've held him hostage?
06:36He doesn't want to go.
06:37Look, he's trying to run away.
06:38What? No.
06:39We're actually taking him to the party.
06:41Oh, okay.
06:42It's a surprise party for him.
06:44Yeah, and it's not a surprise if you keep ruining it.
06:48Okay, I'll come back later then.
06:50So when we click a lever down there,
06:51it's going to activate this and blow up the TNT.
06:54Luke's going sky high.
06:56Now it's time to actually connect all this up so that Luke doesn't see it,
07:00and that's going to take a little while.
07:02All right, now that that's set up,
07:04because this is going to be literally doomsday,
07:07like this is going to be the largest damage and explosion you'll have ever seen,
07:11we're going to have to make sure that we extra prepare for the server to, you know,
07:15not get absolutely griefed to oblivion.
07:18So I'm going to have to go ahead and place some cobblestone along here
07:21just to defend from the water in case this wooden wall breaks.
07:25And now the greatest spectacle in all of Minecraft.
07:29Bye-bye, Luke's base.
07:32This is my final revenge.
07:37Yes, take it out. Take out the dam.
07:40Oh no, what's going on?
07:43Yes, yes, it's flooding.
07:45It's actually flooding.
07:47He's in time.
07:49Why are there more explosions?
07:51Why is it exploding up there? Hold on.
07:53I didn't put TNT up there.
07:55No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:56We need to get up. We need to get up.
07:58What's happening? I didn't put TNT up there.
08:00Hold on. No.
08:02Wait, stop, stop, stop.
08:03No, no, no, no.
08:04Big booms.
08:05I did not plan for this.
08:07Look at all the water flowing out.
08:12It's all going to plan.
08:14Oh, oh, that's really rising.
08:16Wait, it's destroyed the town.
08:17It's destroyed everyone's bases.
08:21I hope they don't blame me for this.
08:23This wasn't my intention.
08:24How did like 10 TNT do that much damage?
08:27No, no, no, no, no.
08:28I have to get over there.
08:29I have to help them.
08:30What can I do quick?
08:31Make boats, make many boats.
08:32We have to save the people.
08:34I didn't mean for it to go this way, man.
08:36All right, get in the water.
08:37We must save them.
08:38Go, go, go.
08:39Okay, good.
08:40It looks like they found somewhere to sit.
08:42Oh, this water is actually hard to sail in.
08:44Why is the water so crazy?
08:45What parts did Luke add?
08:47Okay, we're almost there.
08:48Come on, people.
08:49People, are you okay?
08:51Hello, is everyone safe?
08:52There he is.
08:54The villain who flooded your town
08:56and destroyed your homes.
08:58It is true.
08:59He gave me his sword to distract Luke.
09:02Here is the proof.
09:03No, no, no, no, no.
09:04That's not what was supposed to happen.
09:06I put protection on the walls.
09:08There was a second layer of defenses.
09:09I barely even used any TNT.
09:11How did that even happen?
09:12This doesn't make any sense.
09:14Are you going to sit here and listen to his lies?
09:16Ethan, for your crimes against the server,
09:18we hereby banish you from the SMP.
09:22Wait, what?
09:24Doesn't that seem a little bit harsh?
09:27Yeah, because I actually like this.
09:29I've always wanted to be a fishie.
09:31Everyone, I'm sorry.
09:32Please, okay, okay, I'm going.
09:34I'm going, I'm sorry.
09:35This is not how it was supposed to happen.
09:37Please, you've got to hear me out, man.
09:39I don't understand.
09:40How does this even happen?
09:41How does this backfire so badly?
09:43I put like 10 TNT.
09:45Nothing makes any sense anymore.
09:47Want to play the bread game?
09:49No, I don't want to play your bread games, bro.
09:51I just don't understand how this much damage
09:54could be caused from what I did.
09:57Wait, what is that over there?
10:00Why is there a yellow thing sticking out of the water?
10:03We need to investigate.
10:04Yellow is Luke's color.
10:05It could be something sus.
10:06Wait, are those lights up ahead?
10:08Hold up.
10:09Something is going on here, boys.
10:11What is this?
10:12Is this like some sort of periscope?
10:15There's no way, right?
10:16Whoa, whoa, whoa.
10:17What if we go down?
10:18There's a structure here.
10:20Hold up.
10:21We need to go inside ASAP.
10:22How did this get here?
10:23And how did I not notice this?
10:24Why would this be inside the dam?
10:27This doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
10:30Wait, there's a ladder here.
10:32Okay, I don't know if I mess with this.
10:34It's kind of dark down there.
10:36What is down inside the submarine?
10:39Yo, this place be massive though.
10:43How did Luke have time to build all of this?
10:45Why did he build all of this?
10:46That just make no sense.
10:48And there's my beautiful base.
10:50Flooded from Luke's actions.
10:53Maybe he built this place to like sit and laugh at my base.
10:56Yeah, I wouldn't expect Luke to not do something like that.
11:00Actually, I'd expect him to build this first before he flooded my base.
11:03He probably built it in the hopes that he would get to laugh at me drowning too.
11:08Wait, what are these?
11:11Hold on.
11:12What is this?
11:13Whoa, whoa, whoa.
11:15Wait, guys, this is the server.
11:17This is Luke's house.
11:18This is the dam.
11:20This makes so much sense.
11:21Wait, this was before the wall was built though.
11:24Okay, I don't really know what that means.
11:26Maybe Luke was like looking to build in the server something else.
11:31I don't really know.
11:32Wait, this is now.
11:34This is when the server's flooded.
11:35Look, the dam has literally overflown and there's water everywhere.
11:39And that hole right there is the hole that I created.
11:42Wait, but how did Luke know that I would create a hole?
11:46How does Luke know that I was going to flood the server?
11:49Wait a minute.
11:51The flood's gone and why is every house a Luke house?
11:55Why has Luke built Luke tilted towers?
11:58Oh my gosh, I get it.
11:59I get it.
12:00Guys, the big brain people in the comments know.
12:03Tell me what you think Luke's plans are because I think I've got it.
12:06Luke did all of this to frame me.
12:09That's why the dam exploded so big.
12:12Luke wants to flood the entire server like here.
12:14This is step two.
12:15Step three.
12:16He wants to make everyone rebuild after banishing me so there's no one to stop him.
12:20And then he can build the server in his own image.
12:23He's trying to take over the server.
12:25I mean, my friends, we need to build a new house, a new beginning.
12:31Look at you guys.
12:32You're doing so well.
12:33Surely there's something in here, a note or something, an image I could take
12:37to show to the people on the server to get this full ban.
12:39This is all his plan.
12:40I knew it wasn't my fault.
12:43Intruder detected.
12:44Activate self-destruct.
12:47No, no, no, no, no.
12:48I'm going to drown here.
12:49No, no.
12:50We need to get out.
12:51We need to get out.
12:52Why is there a self-destruct?
12:54Break the glass.
12:55Break the glass.
12:56Break the glass.
12:57Go, go, go, go, go.
12:58I'm actually going to drown.
12:59I'm going to drown.
13:00I'm going to drown.
13:01This is not good.
13:02This is not good.
13:03No, I don't want to die like this.
13:04Not like this.
13:05Not like this, man.
13:06Please, please, please.
13:07Swim up.
13:08Swim up.
13:09I'm going to die.
13:10Go, go, go.
13:11We got out.
13:12Oh, my gosh.
13:13I almost died.
13:15Why would there be a trap in there?
13:16Unless Luke was expecting me to find this.
13:19Luke was trying to cover his tracks.
13:21He was trying to get rid of me.
13:22The only person that knows about his plan.
13:25We have to get over there.
13:26We have to save the people.
13:28Wait, but he's going to expect that.
13:30We need to come up with a plan to stop this guy.
13:32The true mastermind is Luke.
13:34It's all his fault.
13:36Well, at least we know why Luke built the dam now, but it's not like we can stop him.
13:40Look how many players he has wrapped around his finger.
13:43We don't even have any evidence, man.
13:46So, we need to think of something because we at least know that this is all Luke's fault.
13:51He was so greedy for the server that he was willing to flood it.
13:54And I think the only solution now is to start fresh again, again.
13:59We need to flood the entire world and force Luke out of power.
14:05We can make sure we start fully from scratch, except ban Luke this time.
14:09Then we won't be brought up into a Luke dictatorship and his evil plans.
14:14It's genius.
14:15Now, I need to figure out how to actually make that happen.
14:19So, I went up into the mountains to do some secret research.
14:24I needed infinite water.
14:26So, I used redstone and realistic water physics to try different ways of making water.
14:32After a lot of experimenting, I finally built a machine that makes water faster and faster every minute.
14:41Behold, my latest creation.
14:45The Wetinator 5000.
14:48Okay, look, the name, it needs some work.
14:50But the main thing is, does it actually work?
14:53Here we go in 3, 2, 1.
14:56Click the lever.
14:57It's working.
14:58It's working.
14:59It's producing water from nothing.
15:02It's like condensation.
15:04It's alive.
15:05It's alive.
15:08Okay, wait, let's just turn it off real quick.
15:11The mad scientist came out in me.
15:12We are not meant to be the bad guys here.
15:14I'm not really ready to create a global flood just yet.
15:17You see, when it gets to that pipe up there, it's going to shoot out.
15:20And I don't really want to create, you know, a global flood that takes over the entire server and saves everyone.
15:26If I'm going to die to said water.
15:29So we need to make sure we have a way to actually survive.
15:32And that also means we need to figure out a way to help everyone else we care about survive.
15:36Otherwise, there's literally no point in any of this.
15:38We just want Luke drowning in this.
15:40That's kind of all we want from this, which is exactly why I found these crazy blocks.
15:45Luke added some more mods that apparently let you make, like, I don't know, ships or something like pirate ships.
15:51Which could actually be perfect.
15:54We could make our structures literal boats and then they wouldn't go down in the flood.
15:59Because a normal Minecraft build would just stay at the bottom of the ocean.
16:01But this would mean that we can all just live on the water freely.
16:05It's epic!
16:06So operation time to make a super epic PogChamp pipe house on the water is a go.
16:12Again, the naming system needs a little bit of work.
16:15Look, naming is just not my strong suit, man.
16:16I'm not good with names.
16:17But now it's time.
16:18We best be building this thing and hopefully test out that this actually works.
16:22Otherwise, we're going to have a lot of problems.
16:33And done!
16:35Now we be ready to sail the high seas on the booty patrol firelight ship.
16:41And we have to actually test that this thing floats.
16:44Please work, assemble and...
16:46Wait, is it floating?
16:48We're actually floating!
16:50It works!
16:51It works!
16:52Firelight, are you out there?
16:54Wait, who is that?
16:55No, if they see my infinite water machine, they're going to know something's up.
16:58They're going to tell Luke.
16:59Quick, we have to distract them.
17:03Hey, guys!
17:04What are you doing here?
17:06Let's just go ahead and look this way while we talk.
17:09How about that?
17:10Because we don't want to look at that.
17:11Okay, we just wanted to check on you.
17:14We maybe wanted to bring you some two bread and some one piece of bread.
17:18Yeah, and I have two and I have some seeds.
17:21Well, thanks.
17:22Now that you mention it, I was running out of food.
17:24You know what?
17:25Have a steak for that one bread you just ate, I guess.
17:29Thank you!
17:30I have not eaten in days.
17:32Thanks, guys.
17:33You guys are really nice.
17:34But why?
17:35We just feel really bad about kicking you out.
17:38Can we help you with anything at all?
17:40And here, I actually have a bucket if you wanted it.
17:44We miss you, Firelight!
17:47Yeah, I'm really sorry, Ethan.
17:49Things are super rough right now.
17:51But we just wanted to let you know we will always have your back.
17:56That means a lot to me, guys.
17:58Well, I'll use these items really well and you guys can go about your day.
18:02And please just don't look up at any mountains, okay?
18:05Okay, we won't.
18:06Good luck.
18:07They're actually really nice.
18:09Either Luke is giving them a really hard time,
18:12or they're just kind of decent people.
18:15If I flood the entire server, their houses are going down with it.
18:17I mean, I know I've been saying I don't really want to flood everybody's house,
18:21but that's kind of just going to happen if I flood the entire planet.
18:24Oh, no.
18:25That's not good.
18:26That's not good.
18:27I don't want to flood their houses, too!
18:29But we have to defeat Luke!
18:30He's got control of the SMP.
18:33I've tested out the raft technology.
18:35It clearly works.
18:36My ship is floating right now.
18:39Hold on.
18:40What if I give them the raft technology as well?
18:43So they can also make a floating house.
18:46But how do I get this to them without, you know, Luke killing me immediately?
18:52All right.
18:53It's time to see what damage has Luke done.
18:55Oh, my gosh!
18:56That's disgusting and yellow and ginormous.
18:58Why is there a massive cheese block?
19:00Or is that, like, butter?
19:02That's Luke's tower.
19:03That was in the little diorama he built.
19:06But that's way bigger than I thought it would be!
19:08Are those guards running around the tops?
19:11Oh, no.
19:12He's literally got a watch post for me.
19:16We need to sneak in there somehow.
19:17But how do we even get around those guys?
19:19All right.
19:20Go, go, go.
19:21I don't see any looking out for me right now.
19:22Quick, quick, quick, quick.
19:24That guy's coming around.
19:25Get in the water.
19:26Get in the water.
19:27Hide under the boat.
19:29I don't think they can see me just here.
19:30As long as we hide behind the boat.
19:31All right.
19:32Get back in.
19:33And go, go, go, go, go, go.
19:34All right.
19:36This is, like, full mission impossible.
19:38We need to run.
19:39We need to run.
19:40Keep looking behind us, though.
19:41Come on.
19:42This must be Chip's house.
19:43I mean, it's all orange.
19:44That only makes sense.
19:46Chip's inside.
19:47We can do this.
19:48We can give him his items.
19:54Ethan, what are you doing here?
19:55They're going to see you.
19:56Listen up.
19:57I have good news.
19:58I'm here to warn you, though, because it's not the best news right now, but you need
20:02to not tell anyone on the server, okay?
20:04There is going to be another flood, probably, like, two to three times bigger than the one
20:10Anyway, Luke has been lying to all of you about his plans.
20:13Take these for yourself right now.
20:15All you need to do is put these around your base, and then your base won't be affected
20:18by the flood, okay?
20:20Thanks for the floaters.
20:21No, no, no, no.
20:22It's floaters, as in it's going to make your base float.
20:25Anyway, I don't have time for this, man.
20:27I got to get out of here.
20:28The guards are going to be here soon.
20:29Good luck.
20:30Have fun.
20:34I also snuck over to Milo's house and gave him some floaters to save his crib.
20:38Now, all that's left to do is start the flood.
20:42Looks like the boat is ready to go, and now it's time to activate my machine.
20:48Oh, Ethan, come out with your hands up.
20:51How did you know I was here?
20:54Let's just say a little birdie told me.
20:56I'm a little birdie.
20:58Yeah, obviously, it was Milo.
21:00Milo told me.
21:01I'm sorry, Firelight.
21:02I thought he was your friend.
21:05Yeah, so did we all.
21:06We've established that he's not a great ruler of the server, haven't we, buddy?
21:11First, he destroyed your homes.
21:12Now, he wants to destroy your server.
21:14Kill him.
21:15No, no.
21:16They're shooting at me.
21:17Why are they listening to him?
21:18Luke, you won't get away with this.
21:20I have seen your evil plans.
21:22You're done for, buddy.
21:23I'm going to click the button, and the server will flood.
21:26It doesn't matter when I'm finished with you.
21:28The whole server will be mine.
21:30Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
21:33Chip, why did you just shoot me?
21:36You know why I shot you.
21:37Go, Ethan.
21:38Come on.
21:39We'll hold him off.
21:40You start the flood.
21:41What do you mean you'll hold me off?
21:42No, you won't.
21:44Take him down.
21:45I have allies.
21:48Activate the flood machine.
21:49Take that.
21:50Take that.
21:52Are you serious?
21:54You did it.
21:55And now, it's time.
21:56The server will be flooded once more, but don't worry, everyone.
22:00You will be safe.
22:02It's time.
22:04Go, my water.
22:06Flood the earth.
22:08We've done it.
22:09We took down Luke.
22:10Oh, that is a lot of water.
22:11That is a lot of water.
22:13We might want to get to safety, guys.
22:17The machine worked.
22:18Except it's flipping doomsday out there.
22:19Look at the water.
22:20It's already risen.
22:21The trees were not underwater before.
22:23We need to get to our raft.
22:24We may have taken down Luke, but there's literally no point if we also drown in the process.
22:25Get to the firelight raft now.
22:26Go, go, go, go.
22:27I don't want to be the one to go.
22:28I don't want to be the one to go.
22:29I don't want to be the one to go.
22:31We assembled the Avengers.
22:35We did it.
22:43The raft is floating.
22:46We're not drowning.
22:50We're not sinking.
22:54Ethan, you made it.
22:54The sky's the limit.
22:57The west wind does not heal the wounds of Devil or Satan.
23:00What happened you a house?
23:02How did you manage to mess it up I gave you clear instruct wait wait wait for me guys don't leave without me
23:09Luke really you bro. You wanted this entire place to yourself. You wanted this entire build made for you
23:16Why don't you just keep all you ask for and we'll just say look, you know
23:25You'll probably just eat him when you get hungry or something Luke your mind-control tactics are not working on us, bro
23:29Everybody hop up all aboard the hype train. We're sailing out of here
23:37See you later Lukey boy guys guys, please we can talk about this
23:47Finally we see land we can rebuild our entire civilization
23:59What does this mean no
