• 2 days ago
Today Tyler & Snowi THROW STUFF FOR MONEY in Roblox! πŸ₯‘πŸŒ™ Can we UNLOCK ALL ITEMS and the MAX LEVEL TALLEST BUILDING? This NEW ROBLOX GAME has SO MANY FUNNY MOMENTS !! πŸ‘‰Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like πŸ‘ if you enjoyed!

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#funnymoments #roblox #cartoon


00:00Today I'm stuck on the roof of this super tall building. I'm kind of lost right now
00:07I thought the stairs would take me to the exit, but they took me to the roof
00:11So funny, you're supposed to go down the stairs for the exit not up them
00:17Oh, man, what I asked the guy where the exit was
00:20He told me to take the stairs, but he didn't specify to go down them. That's okay, though
00:25The stairs are right through Oh snowy. The door to the stairs is locked
00:32But my phone is dead snowy it's out of battery right now look at all the people down there snowy
00:38Hello, someone come unlock the door for me, please. I'm stuck on the roof of this building
00:44I don't think they could hear you Tyler
00:46There's gotta be a way I could get the attention of all of those people down there if I can get one of them to
00:52Notice me up here then they could call someone to come help me
00:55Is there anything you could throw down there to get their attention? Maybe I could make a paper airplane with a note on it
01:02Oh wait, so we look there's a watermelon right here. I guess this might get their attention
01:07Oh, okay Tyler dropping. Here we go
01:11watermelon incoming
01:16Nobody even noticed this is bad snowy. I might be stuck up here forever
01:21There's gotta be a way I can make my phone work guys hit the like button right now to give my phone just enough battery
01:28To call one person
01:33The likes are coming in is it gonna work? Oh my gosh snowy. Look my phone turned on it's calling somebody
01:40This is Tony's pizza. What can I get for you? Hey, I'd like to order a pizza, please
01:45And um, can you deliver it to the top of this building? Yeah, we got the fastest delivery times
01:50It'll be there in about two seconds. Hey, look snowy
01:53It just got delivered. Whoa, that was awesome. I didn't even see the pizza delivery guy
01:58That's because they dropped it from the sky snowy. They use drone delivery now on man, but it's a pepperoni pizza
02:06I only wanted cheese pizza. What are you talking about? Tyler pepperoni pizza is the best kind of pizza
02:12Oh, man, I wasted my one phone call getting this pizza. I don't even why this is what I do with pepperoni pizza
02:19I drop it. Get out of here
02:24That's all over the floor. That guy didn't even look good
02:27But at least you got free pizza guys vote in the comments down below
02:31Are you team cheese pizza like me or team pepperoni like snowy?
02:36You'll see by the comments Tyler everyone's team pepperoni vote in the comments guys
02:41Everyone likes cheese pizza better than pepperoni check this out
02:45Snowy it looks like every time I drop something off of this building. Look it gives me cash
02:53Check this out silly look at all of the different things I could buy today to drop off of the building
02:59That's what I'm gonna be spending all my cash on
03:04Look I could buy a jar of pickles. Oh my gosh, check it out. So we look at the pickles inside of this jar
03:10Oh, I bet you when you drop it's gonna smash
03:13What would happen if I put it right here and then I turned on this conveyor belt, oh my gosh, so we look there
03:19It goes. Whoa, we launched it. Oh my gosh. Is it gonna hit anybody? Oh
03:25That's crazy, I bet you didn't expect to get pickles on her head today. Yes, so we oofed by pickles
03:32Whoa, this one's flying like crazy. Oh
03:35Okay, that one didn't hit anyone, but I'm still getting cash. Whoa. What is this next thing I could get?
03:41Oh, it's a mysterious crate. Oh my gosh, so we it's a crate of bananas. Here we go
03:47It's falling off the roof all of the bananas
03:51Look silly all the bananas came out of the crate. This is so fun. Oh look this one's going this one's catching speed and oh
04:00It's basically raining bananas right now. Oh my gosh, so we look at the next thing I could buy. It's a firework
04:07Dude, is this TNT?
04:09Whoa, do you think it's gonna go off when it hits the ground? I think so. Here it goes. It's falling. It's falling
04:16It's falling and
04:19Whoa, that was the craziest one. Yay. Oh my gosh
04:22This is so fun and guys stick around because I'm going to be unlocking every single item
04:28You could drop in this game today
04:30We're gonna max out everything and drop the rarest items you could possibly get check it out
04:35So it looks like I could drop two of them now. Let's turn on this conveyor belt and launch
04:40Oh my gosh, there's two fireworks. Here they go
04:45Whoa, that was so much fun check it out so we I could also upgrade my item limit
04:51So now I could drop three things. Oh, that should be crazy
04:55Okay, so we look I ordered three pizzas and now I'm gonna send them off the roof. There go the three pizzas
05:03What there's nobody even here it was a raining pizza party nobody was even there to witness it that's it snowy
05:10I'm gonna upgrade the height of the building. I'm on so it's even taller now
05:14Look how tall some of these other buildings are. Whoa, that one goes in the clouds. Hey, what's in this next box?
05:21I just unlocked. Wait a second. So we do hear babies crying. Yeah
05:26Oh my gosh, so we what look why are there babies inside of this box whose babies are these I don't know Tyler
05:34But I guess they're going off the roof. Oh my gosh. Okay, what happens?
05:43Don't worry silly they're safe. They went to a loving new home
05:46You're basically creating happy new families man. So, you know, I just realized I don't really have anywhere to go to the bathroom
05:54Bathroom up here. I
05:57Think it is. No, I'm not gonna do that. Hey look
06:02There's an outhouse up here. This is perfect. Wait a second. So wait, there's already somebody in there. Is that a cat?
06:07What is he doing in there? I think he's using the bathroom silly, but I could use it, too
06:13I could use it to drop on someone. Here we go. It's the porta potty. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh and
06:21The cat came out of it, oh my gosh, that is so gross
06:26Imagine getting hit by a porta potty. I'm gonna launch three of them. So here they go all three Porter bodies
06:34Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Look look. Look. Oh
06:37That was crazy. Well, you know, it's a little less gross snowy. What if I drop some cake?
06:44Oh, that would be so fun. I wish a cake fell on me
06:47I just gotta wait for there to be the right amount of people down there and then let's get the cake and let's drop it
06:55Happy birthday. Oh my gosh. The cake is falling. The cake is falling. The cake is falling. Oh
07:01Look at that snowy. Oh that cake looks so good. I know right? Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go
07:08Look at all that cake. You see people walking towards it Tyler. They were good for the cake
07:14Yes, no, I think they were fighting over who's gonna be able to eat it. Hey, what's this? Oh my gosh, look so
07:19It's a bowling ball. Oh
07:21That's gonna land hard
07:23Okay, guys, who should the bowling ball land on? Let's see. We're launching it. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
07:29Wait, I'm gonna aim for this guy. I'm gonna aim for this guy. Oh, I got him right in the noggin
07:33Oh my gosh, it's the most unlucky day for that guy. I think it's time to make my building taller snowy
07:40Let's make it as tall as I could possibly make it right now with all the cash that I've earned. Look at this
07:45Oh, it's gonna be so cool with this stuff falls from so high up. Okay, guys, let's see how high up we are now
07:51Oh my gosh, so we look at all the people down there. They're like specs now
07:58Hey snowy check this out I could drop an entire table from up here and I'm holding it in my mouth right now
08:06Here we go
08:09Here it comes here it comes here it comes. Oh my gosh, is it gonna hit these people? Oh
08:14It took out four people with the four legs that were on the table. Hey, look silly. Grandpa's visiting today
08:21Oh, hi, grandpa. I sure do love the young people
08:26So what did you want to talk to me about all the way up on top of this building today? Oh, nothing grandpa
08:32Just stay there real quick while I push this launch button
08:36Oh my gosh, Tyler, you're pure evil. Here we go. Bye grandpa
08:50He fell into a bunch of pieces
08:52Hey, look silly three of grandpa's friends from the old folks home are here. Oh, no, something tells me
08:59They're all about to fall off the roof. Let's push the launch button and see what happens
09:04Hey, is this where the bingo class is?
09:11So we I ordered a TV for up here to keep me entertained but it's stuck on this one channel
09:19What should I do with it, wait a second, I think I could drop it. Oh my gosh
09:24I'm gonna drop this TV off the building
09:27I just gotta wait for the right moment. And oh my gosh, the TV is falling. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go
09:33It's gonna land on
09:40Snowy what is this? I don't know Tyler, but it looks
09:45Explosive. Yeah, it kind of looks like a rocket. I think I'm gonna drop three of these
09:50Let's see how big this explosion is gonna be. Let's launch on here. They go. Oh
09:56Bombs away. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, and people don't even know it's coming
10:05That shook like the entire area down there
10:08That was so big here comes another here comes another I can aim it snowy. Oh my gosh
10:17Well, you collected so much money from that yeah, it gives me a ton of cash every time I drop one of these oh
10:24Here we go
10:26So far, this is my favorite thing. Yes. No way that thing was super fun
10:31But what's this a little cockroach who cares about a tiny little bug? Oh my gosh, so we I think it's not tiny
10:38Oh my gosh
10:41It's creepy get it off the roof get it off the roof and let's see how people react to this crazy bug
10:47It's gonna land in someone's hair. So we look here we go
10:53Imagine if that thing fell on your head
10:55Dogs get your dogs here. What who said that? Oh look silly. There's a hot dog salesman up here
11:01Wait, how do you get that hot dog cart up here? I had a wheel it all the way up the stairs
11:06Oh hot dogs. Uh, can I actually borrow your hot dog cart real quick? Thank you
11:13It's mine, let's drop it
11:16Here we go extra special hot dogs, you know, it's so we I've been trying to learn how to play the piano all day
11:24It's taking forever. It's too hard. Look at the instructions. Is this even written in English?
11:29Tyler throw it off the building. It would be way more fun than trying to play it. You're right, silly
11:35I'm sick of trying to learn the piano. It's too hard. Oh my gosh. No, it's falling off the building
11:40It's falling off the building. It's falling off the building. It's falling off the building
11:44Guys imagine you're just walking in the city and then a piano just hits you from the top of a super tall skyscraper
11:50Wait a second. So my skyscraper is barely tall. Look at these other ones. Oh my gosh, that one goes above the clouds, dude
11:57Come on, Tyler. Let's upgrade day. I have an idea. So we I'm gonna buy plus
12:02100 height I think that's gonna max out how tall the sky scraper is. Oh my gosh. I'm gonna buy a sky scraper
12:08I'm gonna buy a sky scraper. I'm gonna buy a sky scraper
12:11100 height I think that's gonna max out how tall the buildings could be. Here we go guys. Whoa, wait a second
12:17So why don't I see the other buildings anymore?
12:30Is this the tallest building in the world snowy this is crazy
12:33But Tyler it's time to try and throw something off of it and we have to choose something good
12:39Yeah, totally so II hey, what about this toxic waste barrel I can get three of these and
12:46Look at the radiation coming off of them. They stink. Whoa Tyler throw it down there. Nobody will even see where it came from
12:55Yeah, so it's like radioactive barrels just falling from the sky. They can't even see the top of this building
13:01Okay, so II here we go. I'm launching
13:06They're falling like crazy. Look at those ones aren't even gonna land
13:09They just hit that building and they bounced off, but they're gonna come back down
13:14Yeah, eventually what goes up must come down
13:18Here comes the toxic waste
13:21Oh my gosh, so II I think it turned them into zombies that was insane you single-handedly started a zombie outbreak
13:30Snowy remember earlier when I asked about the bathroom up here. Yeah
13:36Well, the bathroom situation didn't improve. So you gotta go where you gotta go
13:47Let's launch it
13:50Whoever gets this other head is so I'm lucky. Yeah, so II this is the world's most
13:56Unluckiest person ever where this is gonna land. Okay. Okay, who's it gonna land on who's gonna land?
14:02They'll probably think there's like a giant bird or something. Oh
14:09Check it out. So II there's only three different items that are higher level than the poo like what is this right here?
14:16Oh my gosh, so we it's a gorilla. Whoa
14:23What's that mr. Gorilla
14:26You hear that silly? He says that it's always been his dream to be a flying gorilla and soar through the sky
14:34Whoa. Well today is your lucky day gorilla. Yeah, mr. Gorilla your day of flying lessons starts now
14:49Yeah, quick quick spread your wings Oh No, so we I don't think you can fly I don't think you can fly
14:54I think he's falling and he's gonna hit those people
14:59Hey snowy I could drop this super heavy anvil from up here. Oh, that should be super fun to do. Let's drop it
15:08Wait, what? Oh my gosh, it's the squid game doll
15:12Okay, I'm gonna walk over here and drop
15:15No, I can't move every time. She says red light green light. That's it. I'm pushing her off
15:26Oh my gosh, look guys she's falling like crazy. I forgot how big the squid game doll is
15:37She landed on some people at least that got rid of her but now so we it's time to buy the most
15:43Expensive thing in the entire game. So check this out guys
15:47We started with a watermelon and if I scroll all the way down to the very end I can unlock a nuke
15:58But silly I'm not just gonna drop one nuke I'm gonna drop three of them
16:03Well, what's gonna happen? Okay guys, let me put nuke number one right there nuke number two nuke number three
16:10You ready for this snowy?
16:14Guys hit subscribe right now if you haven't already to drop the nukes
16:20Yeah, guys, the nukes will drop without your subscribe. They're hitting subscribe and there go the nukes
16:29My gosh, so we nukes are falling from the tallest building in the entire game. Here we go
16:35It's gonna land right in the center of the park down here. It's raining nukes right now. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh and
16:49Well guys we're gonna be dropping nukes on everyone all day long while we're doing that
16:55You should click on one of those videos. That's a screen right now and like the video if you haven't already