• 21 hours ago
Minecraft, But It's On 1 Super Lucky Block
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@Danny Bionic

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00:00Hey, you want to see something cool?
00:03Yeah, that's right. I'm super baby.
00:06Because today we're trapped on one super lucky block where we could get extremely lucky or
00:14Unlucky enough to destroy the entire universe. And so if I die the video's over. Yep. I'm cooked. I'm cooked
00:22I'm literally on a freaking super one block in the middle of nowhere and what no way
00:30Oh my god, there's a giant lucky block build. It looks kind of like rainbowy. It's not fully super like the one block
00:36It looks like it's two thousand billion blocks away. All right, it's fine
00:39We're gonna make our way over there. But here goes nothing. I just gotta make sure I don't die
00:46What the heck why is the meat so big bro super meat, oh my gosh, our first item was super meat, let's go
00:53I'm lucky. I'm lucky. Okay. Okay. We got a lock in though
00:55We got a lock in because this could kill me any frickin second. We got ruby blocks now. Wait, that's not even in Minecraft
01:02Well, none of this is in Minecraft. Okay. I have 18 rubies. I don't know if I should have built with it, but it took
01:08It's okay, cuz we're gonna get other blocks too. You guys know I'm oaking for the win. See ya bot
01:14Why would you waste wood like that? Listen, bro, it doesn't matter. I got obsidian chestplate
01:19Yeah, I look all purple and amazing. Now. I refuse to use birch gamers. Yes, I knew it
01:24I knew I was gonna get some oak logs. Okay. Now we're talking
01:27I'm gonna make a crafting table boom BAM and now we're gonna be 200 IQ and make some slabs. Yeah, that's right
01:32I'm smart. Even if I might not look like it. All right, I didn't looking pretty good
01:37You know what? I'm gonna make another round of oak slabs break this. I hope I get this. I hope don't don't drop to the
01:43Okay, okay, this is much better. Oh, please. Oh, oh grass. Okay. Okay, that's easy expand our island
01:50Man I run it out. It's all good because I'm pretty sure oh, no. No a super lucky block
01:56Why did I get one from the one block? Oh, no, no, no, no super lucky or super unlucky
02:03Okay. Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
02:05I'm gonna make some more slabs only because I gotta get as far as possible because guess what if I die the videos over
02:12Okay, and I don't want like a five minute video. Neither do you gamers? Okay, let's do this
02:16I'm totally not about a frickin poop my pants right now. Three, two, one smash the like button for extra long. Come on
02:26Literally pooping blocks what the
02:29Okay, there's a half door in front of me. What is this? Oh my god. I almost just died
02:35I almost just died dude. Wait, nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah, this was so freaking cool. Are you kidding me?
02:40Hold on. We gotta make our way down, but maybe on the way down. Ooh, I will break this. Give me give me give me
02:46Thank you. And oh my god, there's some more wood over here. Oh, what is this?
02:50What is this fam if you guys want to replay the video and look back?
02:53I'm pretty sure I was literally pooping and far in a bunch of blocks. It was like a block fart rocket
02:59That's what we're calling this block fart rocket and watch out. Oh my gosh, that was too risky. Okay, let's go over here
03:04Don't die. Wait a second. I have my super meat. I'm not
03:08What oh, yeah, I forgot I turned freaking giant and awesome and my inventory is full of blocks. Okay, wait, wait, wait
03:14Oh, oh, I shrunk that scared me. I thought I was falling or something
03:17Let's make ourselves a chest perfect that way we can store all of these blocks because bro, they are so random
03:23Let's go and make another chest as well. Oh god birch. Okay, you know what? I gotta use it into a chest, bro
03:28There you go. If there was birch chests in Minecraft, I'd be so upset
03:31I would never I would never want to live what also we have some sticks. I'm pretty sure can I make Ruby stuff?
03:38Yes, I can. All right blues the best but red is okay, too. Yeah some real protection. Okay, wait, this is kind of cool, dude
03:44Yeah, that's right. Lucky block. I'm ready to defeat you. All right, we got two blocks of gold. That is pretty fire. Come on. I
03:51Almost just died. Oh my god. Oh my god. Wait. No, thank God. Thank goodness. We are stacked
03:56Is there anything else that could help us? Oh, there's water coming down. How did that even happen?
04:00I'm so confused, but honestly, I'll take the water. That's kind of fire cuz now if we fall we good
04:05I'm eating another super meat. I want to get double big. Hopefully I have double the luck. Oh my gosh that actually worked
04:11I have a freaking teleporting totem of undying. I don't even know what that does
04:14But if I die, I think I got teleported which is perfect. No, I'm tiny again. Oh my silly
04:18Oh, all right, you know what? It ain't grass, but it's okay. It's okay. We can just kind of like, you know
04:22I think this is luckier than grass. I'm pretty sure boom. Yes some normal wood. Thank you
04:27I don't care what people say bro. Now all wood is the same BAM BAM. Perfect. How about now?
04:32Holy butt cheek on a stick. We got a freaking super mace, baby
04:36Oh my smash down on enemies in a super fashion. Okay. Wait, I don't know. Does this blow up stuff?
04:42I'm kind of scared. Oh, yeah, and then boom. Okay, nothing happened cuz there wasn't anyone here except my deep thoughts
04:49I think the one block knows not to summon some. Oh my I gotta get out. I gotta go
04:54Oh my god boost up boost up. Yo, okay. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. I got an idea
04:58I'm gonna I'm gonna super smash him. Oh
05:01Yeah, I missed oh my goodness. No trying this again. I'm trying this again. Okay. Okay. I got this. I got this
05:06Boom. Oh my god. No, I destroyed everything. Are you serious? Goodbye Island? What happened to my island, bro?
05:16Okay, great cool we have what even I don't even know what just happened here
05:19Okay, now we know super mace can create some super annoying damage
05:24Freaking there we go. Fix my stupid chests. You know, I I was a fool
05:28I thought the one lucky block was actually our friend, but but it's okay. Wait a second. Is it rising me up, bro?
05:34Oh, no, it just gave me a super hard bat bat if I eat and we regen the hearts
05:39Oh, it gave me super hearts. That is so cool. Okay, fine. I guess it was kind of my fault lucky block
05:44Oh my gosh, I literally started the second. I started to hate the one super lucky block gamers
05:50It gave me a lucky sky house kid. I don't even know what that mean boy. What the heck that mean? What?
05:55No way. These are literal sky blocks. We got a literal sky door. Wait, hold on a second
06:00This wants me to build a sky house. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I I love you. I'm gonna kiss you
06:05I'm gonna grab all of these blocks real quick
06:07How much do we have two stacks and two literal sky blocks then a stack and two literal sky stairs and then one single little?
06:14Okay. Oh
06:16Lucky block gods. Can you please give me some sort of some sort of path that that's this is actually better than what I needed
06:22So what I'm gonna do make a nice little path. Perfect. Okay, I think that's good enough. Wait, I don't have a that's right
06:28My crafting table broke. We're gonna put this in my house in a second. Oh, wait, we also have some emeralds
06:32Can I make stuff out of this? Oh, I can emerald shuttle might as well since I already have a ruby pickaxe now
06:37Oh my gosh, there you go. We can make a little path and then over here. No way we can start placing our blocks
06:44It looks like glass right now, but don't be fooled gamers
06:47You might already know what happens or you might not already know what happens
06:50We can't make it too big only cuz we're kind of limited on the blocks. The door will definitely go right there. That's perfect
06:56Let's build our walls. Okay, there go. We got our glass cube. Now. All I have to do is something like this
07:01I'm pretty sure but do I have enough sky stairs to make a proper roof?
07:05I don't think so. But if we low-key do a different design kind of like a villager house
07:13We literally have our house. Oh my gosh. Okay. Okay. This is gonna be sick. Let's get a crafting table put this bad boy inside of
07:20Their gamers, are you freaking serious right now? Are you I have an invisible house. It's literally there but you can't see it, bro
07:27Oh my y'all. This is insane. This is actually insane. Look at this, bro
07:32Honestly, I should do a trolling video on the SMP with a with an invisible house or like a secret base or something
07:38Let me know if you want to see that in the comments. Thank you super lucky block for giving me this video idea, bro
07:42This was so cool. Oh my god, and it's literally gone. Come on if we can keep getting lucky. This is gonna be insane
07:48We got some iron blocks. We got some lucky blocks. Oh
07:52God, yeah, that's right. I climbed up our poop tower of blocks. I'm breaking them up here, dude
07:57I don't even care. Oh, I got a ton of quartz. This is actually pretty cool. I can use all the blocks
08:06Oh my god, why did I do that bro, bro, bro, I hate you lucky blocks not you you're kind of cool
08:13Well, we almost just died it an iron paxil combines an axe shovel and pickaxe. All right, wait this I don't even need anything
08:19Then we literally got a god tool right here and it's fortune 3 how much better could it get riddle me that
08:26Gamers if I get unlucky, I'm literally gonna die. I just know it. I just know it. Okay. Okay. Okay, you know what?
08:32I'm actually gonna low-key. Yeah, hold on. Hold on. I have an idea. Let's just quickly. Boom. Yeah, make some slabs
08:36Okay, I got 32 quartz slabs. I want to make a pretty bridge. Okay, I made a nice little bridge
08:42I really hope the lucky plug
08:45It's gonna be nice to me. Okay, look look with this little shrine. I made you I can make it better
08:50Yeah, you see this. Okay. Okay, dude, if you made it this far comment down below
08:56Lucky walkie-talkie to give me infinite luck. He walkie-talkie. Lucky walkie-talkie. Lucky walkie-talkie. Go gang gang
09:07Warning structure incoming gamers. What is this?
09:13Okay, okay. I dude I need blocks. I definitely don't have enough blocks to get there
09:18There's a sniffer there must have been an egg up there. Hold on. I have to save him. I got you, buddy
09:22I'm actually completing a side mission right now. Good boy. Good boy. I think I can push him off
09:32Whatever boy riptoe. Oh, I got some meat. Okay, that's honestly really good. Come on. I need blocks. Yes. Yes. Yes
09:40Yes, yes, yes, yes, honestly straight up all of them. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. I'm sweating bro
09:44I'm no longer taking it easy and taking it chill, Florida main crackhead mode
09:49Enabled and what I got super pants. No way. Let's go. My cheeks are rainbow
09:55What poop are you serious? I need something better than that. I don't know what we're gonna find in there
10:00I do I'm gonna find out actually, let's see if we can actually enchant
10:04Okay, we can't enchant the super pants. Not that we really need to let's get there you go protection one of my toes
10:09Can I enchant the super mace? No, I can't. Oh, but what I can make is a helmet. There you go
10:14Oh my god, emerald helmet. Perfect. Okay, one last drop. Oh my god, definitely worth it. Okay, there you go
10:18It's Tom gamers speed bridge. Okay, we're almost there and dude that frickin super water looks so
10:28Hello there. It looks like we're about to enter a mouth of a mummy or something. And wait a second. What is this?
10:34This ain't your normal pyramid, you know in case you didn't realize it was like a double-sided like frickin illusion pyramid already
10:39This is some sort of what? Oh, what the heck? I can't even mine it. I can't even mine it
10:43I can't place blocks in here too. No way
10:46This thing has like some sort of mystical power defending it from me like cheating
10:49But what it doesn't realize is I got some super meat, baby. I'm numb. Yeah, I can oh my god
10:55I can literally just see where to go
11:00But what okay, all right, it's actually cheap proof guys unless I eat the super meat and
11:07Then oh my god, I'm a genius with the capital G. So genius. Yep that hmm
11:13What the what is this?
11:16Is that a bomb is that a bomb? Oh, yeah. Wait. No, that's a bomb. That's a bomb. That's a bomb. Oh
11:22My god, it was it was a bomb. It was a super bomb. What did it reveal?
11:26It's just just a bunch of lava what that cannot be right. I knew it. Oh my god. There's a frickin dude
11:33It was right here all along. Are you serious? Okay. Okay. Wait, this could get me killed. No, okay
11:38Hold on just in case this thing wants to launch me in the lava. Okay, three two one
11:43what what what what what what what what what what did I just see notch a
11:48salmon a
11:50Salmon, are you freaking serious?
11:52it just died and dropped a
11:56Super totem a super death totem. What? All right, that was worth it. Honestly
12:00I don't know whether to be scared or like amused by the power of the super lucky blocks
12:05But I got angie to fit that what the puffer fish. I think we just got a new friend. Oh
12:14Oh my gosh, I almost he almost died we have a new pet. His name is Angie. Okay, whatever
12:18I gotta keep breaking this lucky block bro. Oh my gosh, we got polished and aside. Wait, that's actually fire
12:23That's a whole lot of blocks. Yeah 48. I'm gonna actually start making a path directly to the super giant block
12:31I can almost taste it. I like this poop. I do not want to taste this poop
12:36I can't even do anything with it. Yeah, we got some more grass. Not bad. Not bad. Ooh, wait diamond arrows
12:41Yo, they look like they do more damage. All right. Well, don't take it. I might need a bow. Thank you infinity
12:47Another right bow. Wait, what? Oh, I didn't even pull this thing back. Are you serious?
12:51Wait, how insane is this? I can literally just basically right-click and rapid-shoot. Oh, I just wasted a lot of the arrows
12:57It said infinity though. All right. Well, that was clearly a troll. I'll still keep it though
13:01Oh my gosh, but what's not a troll? Is this super cap boom? Yo, we even have more hearts and
13:07Rainbow armor. Okay. This is sick. We got some more lucky blocks. I really hope I'm not gonna regret this
13:12Oh, it's a little bunny. That's not over. It's a killer bunny, but I'll take that idiot
13:16Boom, we got materials for a TNT cannon long as the FBI doesn't now put me on their watch list
13:21Okay, come on some more blocks that's actually really good we got two super duper apples
13:28What this ain't good gamers. This means we're gonna need it for whatever. It's coming
13:33I ain't screwed at all cuz I got some ooh some more blocks. This is insane obsidian, bro. What we're so rich
13:38How is this like normal? Oh my god, super toes. No way, bro
13:43We just need we just need the chest plates and that's it when there will be full super geared it out
13:47Yo, let's go. I got a super pickaxe. What wait, what does this do? Oh my god, I can insta mine everything wait
13:53That's actually insane that wait that I just see super money. I think I did. Yeah. Wait, I just saw super dollars
13:59Well, we need super dollars for I don't freaking know bro, but I'm down to find out. Oh my god, two super lucky box
14:05Okay. Okay. Okay. Don't get out of here. I don't even care about these like redstone items anymore. I suck
14:10I redstone. All right, here goes nothing. Waka. Chaka. Laka. Lucky. Wucky. Chucky and
14:17It's raining dogs and cats. It's over already. Oh
14:21Dude, that was so terrifying now. I have a bunch of random pets at my house. Oh, man
14:26I'm a freaking cat lady. Now. That doesn't mean I'm lonely. Okay, what the oh my gosh, these two dogs were glitching
14:31I thought we got a new breed. All right. Well, we have another one
14:33None of you guys are proto though, and I'm not gonna betray him three two one and come on, please
14:40Oh God another structure
14:45That was not there like literally three seconds ago and I have a really bad feeling about it cuz no this cannot be a
14:52Coincidence, I ain't got enough blocks to frickin
14:57Are you serious right now? Oh my god, the dogs are coming after me now that I'm tiny. No, no, no, no, no stop stop
15:03Stop, I don't care that I'm tiny. I'll punch you off nerd. Yeah, I'm the real elf. Oh my wait. Okay, never mind
15:08What is this? Are you freaking serious? I'm tiny right now. That ain't fair
15:12Wait, I don't want another dog your new best friend. No, no, you're staying in the frickin chest forever
15:17You're not my new best friend proto is my one and only dog. Come on. Come on. Give me something I can use
15:22What is this? I might be able to use this because transforming to a man's best friend
15:27I have a feeling we're gonna need this for whatever's up there. Oh
15:30God, okay. I don't think those dogs notice me. Yeah, good. Good boy. Oh, okay. We got some more blocks a stack in five
15:37I don't know if that's gonna be enough, but it might it actually might just be enough
15:41Let's start heading there
15:44All right, I'm right under his nose. Let's start stacking up. Oh, bro. There's no way I don't have enough blocks
15:50Okay, what I can do is potentially charge this bad boy up and then wait, wait, do I not have a single anything?
15:56I don't okay
15:58Watch this gamers three two one. Boom. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh
16:05What the heck the nose is open? Oh, no, wait a second. Why do I see puppies with machine guns?
16:11I know what this is. I know what this is. Okay, hold on a second pop a fight concoction, dude
16:15I think if I drink this potion if my theory is correct, then they won't attack me
16:20But if I sneak on over hold on a second, maybe I can do it without drinking the potion. Oh my oh my god
16:26Oh my god, how do those bones do that much damage fam? Ain't no way brother. Ain't no way brother
16:31I'm actually terrified. What the what the oh, oh, okay. You know what? I don't care, bro. I'm drinking this thing. Okay, just don't look
16:37It's embarrassing boy, I'm slurping it and all right cool. I'm on all fours. Oh my god. Yeah, it worked
16:43They're not they're none of them. None of them are on the machine guns anymore. I'm one of y'all. Oh my god, dude
16:48I'm on all fours. The only one who could do that to me is Andy
16:53Don't sniff my butt don't sniff my butt and let's go we made it
17:01Wait, what? Oh my god. It's just it's proto. No way. He's in a prison
17:07Are you serious proto? It's me. It's something's wrong with him. Something is wrong with him
17:12Oh, no, dude, super pickaxe super break, baby. What the heck is that the butt of the okay? Never mind
17:17We were not supposed to see that. He's still alive though. I just got him proto
17:23Yeah, that's right I made more robot dog noises brah we got proto baby. Let's go. All right, dude
17:30Hold on. Nope. It's me. It's oh god. No, this don't look right, bro. This doesn't look right, bro
17:35All right, who cares bro? Looks like I'm driving proto right now, but we're getting out of here
17:39Do these dogs must be like, huh? What the heck? Did you see that dog running a dog? Wait a minute?
17:44I ain't no dog running a dog. That's dog running a bunk. Oh, even if this looks super weird. Oh my whoa
17:49Whoa, whoa. Whoa. No proto proto proto. Oh brah. I thought he just died. I don't care if it looks weird proto
17:55Let's show who the real dogs are BAP. Yeah, get him proto. Oh my god proto. Are you serious?
18:00Yeah, get him get him get him who's gonna win. Yeah
18:04Proto the better dog. I can already almost taste victory gamers. We're gonna make it. We're gonna maze it
18:09I got a little bit too much. I don't even I'm not even talking English. I'm not even gonna talk English
18:13I'm just gonna smash this block. Hey, yo, wait, whoa. Whoa. Whoa, we got the super chess plate. No way
18:18I swear we also got some more insane stuff. Oh, yeah lucky blocks. Oh, no, bro. I'm tired of these things. Okay, what? Oh
18:27What you know what I'll take that
18:30For super lucky blocks, honestly, I don't think I can get bored of these
18:34I really love these and plus we got extra luck lucky
18:38Lucky Chucky lucky lucky Chucky hold up stand back proto sit good boy. I'm breaking this one myself
18:44three two one
18:47No, no, no, what the
18:51Proto that was close. What are what are these things? Huh? Oh my gosh. They actually explode the island
18:58Are you serious? I don't even have another arrow. I don't have another arrow. Okay. Okay. I got this. Oh
19:04My god the water. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, take that proto. Are you serious proto? What's wrong with you?
19:09You can't just jump off the island just cuz I jump off the island. Wait, that just means you're loyal
19:14Take this super meat you deserve it. All right. Well proto we got another we got another block. Oh, bro
19:19Nah, bro, you just you just sit right here if he dies, bro, the videos over man. I'm breaking this thing
19:27What dude that actually scared the crap out of me, oh my gosh, I'm literally massive wait, this is kind of sick
19:33Oh, I'm literally on top of this freaking pyramid so easily. All right. Well, you know what boom?
19:37Can I oh, I can also break so many blocks. Yo, that is awesome
19:41I don't know how long this giantness lasts, but I'll take it
19:48I'm tiny bunk. Now. Are you serious? I was once on top of the world. I brought whatever man you freaking like bullying me
19:56Don't you? Oh
19:58My god, it's another structure. Great. That was so scary for no reason
20:03My goodness, that's that's my shop
20:06I built something almost exactly like this before and yo, why do I have super money? Oh my god. Oh my god
20:12We gotta get there. We gotta get there. Go go go go go go. Go. Wait, we're gonna need blocks, right?
20:15Oh my gosh, I get money. That's what the money was for this entire time
20:18I would have gotten way more if I knew I was gonna be able to buy stuff over there
20:21Okay, wait, wait, wait, we got to drill through this bro. Yeah, give me money and blocks baby. Okay, bro
20:26I was not collecting anything. Let's eat my super meat. There you go. I'm extra big. Oh my gosh
20:30Yo, this is literally the easiest money I've ever made ever if I made this much money IRL, baby
20:35I'd give away my merch for free. Okay, I have so many blocks. Excuse me proto speed bridge time
20:40Oh my gosh, we made it. Oh, there you go. There you go. Yes. Oh my god. I'm actually so excited
20:45This is literally my own merch shop, bro
20:48Super hard I can buy it for 690. Are you serious? That's kind of expensive though
20:535,000 a thousand 250. I want my biotech laser cannon
20:581,200 500 I don't even know what I'm saying
21:0027,000 for the biosaber what sweet but a super meteors only 350. Okay. Well, I can afford that. So
21:06What does this do, okay, wait, no, no, no, no, no, hold up that says
21:11$100,000 for my fart jar 10k for my drippy bonk shirt. I gotta get that. I gotta get that
21:16There's only one thing better than a super chest plate and it's the drippy bonk shirt, baby
21:19Which I'm wearing right now, which you can get a bionic dot shop. We just restocked for all shapes and sizes
21:25Okay, what happens if I press it right here? What what? Oh my I
21:33Did not expect that. Oh, hey wait, I just spawned in another one though
21:41We are literally super. I don't know what just happened to my heart, but I don't even care bro. We're literally super
21:46That means we're even more powerful now. What I look insane. I'm pink now now. I'm green. I'm gonna be blue in a second
21:53Oh my goodness. Oh my god. My shop is made out of netherite blocks, bro
21:57If I can afford netherite blocks, dude, listen, I own this shop so I can literally mine it if I want to I don't know
22:03What secret that thing is holding but whatever it is, I'm gonna be strong enough to take it and kill it and even play with
22:09It that's right. I like to play with my food
22:11I don't think you can eat giant lucky blocks, but whatever bro eating giant lucky blocks. Not the weirdest thing
22:15Okay, sorry clerk. Whoever was hired here. You're now fired because I don't even need you anymore. Oh my god, you were so rich
22:2110,000 I'm gonna get it. Yeah
22:23Yoink, oh my goodness. Wait. Yeah, it's okay
22:27It doesn't do as much armor as the super chest plate
22:30But if I take it off and put this on I gain strength that is way better
22:34I actually do think the strength is actually better. Now. The thing is do I get my fart jar?
22:39Why can't they just fart again and get in real life? Oh super TNT cannon
22:42I'm pretty sure this will literally give me tons of money. Oh my god one shot and it made me dude. Oh, yeah
22:48Boom yeah turning this into a real super shop. Oh, yeah. Oh wait, we can buy my comic book, too
22:54I'm not gonna lie. I kind of read this almost every day almost. All right, boom
22:58I literally bought my fart jar warning sealed for your own safety. Don't worry gamers. All right, this isn't available at bionic.shop
23:04I know at least one of you out there
23:06It's sad about that. Think about your life. Think about that. If you're actually sad that I'm not selling my farts. What's wrong?
23:12And I'm buying my laser cannon. We
23:15Okay, now that I have this low you can literally just use the power of my farts to just
23:22Wait, it's I can barely control it. Hold on a second. No. All right. That was awkward. Yeah. Yeah. Hold on a second
23:27Oh my god. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh my god, the screen literally starts shaking. I'm not kidding
23:33I'm like dragging my mouse and it barely wants to work. Please. No. Oh my god. Oh my god
23:38You're a little side and you just almost just died
23:42I made it. Oh my god. Is my house still here?
23:45Yes, it is just as invisible as it first was. Proto Proto
23:48I now have super touch that means if I run over your face. Oh, yeah. Oh, I miss. Oh my god
23:54You are beautiful. We're actually so overpowered right now. Follow me Proto-chan
24:00We have a mission and it's to finally make it to the one
24:05Giant super lucky block that could probably be a video on its own
24:08Let me know if you actually want to see that. I'm actually coming up with a lot of video ideas in this video
24:15Oh my god, I'm running straight into it. I don't care. Oh my god. We did it
24:20Yo, this thing is actually bigger than I thought. That's what she said. I'm thinking let's get to the top bro
24:25I really don't want to die. Whoa, what even is this? I don't even know what I'm looking at right now
24:31Hold on if I break this what?
24:33Wait, what is this thing just full of lucky blocks? There's no way bro. I think oh my god
24:39This thing is full of lucky blocks and more rainbow lucky blocks inside of here. Hold on a second, bro
24:44Oh, no, wait, I accidentally broke one of the super lucky blocks didn't I? Oh, no. No, no, no
24:49No, we got this. We got this. Boom. Oh my god. I can't tell what's super now. Okay, we got to be very careful gamers
24:56I don't know what's gonna happen. What just
24:58What what is that what is that creature? Oh my god, there's more of them. It's that notch as a dog
25:05There's no way. Oh my god, bro
25:12Hold on if you made it this far you guys got a comment below. I like your pet notch
25:20Okay, wait, I'm actually kind of scared
25:22I'm gonna eat a super duper Apple because I actually don't know what's gonna happen now if we actually break them
25:27I knew it. I knew it. It just happens. Nope. We got another freaking fart poop rocket. Oh my god
25:32I'm literally instant clicking on these blocks, bro. There's another one. There's another one right here. Oh my god. What what?
25:38Oh, no, I'm slimy mode. Break me be break me free. What's going on gamers? Oh my god. I'm actually scared
25:44I'm actually scared. I'm actually scared. I'm actually scared. I'm actually scared. Why am I bouncy my items my items?
25:49No, no, no, no. No, they all they all they all got deleted. Oh my god. I knew this was a bad idea
25:53I knew this was a bad idea
25:54I think I'm supposed to defeat this lucky block, but I don't know if we can what there's TNT. Oh my god
25:59Oh my god. Oh my god. What just happened? I don't proto. Are you? Okay proto. Are you? Okay, dude?
26:03Okay, this is actually so scary. What why why is it suddenly dark? Oh, nah, bro. Oh, no
26:10What I'm upside down
26:14You guys know if I died the videos over where did you come from bro, please please go ganging on no wait
26:19What the oh my god. No. No, it's the TNT. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god
26:23Oh my god, what's going on? I told him with it with the mace gamers. No, this is gonna take forever
26:27This is gonna take forever. Wait, what I just turned giant. Oh my god. I don't know. I'm gonna start drilling. I don't even
26:32What where am I going? No. Hello. What just happened?
26:38No, no, no, no, no, no gamers. What's happening my super fine my super it's glitching. I'm dead
26:45I'm dead. I fell because it shot me in the rocket the fire rocket the farts the farts
26:50No, you know what I don't even care that's a win in my books subscribe for more super farts or whatever
26:55Click these videos right here. Peace gamers
