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🤳🏼"MJ's WORLD!" @TheManniiShow The Mannii Show on YouTube SERIES! 🎉 INFLUENCER LIFE behind-the scenes!! 🤳🏼

*** A peek inside the world of MJ, a 16yo mega-influencer who commissions a documentary about his life to help craft his image. *** ONLY ON Youtube! *** What Is Reality? *** https://TheManniiShow.com/series

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00:00Hello! It's about time I've answered those questions for you guys. I know you've waited
00:07so long and here I am. I'm so excited that you guys submitted all these questions and
00:12I'm so excited to dive right in. So let's go! I'm not gonna use that. Okie dokie. Are
00:18you smart? Are you nice? Yeah? At least I like to think I'm smart and I'm very very
00:25nice. Don't b****. How long do you think you're going to continue making videos? Uh, til the
00:31day I die. I mean, if it wasn't for YouTube, I probably would, I don't know, die. Cause
00:38I'm like, most of my content consumption is on YouTube. I mean, without YouTube, I'm like
00:44p***. Uh, second part of that question. Are you ever going to stop? Never! Ever! Never
00:53ever am I going to stop. What's your favorite character that you played on MJ's World? That
01:02is a great question. One, let me just say, I love you. Two, uh, thank you for watching
01:08the show. And three, my favorite character that I played on that show was probably MJ's
01:14mom. MJ knows all. Oh my god, I had the freedom to just not use my real voice and at the same
01:24time be somebody that I'm not. Like, characters are fun and when you're being somebody that
01:28you're not, it gives you an opportunity to explore. You're probably wanting me to do
01:33the mom voice. MJ! Your dinner's ready! Alright, next question. Why did you decide to become
01:44a comedian? That's a very good question, actually. Very, very good question. The reason
01:52why I decided to become a comedian is because I love it. Did you get that? I love making
01:59people laugh. Making people laugh is important and it kind of gets you closer to someone
02:07when you make them laugh. Like, you know, in dark times, comedy brings people closer.
02:12And plus, it's like my secret weapon. Like, if I was a superhero, that would be my superpower.
02:19Jokes. Next question. Sorry, let me laugh at myself for a second. See, even I think
02:26I'm funny. Are you hosting the AMA? I think I am. This is the AMA, right? How many cats
02:41do you have? Toby. He's my friend's cat. I like to babysit him. I have Chiabetta. It's
02:48actually Chewy, but we call her Chiabetta. Another cat I have. And that's about it. The
02:56rest that you see in the videos, they're just cats that I babysit for friends, but those
03:02are my two babies. On to the next one. What do you like to do in your free time? That
03:10question? Super easy. I love to sleep. That's not weird at all, is it? Yeah. Next question.
03:17Huh? What is 19 times 16? I was not expecting math, so let me math for a second.
03:40304, I think. Emotional damage. Alexa, what's 19 times 16? What? Alexa, stop. Is your real
03:56name Manny? How did that suspiciously, how did you get that suspiciously cool name? Don't
04:05make fun of me. I suffer from dyslexia or lystexia. You know what I mean? All right.
04:12How did I get such a suspicious? One hour later. So suspicious. My real name is Manuel,
04:21but I go by Manny because in America, we like to cut names in half because we get kind of
04:26lazy. You know, like when you have Richard, you say Dick, or we have Manuel, you say Manny.
04:32When you have Danielle, you say Danny. When you have James, you say Jay. How do you become
04:40a famous TikToker? Just kidding. Make a video. You edit that video and you post it. Now,
04:49here's the secret ingredient. Persistency and the consistency will kick in and you will
04:56find your niche. Create the video. Edit the video. Love the video. Post the video. Rinse
05:01and repeat. Doesn't go viral. Don't worry about it. What do you call your Stan fans?
05:14What would I call my Stan fans?
05:26Okay. For those who don't know, Stans are fans that stalk. Stalking fans. Or like real
05:42dedicated fans. Like there's two versions of what a Stan is. But if I had to label my
05:49Stans, I'd call them fannies.
06:02Next question.
06:04How do you have such a hilarious sense of humor?
06:08Get out of here. You're just flirting with me now. Stop it. Stop it. I don't even need
06:15to answer that one. You're just flirting.
06:17How much family do you have?
06:20How do I answer that? Okay, so there's me, my sisters, my brother. And then I have their
06:35kids, nieces and nephews. And then I have my fans. And then I have my friends. And I
06:40consider them as family. So it's a really big family. So don't need to get too deep
06:44into that. That's what she said.
06:47What's your dog's name? How old is your dog? And can you help me with my math homework?
06:53All right. First off, one question at a time. My dog's name, Jessie. J-T-R is what she
06:59goes by for Jessie the Roo. And she's 14 years old. Can you believe that? Like she looks
07:06so young.
07:10And your math homework? What's 2 plus 3?
07:22Sorry, I brain farted. 5. I hope you get an A.
07:25Have you played video games before? Would you play video games on your channel? I'm
07:30desperate to see you play a bit of video games and would be grateful and happy to see you
07:34play any video game of choice. Well, interesting question. Especially since I'm playing video
07:41games right now.
07:47If I were to play a video game though, like on Twitch or live or anything, I think the
07:53game would probably be Fortnite. It's a very common game played and I'm pretty good at
07:58it. Pretty good. Not really good. Maybe Super Smash Brothers? You know what? Name the game
08:07I'll play. Winner, lose. I mean, it'll be fun playing the game, right? It's like playing
08:11the game is all that matters.
08:16What's your favorite? Oh, wait. What is your favorite video game?
08:27Resident Evil. Oh my God. Now it's coming in like a waterfall. Oh my God. The whole
08:32Resident Evil series. Oh, and then my whole childhood is coming back to me. I would say
08:37Final Fantasy. I love Final Fantasy. Sorry. Like all those games are amazing. Then you
08:43have Halo and now you have GTA 6. Like, oh my God. If I keep going, I mean, I would have
08:50no life and you already know I have no life. Next question. Are you a fan of any gamers?
08:58Nope. Can I add you on Xbox? I mean, sure, but I don't got an Xbox. Sorry. If you have
09:14a message for the world, what would it be?
09:28I got one. Okay. Make money. Never stop dreaming. Like, go for your passion. If you're passionate
09:48about playing video games, make that your job. Make that what you do in life. If you're
09:54passionate about writing, make that what you do and what you love to do should be
10:00what your job is, if that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Just follow your dreams. Don't give
10:08up. Keep posting. Oh, wait. That's what I tell myself. Yeah. I'd say pursue your dreams
10:15and never stop doing it. That's my message to the world.
10:18How tall are you?
10:295'9". Do you speak any languages other than English?
10:35Sí. Yo hablo un poquito de español. No, yo hablo español. Un poquito, no bueno.
10:43Y yo necesito platicar.
10:45What's your real voice and when are you doing a voice reveal?
10:55Bruh. Bruh.
10:58How did you get the sets for the Titanic and the jail cell?
11:02Ah, that's a very easy question. I go to these production studios that I, you know, pay for
11:09and they have the sets which are really cool and they allow me to create content there
11:15and that's it.
11:17Next question.
11:19What's your For You page look like?
11:22How about we find out together?
11:27Don't you just hate ads? Like...
11:57Okay, and that's my For You.
12:00Next question.
12:04Who would you most want to collab with?
12:08Oh, my God.
12:09I love this question.
12:11Alright, listen. If I had to collab with anybody, the only person I could think of right now
12:17is Bo Burnham. Second would be Matt Stone, Trey Parker. Third would be Brandon Rogers
12:23because, I mean, he's so outrageously hilarious. And fourth, um...
12:32The Olsen twins. That was just random.
12:35But could you imagine a collaboration with me and the Olsen twins?
12:40Next question.
12:41If cats were dogs and ketchup was green, would a boat that sailed to Europe be Michael Jackson's future son?
12:49And if so, would that make pumpkin juice explode into a million breadcrumbs?
13:02Thanks. I can't wait to hear your answer.
13:04My answer to that? 42.
13:07What's your phone number? What's your address?
13:11Will you go to Disney with me next year in Florida?
13:15Let me read that question again, but, like, in a more interesting way.
13:20What's your phone number? What's your address?
13:24Will you go to Disney World with me next year in Florida?
13:29Yeah. 555-123-1433.
13:35Just meet me at Starbucks.
13:38Do you need glasses? Are you married?
13:40Do you have a Porsche 918 Spyder in your basement?
13:46What's a Porsche 918 Spyder?
13:49Excuse me. What's a Porsche 918 Spyder?
13:58I mean...
13:59I want one.
14:01But no, I don't have one.
14:03But could you imagine pulling up at school with that?
14:08I want one.
14:10And do I need glasses?
14:12Yeah, I mean, I can't be seen without my glasses.
14:16Are you married?
14:18Don't get married. Just kidding.
14:20What do you think your cringiest video is?
14:26I would probably say every time I dress up in a wig and...
14:33And do that.
14:34What's it like working with a big star like Jesse?
14:37Oh my God.
14:40I swear to God, I think this is Jesse's question.
14:44Jesse, it was great working with you.
14:47You're a big star and it was, you know, amazingly difficult.
14:51Like, she only knows two tricks.
14:53Stay and sit. The rest is up to me.
14:58A nightmare.
14:59I love you, Jesse.
15:00What's the best thing your mom taught you?
15:07That's such a sweet question.
15:09All right.
15:10My mom taught me about patience and faith.
15:13And in Spanish, she would say it like this.
15:18And that is a way of reminding herself or when she told me
15:23to be patient and wait, it'll come.
15:27Another thing she would say is to smell pretty all the time.
15:30Like, smell good.
15:31If you're not smelling good, you're doing something wrong.
15:34Oh my God, my mom would kill me.
15:37How do you become a famous YouTuber?
15:41To become a famous YouTuber, you need the love of YouTube.
15:45You need to be able to create videos every day consistently, persistently
15:50with as much love as possible.
15:52You're not putting the love into the videos.
15:54The fans or people will see it and post them.
15:59People create these videos and then they forget to post them.
16:06You gotta post.
16:07You're not posting.
16:09Let the algorithm do their job.
16:11That's the whole point of YouTube and TikTok and other platforms.
16:14Next question.
16:16If you can say one thing to your younger self, what would it be?
16:24What I would say to my younger self if I saw him, I'd say
16:27on November 7th, 2022, to play the Powerball, which is the biggest Powerball.
16:34The number was over $2 billion.
16:37And the winning numbers were 10, 33, 41, 47, 56.
16:44And the Powerball was 10.
16:46And the reason why I remembered this is because
16:51you never know if a time machine is ever going to be invented.
16:54And the second thing I'd say is keep going.
16:56Never give up and pursue your dreams.
17:00Do you like to poop?
17:01And can you tell me what's the biggest poop you've ever done?
17:05Emotional damage.
17:07When did your channel really start to get famous?
17:11Oh, that's easy.
17:14During the pandemic.
17:16Like, what else can I say?
17:18Everyone was closed in their homes, stuck in their rooms.
17:21And only they had was, like, a phone.
17:24And it was interesting because I created content out of boredom.
17:30And then it was also, like, practice for my acting skills.
17:34Because, yeah, I want to be an actor.
17:36I want to be an actor.
17:39But it was also fun.
17:40And then that's how I became a famous TikToker.
17:45Hi, do you like The Simpsons?
17:47Yeah, I love The Simpsons.
17:49Thank you, Matt Groening.
17:50And what's your favorite Simpsons quote?
17:53Oh, my God!
17:54They're so rich, they can predict the future!
18:00What's your recording setup?
18:02All you need is a tripod, your phone, which I know you have, and then good lighting.
18:09Without the lighting, the video is nothing.
18:12You need good lighting and location, location, location.
18:15All that matters.
18:17That's it.
18:18Let the algorithm do the rest.
18:19Can you make a video of your mom with your neighbor and you caught him killing your mom,
18:28so you turn into Batman and grab the weapon and start helping him kill her?
18:41Do you like pineapple on your pizza?
18:43I sure do.
18:44Nothing wrong with a little sweetness with your salt.
18:49Oh, okay, okay.
18:50I like this question a lot.
18:51How would you defend yourself if you were in a fight?
19:12Please tell me if your real name is Kanji.
19:18It's not.
19:19I'm wondering what it's like being an influencer and spreading joy to others through your content.
19:25It's great, for one.
19:27And as you grow as an influencer, people recognize you and they start to show their appreciation for your work.
19:37I remember I went to VidCon and I was bombarded by the fans with so much love.
19:47And that itself, in that moment, gave me so much energy to keep going.
19:52You have no idea when you're touching someone's life from a distance, like from a cell phone,
19:59and affecting them to just be happy or love or inspire them.
20:07Who do you want to be president?
20:13President of what?
20:20I think she'd be a great president.
20:28My first favorite scene was probably 2.5 in Everything Everywhere All At Once,
20:34when MJ's mom falls into this space-time continuum, tunnel, whatever you want to call it,
20:40and she's going back to her past self to see the stages of her choices and becoming the person who she was.
20:50And then you see in the video-
20:52Spoiler, if you didn't even watch it, but this scene, I actually put so much editing, so much editing work into that.
20:58I'm so proud of it. I love watching it.
21:00And I think Paul Rogers would be proud.
21:02My second favorite scene was the last shot of MJ's World, the Manny show.
21:09I don't really want to spoil it, but it's on 2.10, The Joker, like the very last scene I'm super proud of.
21:15I rented a studio set, and it was just an amazing way to reveal a show within a show,
21:22and I'm very proud of the work me and my friends put into it.
21:25And again, the editing was-
21:28Can you microwave Hot Pockets?
21:32Yeah, of course I can microwave Hot Pockets.
21:35Can you?
21:40Will you ever have a meet and greet in New York City?
21:43Because that's where I live. I hope you can come.
21:47That's what she said.
21:48I actually shot the last two to three episodes of MJ's World in New York,
21:54and I was in Times Square, I was in like the heart of New York, 42nd Street, and it was fun.
22:01I wish I would have bumped into you while I was filming it, and it was a blast.
22:05So yeah, maybe if I pass by New York again, we can probably meet up.
22:12How big is your house, and is it hard to shoot your videos?
22:18My house is no big deal. It's about a two-bedroom, two-bathroom, nothing that big.
22:27I lied, it's a three-bedroom, but the other bedroom is actually a nice place.
22:30To shoot videos in that house is, again, location, location, location, wherever you shoot, it matters.
22:37And you also have a green screen on the app, so that works too.
22:39If you could do any other job other than being an influencer, what job would that be?
22:46Okay, if YouTube and TikTok and Instagram didn't exist, I'd die.
22:53There's literally nothing else I could do. I'd literally just bury my own grave, put myself in it, and just sit there.
22:59Sheesh! I love what I do.
23:01Next question.
23:02Do you support therians? Because I am a therian, and a big fan of yours, but people bully me a lot because of being a therian.
23:12And I know you sometimes roast people, so I'm scared to say this, but that's all.
23:20Um, what's a therian?
23:22What's a therian?
23:25The woman was too stunned to speak.
23:27That's cool. Oh my god.
23:30Okay, what animal do you identify as?
23:32I mean, if I was a therian, I'd probably be a fox, because I'd really like to know what they say.
23:37What does the fox say?
23:39And foxes are kind of cool.
23:41Um, but that's actually really neat.
23:44I'm sorry you're getting bullied by them, but f*** the bullies.
23:48You be you, and that's all that matters.
23:51Don't think about what other people think of you, alright?
23:54Bullies are going to be in your life when you're little to when you're big.
23:59I mean, I'm getting bullied now still, I mean, within the comments.
24:02So, be you, and that's all that matters.
24:09Favorite thing about your job?
24:13Uh, everything.
24:15Everything is my favorite part.
24:17From the creating, to the posting, to the ideas, to the editing, to the results, to the comments, to the reactions.
24:28It's all amazing.
24:29I mean, if I had to pick one, I'd probably say the money.
24:33Just kidding. Not the money.
24:35Um, but, you know, the fact that I'm able to make people laugh.
24:39That's actually my favorite part of the job.
24:41And the money.
24:42I love your YouTube channel, and I was wondering if we could do a collab.
24:46Or, if I could do an unboxing with some of my merch.
24:50I am a really big fan, and I hope to see you see this.
24:55Well, yeah.
24:57The collab sounds cool.
24:59And, unboxing what?
25:01Oh, my merch!
25:05Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
25:07I'd love to see this video, and I would love to do a collab with you.
25:10Favorite YouTubers.
25:13Oh, wow.
25:19Bo Burnham.
25:21Uh, Brandon Rogers.
25:23Very underrated, but I'm glad of the success he has today.
25:35I can't think of anyone else.
25:40What countries have you visited?
25:42Please come to Karachi, Pakistan.
25:45I'm a huge fan of your fake girl voice and her girly actions.
26:05Next question.
26:06When you hit 14 million YouTube subscribers, can you do a Draw My Life video?
26:15Oh, my God, yes!
26:17But, I suck at drawing.
26:19So, you might, like, see, like, stick figures.
26:23Do you read comments?
26:29Holy crap.
26:30So, when I watch a video, and the video's funny, I go straight to the comments.
26:36Like, the video is funny, but when you go to the comments section, it's ten times more funny.
26:42Ten times more funny.
26:44Hey, I love your channel, and I love your videos.
26:47I wanted to know, how do you respond to haters?
26:55Just ignore them.
26:56They're like bullies.
26:57Just because they're saying the same thing over and over again, that doesn't mean, like, you should pay attention to them.
27:04Just ignore them.
27:05Bullies are just gonna be bullies.
27:07And if they're gonna post mean things about you, you're only feeding to them.
27:13Just ignore them.
27:15Do you have a favorite TikToker?
27:21I don't know if you guys ever seen his channel, but Dimpy.
27:25Dimpy is a very hilarious TikToker, who does these kind of Pixar kind of imagination videos.
27:35Where he puts a point of view behind everything.
27:38He has a great voice.
27:39His scream is hilarious.
27:42And he's just so creative.
27:45I mean, I can't think of anyone else other than him that deserves a lot more attention on that platform.
27:51Keep doing what you do, Dimpy.
27:52I like it.
27:54If you take a picture with Mickey Mouse, does the guy with the Mickey Mouse costume smile too?
28:01At least I hope so!
28:03My god, I'm in the happiest place on earth and the guy I'm standing next to is not smiling?
28:10I can't believe this is a question.
28:12Are you really into Jeffrey Dahmer?
28:18For real, for real.
28:20Like, let's be serious.
28:21Jeffrey Dahmer, the whole series on Netflix was a trend.
28:26And everybody was making content on that.
28:28Even me.
28:29So, in the rabbit hole of creating content and following trends, I just created a video.
28:36And if you were offended by the video, I mean...
28:42That's it.
28:51I am not into Jeffrey Dahmer.
28:55I hope that answers your question.
28:58Call me.
29:00Where do you get your ideas from?
29:05Okay, my ideas for videos in general are everywhere.
29:10Like, everything is comedy.
29:13Everything is content.
29:14Like, no matter what's going on in your life, that could probably be a video.
29:19Or if you're probably going through something and it makes you laugh, that could be a video.
29:25Sometimes a funny thing comes out of your friend's mouth, that's a video.
29:28Anything to everything is content.
29:31Always think comedy and you can see the opportunity.
29:35Well, sometimes ideas come from the internet.
29:37Sometimes ideas come from your friends.
29:39Sometimes ideas come from you.
29:42Ideas are everywhere.
29:43For example, season 2 of MJ's World, the Manny show, episodes 2.1 to 2.10 are all episode titles of movies that did really, really well with Oscar nominations or Oscar wins.
29:57Like for 2.1, American Graffiti.
29:59To 2.2, Braveheart.
30:01And within those episodes, you will see a little DVD case in one of the scenes.
30:06If you can find the scene, it has like an Easter egg on where the DVD is.
30:12Now, every episode has that DVD.
30:14I hope you guys can find it.
30:15But like small creative things like that.
30:18Like that idea came to me randomly with a movie being in the background of a scene.
30:22And I was like, you know what? I'm going to do that for every episode.
30:25Everything is content.
30:28How do you become a famous YouTuber?
30:31Well, you wake up, make a video, edit that video, and you post it.
30:36Now, here's the secret ingredient.
30:38You have to put love into that.
30:42And you just put it out there.
30:43And don't resolve, just post it.
30:45That's how you become famous with the consistency of those four things.
30:51I've been getting a lot of these questions.
30:53And let me just...
30:54A lot of you, thank you for these questions.
30:56I appreciate them.
30:57Can you send me $80?
30:59Can you send me $40 in Roblox?
31:02Will you add me to your credit card?
31:06Can you get me a shout-out?
31:08Can you give me a shout-out?
31:09Can I be in a video?
31:10Can we be friends?
31:11Let me answer them in the order I have said them.
31:14No, no, no.
31:16Yes, maybe.
31:18What am I, Mr. Beast?
31:20What's your favorite TikTok that you ever made?
31:25When your ugly friend posts a video and your bestie sees it.
31:45Yeah, that video.
31:47Favorite YouTube you've ever, ever made.
31:51I've made so many and I love them all.
31:54It's like Sophie's Choice.
31:56It's like picking my favorite child.
31:59If I had to pick...
32:00Oh God, they're all so good.
32:04I probably would have to pick...
32:11How dare you make me do this?
32:14Pick my favorite child?
32:16My favorite video?
32:19I would pick...
32:21My favorite long-form video would be the 2.5A,
32:25Everything Everywhere All at Once video.
32:28Oh, oh.
32:29Scratch that.
32:30I love that video.
32:31But I think the setting the record straight was my favorite video.
32:33I mean, it was myself and it was just a fun video to make.
32:38Where is the most awkward place you let a toot loose?
32:45There's no...
32:48Excuse me.
32:49There's no better place to fart than in an elevator.
32:52And then watch the fingers fly.
32:59Have you bumped into any celebrities in LA?
33:04Actually, I bumped into Lil Nas X on Santa Monica Beach.
33:09Ron Howard and Brian Grazier at dinner one time.
33:13That kid from Walking Dead.
33:15I can't remember his name.
33:16But that was when I first got to LA, which was really cool.
33:19I was very tiny and didn't know what I was doing in life.
33:21And oh my God, the guy from...
33:23The boy from Walking Dead.
33:25Oh my God, this is actually a funny story.
33:27So I used to work at a juice bar.
33:29And at the register, someone walked in,
33:32someone walked in, hat, glasses.
33:34She looked like she was a Karen.
33:36Calm down.
33:37She approached the register and she looked kind of familiar,
33:39but I couldn't pinpoint who that was.
33:42And she ordered a green juice.
33:45And as soon as I take the order and take her money, she smiles.
33:48And in that smile, I noticed something.
33:51Oh my God, has anyone ever told you,
33:54you look like Julie Bowen?
33:56And then she looks at me and goes,
33:58yes, my mom and my dad call me that.
34:01And then I looked at her.
34:04Oh my God, that's Julie Bowen!
34:09In that moment, as soon as she said that,
34:12a dead beat of silent air came in
34:14and I just realized she's right in front of me.
34:16The mom from Modern Family.
34:18Then I've got something for you right here.
34:21She's got a gun!
34:22It's a letter, Lisa.
34:24And I recognized her and I told her I love her work
34:27and she said thank you.
34:28And by that, trust me,
34:29I acted the same way you just saw in front of her.
34:32It was embarrassing.
34:33Here are a bunch of questions
34:35where a lot of you have sent me the same question
34:38over and over again.
34:39So I have decided to put the answer into lists.
34:42So what's your favorite character of all time?
34:47Selina Meyer from Veep.
34:50Freaking hilarious show.
34:52Jim from The Office.
34:54That's a great show.
34:55And if I was to be any character,
34:56it would be that character.
35:00How is he the sexiest man alive?
35:03Fleabag in the show Fleabag.
35:05If you haven't seen that show, good show.
35:08Favorite color.
35:10Oh, we have green, color of money.
35:14Blue, color of water.
35:15And yellow, the color of happiness.
35:18Subjects in school.
35:20My favorite subjects in school
35:22was definitely history, art,
35:26like acting and theater and band.
35:31Say what?
35:32Yeah, I played drums.
35:34And I was good at it, quite good at it.
35:35I was actually pretty, pretty, pretty darn good.
35:48Favorite chips.
35:55And Cheetos.
35:57Now, there's so many to pick from.
36:01Billie Eilish, I love you.
36:03Billie Eilish, I love you.
36:07Getting older.
36:08Stairway to Heaven.
36:10And last but not least,
36:13Come Stay Away by Styx.
36:17Favorite bands.
36:19Ooh, okay.
36:20Favorite bands.
36:21Twenty One Pilots,
36:30Van Halen.
36:32Van Halen's a band, right?
36:33Favorite shows.
36:40Abbott Elementary.
36:42Great show.
36:43I would love to be a character on that show.
36:45Can you imagine a YouTuber as a substitute teacher
36:47in Abbott Elementary?
36:48That already just sparks viewers, in my opinion.
36:51Arrested Development.
36:52If you guys have not seen that show,
36:54that's a funny, funny, funny show.
36:56And South Park.
36:59I would be shooting myself if I didn't say South Park.
37:02South Park is so funny.
37:04It's actually where I got some of my comedy from.
37:07Favorite movies.
37:10Favorite movies.
37:16I really, really, really, really like Parasite.
37:19That movie was brilliant.
37:23So, so good.
37:24That would be number one.
37:26Number two, Whiplash.
37:28I mean, that was literally my life in a movie.
37:33Annie Hall.
37:34I know it's super old.
37:36You guys probably never seen it,
37:38but it's actually a really good movie.
37:40Favorite books.
37:47I mean,
37:49who reads books these days?
37:50Say what?
37:51I mean, I'm just kidding.
37:52I like books.
37:53I read them.
37:54Last book I read,
37:55that was actually really good,
37:57by Rufy Thorpe.
37:58She actually has a lot of good books,
37:59but The Knockout Queen was really good.
38:03Margot has money problems.
38:06If I had to say the list,
38:08I'm going to say the Bible, the Bible, the Bible.
38:10Just kidding.
38:11And then you had Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.
38:14That was a good book.
38:17All Harry Potter books.
38:19They were all good.
38:20They're all on the list.
38:21And that's it for the questions for Ask Me Anything.
38:26Oh my God, these questions were fantastic.
38:29I got to say thank you for these questions.
38:31And if I didn't get to your questions,
38:34thank you.
38:35I love you.
38:36Thank you for being a fan.
38:37And if I did get to your question,
38:39thank you.
38:40I love you.
38:41And thank you for being a fan.
38:42There will be more of these.
38:43Trust me, I had so much fun
38:46just feeling awkward and vulnerable in front of you guys.
38:50Also, thank you.
38:53I just farted.
38:54Have a good one.
