• 17 hours ago
The Treasure Hunt Event Returns to Clash of Clans however this time it is greatly improved. In the previous update there was new Hero Skins and Equipment added to chests as rewards, as well as increased loot. Throughout this Treasure Event they also stack, meaning you won’t miss out like last time. You could even complete all of your attacks on the last day to claim them all. Judo Sloth Gaming explains everything you need to know about the event.

Suggested Videos:
Training Time REMOVED from Clash of Clans: https://youtu.be/Z_6v7b7BLmg
Beating My Trophy Record in First Legend Push: https://youtu.be/TA8m_mDWV6o

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► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News - you'll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!
00:00The Treasure Hunt event returns to Clash of Clans,
00:03but it is slightly different to last time.
00:06So, let's tell you everything you need to know.
00:08Starting tomorrow, the 17th of March,
00:11you will be able to collect chests
00:13from your multiplayer battles.
00:15It does not matter what your Town Hall level,
00:17what League you are in.
00:18Whenever you enter a multiplayer attack,
00:20you will see three chests over the top of random buildings.
00:25You don't need to three-star.
00:27You don't even need to win the battle.
00:29All you need to do is take down whichever buildings
00:32have the chests over them.
00:33However, there will only be one out of the three,
00:37which is the actual chest.
00:39The other two are just decoys.
00:42So, you might hit lucky,
00:43and the first building you take down
00:45that has a chest over the top,
00:46that might be where it is situated.
00:48And if you wished, you could then exit the battle
00:51and claim your reward.
00:52If, when you take a building down,
00:54the chest is a decoy,
00:56there will be a red X indicating that it is
01:00one of the other chests you then need to take down.
01:03Obviously, you will have to keep doing this
01:05until you find the actual treasure chest
01:08in which you could claim your reward,
01:10or just continue to three-star the village.
01:12At the end of the attack,
01:13when you are presented with the results screen,
01:15should you have found the chest,
01:17you will see the claim reward button
01:19where you will be instantly taken
01:22to open up your treasure chest.
01:24Chests operate by hitting them four times,
01:27and they can upgrade from Common,
01:29to Rare,
01:30to Epic,
01:31and even Legendary.
01:32With the rewards, obviously,
01:34scaling to be even better the higher you get.
01:37I'll pop the percentage chance of each chest
01:40on your screen,
01:40but it's a 2% chance of a Legendary.
01:43And in the last update,
01:44they increased the amount of Hero Skins
01:48you can get from chests,
01:49and also the amount of equipment available,
01:52alongside increasing the loot from them as well.
01:54Back to the treasure event itself though,
01:57should you fail to get a chest within the attack,
02:00you don't need to worry about it
02:01because your next multiplayer battle,
02:03the chests will be there as well.
02:05Needless to say though,
02:06since the event starts on the 17th
02:09and runs for eight days,
02:11yes, it finishes on the 25th,
02:13but it is 8am UTC,
02:16so it is eight full days.
02:17That means with three chests per day,
02:20you can get a total of 24 chests.
02:22However, the chests do stack this time around.
02:26So if you miss the first day,
02:28when you log in on the second day of the event,
02:30you could get six chests.
02:32In fact, you could stack them
02:34throughout the entire event
02:35and complete it on the last day
02:37to get all 24 chests.
02:39It does mean you would have to do
02:40a minimum of 24 attacks to get them all,
02:43but at least this treasure event,
02:44you're not going to miss out.
02:46There's not much more to say though,
02:47so let's keep this one short and sweet.
02:48You just need to go out there,
02:50enjoy the event,
02:51and hopefully get yourself some nice rewards.
02:53Be sure to let me know
02:54if you do get any legendaries,
02:56and I guess you can check out
02:57when I opened 100 chests.
03:00There was certainly some highs
03:01and lows within that video.
03:03I am sure you will like it.
03:04Enjoy the rest of your day.
