Today I became the worst baby sitter ever. Make sure you watch the whole video to find out what happens.
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What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 13 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.
#Roblox #foltyn
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Roblox Group:!/about
Roblox Name: TheRealFoltyn
What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 13 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.
#Roblox #foltyn
00:00Today i'm becoming the worst babysitter. So apparently this game is called the baby in yellow
00:04And I guess i'm babysitting a baby that likes to wear yellow. Uh, yeah, I don't know
00:10I don't even know if this is my baby. Like whose baby is this? What's this baby's name? Did I kidnap this baby?
00:15I don't know
00:16But uh, let's get right into it. All right, here we go act one. I'm ready. I'm ready to become a babysitter, man
00:24This is crown child care
00:27Whoa, what the heck i'm in an elevator you have what new client message, okay
00:33Oh, hello. I'd like to book a sitter for my little prince. All right, I got that
00:38three nights
00:42Okay, the address is apartment 10 euclidean towers and the keys under the plant pot
00:48This seems so easy. All I gotta do is feed the baby put him to bed. How hard could this be? What the oh, okay
00:55Um, all right babysitter wanted well not anymore because i'm the babysitter we'll pay double whatever you're paid now
01:02Oh my gosh, they really needed a babysitter. All right, so, uh, wait, which one was it?
01:07Oh, it says find apartment 10. Okay, I can do that. Uh, eight
01:11Seven. Okay, I guess we gotta go over here nine ten right here. Perfect. Wait locked
01:16What check under the plant pot? Oh, okay
01:20Oh, there we go. Nice golden key. I'll pick that up. Thank you
01:23Hello, baby, your babysitter is here unlock the door
01:28What's up, baby what
01:32Hey, yo, why'd the baby look like that? Ew
01:36Wait, what normally babies are cute. Why was that baby kind of ugly? What the all right? Um night one the sitter
01:43It's time for bed the child. Is that what you think? Okay. What kind of baby is this?
01:47Is this a demon baby because right now this sounding creepy. Oh
01:51Okay, this is actually very weird, uh, hello, baby, what's your name? Uh, you know
01:58I'm just gonna call you baby. Timmy. All right, baby. Timmy. Oh my gosh. Look at his eyes. His eyes are so creepy
02:05What the wait, does that say pick up baby
02:08Wait, no, I can't pick him up. What?
02:10Oh, oh my gosh. Ew. He's a chunky little baby
02:18I'm making him dance. I'm gonna give him a headache
02:22Come on, come on, baby. Go to sleep
02:25Oh my gosh. All right in real life. Don't ever shake a baby. This baby would be dead
02:30But uh, this is a demon baby. So he he's invincible and he just stares at me. This is weird
02:35All right, it says feed the baby get bottle from the fridge. Uh, okay, pretty simple. Is this the fridge?
02:40No, this is the toilet. Okay, baby. Can you stop staring at me baby to me stop? Oh my gosh. No, i'm sorry
02:46You're weird i'm putting you right here. All right, i'll get the bottle i'll be right back
02:51Oh my gosh, bro, if I was a babysitter i'm leaving instantly like whoa, look at him
02:55Wait, look, he's not looking at me. But when I peek he stares at me. Look look see
03:03What the you're creepy bro, you're creepy. All right, let's get the bottle from his fridge
03:07Uh, wow, this fridge is very sad. We have pickles cheese tomatoes. Uh, we got some ham here
03:13We don't have a lot in here, but uh, this is what we need the bottle
03:15All right. So now we got to give the bottle to the baby. Hey little timmy, please don't bite my finger
03:20I don't know. This baby looks like he bites, you know
03:23Uh, here we go feed baby
03:26Don't smile. You look creepier smiling. Ew
03:29You're disgusting. Oh my gosh. All right, you know what? He is a baby babies do poop their diaper
03:34Um, oh my gosh, I have to take baby to changing table. Ew
03:38Stop smiling at me
03:42Okay, this is gonna be a little messed up, but can I bang his head against the wall?
03:46Come here, baby
03:50Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, look at him. Oh, okay. What is going on right now?
03:58This baby has no brain. Oh my gosh. You look terrifying. Are you real? Oh my goodness. This is weird
04:05All right, you know what? Let me actually try to beat the game. All right, take baby to the changing table
04:08Where is changing table at?
04:11Is this it over here right here?
04:13Oh, nice. All right changing mat. Oh
04:15Oh my gosh, timmy timmy. I'm, sorry. I'm sorry. I did not mean to drop you. Oh my god. I just dropped the baby
04:22Uh, okay. We're not gonna tell mom that okay. That's our secret little secret
04:26Uh, okay changing mat. Boom. There we go. Get new nappy. Wait, what is a nappy? Uh
04:32Oh, I can crouch. Okay. Is there a nappy in here? Is a nappy a diaper? Oh, is this it?
04:37Okay, pick up nappy, okay nice. Oh, oh, where's the baby? Where's the baby?
04:44Okay, calm down fulton, uh
04:47All right. This is getting scary. I don't know why that just scared me so bad. I'm gonna put the nappy right here
04:52Let's go get little timmy
04:55Uh, how how did you get over there?
04:59Are you okay? Timmy? You're pooping all over the floor man. Like come on. Why are you why is he not smiling anymore?
05:05Come on, timmy, please smile. You're kind of freaking me out
05:08All right, whatever i'll change your diaper. He's probably mad because i'm making him sit and poop
05:12Okay, let me put him back on the changing table
05:15Boom, there you go
05:20Timmy please just lay down
05:23Thank you. All right. So how do I change the baby? Do I just pick up the nappy? Oh change baby
05:29Let's go. He's happy now. Let's go
05:31All right, now we have to put baby to sleep take baby to bed. All right, pretty simple. Wait a second
05:36Can I just put this baby anywhere?
05:38Wait, oh wait, can I throw them guys? I'm a trained professional professional baby thrower
05:43Okay, so do not throw babies in real life. Only I can do that
05:47Three two one
05:51I'm, sorry
05:53Oh, oh, he's crying. Oh timmy. I'm, so sorry. Oh look at him. He looks so sad
05:58You know, I don't know I know it'll cheer him up. Okay
06:05Timmy i'm, sorry
06:07Look at him. I'm, sorry timmy. Hold on one more time. It was it was just funny
06:13Oh, I threw him on the stairs wait, can I roll him down the stairs like a bowling ball?
06:20Bro guys, I promise i'm not like a terrible babysitter. Okay, I would never do this in real life
06:26Okay, where's your bed at timmy baby timmy, where's your bed? Is it this room?
06:30No, is it this room knock knock with the baby's head knock knock anybody in there?
06:34All right, uh in here open. Okay, perfect. Oh timmy, bro. You have a nice room. I'm not gonna lie
06:40This is nice. You got a little ducky right there. Um
06:44Okay, uh put him in the bed
06:50Uh, okay, so now we have to find the storybook and sit down. All right, let me close the door
06:53Uh, what story is this the prince and the cat i've never read this story before timmy
06:57Why are you looking at me like that? Don't look at me like that. Come on. You had fun. You like being thrown around
07:02All right. Let me just sit down
07:04Okay, let's read this to him the prince and the cat
07:09In distant lands what dark with dark stars overhead. Well, this is creepy. This was fast. Okay. I'm muting this
07:15I'm, not gonna lie. That is creepy
07:18Oh, no, i'm, sorry you guys the screen is so messed up. I'm so sorry. Hold on guys. Sorry
07:23All right, we're back. It's fixed. Um, okay, so blah blah blah
07:26The prince was fast asleep until a cat jumped on his bed. All right skip
07:31Why is the baby
07:33Laughing what they walked through the golden garden wait go go. Yeah, I can't read. I'm, sorry
07:39All right, they walked through the golden garden gate. Look at the pretty trees. They walked along blah blah blah. All right
07:46But the prince didn't like the garden. Okay, we're gonna skip all this. That was the prince of the cat
07:50Did you like that timmy?
07:52Uh, timmy. Oh
07:54Look at timmy sleeping. He's a cute little baby. All right. So now it says leave and close the door
07:59Okay, I can do that easy. All right, uh close that and uh, wait for parents watch tv on the sofa
08:05Wait, that's it. That's all I have to do. Well, this game is easy
08:09Okay, so, uh sit down chill out on the sofa
08:13Don't mind if I do
08:16Okay, we're watching commercials, oh I fell asleep wait, no I didn't i'm awake now
08:21Okay, oh now i'm falling asleep again
08:27Oh timmy's crying
08:28Timmy, don't worry. I'm coming. It says I need to settle the baby. What does that even mean? What is settling in the?
08:34Why the heck did the door just open? Did you just see that?
08:38Did you just see that timmy? That wasn't you that opened the door, right?
08:43There's no baby
08:45There's no baby. Why do I hear crying? There's no baby
08:48Wait, it says put baby to sleep again take baby to bed. Ha. Well, uh, there's a problem. Where's the baby?
08:56Why do I hear crying timmy, where are you at timmy wait, is he in here?
09:06Timmy are you in the dryer? Are you over here? No, this is locked. Oh
09:12Bro timmy, how the heck did you get down there? Oh, this is creepy. This is actually so creepy. Oh, i'm, sorry timmy
09:18I'll just put you right back to bed. Okay, please don't be weird again. Don't be creepy
09:23All right, you know i'm walking here
09:26Close the door. Stop crying timmy
09:29I'm, sorry. I'm, sorry. I'm, sorry timmy
09:32All right. Uh, we're gonna put timmy back in bed
09:38Um put the correct plushie in the cot. What plushie do you like timmy?
09:42You know what? I think timmy so we have the cat the bunny or the sheep. I think timmy looks like a
09:48Looks like a bunny type of baby, so we'll put the bunny in there. Here you go. Timmy like that. Oh
09:54Okay, never mind. He i'm. Sorry. You're not a bunny type of baby. You're a cat type of baby, right cat you like cats
10:02Hey, let's go. Timmy's a cat baby. All right, i'm gonna leave now
10:07Don't do anything weird or freaky, okay
10:09Uh, see you timmy. Good night. All right now I can chill out and watch tv. The door just opened. Why did the door just open?
10:18Timmy oh, he's sleeping. Okay, i'm gonna close the door again. I'm watching your door. Don't open
10:27Okay, go downstairs i'm not gonna lie bro, I don't want to get jump scared that is like my word
10:32I hate getting jump scared. I don't want that
10:34But um here let's chill on the sofa relax watch some tv we got the toasty 4000 on tv again
10:42and um
10:45We're about to fall asleep again, is the baby gonna be crying again? Oh, oh that was the first night. Yes
10:50All right. It's now time for night two the child laughing
10:54Look, look, isn't it funny the sitter I told you not to do that. All right
10:58It's just getting creepier and creepier, huh? I don't know if I like this
11:01All right, this is night number two, um, it says get bottle from the fridge, but where's timmy at is he still in bed?
11:13Why the fridge close
11:15Why the fridge close and why am I locked in here?
11:19Timmy, i'm getting your bottle and the bottle's gone and the bottle's gone. Oh, you love to see it. You love it. Uh
11:25Timmy, are you in here?
11:28Oh my gosh
11:29Bro, I i'm actually oh the bottle's floating. I'm in a haunted house pick up the bottle. Okay, I can open the door now
11:37Bro, I don't oh there's timmy. He wasn't there when I left but now he's there when i'm back. All right, uh
11:43Timmy here you go
11:46Here you go. Timmy
11:48Did you like it? Wait, what?
11:52Did he just poop bro, come on get in there
11:56Hahaha, wait, is that a oh wait? No way. That's a basketball hoop. No way
12:01Okay, the game put it in there for a reason. So i'm gonna use it for that reason
12:07Oh, wait. Oh my gosh. I am not good at basketball. What the heck? I mean baby ball. This is baby ball
12:13Dang it. Maybe I can do a slam dunk
12:16360 slam dunk
12:20Yo, I got a point wait, what the heck oh, he likes it he's smiling. Oh
12:26Sorry get in there
12:29Dang it. I hit the rim get in there
12:32Okay, never mind. I i'm not good at baby ball. Okay, let's put him on the mat again. There you go
12:38Uh, okay get a new nappy. All right. Here's your new diaper
12:46Did I just see what I think I just saw
12:48Did I just see a diaper run away? Okay, the diaper has eyes. Am I dreaming right now?
12:52Did I I feel like I fell asleep i'm still dreaming timmy, are you still there? Okay, you're still there the diaper's still there
13:00Bro stop
13:05Stop hiding. Come here. Oh my gosh, you stupid diaper get over here
13:09This diaper is making me mad bro. Where'd you go? Come here
13:13What the what?
13:18This is the most annoying diaper ever come here
13:25Finally yes, he's knocked out. Haha. You ran to the wall. Give me that. All right now get on this baby
13:31And I swear if I walk in this room and this baby's not in here. I'm actually mad
13:35Timmy, all right, you're in here. Here you go. Timmy
13:38Let's go
13:39Let's put you to bed now
13:44Where oh, did you see his eyes? No, no, he had demon eyes editor. Please replay that please replay that you saw he had demon eyes
13:50Oh my gosh, bro. This is so weird. Timmy. What bro? Timmy either has a creepy face or a creepy smile. That's it
13:58He's there. He's just not a normal baby. All right, get in there. Um, find the storybook and sit down
14:03Okay, the prince and the rabbit. Oh, this is a different book
14:06Okay. Um, i'm not even gonna read this i'm just gonna skip through this
14:11Uh rabbit came to visit the prince said time bro mute that why do they have the creepiest moose like playing
14:18Okay, next next
14:26What the heck just happened right there, okay
14:29Oh, he had demon eyes again. He had demon eyes, bro. I'm actually watching a demon baby. I'm watching a demon baby in real life
14:35I'm just running i'm leaving the baby in the house and i'm calling the cops
14:38But um, it says put the correct plushie in the cots. He was a cat baby. Does he still like cats?
14:44No, he doesn't like cats anymore. All right, uh sheep. Are you a sheep bro?
14:49Dang it. Okay
14:50You're a bunny boy today. There you go
14:53And now he's happy. All right now we have to continue reading to me. Please don't be weird
14:57Okay, please don't be weird. Let's sit down. Let's uh, try to finish this story
15:03Okay skip
15:07All right. There we go. We read the book and is timmy sleeping?
15:10Oh, he's sleeping. Look at the demon baby
15:14Wait, why does timmy have a band-aid on his knee probably for me like throwing him down the stairs or something?
15:18I don't know close the door
15:20And uh, now we have to chill out and watch tv on the sofa again. Let me close this door
15:24Wait, I feel like I should explore this. This wasn't open last time. What the heck free soul. What is that?
15:29Oh a soul trap by the baby and yellow has been set free. Oh, am I supposed to be collecting those? Oh, what's in here?
15:38Close that. All right. Let me just go chill out and watch uh tv on the sofa. Here we go
15:42Sit down
15:44Whoa, why is somebody at the door bro?
15:47Sorry, I don't answer doors for strangers. All right. No, but nobody's home
15:54Bro why are you still ringing the doorbell?
15:56I'm gonna have to answer it aren't I? All right. Let me fix my hair. Make sure I look good
16:00All right. Here we go. Let me go answer it now
16:03Um, hello, who is it?
16:06Oh, we got the toasty 4000 that was on the uh, the commercial. All right, put the box on the dining table
16:11All right, let's put it right here. Oh, ah, come on. Why did teddy bear fall down the stairs?
16:19I saw that bro. It literally says finally some piece to watch tv, but this no, I don't want to watch tv
16:25Why did this fall down here?
16:27Do I go up here? I don't know
16:30Hello, timmy
16:32Timmy timmy. Can I go in here? No, I can't. Okay. I gotta go downstairs and uh, watch watch tv
16:39I guess. All right. Here we go. Oh a soul. Yes free soul. There we go. Big head mode unlocked
16:44What wait, what's big head mode? All right, I don't know but uh, let's sit down
16:50What the heck is that is that skippity toilet on tv that looks like skippity toilet i'm not gonna lie
16:57Um, okay. Oh, let's go that was night two. All right night three
17:01The sitter good night sweet dreams the child I will show you my dreams
17:06Oh my gosh, that's gonna hurt my throat but uh, here we go. Let's see the baby's dreams
17:11Why are we even watching the baby for three days? Oh, wow. Our first task is watch tv on the sofa
17:15Okay, nothing creepy going on, right timmy? Nope. Okay
17:20Stop stop. Oh, oh i'm a baby. I'm a baby. Oh
17:25Oh, what was that?
17:27Why is it? Oh my gosh by the lights flickering bro. I did not know this is a horror game
17:32I thought this was supposed to be a funny game, but I was wrong go upstairs and settle baby. Okay
17:37Timmy timmy, please don't scare. I'm taking a headphone out. I'm sorry. I'm scared. I'm actually scared right now
17:42Timmy, it's okay to me. It's okay. It's okay
17:45Oh, he's smiling now. Okay, i'll put the headphone in i'm not scared. Why am I scared of baby timmy?
17:50You're just a baby. You're not scaring me. You know, I hear take this too. You're a rabbit, baby
17:56Oh, he doesn't like that. Okay. Sorry you like the cat
17:59No, no like the sheep
18:07I put the money on his head. Uh
18:10Okay, whatever i'm gonna go downstairs. I'll leave you be timmy buy something to eat perhaps a cheese toasty. Oh
18:16Cheese toasty sounds buzz. This is not the kitchen. I don't know why I went in there. Uh, do I even know how to cook?
18:22Not really. How do I make a cheese toasty take an egg?
18:26Okay, um
18:28I don't know how to cook. Oh, oops. I dropped an egg. What's a cheese toasty? Okay, i'm guessing cheese
18:35Oh bread
18:37Okay, take a slice put this right here
18:42Oh my gosh, i'm messing everything up pick up cheese. Oh my gosh
18:48Put the cheese on the floor put the bread pick up the cheese off the floor. Come here cheese. Thank you now. Oh
18:55Dang it
18:56Put this right there. Okay. Yes put the cheese right on the bread
19:03Okay, that kind of works boom put this right on there there we go
19:11Take plate. Oh
19:14How do I make a cheese toasty, oh no, and i'm breaking plates. Oh my gosh, i'm a mess
19:18What the how do I make a cheese toasty? Oh, wait, I put the bread in there. Oh
19:22Oh got it got it. All right, make a toasty. Oh, it's about to taste boss. Oh, never mind
19:35Okay, okay
19:38Feed me and it says feed the baby you monster. I'm speechless right now. I don't even know what to say. This is creepy. Uh,
19:45Timmy I got a
19:47Toasty for you. I don't know where it went. Oh, wait feed the baby. It needs a bottle. Okay, let me get a bottle
19:52Oh, there's no bottle
19:54Oh, wait, it's in there. But why is it so far? Okay. I'm not gonna lie. How do I turn this down?
19:59This is scary. This is actually scary. There's no volume button. Okay. All right
20:04Nope, here we go. Here we go. Take the bottle. Take the bottle. Take the bottle. This is my bottle
20:08Ah timmy's right by the door timmy
20:11It's me your your babysitter. You love me. I definitely didn't throw you down the stairs timmy. Here you go. Here's your oh
20:18Timmy timmy, let's not be rude
20:23It's cold in here
20:25It's so cold
20:29Okay, what do I do? Oh, there's the bottle but it's just out of reach. Okay, that kind of sucks. Is this a maze?
20:35Oh, look at the chicken on the floor. Looks like a little butt with a crack in it. All right
20:42Timmy where are you at? Timmy? Stop playing games. This isn't hide and go seek or whatever. Oh, was that a hand?
20:47What the what the heck oh, yes, we got the okay. We got the bottle. Okay. Nice
20:51Now, how do I get out of here right here? Oh, I remember the chicken
20:55Chicken butt. All right, go over here, bro
20:58I'm lost. Oh, wait. No, i'm not. Let's go found the door
21:06Wait, oh my gosh. Wait, i'm not even in the apartment anymore. What?
21:13You're a demon here you go timmy have your little bottle you look like an alien ew
21:18There you go. Oh, he's a happy demon baby. Now take baby to changing table. I hope you're thinking what i'm thinking get out of here
21:26Die demon baby die get out of here
21:33Okay, let me stop playing around
21:37Let's uh, put this demon baby on the table. Let's change his diaper
21:41Here you go demon baby get the little nappy
21:57Oh my gosh
21:59Oh my gosh
22:01Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Wait break the emergency glass upstairs. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
22:11Bro that was the worst jump scare i've ever gone through. Okay, where's the emergency glass? I remember it being in here, right?
22:16It's locked. It's locked. It's locked
22:19All right here. Oh my gosh. Stop it demon baby. Stop it, please. Okay pass fire pass fire
22:25Let's put this in the baby's mouth. Okay
22:28Oh, i'm so scared. I'm so scared suck on this baby
22:32Take that
22:36my gosh, bro
22:39Oh my gosh, he's sleeping finally the demon is asleep. Oh my gosh, I don't want to play these games anymore
22:46Ah, stop it. Stop it
22:50Hey timmy, how's it going? Oh, okay. Never mind. It's demon to me now
22:57Okay, do I walk up to him what's up what is going on
23:02I don't like this game. Hey timmy pick up baby
23:06The door is closed put baby in cot. Got it. Okay, find the storybook and sit down
23:12Okay, the prince and the sheep. Let's read him a bedtime story. Hopefully the demon will fall asleep
23:18Oh, it was cold throughout the palace
23:21The moon shone bright. I don't care
23:28Oh, why did it do that
23:31Did you hear that laugh did you just hear that laugh
23:39Not the teddy bears, oh the baby has a throne now
23:49What the heck am I playing right now
23:59Good night
24:01Was that it?
24:03Did the wait did I win? What the heck am I playing bro? What is this game?
24:10Wow, that was only act one. There's more. Oh my gosh, what the heck?
24:16This is crown child care. Oh
24:22Okay, so am I babysitting another baby
24:33Someone pop over and check in on my little prince. I'm, sorry
24:38All right, so I gotta go check in on the baby again
24:41This is i'm not gonna enjoy this. All right apartment 10, which is right here
24:46You know what? I'm guessing this trash bag is the body of the last babysitter. That's what i'm thinking. Okay
24:52Oh my gosh, this place is a mess bro. This place is a mess. It says where's the baby in the top left?
25:00Know you hear that. I know you hear that. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
25:06The teddy bear's alive
25:11Hey timmy
25:12Okay, never mind. Timmy slam the door in my face
25:16Timmy I hate you. Okay, follow the white rabbit. Okay, let's follow him
25:22Hey, this white rabbit's kind of fast. Oh, we're leaving the apartment. What the heck? Oh, he went in the elevator
25:28Okay. Hello white rabbit press to descend. Oh, okay. So how's how's the weather? Never mind
25:36Pigman's madness quickly towards the exit the tiny rabbit hopped. Oh, we're back in the elevator. Okay, the rabbit is still with me. Oh
25:45Okay, all right, hold on I gotta sit up for this
25:50The elevator just broke down
25:54Hey, um, you okay
25:58You okay little bugs bunny here i'll open it for you
26:01Let's open that. All right. Nice
26:05You good? You okay?
26:08Okay, he doesn't talk. Oh, yes another soul. I'll take that. Let's go on
26:13Did that just say run? Okay. All right, we we got to keep following the white rabbit, but where is the white rabbit?
26:20Where you at rabbit?
26:21Silly rabbit tricks are for kids. Oh
26:28I don't like this baby. Whose apartment is this?
26:31509 unlock door to elevator catch the baby. Oh my gosh, please don't run. Please don't run. Please don't come here
26:37Okay, he's just disappearing come here stop playing with me is he over here, where'd he go? Oh, there he is come here
26:45Dang it. Come here
26:47Bro, stop playing with me
26:49Wait, is he here? I feel like he's in. Nope. Oh, he's on the fridge, bro. Come on
26:55Oh, wait, it says catch the baby failed and then it says investigate the apartment. Okay, i'll investigate the apartment
27:02Pick some stuff up investigating
27:04Pick this up put it on the floor. I'm just trashing the place wait
27:10What the heck where'd the baby go I don't even care about the baby just messing this place up now
27:14Wait, the baby keeps disappearing. Come here
27:18Bro you're actually annoying. Oh watermelon. Let's go. I love watermelon. Wait, baby. I got some watermelon for you
27:24I know it's your favorite right timmy. Oh here here have this watermelon. I know you like watermelon
27:31Wait a second look wait, wait, wait, I think I put these papers together
27:35Like this do these even go? Oh these go together. Wait, can I put this like on a counter or something?
27:40Let's put this right here. Maybe I think this goes right here. Oh, look. There's another piece right here
27:45Let's put this right there
27:47Put that right there
27:49Put this right here. Does this do anything?
27:54I don't think so
27:55The baby is still playing hide and seek with me. Oh, wait a second. I can play a record
28:02Play it
28:07Oh, okay
28:09But I got to mute it because I don't know if that's copyrighted or not. Wait, can I play the piano?
28:13Need music to play. Oh
28:16Oh, wait a second. Oh, yes. Perfect. I'm figuring it out. Yes
28:22Is this not musical piano not piano music? Okay. Don't need that. I think this is piano music, right? Yes
28:28Boom, and this is the middle one. Perfect. Sit down and play
28:33Let's see if i'm good
28:38I'm good and look at the baby. He likes it baby. You like this
28:43Break your face. Oh, he doesn't like it. He doesn't like being burped on
28:49What the explore the secret passage press secret switch, okay
28:56What the there's a secret room in this house, that's sick
29:02Okay, let's go down here, um, okay, so we just keep going down here this is just so creepy need to break through
29:11Take this
29:12Okay, that didn't do anything what about this oh hammer yes, that'll do it break let's go yeah
29:21Break it. There we go
29:24Destroy and okay. I'm in perfect. Okay. This is creepy, bro
29:29It's in slow motion now
29:34What do I do?
29:35Listen to pikmin's record. How do I listen to it? Do I have to take it back to the the house and listen to it?
29:44Bro jump scares, I hate jump scares, but here we go. Let's play it. Oh, baby disappeared. All right, let's play it
29:51See what it sounds like
29:54Take in a lot to yes, give me that ha ha my key buddy
29:58Unlock door this door. Is this the door?
30:02Wood door. Okay. So what door do we go into locked locked call elevator?
30:07Oh powers out. Okay. So what do I do?
30:11Ah, we're gonna have to see the baby. Hello, baby
30:19Oh my gosh
30:21Stop stop. Oh my gosh, you stupid baby, bro. Why do you have to jump scare me, bro?
30:28Okay. All right. Calm down. Fulton breathe
30:32Breathe. All right. Here we go. Let's go through here open
30:37All right, we gotta
30:40Okay doors closed, all right, what do we do the power right here pull lever
30:45Bro another jump scare. Oh my gosh pull lever
30:51Why is it not working investigate the fuse box? Where's the fuse box? Is it? Oh, okay
30:56So what do I do push some buttons? What do I do? Oh, I gotta investigate this one, too
31:02Uh, is there another one I gotta investigate over here maybe
31:07All right. Oh i'm taking coins
31:10That's cool. Don't really need them now. Oh a snack wait. Oh
31:14Oh, wait the power. Okay, so I put the coin here
31:20Now hit c2
31:24Perfect. Let's go
31:26All right. Now we put this bad boy in here boom and there now we just need another fuse. So we need another coin
31:32Thank you. Wait, what happens if I get like a chip or something because i'm kind of hungry c4. Yeah
31:37That's what i'm talking about
31:39Wait, I can't even eat it. Are you serious? Are you serious get this out of here? I don't want it
31:44All right, let's get the fuse that we need. Okay c2
31:48Let's go now we just need to put that in the other one and we should be good. Okay wrong fuse
31:53Oh, i'm supposed to get the right color. This is blue. Okay
31:57Oh free soul. All right, which one's blue though? I don't see a blue one. Wait, where's the blue one? Oh right here
32:05Oh, that was easy
32:07Okay, boom
32:09Let's go bro. Timmy. Oh timmy
32:12Timmy, are you okay? Oh
32:14He just disappeared. Okay, stop the baby stealing fuses
32:20Okay, how do I stop him from doing that no way is he just gonna steal the fuse every time I try to put it
32:25Um, where do I put you bro? Oh, wait, i'm a genius just put him in the locker
32:31Stop timmy stop messing my fuse up. All right. Okay c2 takes that put that in there nice
32:39But oh stupid timmy
32:45Oh my gosh
32:48Wait, how am I supposed to stop him from doing that? What? Oh, wait, what's this unlock? Oh my gosh. I need a code
32:55Shut up timmy
32:58Shut up, where's the code at? Oh, wait, it's right here. No, wait 17. Wait. Okay, so it ends in 17
33:03So we just need the first two numbers now
33:07All 4 3 17 got it. There we go. Easy easy 4
33:133 1
33:157 nice. Let's go. Timmy. Where are you at? Get your little butt in there. Timmy. Come here. Come here
33:21Get in there you demon baby. See ya
33:26It says he's gone for now, oh no, I feel bad for timmy now, I feel bad for timmy
33:30I'm, sorry. I had to do it though. I had to all right c2
33:34Let's go put this bad boy in here
33:38He's not stealing the fuse. Let's pull the lever
33:41Let's go power restored
33:44Okay, so it says return to the elevator. Okay, where's the elevator?
33:48Timmy i'm, sorry. I didn't mean to it was an accident timmy. It was an accident
33:51I accidentally unlocked the lock and I accidentally threw you in there and I accidentally left you
33:57Hey, timmy, how's it going? How was the locker?
34:00Okay, he disappeared. All right. I'm just gonna keep walking. It says don't leave
34:04Timmy, come on, man
34:06I know i'm the best babysitter and I know you don't want me to leave but I got to you'll regret that
34:11I don't think so. Timmy. I'll be back. Just kidding. I'm never coming back
34:15I will never come back to you timmy the worst baby ever and the ugliest baby ever
34:19Okay, let's hurry up make a run for it make a run for it make a run for it
34:23Go elevator. Come on. Come on elevator is not
34:27Working. Okay
34:29What am I supposed to do? Oh, it's this elevator. Oh, okay. I went to the wrong elevator. Hey bunny
34:35Okay, it's this one
34:37All right, finally freedom
34:40Never mind. Hey timmy. Oh, you can walk out to me took his first steps
34:45Oh my gosh, timmy's taking his first, uh, whatever that is
34:50Good night
34:51Press to wake up. Okay
34:54Is this all a dream? Oh, wait, I died. I gotta restart. Okay, close the door go to me
35:00Go to me
35:01Oh my gosh, you what requires magic? Come on. Come on. Come on. Go go go. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
35:07Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
35:12There's so many keys, are you serious pop? Oh, oh, I think this works. Nope. Nope. Nope. Yellow yellow yellow unlock unlock unlock unlock
35:23Is it no
35:24You gotta be kidding me. All right, let's try this again. Go go go go go go, bro
35:30Why would the bunny lock like lock it on me close the door? Okay, I can do it this time
35:34This is blue and yellow. So blue right here and then yellow right here, right?
35:39requires matching key
35:42Is it this one? Oh, it is
35:44Let's go
35:47Yes, timmy. I'm, sorry, but I cannot babysit you anymore
35:53Close the door elevator. Yes
35:59Timmy no timmy. No, leave me alone
36:03Oh my gosh the exit don't leave me alone stay here forever. Oh my gosh, bro
36:10This game is crazy. I'm not gonna lie
36:13This game is actually insane
36:15Uh, but anyways, if you enjoy make sure you like and subscribe. Uh, yeah, i'm scared
36:20I'm, probably not gonna be able to sleep tonight, but uh, i'm faulted i'm out