Fixing closed eyes and strong glasses glare with reference photos and with zero reference photos.
00:00 Intro
00:16 Glasses glare with extra photo
09:39 Glasses glare (no extra photos)
15:35 Opening eyes (no extra photos)
00:00 Intro
00:16 Glasses glare with extra photo
09:39 Glasses glare (no extra photos)
15:35 Opening eyes (no extra photos)
00:00Welcome I'm so happy you're here to learn more about photo editing. Today I'm
00:03gonna be teaching you how to fix glasses glare and closed eyes. I'm gonna be
00:07teaching you if you do have extra photos and how that can help you but for the
00:10most part I know that most of the time you don't have an extra photo so I'll
00:13also be showing you how to do with that. Okay first up the glasses glare. This day
00:18is a cloudy day but it still happens so let's see what we can do. I do have an
00:22extra photo but even with extra photos there is still some left so first I'm
00:27gonna be showing you what to do with that. I've already copied and pasted it
00:30from the other photo and if you don't know how to do that you just go to any
00:33selection tool which are gonna be these three. So you can do the lasso tool like
00:39any of these. This one is pretty nice. Go over to object selection tool, quick
00:44selection tool and make sure you are on the correct layer. Select then I just do
00:51copy and paste. Ctrl C, Ctrl V or command if you're using a MacBook or
00:58something. And then if you do Ctrl T you can move that around like a layer. So you
01:06can literally go on to another photo, Ctrl V, just click OK, that doesn't
01:11matter. And here you have the other photo. Once you have that pasted on and you can
01:17when you Ctrl T it gives you options to move it around and change the size. If
01:25you can't remember shortcuts, sorry I always use shortcuts, is you go over to
01:29edit and go over to free transform. So always under edit if you can remember
01:36that. We have this face and it's fairly the right size and then we're gonna hover
01:40over it and then I'm gonna go over to the layer and change the opacity just so
01:46you can kind of see the eyes. I'm just gonna match it up as best as possible.
01:51So just a little bit bigger. The lighting is on the opposite side so I'm gonna go
02:04again to free transform then I'm gonna flip it horizontally. I think that's
02:09actually what I did last time. Oh yeah that's way better. Okay because I think
02:17he was on the other side of the photo. So sometimes you have to do that and I
02:23think it looks the same. Let's just go and erase that and your eraser is over
02:40here. Luckily the icons kind of resemble what you're doing and if you want to
02:44change the hardness of it just right click and you can change it that way
02:49it's like softer. So just mess around with that because really I'm just
02:59looking to get the eye part. Alright so yeah his nose does look a little bit
03:08different. I like it like that. Okay anyway you get the point so it doesn't
03:30have to be perfect too because I mean if you're looking at it far away you can't
03:34really tell so if you're just trying to like get it on there you can really just
03:37copy paste erase and then you're done. If you want to go even further like how
03:43there's still these glasses I like to paste it on to the layer below and I
03:50always like to have like an extra layer just in case. I just from my
03:59experience I hate losing stuff and so I always make double layers just in case I
04:04need to go back. So now that's one full layer and that way we can use like
04:11some AI tools like this remove tool which is one of my favorites because I
04:16feel like when it's on a layer it kind of gets a little wonky. Like see how
04:20this is already slow it just helps it go faster. So you can just go ahead and
04:29clean it up just like that. If it doesn't really do what you want you can
04:34go over to the stamp tool which does it exactly and you alt click that's how you
04:41like get your stamp. So I'm alt click that's your stamp and then you can stamp
04:47click somewhere else. If we're gonna give it a third eye that's what I would do.
04:52That's not what we're doing so click stamp or alt stamp and then you can kind of
05:00like hover go to clone source this will adjust the angle of it and just kind of
05:08fill it in a little bit just so it kind of gives you less to work with. I feel
05:19like the remove tool works best in smaller sections so if you have a really
05:22big section make it smaller and then try again. So you can always ctrl Z to kind of
05:28look back at what you're doing. So right this is pretty good.
05:37Oops whatever that worked. All right awesome so you can see the before I guess
05:44with this before after. Awesome and with this let's see this one's a little bit
05:52bigger you could honestly do two things. One you could take this eye so make a
05:58selection ctrl C ctrl V copy and paste ctrl T or free transform and then I'm
06:06gonna flip it horizontally. I'm gonna move it over so because eyes are usually
06:13pretty symmetrical and that's about wow this is actually perfect. Sometimes it
06:19doesn't work if they're not looking straightforward so I totally get that
06:24but this one works really well. So we're just going to erase a little bit voila
06:35you have that maybe just a little bit more over. Right you can just perfect it
06:48how you want it and then I just like to create the layer and that way these
06:53white lines they're like nowhere near the eyeball and so removing them or
06:58clone stamping them is gonna make it a lot easier. So let's try you can
07:06either just remove this with the remove tool or let's try doing generate a fill
07:10and see how that works. I do like generate a fill but for a lot of my
07:17clients I don't particularly like it just because it can make it super blurry
07:21and see this one doesn't really do it well because really it's his eyebrow
07:25going in but technically you could just play around with it and like if that's
07:29what you like then maybe remove that but this again I'd probably take this
07:33eyebrow and move it over here and just like match it up however you can
07:55perfect and then just to get rid of the harsh lines I'll just take our eraser
08:08and erase it. Perfect right so now all you got is a few maybe erase just a
08:21little bit so it's not completely exact because I feel like eyebrows aren't
08:25really symmetrical and then remove. That kind of looks a little messy and then
08:42maybe you can do let's go back to the stamp tool or clone stamp tool and I
08:48feel like it's this part of his eye that I need you could stamp it and then
08:53you can flip it and so instead of making like a whole new layer you can kind of
09:00just mess around with that. Awesome let's just look at the before. Cool so I think
09:12maybe I'll want to get rid of this guy too so like I said it really really goes
09:19a long way if you have at least one eye showing even even it's just just from
09:23like another photo even if there's different lighting right you can flip it
09:26it's gonna save you because now his glasses are completely see-through right
09:32if you don't have it a lot of it is going to be AI let's just try going to
09:41filter and neurofilters. Okay so I'm going to go over to smart portrait and
09:49you're gonna choose the person that you want. Eyes so here you have oh glare
09:55removal I think that's new so let's see how this does. I've actually never used
10:03this before so let's see and it didn't do too much okay that helped a little
10:16bit that could definitely save us a lot of time I feel like it's trying to get
10:22his color right but I'm pretty sure his eyes are blue let's check oh they're
10:30brown okay perfect so we have that which got rid of it pretty well so from
10:38here I would just clean up because when you're using AI it's gonna pull from the
10:44other parts of the photo so if there's like a bunch of these little parts
10:48everywhere and you're gonna use generative fill it's gonna pull from
10:52that. Maybe it's a little bit dark so I'm just cleaning it up
11:06I think that's pretty much about what I can do now for like the eyeballs which
11:24are mostly important part because even far away it still looks a little bit off
11:28and if I'm not wrong this is the mother so sometimes I'll look at the family
11:36members if they have similar eyes I'll take it from them so what we can do
11:43let's just see what generative fill does
11:49sometimes I like to see what it does without writing any anything but I do
12:01really want them to be brown so let's see
12:08so it's they definitely look a little creepy this one is probably the best but
12:19it still doesn't like follow the eye shape so what I would do is just like
12:25go in and erase where the eyelids are
12:37and you can adjust this layer however you please
12:43right so really this one is kind of like a lopsided just gonna make two
12:52layers maybe like change this
12:58erase the eyeball just gonna mess around until you get what you like basically we
13:12already have the whites of his eyes so technically we just need the color and
13:20do the same for the other eye eraser I like to just click E erase erase erase
13:36and of course the color is still a little bit off and they do have a little
13:41bit of shine but it's not blue it's white so I'm gonna go over to the color
13:47replacement tool and make sure you're on the layer so I'm just gonna change this
13:54to not blue brush cool I'm just gonna connect those layers of them they're
14:18together and then if you want to change the color of it and if you don't like
14:22the color of it you can go over to the color adjustment brush and go over here
14:29and you can kind of choose which one you want so I'm going to hue saturation
14:34kind of color it and obviously it kind of does this automatically but you want
14:40it to be less colorful a little bit darker and then if you want to change it
14:50you just click the brush and since this layer is black you want to paint it with
14:55white to kind of wait maybe you block just go see that kind of erases it so
15:11it's just on the eyes so again it's not as good as the one with the picture but
15:20you have that and then again I would just clean this up with the remove tool
15:24or generative fill or using other parts of the photo that don't have the glares
15:28and there you have it um so the new photo opening eyes so basically the same
15:36thing we're going to do here if you have an extra photo I would just do the
15:41exact same steps I did with the glasses glare because it's just an extra photo
15:45their eyes are open it's gonna help if maybe even one of the eyes are open if
15:49they have a sister or a family member similar eyes that can help but this one
15:55we don't so her eyes are closed and she wants them open so this is the final
16:03right so I didn't have any reference photo of this so this one what I had to
16:08do is either use generative fill or neurofilters go over to filter
16:15neurofilters and then go over to smart portrait if you don't have it downloaded
16:19just hit download may take a little bit but so then make sure you're on the
16:24correct person if there are multiple people and then the eyes so this is
16:28fairly new but you can do eye openness let's just see if this turns out I can
16:35be a little finicky so it's kind of based on luck so this one did not do it
16:40very well her eyes are completely closed this more of helps if you're like
16:44halfway blinking it can really help but this does not really help at all so
16:53we're just gonna cancel it if it works for your photo that's great I'm just
16:59gonna start with one eye and let's just see what generative fill does and I like
17:08to leave it just open-ended just to see what it comes up with you can type in
17:12what you want but sometimes it kind of gets the gist and sometimes it doesn't
17:21so obviously we don't want to completely give it a try so open so AI does make it
17:32look a little cakey sometimes I wish I matched the photo more of like what it
17:37is like this just looks like an AI photo if you know what I'm saying but it does
17:43get pretty good because she did tell me her eyes are brown so we're gonna work
17:49with that and then let's do this photo for this I
18:08doesn't look too good okay so you could try generating again maybe making a
18:15better selection maybe something like that let's just try one more time and
18:24pray that it works
18:37it is not getting that the eye is on the opposite like side it's like a side view
18:42so this is what we're gonna have to do so you have this eye and it matched the
18:47shape pretty well I would say I almost think the eye should be bigger and you
18:53can actually change this just go over to ctrl T again and then just make it like
18:59a little bit wider if you don't like the whole thing bigger you could also you
19:05have to rasterize layer so distort and make it a little bit longer okay I
19:18think that's a lot better and then her I think is more upturned than what they
19:24have here so what you're gonna go to do is make sure you're not clicked on it
19:31like make sure if you're on ctrl T you just hit enter otherwise this isn't
19:35gonna work so go over to edit puppet warp and this will allow you to edit it
19:41basically however you want so this is like an anchor because I like how this
19:45is set but I do not like this so you kind of move it up a little bit kind of
19:54helps yeah a lot better and then it's a little funky right here so maybe erase
20:02it perfect you got an open eye and if you want to change the saturation
20:14because it does look a little much just go over to the adjustment brush turn
20:20down that saturation and that looks just a little bit better and this is kind of
20:30bothering me so I'm just gonna remove it
20:34because I feel like now I can actually like see the closed-eyed open eyes kind
20:39of thing first I'm gonna go to my selection and select these glasses so I
20:50don't have to keep erasing over and over again so it doesn't have to be perfect
20:58but double-click to rename glasses all right now we can actually see what this
21:13would look like so technically the eye thing I can't remember what it's called
21:17it's covered so we don't even need that so I'm actually gonna flip the eye back
21:23over because flipped over actually makes the eye look like it's looking at
21:28me so just this and then erase
21:41so see a little better eyelashes look a little weird because they're turned down
21:46but the eye is now open and I'm gonna connect that to this layer and then this
21:54is when you can use AI so I get rid of that
22:07and I want some eyelashes here but let's just give it a test to see what it does
22:16so it did not give me what I was looking for
22:27so eyelashes are kind of hard to generate so it's kind of annoying I
22:49feel like they should be out more basically you're just gonna be like
22:57recreating the eyeball just until it looks better and then go in and erase it
23:07make it all nice and pretty and then I would again do that again for the bottom
23:13eyelashes but if and then okay so yeah I'm looking at that it looks actually a
23:20little bit too big see this is why I should have made back and make it bigger
23:37if you're looking at the original her eyes are finally open they're brown
23:41looks legit all you have to do is fix the other side by doing the eyelashes
23:45and just basically matching up how you like your eyelashes if you'd like them
23:48really long short whatever if you want to adjust this even more if you didn't
23:58already see this when I went in there filter your filters you could also go in
24:05and move the eyes I direction so right moves them to the right left moves them
24:11to the left and kind of wait this might look a little funky because we've
24:18already manipulated the eyeballs but if you want to do that on a different photo
24:22see this one didn't really do anything so which I guess this eye isn't
24:29connected but sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so I would make
24:34sure that they're all connected make it turn out better but anyway so that's the
24:39original and this is for spending a lot of time on it and using a photo that she
24:45sent me of her eyes so this is like a little bit better I do like how the eye
24:50thing is more inward this one is I've been looking at a little bit small and a
24:55little bit just plastic on there but again it's a lot of playing around with
25:00you know what their eyes look like drawing the shape using the other eye
25:08using all of that so this is what we got