Marley does a full playthrough of Amenti.
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Main channel - @MeatyMarley
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00:00Oh, hell no, bro. We're meant to take the lid off the coffin.
00:04Now you're going way too far, little bro.
00:09Good picture!
00:12Um, bro?
00:16You guys keep asking for more horror games.
00:19So today, we're playing Amenti.
00:21Arguably one of the scariest new horror games out.
00:24Thanks to everyone that subscribed here on Morley.
00:26We're almost at 500,000 and I'm super grateful.
00:29Don't forget to use code MORLEY at GAMERSUP.
00:32Save yourself 10%. It's the best drink in the world.
00:35And enjoy the horror game video, boys.
00:37Let me know what other games you want to see me play here on the second channel.
00:39This one was, um...
00:41It was not good for me.
00:42Let's lock in Amenti, Egypt.
00:44Pyramids of the Giza. Top Giza, top like.
00:47I want to photograph Rudaman's remains.
00:50Who is Rudaman, bruv?
00:51I'm terrified, but I won't let fear stop me.
00:53This is my chance to make history.
00:55Holy delay on the turn.
00:58What are those skid marks, mate?
01:00He came flying down the gaff.
01:02Wait, the graphics look insane, chat.
01:04There's no way this thing survived the whole desert drive.
01:06Are you kidding me?
01:08Ladies and gentlemen, we are at the Pyramids of the Giza.
01:11Got an ominous, uh...
01:12Ominous vibe to the gaff.
01:14Creepy sound.
01:15Marley built like a pyramid.
01:16What, one of the seven wonders of the world that people travel to climb on?
01:20These pyramids were built by humans?
01:22How were the pyramids actually built? Like, no cap.
01:24Why is it so dark? There's no need.
01:27Mate, you can lean!
01:29This was built for a siege gamer.
01:31Um, is it meant to be this dark already?
01:33Time to enter the Giza's pyramid, I guess.
01:36That's unnecessarily slow and dramatic and creepy.
01:40I must enter the tomb before the guards change-
01:42Wait, we're breaking in?!
01:44Hold on, I didn't sign up for that.
01:46You work there? I don't work there.
01:47It says I'm breaking in to take pictures of some remains.
01:49I think I'm a photographer.
01:50Maybe I have, like, a magazine or something.
01:52I think I'm just trying to take a sick photo.
01:55Game saved. That was an easy, easy entrance, boys.
01:58We're in there.
02:01Can't say I love the feng shui.
02:02Warning, danger of death.
02:04See, already I've turned around and left.
02:06Danger of death.
02:08Like, that's enough for me to just stick it in reverse, get in the car, go home.
02:11Maybe grab a little fucking milkshake on the way back.
02:13I don't know.
02:14Enter at your own risk.
02:15This tomb contains confined spaces that may cause discomfort for those with claustrophobia.
02:19Does anyone here have claustrophobia?
02:20Because I actually, I don't think I do, but I do not fuck with tight spaces.
02:24Apart from the one in between Dom's legs.
02:26This is already age-restricted.
02:27Sorry, YouTube.
02:28Blur that out. My bad.
02:29Wait, we're going down there?
02:34Oh, no, no, no.
02:37No way.
02:39It's fine. It's not even going to be scary.
02:40Mate, pyramids have been, like, well-investigated.
02:42There's nothing haunted in a pyramid.
02:44Everything's long gone.
02:45Right-click to take a picture or photos of anything interesting.
02:48That's interesting.
02:51Mate, that was a sick picture.
02:53Right, I've got the picture.
02:54Can we leave?
02:57What's he doing, mate?
02:58Look at that chin.
02:59That's a beard?
03:01Oh, yeah.
03:02Sorry, I'm not familiar.
03:03Why aren't you buried there, unk?
03:05Right, through the small spaces we go.
03:07Why can't I go through there?
03:08Oh, we've just got to put this room turned around.
03:11Mate, that's a cool pig.
03:12I need more light.
03:13Now, maybe I turn on the generator.
03:16Mate, we've got power now.
03:18Yo, did anyone used to read those little yellow magazines
03:20as a kid?
03:21National Geo-
03:26That's not funny.
03:27That's just cheap.
03:28That's just rude.
03:29Nah, what?
03:31I'm sorry.
03:32I've already left the pyramid.
03:33I would not be here.
03:34I'm taking a picture of that, though.
03:35W Photography.
03:36National Geographic magazines.
03:38Did anyone used to read those as a kid?
03:40It had, like, crazy photos of stuff around the world.
03:42I used to love that shit.
03:43Me and my dad used to read all of them.
03:44Had so many.
03:45I am getting distracted.
03:47W Photos.
03:48Is that a YouTube?
03:49Could do with, like, a-
03:50I don't know, a torch?
03:51Did he not think to pack a torch going in here?
03:53There's no way this guy drove all this way and is like,
03:55yeah, that's probably the only thing I would pack
03:57in my pocket.
04:00What are these called?
04:03What do they depict?
04:04A lot of W Posture.
04:06Mate, I've never seen the back so straight.
04:08No way they actually sat with that fucking straight ass back.
04:10How much did this game cost?
04:11Uh, I can't remember.
04:13There we go.
04:14That's what we needed a pic of.
04:15Can we turn the generator on?
04:16We can.
04:17Oh my God.
04:21Holy shit, mate.
04:23Oh, it turned off.
04:24No, I don't like that.
04:27Is this like a time I've got to run?
04:29Nah, bro, what the hell?
04:31Wait, this is creeping me out.
04:32Okay, turn it on, run.
04:43We do not have to go through that, right?
04:50Oh, that's a creepy flashlight.
04:53Oh no, it's actually like real.
04:55How many screams have we got?
04:56I haven't screamed yet.
04:57I haven't screamed yet.
05:03Nah, the dogs have turned!
05:05Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
05:08I'll take a picture of that.
05:09That's creepy, mate.
05:10They've turned to face me.
05:11Nah, that's actually mortifying.
05:13Oh, what's this?
05:14Need something.
05:15All right, we need a little, uh, some kind of little gold artifact.
05:19Oh, W tunnel.
05:21All right, let's go through it.
05:22What's the worst that could happen?
05:23Just a little tunnel.
05:24Just a little tunnel.
05:25I like tunnels.
05:27Danger of death.
05:28Tragic events haunt this place.
05:30Entry is strictly forbidden.
05:31If you enter, your death will be solely your responsibility.
05:34Holy yap.
05:36Bro, it can't be haunted.
05:38What the hell?
05:44Did not need to be that creepy.
05:46Oh man.
05:47It can't be haunted.
05:48Famous last words.
05:52How did it get darker?
05:54How did it get darker?
05:55Can we go back?
05:56And we're stuck.
05:57Yeah, wonderful.
05:58Mate, it can't be haunted.
06:00Pyramids aren't that old.
06:01Man, I'm actually scared to progress.
06:03Door there.
06:04What in the creepy?
06:05Don't say that's my height.
06:08All right.
06:09You know what?
06:10I do fuck with the, like, the design of the place.
06:12It's impressive.
06:13A lot of work gone into it.
06:22Let's clear the left side first.
06:24Let's just hug the left.
06:29Good picture.
06:30Actually, that's a pretty ass picture.
06:32I'm going to be honest.
06:33Look, if the geezer's home, I'm just trying to explore your pyramid.
06:36I got to get a picture of some remains and I'm gone.
06:38Like, I don't, I'm not going to break anything.
06:39I won't even touch anything.
06:40He's got two big balls in his hands.
06:41I like this place.
06:44What's that bang?
06:45Summit move.
06:46Nah, that's crazy.
06:48Good picture.
06:49I don't want to turn around here.
06:50I feel like this is a bad.
06:52I feel very boxed in right now.
07:02What's this?
07:06Wait, which way did we go?
07:09Oh, this wasn't open before.
07:13Wait, it's all connected to rope.
07:14Is this a trap?
07:15Wait, we can turn that on.
07:16Okay, let's do it.
07:17Okay, let's do it.
07:20That pulls that up.
07:22Let's go.
07:23Don't close behind me, please.
07:24Mate, imagine actually being here.
07:26Like, how dark and shit it is.
07:27Like, you're just here with a torch.
07:28There's no way.
07:29I would be laying on the floor in the corner.
07:31Just, I would just accept defeat.
07:33I would be dead.
07:34I would just lay there until, like, I'm not, I'm not walking around this thing.
07:37What's that?
07:38Is that a hat?
07:39Ooh, there's a note.
07:40To those that come after me, my name is Henry Caldwell.
07:45It's 1922.
07:47And I'm leaving this note for everyone, anyone who finds it.
07:50I came into this tomb searching for answers about the connection between ancient Egyptians and beings from beyond our world.
07:56Nah, I ain't fucking with alien stuff, mate.
07:59I know I might not make it out alive, but I need to know the truth before it's too late.
08:02This place isn't just stone.
08:04It watches.
08:05It listens.
08:06If you feel it to, trust your instincts.
08:08I'll try to leave more notes to guide you.
08:10If I survive long enough to write them, but now I have to run.
08:14The air has turned cold and I swear I can hear her.
08:16The queen spirit is close.
08:18Too close.
08:19Holy yap.
08:20What was his name?
08:21Henry the fucking yapper, mate.
08:25Um, bro.
08:28What do I do?
08:31Uh, excuse me.
08:32I'm looking for directions.
08:36Do I take a picture?
08:44Nah, nah, nah.
08:46Don't do this, torch.
09:03Why did I agree to horror games?
09:04Mate, I've actually got goosebumps.
09:05Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
09:07That's just Henry.
09:08That's just Henry.
09:09I can't do this.
09:10I actually am not built for these games.
09:11Oh, this will be fun.
09:12Why was she just floating like that?
09:13And this is opened up, so I'm clearly meant to go down here.
09:16Deeper into the pyramid.
09:18I thought they went upwards.
09:19I thought pyramids went up.
09:20How are we going deeper?
09:22We walked in the bottom floor?
09:24Oh, bro.
09:25Oh, hell no.
09:28Why has that one been moved?
09:29What is that?
09:30We'll open the door.
09:40Oh, I ain't sticking my head.
09:41Fuck it.
09:42I ain't scared.
09:43Good picture.
09:45Nah, bro, bro, bro.
09:46Nah, don't do that.
09:47Okay, we're chilling.
09:48We're chilling.
09:49We're chilling.
09:50We're chilling.
09:51We're chilling.
09:52La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
09:53I feel like things are going to move.
09:54I don't.
09:55What is that big thing?
09:56I don't like that.
09:57Oh, nah, that wasn't there before.
09:58Let's get a picture.
10:05Oh, hell no, bro.
10:08Nah, mate.
10:09Why am I playing this?
10:10Why am I here?
10:11Wait, that's crazy.
10:14Mate, that's mental.
10:18Okay, we can't go back the way we came.
10:20Always reassuring.
10:21I've made this shit.
10:22Nothing makes me perspirate like a good horror game.
10:24So, I can't go back up there.
10:25Marley happens to pick the game with dog people in it.
10:29Ayo, Egyptian furry.
10:32Are you kidding?
10:33Okay, what am I missing?
10:34I must be missing something.
10:35Oh, my God.
10:37You told me there was a note there.
10:38I am now here.
10:40The tomb of Rudaman.
10:42That's who we're here to photograph.
10:43The great pharaoh of Egypt's second millennium.
10:46An intense fear grips me.
10:48As the legends warn that approaching the pharaoh's remains
10:51will awaken his wrath and bring terrifying consequences.
10:54I believe in the legends, but my faith in them won't stop me
10:58from pressing forward.
10:59I must uncover the truth no matter the cost.
11:01I'll be Henry, mate.
11:03All right, I guess we go back this way.
11:05Oh, my God, that's opened up.
11:06What's the rope?
11:09Oh, great.
11:11I'm staying crouched.
11:12Makes me feel safer.
11:13Feels more like my real...
11:14Oh, we're meant to go down there.
11:16Nothing to take a picture of, right?
11:18Nothing interesting.
11:19What's that sound?
11:25Let's just keep progressing.
11:26It's fine.
11:28Wait, is this his remains?
11:31Oh, hell no, bro.
11:32We're meant to take the lid off the coffin.
11:36That's the bloke?
11:39Mate, that's mental.
11:41Imagine finding that.
11:42Oh, why would you open it?
11:43Bro, bro.
11:44Now you're going way too far, little bro.
11:48Why would you...
11:56Now you've pissed him off, you idiot.
11:59You absolute moron.
12:00You've pissed him off.
12:01Why would you open...
12:04Shut up!
12:12My torch just died.
12:13Oh my god, my torch died.
12:15You're fucking joking, my torch...
12:26What have we done?
12:27Why would we do this?
12:33Oh, nah, bruv.
12:39Wait, what just happened?
12:41That's what I'm saying, bro.
12:43Did we just teleport?
12:44Mate, look at all this loot.
12:46Let's take that and stick it on eBay, mate.
12:47Okay, let's lift that up.
12:49I think it opens over there.
12:52Why is she not pulling?
12:53Follow the rope?
12:56I followed the rope.
13:00Oh my god.
13:03Oh my god.
13:04Oh my god.
13:07Oh my god!
13:10Massive brain prevails.
13:13Oh, you've got a big forehead.
13:15Yeah, that's why.
13:21Someone's doing some Mongolian throat singing and I kind of fuck with it.
13:25Oh my god, this place has got some tall ceilings.
13:27That's creeping me out.
13:28I don't know why.
13:30Oh, okay.
13:32I'm just going to go up this way, fellas.
13:39Oh, there's wind in here?
13:43Oh my god, it's the throne.
13:46Whoa, what the fuck?
13:47Take a picture of that, surely.
13:49You can't sit on that.
13:50Aren't you used to tall ceilings?
13:52Are you serious, chat?
13:53Could you reach the top shelf working at Tesco?
13:55On my tippy toes.
13:57If you're reading this, you've probably realized by now that this place isn't as abandoned as it seems.
14:01Yeah, it is.
14:02It feels like we're a step back in time, but I believe it's far more complicated than that.
14:06It's as if history itself has swallowed us whole, trapping us in some kind of temporal void.
14:11This is not good.
14:12Yeah, thanks, fucking Henry.
14:14This is not good.
14:15Not good at all.
14:16You'll need to find a way out of it.
14:17Whatever you do, don't linger.
14:19Oh, great.
14:20Well, I've been doing hella lingering, bro, because I'm slow AF.
14:23Alright, what's going on down here?
14:32Take me.
14:33Take me, boys.
14:34Do what you want to me.
14:35Bend me over the throne.
14:37I don't care anymore.
14:38I ain't fighting you.
14:39Oh my actual god.
14:43Nah, bro.
14:44Oh, fuck it.
14:46La la la.
14:48Are they leading me somewhere?
14:49Wait, they might be friends.
14:50I can't open the...
14:51I can't open the door.
14:53Oh, okay.
14:56Alright, they stay there.
14:59What the hell?
15:02Can they stay there?
15:03I don't want them to move again.
15:08We're progressing.
15:09You're such a good boy.
15:11Why am I blinking now?
15:12Oh, it was the torch.
15:14Nah, torch, please.
15:15Don't die.
15:16Where to, chat?
15:18Never mind.
15:20Never mind.
15:21Straight onwards we go.
15:22Through the Giza's pyramid.
15:25Oh, sick.
15:30So, why is there lit candles everywhere, actually?
15:32That's a problem.
15:33Wait, are we back in the time of the pyramid?
15:34Wait, that's kind of sick.
15:35Wait, it doesn't feel scary now.
15:37If we're here when they were actually kicking about,
15:39like, what's there to be scared of?
15:41We've just time-travelled.
15:53So, why was there an eyeball in there?
15:55What the fuck?
15:56Nah, I'm sorry.
15:57Okay, it is scary.
15:59Okay, I admit it.
16:01Is that what you want?
16:02Why was this just moving?
16:06Can I have my torch back?
16:13Okay, that's the way we came.
16:15Oh, the door opens now.
16:16Oh, my God.
16:17Oh, the door opens now.
16:18Oh, my God.
16:22What's that?
16:23I need something.
16:27Take a picture of that.
16:30I'll just take a breather on the bench here.
16:32That actually looks kind of...
16:33Actually, it doesn't look comfy.
16:35Oh, mate.
16:36I don't do well in these situations.
16:38I don't fuck with horror games.
16:44Who's tiptoeing?
16:47Yeah, go away, mate.
16:48This is my pyramid now.
16:49Oh, do I need that?
16:51Oh, it needs something.
16:53Yeah, you haven't been keeping on top of your bills.
16:54I'm here to repossess the pyramid.
16:56I've come back in time.
16:58I'm a bailiff.
17:06Okay, did this go over here?
17:07Or is it somewhere else?
17:09Eagle charm.
17:10That's the other one.
17:12We're on fire.
17:13We've actually got an item.
17:14There it is.
17:15Oh, my God.
17:17Put it in, baby.
17:24Mate, I'm a legend on the puzzles.
17:27Oh, God.
17:29Why's that buzzing?
17:33Uh, excuse me?
17:37Let's go put that down.
17:38I remember exactly...
17:43Marley sees a six-foot man and screams.
17:46Bro, that's actually scary.
17:48And he is way over six foot.
17:50Why are we jumping to conclusions?
17:52They might be friendly.
17:53Bro, they're gonna be asking me for, like, you know,
17:55what happens in the future.
17:56Like, I'm the one with power here.
17:57I come from the future, mate.
17:58Like, I have arrived.
17:59I should be the motherfucking pharaoh, no?
18:01A time travel to this bitch.
18:03Put me in a fucking tomb.
18:05It's the eye.
18:06That's the eyeball we saw.
18:08Oh, my God, it's an alien.
18:16Henry was right.
18:17So, it's an alien game.
18:19I really enjoy alien.
18:20I actually find alien so scary,
18:21because it's like, it's actually possible.
18:22I really...
18:23Yeah, there's no one in here that thinks, like,
18:24we're the only thing in the universe, right?
18:26There's no fucking way.
18:27There's gotta be other shit going,
18:28like, cooking out there.
18:29And that, my friend,
18:30genuinely creeps me out.
18:32In an interesting way, though.
18:33Translation of the Egyptian,
18:34yada, yada, yada,
18:35way, yay, yay.
18:37Tonight to see the skibbity-rotten dada.
18:38What a way to make a living,
18:39working night.
18:40Wow, that is interesting.
18:44Wait, blow me.
18:45Oh, no way!
18:46I was trying to get that zesty mood lighting
18:47blowing out the candles.
18:51It's me, the Rizzler.
18:53Where did I come from?
18:54Did I come from this way?
18:55I don't even know anymore.
18:56I'm losing my mind.
18:57Y'all gonna make me lose my mind.
18:58Up in here, up in here.
18:59Wow, that's beautiful.
19:01Little skylight going on.
19:03That'll be pyramid construction, man.
19:05Didn't think you could get
19:06fucking skylights on the pyramid,
19:07but you bloody did it.
19:08Are we gonna go back the way we came?
19:10I don't think it was illuminated
19:11like that before, was it?
19:13Oh, this is new.
19:14Oh, good.
19:17Oh, fucking Jesus, man!
19:21It's not funny!
19:26Where am I now?
19:28Nah, you're joking.
19:29I made that sky, though.
19:35Holy shit.
19:40The afterlife?
19:42We didn't just die, did we?
19:44Is this an ender portal?
19:46Are we going to a nether fortress?
19:47What's happening?
19:49That's so bright!
19:52A mentee's world?
19:53Don't know what that means,
19:54but I fuck with it.
19:57Into the water we go!
20:01She's gonna touch your toes?
20:03I hope so.
20:04That's why we drove all the way
20:05to the fucking pyramids, mate.
20:06Little Pharaoh toe-touching.
20:08Oh, good.
20:10Wait, we're back!
20:11We're back to when we opened
20:12the thingy-ma-jig.
20:13We made it!
20:14All right, we just gotta go
20:15for the exit.
20:16It seems like it was all a dream.
20:18It was all a dream!
20:19I used to read What Up magazine!
20:21It's on pepper and heavy D
20:22up in the limousine!
20:26What's that?
20:27What is that?
20:28Is that a spider or something?
20:29What's that?
20:30Let's go through there.
20:31We can't.
20:32Okay, we can leave now, boss.
20:33You've had your little trip.
20:34You've got some cool photos.
20:36Time to go.
20:37What's this?
20:38Another note!
20:39Henry's a fucking cereal yapper!
20:42The Queen's wails are tearing
20:43through my mind,
20:44each one more unbearable
20:45than the last.
20:46She is horrifying.
20:47I can't even look at her.
20:49This tomb is alive,
20:50suffocating me,
20:51driving me mad.
20:52Every shadow feels like
20:53it's watching.
20:54Every breath feels like my last.
20:56She's getting closer,
20:57and I know my death
20:58will be slow and agonizing.
20:59I regret ever stepping foot
21:00in this cursed place.
21:01If you are still here,
21:02turn back!
21:05That's what I'm trying to say!
21:07It's time to go!
21:09I think it's just time to go.
21:10Honestly, bro,
21:11pack your bags.
21:12We're leaving.
21:13Scary shit's over.
21:17Oh, nah, bro.
21:18Bro, bro.
21:24Oh, shit, wrong turn.
21:25Fuck me in the ass.
21:26Oh, please don't come down here.
21:28Please, I don't want to meet you.
21:31Wrong way.
21:33Oh, my God, I keep taking...
21:35What's this?
21:37No, I don't fuck with this
21:38at all whatsoever.
21:40The curtains?
21:41Nah, bro, don't do this to me.
21:46Did we take a wrong turn?
21:47Oh, shit, bro.
21:49I don't like this.
21:50I don't know if I can finish this game.
21:52I don't know if I'm built for it.
21:54What's that?
21:58Translation of yada-yar.
22:00When the skibbity-yap-da-da
22:02No way-yay-yay.
22:03That's really interesting.
22:04Please don't be a jumpscare.
22:07Chat, we lost him.
22:12Oh, bro, don't!
22:14It's a bloody curtain.
22:15It's not even remotely scary.
22:17We just take a swift right
22:18and then a swift left.
22:21Oh, baby, we're on the highway to hell.
22:23Life is a highway.
22:28Oh, I don't like the cutscene.
22:29I'm not pushing 50, bruv.
22:32I'll probably need this at some point.
22:34That's a wild claim.
22:35Back we go.
22:37Just coming through the curtains.
22:39Please don't be spooky.
22:41Oh, W artwork.
22:46Fuck, man.
22:49What are they?
22:51Oh, mate, that woman looking down at me screaming.
22:53Mate, I don't like that at all.
22:55This game's got a freaky aura.
23:03Thank you very much, gents.
23:04Very kind.
23:05Showing me the way.
23:06Let's take a left.
23:08Oh, no, I hear her.
23:10Oh, God, I hear...
23:14Take a photo of Nefeti's statue.
23:19All right, cool.
23:20W Nefeti in the chat.
23:22You hear that, ghost?
23:23I said W you in the chat.
23:24Yeah, I'm a Twitch streamer.
23:25That's right.
23:26You don't want to scare me.
23:27I got fucking viewers
23:28who'll be like saying,
23:30where's Mardigon?
23:32Nah, bro.
23:35Do I want to take a picture?
23:40No, we wouldn't.
23:41Can I go up to that?
23:42Or my dad?
23:43Oh, it's dead.
23:49They didn't even put you in a tomb.
23:59I'd like my flashlight back.
24:01I'm getting on the Uber app
24:02and I'm calling an Uber right now.
24:06Karma never hits so hard.
24:07Yeah, that was Karma.
24:08I smacked my knee on my desk too.
24:10And it is absolutely killing.
24:12Okay, this room sucks.
24:13Oh, a door.
24:18I knew he couldn't speak to women.
24:23Shouldn't have lied.
24:24Oh, there's a door.
24:25Oh, there's a door.
24:28Shouldn't have laughed at the...
24:30That's not my fault.
24:32I need to find a way out of here.
24:33I can't stay in this hellhole any longer.
24:35I'm kind of warming to the place.
24:36I don't mind it.
24:37Evening, gents.
24:40What's that?
24:44Ooh, okay.
24:46Looks like a cheap tattoo.
24:47I kind of want a tattoo.
24:48Sorry, off topic.
24:54Am I...
24:55Oh, shit!
24:56Nah, nah, nah, nah!
24:58Now I understand.
25:04Wait, is that like the route I've got to go?
25:05Wait, what?
25:06One snake, three eyes.
25:09What does that mean?
25:10So, can I step on that?
25:12So, one of those and then...
25:13Why is it showing three eyes?
25:15Follow the eyes?
25:17Oh, like do three eyes in a row?
25:19No, it says flower next, right?
25:21Or do I do three eyes?
25:22Follow the eyes?
25:23All right.
25:24Wait, you're locked.
25:26Then flower, which is there.
25:30Then two things.
25:33Oh my God, bro, there's three things.
25:35It could be right or left.
25:37Okay, let's look at the next icon now.
25:38The next icon's a lion, so it must be the right one now.
25:40Oh my God, it could be left or right.
25:42Oh, great.
25:43Googly moogly, I'm going left!
25:49Four lions.
25:54What just happened?
25:57Wait, there's not even four here.
26:01Wait, what did I do wrong last time?
26:02Fuck, wait, has it changed?
26:08Oh, daddy!
26:13Oh my God.
26:18Two flowers and a snerk.
26:21It's got to be that way.
26:27Fuck you, puzzle.
26:29We're going to live forever.
26:31Oh, mate, it's so free.
26:34I've run this fucking pyramid.
26:36Yeah, what?
26:42Yeah, what?
26:44Blood said yeah, what?
26:45Yeah, what?
26:53What's that?
26:55Oh, I'm truly sorry.
26:57I don't run this show.
26:59I don't even like the fucking pyramid.
27:00I don't want to run it.
27:01I'd like to leave.
27:03Oh my God, big UFO stuff.
27:05What's that sound?
27:06Whoa, no, that's actually mad.
27:08Can I interact with any of this?
27:09Is this a puzzle?
27:12Oh my God, it's there.
27:13Oh my God, it's there.
27:15Oh, find Henry Caldwell's last writings.
27:18I got a steam achievement.
27:19That's him.
27:20Hey, this is what you get
27:21for leaving all those creepy-ass notes everywhere, bro.
27:24Absolute serial yapper.
27:26Banned from the Twitch chat.
27:28As I write this,
27:29I don't know if I'm still in the world of Amenti,
27:31or that's what it's called when you're in the other,
27:33or if I've somehow returned to my own time.
27:35Right now, feral mummies.
27:37Tell me about it.
27:39I'm trying to break into this chamber.
27:41Tell me about it, brother.
27:43Time is up and they will kill me,
27:44but strangely, I feel a sense of peace
27:46knowing that I've finally answered the question
27:48that haunted my entire life.
27:50The legend of Amenti is real.
27:52The ancient Egyptians truly had a spiritual connection
27:55with beings from beyond,
27:56spanning dimensions of space and time.
27:58The theories about their afterlife were all true.
28:01To whoever reads this, I hope you can escape,
28:03but if Amenti has trapped you,
28:04there may be no way out.
28:06El Henry, not a believer.
28:08Absolute fucking doubter.
28:10I just left you like that.
28:11His tiny-ass legs.
28:14Oh, daddy, no.
28:16What did you do to my boy, Henry?
28:18Oh, hell no, that's what I'm saying.
28:19This game is actually horrifying.
28:26Let's just go towards the sound, shall we?
28:29Yeah, why not?
28:32All in the name of a photograph, by the way.
28:35Never heard of Photoshop AI, little bro.
28:39Oh, hell no.
28:40No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
28:46I'll just turn around.
28:47I'll stick it in reverse.
28:49We'll just get back the way we came.
28:57Good, good.
28:58Get me out of here.
29:00I want to...
29:01How are we meant to survive that?
29:03Prepare yourself.
29:05Yeah, screw you, bro.
29:07Turn around.
29:08There's gonna be mummies on the left.
29:10So we go...
29:14Don't even look.
29:15Oh, my God.
29:16Alpha male.
29:17Here we go.
29:22I'm not gonna turn around.
29:23Not even scared.
29:24Not even scared.
29:25Not even scared.
29:26La, la, la, la, la.
29:28Not even scared.
29:31This is fun.
29:36We might be cooked.
29:37We might be cooked.
29:41Get these little legs moving!
29:48Oh, hell no.
29:54What the hell?
29:55Where do we go?
29:56Right, left, straight.
30:05You are fucking taking the piss, aren't you?
30:07Well, what do we do?
30:13Let them meet in the middle.
30:15Okay, straight.
30:17Trigger the woman.
30:19Yep, stand in the middle.
30:21Trigger the guy behind.
30:22Yep, stand in the middle, right?
30:25Something's gonna open.
30:26Something has to give.
30:27This can't be the end.
30:28Come on!
30:39Oh my god.
30:41Where's the exit?
30:42We can leave.
30:43Wait, wasn't there a place we had to put a part in?
30:46Like, there was something here.
30:47I feel like we've got the piece for it.
30:52That's sick and all, but can we actually just go home?
30:58So this is the way out?
31:00Oh my god, we're leaving.
31:01Take me home.
31:02I can't believe I'm actually walking out of this hell alive.
31:04Me too, bro.
31:05Double use, man.
31:07Double use.
31:08We're home.
31:23I feel like we're not home.
31:24I'm trapped in the world of Amenti forever.
31:28Cool, let's just stick it in reverse, eh?
31:30God, sick.
31:33That's a freaky-ass UFO, bro.
31:36Hey, can you guys give me a lift home?
31:46I can't even take a picture of this.
31:50So we're just stuck in this world forever?
31:58W-game, is that different endings?
32:00Did we just get, like, the worst ending?
32:02Just stuck in the world forever?
32:06Ethan Carter.
32:10Yeah, we did illegally enter the tomb.
32:13Never to be found again.
32:20What an idiot I am.
32:22L. Ethan.
32:28Made it on TV? Yeah, it was worth.
32:32Gotta shout out on the big show.
32:36Some of the jumpscares were pretty fucking good.
32:38Atmosphere was crazy.
32:39Graphics and sound design, sick.
32:41Mate, look at me, I'm a game reviewer.
32:43That was a pretty good game.
32:44W-game, L-streamer.
32:45I love my community.