Pensez-vous avoir ce qu'il faut pour résoudre des énigmes vraiment corsées ? 🧠🔍 Ces 13 casse-tête vous mettront au défi, testant votre logique, votre créativité et votre rapidité d'esprit ! Seules les esprits les plus affûtés peuvent les déchiffrer—alors, êtes-vous un génie ou juste un amateur ? 🤔💡 Certaines sembleront faciles au début, mais ne vous laissez pas tromper... elles cachent des rebondissements astucieux qui pourraient bien vous dérouter ! Prenez un stylo, appelez un ami et voyez si vous pouvez relever le défi. Prêt à prouver que vous êtes un maître des énigmes ? Allons-y ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound
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Musique par Epidemic Sound
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00:00While he was writing his will, Mr. Cooks had an original idea.
00:06He would give his fortune to the sons, able to solve a riddle.
00:10He asked them to buy something that could fill the entire living room.
00:15The first son came back with straw, but it was not enough to occupy all the space.
00:20The second brought logs of wood, without further success.
00:24As for the last, he acquired two objects that would finally fill the room.
00:30Can you guess which ones?
00:40He bought a candle and a box of matches.
00:43At nightfall, he lit his candle, and immediately the light flooded the whole room.
00:48Ingenious, isn't it?
00:51Sarah was a woman of great beauty, and two men were in love with her.
00:56One was a doctor, the other a florist.
00:59Before leaving for a one-week trip, the florist offered her seven apples.
01:05Can you guess why?
01:07He was probably thinking of the famous saying,
01:17One apple a day keeps the doctor away.
01:20Katie had been invited to a picnic in the forest with her closest friends.
01:25But upon arrival, she did not see any of them.
01:28Instead, she discovered a large group of people gathered in a vast clearing.
01:34Realizing that she had gone to the wrong place, she was about to make her way back,
01:38when she noticed that one of them was not human.
01:41Can you guess which one?
01:52The one who recharges his phone using a cable connected directly to his leg?
01:56Who would have thought that being a robot would have such advantages?
02:00While searching in his mother's attic, Robert discovered a golden lamp,
02:04and by rubbing it, a genius appeared.
02:07He declared that he would grant him a single wish.
02:10Hesitating, Robert went down to consult his family.
02:14His wife dreamed of having a child.
02:16His father wanted to become rich, and his mother hoped to find a perfect life.
02:21When the genius granted his wish, everyone got what they wanted.
02:27What wish did Robert make?
02:37That his mother could clearly see his little daughter swing on a golden swing.
02:42Clever, isn't it?
02:45Annie found herself locked up in a room with four doors,
02:48each hiding a fearsome monster.
02:52Behind the first, a vampire was waiting for her.
02:54Behind the second, a zombie was waiting for her.
02:57Behind the third, a mummy.
02:59And behind the last door, a werewolf was lurking.
03:03One of these four doors would open in a minute, but she didn't know which one.
03:09To defend herself, she only had an axe, a torch, and a woodpecker.
03:15What object could she use to face any of these monsters?
03:24What object could she use to face any of these monsters?
03:29The torch, her fire feared by all these creatures,
03:32and her best asset to defend herself and escape.
03:38Dr. O'Brien invented a time travel machine,
03:41and went back to the prehistoric era.
03:44Observe this image, and try to identify it among the other individuals busy with their tasks.
03:49The man with the flashlight
04:00It's obvious, it's the man with the flashlight.
04:03He must have taken it with him on his time travel.
04:07While she was tidying up at the mall,
04:10Sarah spotted her husband Tom in a clothing store.
04:14Surprised, since he was supposed to be at work,
04:17she went in to confront him.
04:19What are you doing here? she asked furiously.
04:22Tom explained that he was choosing an outfit for his company's year-end party.
04:27But Sarah immediately accused him of lying and infidelity.
04:31How could she be so sure?
04:41Look at the fitting room.
04:43Sarah noticed a woman hiding behind the curtains,
04:46and then, look closely, Tom has a trace of lipstick on his sweater.
04:51In a distant kingdom,
04:53an old lonely king was worried about not having any heirs.
04:57He then had an idea.
04:59Distribute a seed to every child in the kingdom,
05:02and promise the throne to the one who would manage to grow the most beautiful plant.
05:07Three months later, a crowd of children came to the palace,
05:10all holding splendid plants.
05:13All, except one girl, whose pot was desperately empty.
05:18Yet, she was the one the king chose as his heir.
05:33The king had actually distributed the seed to the children.
05:36The girl was the only one to be honest.
05:40Sam, a truck driver,
05:42had to cross a small town when he found himself in front of a bridge too low.
05:47His truck exceeded the allowed height by 2 cm,
05:50so that he could not pass.
05:53Yet, this road was his only possible route.
05:56How could Sam get there?
05:58By deflating the tires slightly to lower the truck's height,
06:01and thus cross the bridge.
06:03Clever, isn't it?
06:06Upon arriving at school,
06:07Anna noticed that her friend Johan was upset.
06:10Her backpack had been stolen from her from the start of the day.
06:14Determined to solve the case,
06:16she questioned three people in the school.
06:19One of them was Johan,
06:21and the other was Anna.
06:24Kate, a pom-pom girl,
06:26had just started training.
06:28James, meanwhile,
06:29claimed to have spent 3 hours on a math problem.
06:32Anna immediately understood that he was lying.
06:34What about you?
06:54It's James.
06:55The day had just begun.
06:57How could he have been there for 3 hours?
07:00Sarah was in her hotel room
07:02when she heard a knock on the door.
07:04Looking through the window,
07:05she saw a man posted outside.
07:08Sorry to bother you,
07:09I am the hotel manager,
07:11he said.
07:12Our database has been damaged,
07:14and I have to check some information.
07:16Sarah replied that she would be back in a moment,
07:18walked away from the door,
07:20and immediately contacted security.
07:22She claimed that an individual was following her.
07:25How could she be so sure?
07:35Look at this man's badge.
07:37He has a feminine name,
07:39so he can't be the real hotel manager.
07:43Three robberies took place in a supermarket,
07:45respectively in February, May and July.
07:49a surveillance camera recorded each incident.
07:51The store manager then called Detective Moore
07:54to clarify the case.
07:56By examining the recordings,
07:58the detective noticed a crucial detail
08:00that allowed him to identify the culprit.
08:02It's your turn to examine these images.
08:04Would you be able to discover the identity of the thief?
08:15A pregnant woman appears systematically in the three videos.
08:18On the February recording,
08:20she seems to be pregnant for about 7 months.
08:22However, on the May and July images,
08:25her belly is strictly identical.
08:27This inconsistency leaves no doubt.
08:29She was pretending to be pregnant
08:30and had to be the thief from the beginning.
08:32On a rainy Saturday evening,
08:34John and Katie decided not to stay at home,
08:36to order a pizza
08:38and to watch the TV guessing game.
08:40On the screen,
08:41two women were in great danger.
08:43The first was locked in a cage
08:45suspended above a pool infested with sharks.
08:48The second was tied above a lake filled with piranhas.
08:52The two links were about to give in.
08:54Which one was most likely to survive?
09:06It's the second woman.
09:08The first is locked in a cage,
09:10which prevents her from escaping.
09:12If she falls into the water,
09:14her chances of survival are slim.
09:16On the other hand,
09:17the second has free hands.
09:19She could try to climb up the rope
09:21before it breaks completely.