Aero-TV: Highway In The Sky -- VirtualHUD

  • 15 years ago
Making The Back of Your Prop Part Of Your Instrument System What a concept! The VirtualHUD Head Up Display is an intriguing product that allows a pilot to have situational awareness without taking their eyes off where they are flying. It uses a novel technology to project the flight instruments onto a virtual surface created by the back of a spinning propeller. The VirtualHUD projects standard flight information, like Heading, Altitude, Speed, Attitude (Pitch and Roll) in addition to Highway in the Sky (with a GPS waypoint selected.) With the addition of an external video feed, it can also project any other information desired. This image is projected in front of the pilot, turning the propeller arc into a window of visibility even in Smoke, Haze and Fog. This is made possible by including such sophisticated sensors as a GPS, digital compass, air data sensors, as well as multiple accelerometers and gyroscopic force sensors. The VirtualHUD NightVU also has the ability to accept standard RS-170 NTSC Video inputs from external sources like EFIS system and Infrared Cameras (like Forward Vision's EVS-100.) Aero-TV Gets The Picture... From The Back Of Your Prop! FMI:,,, Copyright 2009, Aero-News Network, Inc., ALL Rights Reserved.
