Getting Out of My Own Way in life

  • 15 years ago
It would be nice to be able to tell you that I am not a vain person, but the truth is that it is hard to shake free of the socialization we receive in the arms of our families, the confines of our schoolrooms and the cocoons of the various other social institutions that contribute to the identity and sense of self that we carry into our later lives. I grew up in one of those infamous Garrison Keillor families –“ where all the women are strong, the men are good-looking and the children are above average.” That said, I have worked diligently over my lifetime to instill some humility into my soul and some of the painful experiences that life inevitably brings have knocked me around enough that I can eat crow with the best of them.
But one of my biggest hurdles is one that I’m currently working through which stands in the way of my being the successful entrepreneur that I aspire to be. I realize that I define myself by the attributes
