Miss Muslim Moral Beauty Pageant Held in Saudi Arabia

  • il y a 15 ans
Following are excerpts from a TV report on a Saudi moral beauty pageant, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on August 2, 2009.

Reporter: Female beauty is no longer dependent on looks alone. This has been replaced by moral values and conduct the new criteria in the first contest of moral beauty queens in Saudi Arabia. In the contest, which was organized by a womens festival, several girls competed for the title.

Contest supervisor Khadhraa Al-Mubarak: In our contacts with girls in general, we noticed that they follow false notions, due to the purposeless Western notions, conveyed by some TV channels. The girls are preoccupied with their external appearance only. This is how we came up with the idea of creating an alternative. So we thought of a contest for the title of moral beauty queen. The goal is, first and foremost, to spread virtue, even if through different means. In this contest, we focus on the theme of honoring ones parents.


