• il y a 16 ans
The coup2pouce team inquired into the status of the muslim woman and her sexuality through extracts from the play "Veiled Monologues" and the conference "The status of the muslim woman: evolution or revolution" at the Brussels parliament

Created in 1975, Centre Video de Bruxelles is a producing place of documentaries in contact with associations and authors. It welcomes submitted projects or promotes the production of works treating subjects that are not or barely adressed by medias. The CVB also provides associations with professionals facilities suited for the production of educative and informative videos. In close relation with its partner association Videp, founded in 1995, it works on the initiation of video workshop in working-class districts. Its most visible program is Coup2pouce, broadcast each week on Télé Bruxelles. Directed by young people who covers topics connected to their everyday reality.

