How I Used Acai Berry + Resveratrol to Lose 47 pounds!

  • 15 years ago I got a free 30-day trial of Acai Berry Blast and I simply love the fact that I can take the Acai and go on with my day with no worries. Dr. Oz raved about a new berry from the Amazon Rainforest called Acai (pronounced “ah-sa-ee”). It’s more powerful than pomegranate or red wine. And tastier too. But the part that hooked me was when Dr. Oz explained how Acai helps you lose weight by reducing hunger and raising energy levels. Acai Berries are a tiny ball-shaped grape size berry which is a deep purple or black, that are exceedingly full in antioxidants. Acai Berry (pronounce ah-sigh-ee descend from Central And South America and originate on the Acai Palm.

That’s when the idea for the this new diet hit me. What if I tried both the Acai products and a Resveratrol Anti Aging Cleanse products to create a super safe and super effective diet?

* Regulate my metabolism
* Suppress my hunger during the day
* Boost my energy so I could focus o