14 Oct 2009 - New Mexico

  • 15 yıl önce
2009-10-14 Large burnt orange oval shaped object at least half size of full moon. NM, US http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/manage_sighting_reports.pl?mode=view_long_desc&;id=19950&rnd=456751255616188 Long Description of MUFON Sighting Report I was laying on my lawn chair as usual in my back yard looking for any unusual objects to film. I had the night scope/jvc camera next to me. From over the top of me from behind me came this HUGE oval orange object. I switched the camera on as fast as I could. By that time the object was by the trees in front of me. I was able to film some of it. It was so bright it easily shown through the trees! I jumped up from my lawn chair after a few second of taping it and tried to get a lock on it again. I was able to film it some more as it passed from the trees then in front of the house. I would of run to the front but unfortunately earlier the battery went dead and I was plugged into the power cord, or I defiantly would have. I hope someone else in this area got it on tape. It was huge, about the size of the half Moon but was oval shaped. It appeared to be a dark orange in the middle(kind of a burnt orange, I don't think I have really seen that exact hue before) and lighter orange on the outer. It also seemed to be one craft but kind of raggedy around the edges. This I am sure would of looked great with a color camcorder. The 40 second film I shot, the object is green because it was shot with a gen 2+ ATN night scope attached to a JVC mini-dv camcorder and because of the very bright nature of it looked completely round. I feel super lucky to even get any of it! I was facing east the object flew silently over me going west. Time was approximately 21:56 hrs. I also posted this to YouTube channel ufonv. Thank you, Jim

