Avenger of Blood - New Teaser Trailer

  • 15 years ago

Support a Great Upcoming Action Film Through the Link Above

"The avenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer; when he meets him, he shall slay him." (Numbers 35:19)

In the corrupt, crime-ridden city of Minikin Capital, a quiet man who works as an assistant pastor during the day goes out at nights as the Avenger of Blood, an agent of vengeance who punishes those who shed the blood of the innocent. He befriends a young woman seeking an escape from her tumultuous life, but when she is entangled in the center of a controversial murder case, it challenges his faithfulness to his assignment.

Main Actors Appearing in Trailer:
Victoria Vedeneeva
Michael Steiger
Jill Lipko (Off Screen)
Lauren Darby
Jenna Wolf
Alexa McCartney
Melissa Maher
Ryan Callaway
