New iPhone App Project PLUS Friday Giveaway!

  • 15 years ago I’ve got a new project that I’ve been waiting to tell you about, and I can finally say it’s getting close to complete. The site is called AppCalendar ( ), and it’s going to be a HUGE undertaking. I can’t tell you many details just yet, but if you want to stay up to date with what’s going on, then please subscribe to the AppCalendar channels at: I can say this though … it’s gonna be BIG, and a lot of fun for everyone that gets involved… ;-) That’s really the only announcement today … other than that… Congrats to today’s winners. Have an AWESOME weekend, Ryan p.s. If you haven’t entered the Friday Giveaway yet, what are you waiting for? It’s a free contest … ;-) All the details are at Distributed by Tubemogul.