The last Supper of Christ
( The last Supper ) 60 m2 exposition
A voir unique en Rhône-Alpes
Ciné Art Loisir présente
la ferme aux mille lumières expositions de Scène bibliques avec plus de 60 mannequins costumés
du 8 décembre 2009 au 3 janvier 2010
ENTREE GRATUITE de 17 h à 20h 30
le dernier repas du Christ (la Cène ) Textes Gabriel Perez
réalisation et mise en scène
Jean-Claude Guerguy
The Last Supper
The Last Supper, a term derived from the Latin cena "meal" is the name given by the Christians in last meal that Jesus Christ came with the twelve apostles on the evening of Holy Thursday, before the Jewish Passover, shortly before his arrest the previous day his crucifixion (also called Passion by Christians), and three days before his resurrection.
After eating the Passover with them, he instituted the Eucharist by saying: this is my body this is my blood. The Church celebrates the memory on Maundy Thursday
( The last Supper ) 60 m2 exposition
A voir unique en Rhône-Alpes
Ciné Art Loisir présente
la ferme aux mille lumières expositions de Scène bibliques avec plus de 60 mannequins costumés
du 8 décembre 2009 au 3 janvier 2010
ENTREE GRATUITE de 17 h à 20h 30
le dernier repas du Christ (la Cène ) Textes Gabriel Perez
réalisation et mise en scène
Jean-Claude Guerguy
The Last Supper
The Last Supper, a term derived from the Latin cena "meal" is the name given by the Christians in last meal that Jesus Christ came with the twelve apostles on the evening of Holy Thursday, before the Jewish Passover, shortly before his arrest the previous day his crucifixion (also called Passion by Christians), and three days before his resurrection.
After eating the Passover with them, he instituted the Eucharist by saying: this is my body this is my blood. The Church celebrates the memory on Maundy Thursday
Art et design