Destiny Revival: Code Name Sailor V: Survival Mode w/Minako

  • 15 years ago
The goal of Survival Mode in Code Name Sailor V is simple. Take out as many enemies as you can. In the remastered version, we hope to update it a bit by having a countdown meter. Perhaps an unlockable if you win. For now, it's nothing more than a fast pace endurance round.

Minako is more fighter based than Katarina, which makes her easier to work with if you can execute button combinations fast enough. I usually do the Muay Thai knee kick to mow down a line up of enemies. Then position myself properly and start pounding away on anyone close by.

Of course, spamming the free special (in Minako's case, the Crescent Shower) is a necessity. But don't overdo it, or else you'll get your ass handed to you in one hit. Leaving you wondering how you died so fast.
