DHARAMSALA (Tibetan version) by Tshering WANGDU

  • il y a 15 ans
Written in french by Christophe Moyen
Voice & lutes by Tshering WANGDU
Translated in English by Serge Barbary & James Mitchell
Photos by Carine Bénigaud, Jean Christian Cottu, Francis Longavesne, Jean-Luc Mourchou, François-Xavier Prévot, Pierre-Antoine Rigout, Free Tibet
Recorded and mixed by Jean-Pascal Audiffren
Directed by François Jungelson
Produced by FREE BETTI (2009)

Written in 1998, the song touches the destiny of Tibetan children who cross the Himalayas risking their lives fleeing their homeland to take refuge in India or Nepal. Lyrics are translated in Tibetan by five students of the Tibetan Children's Village School, Dharamsala Cantt India. Names have been concealed for security reasons.

LYRICS (in french)
Un dernier regard en arrière
Tu t'inclines devant ta mère
Tu pars au-delà des frontières, éphémères
Tout notre espoir est en toi
Ici, on te volera ta foi
En secret, nous prierons pour toi, Va!
Petit Bouddha, tu marches vers Dharamsala
Petit Bouddha, c'est juste après l'Himalaya
Ne nous demande pas pourquoi
Cette terre n'est plus à toi
Qui a raison, qui a le droit, sur toi!
La réponse est peut-être là
Au-delà du vent et du froid
On te l'enseignera la-bas; Alors, Va!
Petit Bouddha, tu marches vers Dharamsala
Petit Bouddha, c'est juste après l'Himalaya
Des larmes dans tes yeux d'enfant
Tu te retournes, et droit devant
Marche vers le soleil couchant; Va-t-en!
Petit Bouddha, tu rentreras un jour chez toi
Petit Bouddha, c'est juste avant l'Himalaya...

Thanks to jean-Marie Brodu (Tibet-info.net), Marsha Clark (The Dalai Lama Foundation), Mrs Yeshi Dolkar (Tibetan Children's Villages), Doria, Free Tibet, Choktsang Lungtok, Maison des Himalayas, SolHimal and Solidarité Tibet for their support, help or participation.

FREE BETTI plans to make different languages and original versions of the same Dharamsala song. Written in 1998, the song touches the destiny of Tibetan children who cross the Himalayas risking their lives fleeing their homeland to take refuge in India or Nepal. English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Tibetan, Hindi & Sign Language versions are on line on Youtube and Dailymotion. We are working on the Arabic version and we are looking for German, Japanese, Russian, Chinese and other native tongue performers, you are welcome. Please contact us : free-betti@live.fr


