Video, Social Media, and Inbound Marketing: Part II

  • 15 years ago The combination social media and video marketing establishes inbound marketing as an effective model for businesses big and small, thus opening doors for consultants!

Are you tired of struggling? Do you want to discover a way to build a profitable business that will thrive in a good economy and do even better in a bad one? Well, I have the answer for you!

I established Ultimate Internet Image International back in May of 2009 based on 25 years of experience working with traditional brick and mortar businesses on their outbound advertising, their traditional, intrusive model of advertising...meaning Yellow Pages, television, radio, direct mail, newspaper advertising, etc.

I brought the model into the 21st Century by applying inbound marketing, the search driven approach to advertising that is the basis of much of Internet marketing today and certainly justifies the name, Ultimate Internet Image!

Interestingly, in the last few days there has been a lot of excitement about a series of videos. The videos talk about a homeless ex-Marine and a stay at home mother of triplets who have stumbled on the same model by applying Traffic Geyser, and a few other strategies, to build amazingly profitable businesses!

The Marine and the Mom have gone on to establish profitable and highly unique businesses in short order by applying a certain approach. I hope you will too!

Take a look at the video here and at The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed for more information and then act!

The most difficult thing to do is take the first step, you know more than 99% of the business people out there and you can build a highly profitable consultancy today...with just a little bit of effort!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
Professor John P. J. Zajaros., Sr.
Skype: johnzajaros1 (personal email)
