• il y a 15 ans
It's nearly two weeks from the Haitian earthquake and although millions of dollars have been raised, the aid effort has been painfully slow, lacking organisation and leadership. What is the best hope for Haiti? Some say it should be taken over by the UN. Others, like President Wade of Senegal, have been more visionary by offering to give Haitians land and a home.How has the rest of the continent responded to the crisis?
How realistic or symbolic is Wade's offer? And what's wrong with the media coverage? Also discussing Obama one year on: is Haiti Obama's Katrina, and is hope still high? Henry Bonsu is joined by JUDITH CRAIG from UNITED HAITIANS IN THE UK, ADAMA N'DOUR, Senegalese businessman and activist and KOFI MAWULI KLU from PANAFRIINDABA. Also featuring, Reverend Al Sharpton, activist and founder of the National Action Network in the US, Bonnie Greer, author and playwright, and Carel Pedre from Radio 1 Haiti.
More info : http://www.voxafrica.com/en/ShootTheMessenger

