• 15 years ago
John Wong proved that Jesus was anointed to be the Messiah (Saviour) and King of kings of Millennium Kingdom in A.D.26.

The mystery of `Seventy Weeks' in chapter 9, verses 24-27, Book of Daniel:

The 70 `Weeks' are equal to 7-fold `Seventy' and the seventh `Seventy' which is a Sabbath is the holy `Seventy'. Fifty-fold `Seventy' is `Golden Jubilee Seventy'. It is `New Heaven & New Earth' (Eternity) according to chapter 25, verses 1-13, Book of Leviticus.

From going forth of the second commandment by Persian king to rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem to Jesus being anointed (baptized) by the Holy Spirit as the Messiah is:


1. Jesus was baptized in A.D.26 as the King of kings, so Christians must be baptized to become `kings' in Millennium Kingdom. Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount and Baron are kings in Millennium Kingdom.

2. Five `Seventy Weeks', (7x70)x5, are equal to forty-nine `Golden Jubilees', 50x49. The 49th Golden Jubilee is `Super Atonement Golden Jubilee', so it can launch the 49-years' disasters of `Open Seven Seals' as described in chapters 6-16, Book of Revelation. That is, 445B.C.+(7x70)x5=A.D.2005 or 445B.C.+(50x49)=A.D.2005.

3. The disasters of `Open Seven Seals' will last for 49 years, with an average of one seal every seven years. In the 49th year, Jesus Christ will descend onto the Earth (A.D.2054). In the 50th year (Golden Jubilee), Jesus Christ will establish Millennium Kingdom (A.D.2055), the Kingdom of Heaven.

4. From going forth of the third commandment by Persian king to rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem: 445B.C.+(7x70)x5+49=A.D.2054. Jesus Christ will return in A.D.2054. Since 445B.C.+(50x49)+50=A.D.2055, Jesus Christ will establish Millennium Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, in A.D.2055.

5. Why does Jesus Christ need to wait until fifth `Seventy Weeks' to come? The reason is that the Holy Spirit sealed up the visions of the `Four Sea Beasts' (Antichrist) as described in chapter 7, Book of Daniel, by four `Seventy Weeks'. Each `Sea Beast' was closed up by one `Seventy Weeks'. The Antichrists will appear in last days. The fifth `Seventy Weeks' is related to the second coming of Jesus Christ in A.D.2054.

6. The four empires of Antichrist which dominated the world were Persia, Greece, Rome, and Islam. In the last days (A.D.2005-A.D.2054), four Islamic states (bodies of `Four Sea Beasts'), seven Antichrists (heads of `Four Sea Beasts') and a False Christ will appear (A.D.2050). Satan, the Great Red Dragon, is the False Christ who will be expelled from heaven and disguise as Messiah descending onto the Earth to delude people in A.D.2050.

7. From going forth of the third commandment by Persian king to rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem: 445B.C.+(70x50)=A.D.3055 (Golden Jubilee Seventy is `New Heaven & New Earth' or `Eternity' as described in chapter 21, Book of Revelation.)



