Manning Files DMCA After Asking His Material Be Posted

  • 14 years ago
Audio file of encouragement to post his material included.
DMCA copyright infringement filed against me after permission granted and done so in Manning's behalf by Captain Isaiah LeFleur.

ATLAH Worldwide lists James Manning as Captain.

Manning and ATLAH apologized to by YouTube.
Manning videos reinstated that were removed in suspension.
Manning return to YouTube.

(sic) by ATLAHWorldwide on YouTube
"Honorable James David Manning speaks on the over by the CIA."

We have one Father and reverend is in the bible one time.
King James Version AV1611 preserved in English perfectly as promised by God (without misspelling).
Psalms 111:9 He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend [is] his name.


