• 15 years ago
Based on the essay One Human Minute by Stanislaw Lem, it takes his fictional review of a book, which purports to be a collection of statistics of what happens on Earth in the space of 60 seconds, and turns it in a mystery story. When the entire content of a world-renown rare books store disappears and is replaced by hundreds of copies of a single book called 1, those present in the shop are investigated by the Bureau of Paranormal Activity (RDI Reality Defence Institute). As all involved try to understand the contents of the book and where it originated, realities become distorted. But what do you expect from a film based on a work by the author of Solaris?

Visually rich verging on the surreal, and punctuated with archive news footage, it questions the very meaning of our existence and makes the X-Files look like a standard cop procedural.
