Australia Denies Entry to Asylum Seekers

  • 14 years ago
Close to a hundred asylum seekers have been denied permanent entry into Australia. The men who are from Iraq, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iran, arrived by boat last year.

These buses are carrying asylum seekers denied entry into Australia. The Australian government is bringing them here to Sydney’s Villawood Detention Center where they will make their final appeal for asylum or be deported, though some have already been slated for deportation.

The men arrived by boat last year and had been detained at the Christmas Island Detention Center.

Though they fail to meet the requirements for refugee status, the government says they are not a security threat.

[Chris Evans, Minister Immigration and Citizenship]:
"These are not people of security concern. The people of security concern remain on Christmas Island."

But the opposition’s Immigration Minister wanted all of the asylum seekers sent home.

[Scott Morrison, Opposition Immigration Minister]:
"Had this been the coalition in government these individuals would be on their way home."

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says his government aims to treat all asylum seekers objectively.

[Kevin Rudd, Australian Prime Minister]:
"A system which is fair and balanced. One which treats legitimate asylum seekers fairly, one which sends those who are not legitimate asylum seekers back home.”

According to local media available space for new arrivals at Christmas Island Detention Center is now limited to only 100 spare beds.


