
  • 18 years ago
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Saturday Trip at Nara with Mieu-Mieu Matsui
We made a little trip to Nara area
on Saturday 2th of September 2006.
Mieu-Mieu chan and his papa,
Alissa YOKONO and his father.

Then we visited a famous Shinto Shrine
KASUGA-TAISHA shrine next to Wakakusa-yama
mountain close to Nara Station.

We met bambis and elder deers who head for
us as Yokono papa bought Shika-senbei that
attracted many deers. Alissa and Mieu-Mieu
chan cried as many deers headed for us very

We went back to Osaka and enjoyed new-open
onsen house, Shun-Sui that were running as
of 11th of August 2006.

A very good Saturday in Nara for 4 of us.

posted by yokonoV @ 8:09 AM 0 comments

