Artist Impression: Gordon Voidwell on V-Studio 20

  • 14 years ago
While many artists adopt an alter ego to define or redefine their image, synth popster and SONAR user Gordon Voidwell may be one of the few artists whose alter ego chose him. A self-proclaimed music nerd, Will Johnson was seemingly born to become Gordon Voidwell.  A love for music seems to have trickled down to just about everyone in this South Bronx–born artist’s family, but it wasn’t until he enrolled in a course at NYU where he met his mentor, and later band mate, jazz drummer Guillermo E. Brown; that’s where the artist Gordon Voidwell emerged. “A lot of the songs from this project are the result of [Brown] asking me to open for him at the Apollo. That was the birth of Gordon Voidwell; the first time I ever used that moniker professionally,” recalls Gordon, who had previously gone by the handle Void as a producer.

Pulling inspiration from the old and the new and creating music that has value beyond a genre is what makes Voidwell’s sound his own. He has been compared to artists like Prince and George Clinton, yet his music is often categorized as hip-hop.

With a new record on the horizon, Gordon Voidwell continues to infuse a fresh approach into his classic influences yielding an authentic and original sound.  Visit for more information.   


