Couperin Messe I Tierce en Taille (6ème couplet du Gloria)

  • 14 years ago
Unlike the "Messe à l' usage des Convents", in which François Couperin focused the "Benedictus" ("Elévation") through the lenses of a "Tierce en Taille" (which makes it much more sober and mystic), while the "Cromorne en Taille" was destined to depict the sixth verse of the "Gloria" (which makes it much more intense), in the "Messe à l' usage des Paroisses, pour les Festes Solemnelles", the composer acted the other way round. The "Tierce en Taille" (6ème couplet du Gloria) is highly moving, conveying a feeling of greatness and a really dramatic mood. The musical speech demands stamina and a very incisive control of emotions. Also, one feels the absolute need of a clearer degree of the inequality. This "Tierce en Taille" is a masterpiece created by an amazing melodist and a naturally refined musical genious. I would say we are actually listening to one of most beautiful compositions ever written for the organ..


