The Best Buy Mobile team walks through how to change the wallpaper on your phone. Go to gallery, flip through the stock wallpapers, and select the one you want by clicking ""select"".
Hi, my name is Dave and today I’m going to show you how to change the wallpaper on your new Android phone. Simply click the menu button and go to wallpaper. Choose wallpaper gallery that will let you access all the preloaded wallpapers on your phone. Slide it around with your finger till you find one that you like. Right there, click set wallpaper and there you go.
The Best Buy Mobile team walks through how to change the wallpaper on your phone. Go to gallery, flip through the stock wallpapers, and select the one you want by clicking ""select"".
Hi, my name is Dave and today I’m going to show you how to change the wallpaper on your new Android phone. Simply click the menu button and go to wallpaper. Choose wallpaper gallery that will let you access all the preloaded wallpapers on your phone. Slide it around with your finger till you find one that you like. Right there, click set wallpaper and there you go.