• 15 years ago
“Building a Blueprint for Worksite Wellness: Colorado’s Collaborative Efforts” will offer an overview of LiveWell Colorado’s recently released “Worksite Wellness Blueprint,” a comprehensive report that assesses the current state of worksite wellness in Colorado and identifies, prioritizes and guides future efforts.

Lonna Lindsay, vice president of policy for LiveWell Colorado, and Angie Villamaria, training and worksite wellness coordinator for COPAN, will discuss LiveWell Colorado and COPAN’s collaborative efforts to build Colorado’s first statewide framework that guides organizations through the steps to creating a workplace focused on wellness.

Takeaways for attendees will include:

• Common themes that should be considered when developing worksite wellness initiatives
• The state of the state’s worksite wellness activities: data that emerged from stakeholder outreach
• Best practices and lessons learned in one successful Colorado worksite wellness program

The presenters will also discuss two strategies that LiveWell Colorado will pursue and support based on stakeholder feedback:

1. Convening a Colorado Worksite Wellness Leadership Group that will bring together content experts from diverse sectors to provide leadership, momentum and coordination in identifying and implementing statewide worksite wellness priorities, as well as an initial list of strategies to be undertaken and prioritization criteria.

2. Promoting a Colorado Worksite Wellness Framework, which will include steps and resources to build, assess, plan, implement and evaluate worksite wellness programs at the organizational level.