‘Mass-Suicide’ seems-to ‘play’ a ‘Foundation-Role’ in All the ‘Belief-Systems’ in this World. ‘Christianity’ has been Promoting ‘Mass-Suicide’ ever since ‘The Bible’ came-into ‘being’. In ‘Revelations’, ‘Christianity’ and ‘Christians’ by ‘Virtue’-of ‘Believing in the Bible’ is ‘Insisting’-on the ‘Principle’ of a ‘Massive Killing’. In the ‘Time’ of ‘Revelations’ ‘Where the ‘Blood’ will ‘flow down the streets’’, that’s like Seriously ‘Delusional’ – That is ‘Mass Suicide’ -That is Promoting ‘War’ and the ‘Killing’ of ‘Others’, just ‘because’ They Do-‘Not’ ‘Believe’ as You ‘Want’-them to ‘Believe’ – And Everybody ‘Wants’ Everyone-else to ‘Believe’ ‘the ‘Way’ ‘They-‘Believe’ http://www.desteni.co.za desteni desteniproductions bernardpoolman for universal equality