• il y a 15 ans
Delivery and installation of PET-MR Scanner – 13 February 2010
Prof. Osman Ratib – Professor and Chair of Department of Medical Imaging and Information Sciences University Hospitals of Geneva.

Prof. Osman Ratib: "For the installation of our new scanner we were able to benefit from a completely new design of a container that was conceptually designed by several small companies here in Switzerland. The idea behind it was to pre-install the scanner in a large container that is specifically adapted to the size and the requirement of high technology equipment. The container includes the scanner itself and everything that is required in terms of computers, equipment, and control rooms in one single unit. This unit is preinstalled and can be transported and inserted into a building or positioned outside a building, and used as it is, in the container itself—this will reduce significantly the cost and the time for installation."


