• il y a 15 ans
The teaser of Diversidad’s first single, THE EXPERIENCE, featuring some of the best European urban artists. Free download available on June 21 on www.diversidad-experience.com . The music video is going to be hot !

Découvrez le teaser du premier single de Diversidad, THE EXPERIENCE, réunissant la crème des artistes urbains européens. Sortie prévue le 21 juin en téléchargement gratuit sur www.diversidad-experience.com

Diversidad : 20 urban artists, from 12 different european countries, speaking 8 different languages, gathered in a studio for 10 days to record an album.

A Unique Experience with : Curse (Germany), Orelsan (France), Spike Miller (France), Luchè / Co'Sang (Italy),Valete (Portugal), Shot / Elemental (Croatia), Big Size / Cookin'Soul (Spain), MC Melodee / La Melodia (Netherlands), Remi / Elemental (Croatia), Marcus Price (Sweden), Zock / Cookin'Soul (Spain), C.H.I (Luxemburg), DJ Cut Killer (France), Nach (Spain), Eversor (Greece), GMBisGeryMendes (Netherlands), Rival (Belgium), Mariama (Germany), Pitcho (Belgium), Frenkie (Bosnia)


