12 Year Inquiry Into Bloody Sunday Killings Due To Be Publis

  • 14 years ago
In 1972 14 civilians were killed in Northern Ireland by British paratroopers, an incident widely known as Bloody Sunday. Today a 12 year inquiry by the British government into the killings is due to be published. The results are expected to once more divide opinion.

It was one of the most traumatic events in Northern Ireland's 30-year "Troubles" -- Bloody Sunday -- the killing of 14 people shot dead by British troops in Londonderry in 1972.


Some relatives hope the release of the inquiry will lead to prosecutions of soldiers and their political masters.

There have been concerns that the 5,000 page report could destabilise a peace process that has largely ended the bloodshed and brought greater prosperity to Northern Ireland.


Prime Minister David Cameron will today make a statement to parliament in London on the conclusions of the inquiry led by English High Court judge Lord Saville. The inquiry has cost some 200 million pounds.

The Guardian newspaper reported on Friday that Lord Saville has found some but not all of the deaths were unlawful. The report was branded "unhelpful speculation" by the British government's Northern Ireland Office.

Bloody Sunday proved a recruiting agent for the Provisional IRA, fighting to end British rule of Northern Ireland and to unify with the Republic of Ireland.

On January 30, 1972, soldiers from the elite 1st Parachute Regiment opened fire on a civil rights march being held unlawfully in Londonderry, killing 13 and injuring another 14, one of whom died later.


Amid pressure from campaigners, the then prime minister, Tony Blair, set up the Saville inquiry in 1998. The case was reopened on the grounds there was evidence which had not been available to Lord Widgery in 1972.


Soldiers who have given evidence to the inquiry, have not been given immunity from prosecution, but were told nothing they said would be used against them in any later court action.
