Is Google MayDay Affecting You?

  • 14 years ago
Any time Google makes an update to its algorithm, it’s a big deal for webmasters. Following this trend, the Web community has reacted strongly to MayDay, a recent algorithm update from the search engine.

As Google’s Matt Cutts explains to WebProNews, one of the primary goals of MayDay was to address the people who do the “bare minimum” to avoid being classified as spammers. This type of content is often referred to as content farms. Due to the many complaints Google received about these content farms, the search company made changes to its algorithm to ensure that it returns the best sites for users.

“We’re trying to spot what are the signals for quality for pages or sites that really are going to be good for users,” says Cutts.

If webmasters find themselves affected by these changes, Cutts suggests that they re-evaluate their content to make sure they are providing the highest quality content. According to Cutts, the sites most readily affected are those with au

