• 15 years ago
Talks are being held in Amritsar City over a water dispute between Pakistan and India.

There is a treaty on the sharing of the Indus River waters, which was signed by both countries in 1960.

[Syed Jamaat Ali Shah, Pakistan’s Indus Water Commissioner]:
"Where there are agreements, there are also differences. There is only one solution, that is, the true implementation of the treaty. If both countries act in a transparent way and worked proactively together, there will be timely resolution."

An official from Pakistan’s Ministry of Water and Power expressed his satisfaction over the meeting.

[Muhamma Ahsan Akhtar Malik, Ministry of Water & Power, Pakistan]:
"We had talks in very good atmosphere and it was about the Indus Water Treaty and since, you know, there is an arbitration going on and we had to take out the draw lots, so we did it and successfully we completed the process, it is an ongoing process."

Some analysts fear that disputes over water between the old rivals could in future spark off conflict… as the neighbors compete for dwindling supplies of water from melting Himalayan glaciers.


