Shearer - Wussy

  • 14 years ago
Four guys from the capitol of Germany crossing the republic. For three voices, melody, shouting and bad-ass guitars are the frame those four create their dreams of. You have to live music for approaching things as Shearer do. Genius and madness coupled with megalomania, which is entitled such as for hardly any other band.

The audience will expect a big rock album with ‘Eve’, but it also gives the necessary breaks for breathing, independent, catchy and diverse. The limited EP ‘Adam’ improves that work with even more power, a soft core and a heartbreaking end. Here you can feel the bundled intensity of the Shearer live gigs.

The whole thing was recorded at Music Lab Studio, produced by none other than Harris Johns. Private Life was completely abolished for about three months, in order to invest any spark of energy and creativity into their opus.


