Beck worried about BHO's trip to India (Right Scoop)

  • 14 years ago
Barack Obama is traveling Friday, November 5, 2010 to India. He is renting out the Taj in Mumbai, India, all 540 rooms. He is going to see the Festival of Lights. I guess cable never occurred. The cost $200,000,000 per day. On that he's taking over 3000 guests and 34 warships.

All this after Michelle Obama's lavish trip to Spain and the day after the Feds begin printing more American dollars, starting with $600 billion going up to $2 trillion maybe.

WHY? And why are WE footing the bill AGAIN?Why on earth IS Barack Obama traveling to India and costing Americans $200 million dollars a day???????????????

Is this some LET THEM EAT CAKE FANTASY or what?
